
Whitehead's lemma for truncated spaces.

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Homotopy.WhiteheadsLemma where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation renaming (rec to sRec ; elim to sElim)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

     : Level

-- lots of easy helper lemmas, hopefully no duplicates
  SetTrunc→PropTrunc : {A : Type }   A ∥₂   A ∥₁
  SetTrunc→PropTrunc = sRec (isProp→isSet isPropPropTrunc) ∣_∣₁

  module _ (F : Pointed   Pointed )
           (F' : {A B : Pointed }  (A →∙ B)  (F A →∙ F B)) where

    specialCong∙ : {A B C D : Pointed } (p : A  C) (q : B  D)
                   (f : A →∙ B) (g : C →∙ D)
                   (r : PathP  i  (p i) →∙ (q i)) f g)
                 PathP  i  (cong F p) i →∙ (cong F q) i) (F' f) (F' g)
    specialCong∙ {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} {D = D} =
      J ( λ C' p 
                    (q : B  D) (f : A →∙ B) (g : C' →∙ D)
                    (r : PathP  i  (p i) →∙ (q i)) f g)
                  PathP  i  (cong F p) i →∙ (cong F q) i) (F' f) (F' g))
        ( J ( λ D' q 
                        (f : A →∙ B) (g : A →∙ D')
                        (r : PathP  i  A →∙ (q i)) f g)
                      PathP  i  F A →∙ (cong F q) i) (F' f) (F' g))
            ( λ f g r  cong F' r))

  ∙PathP→Square : {A B C D : Pointed } (p : A  C) (q : B  D)
    (f : A →∙ B) (g : C →∙ D)
     PathP  i  (p i) →∙ (q i)) f g
     (Iso.inv (pathToIso  i  fst (q i))))
      (fst g)
      (Iso.fun (pathToIso  i  fst (p i))))
      (fst f)
  ∙PathP→Square {A = A} {B = B} {C = C} {D = D} =
    J ( λ C' p 
                  (q : B  D) (f : A →∙ B) (g : C' →∙ D)
                PathP  i  (p i) →∙ (q i)) f g
                (Iso.inv (pathToIso  i  fst (q i))))
                  (fst g)
                  (Iso.fun (pathToIso  i  fst (p i))))
                  (fst f))
      ( J ( λ D' q 
                      (f : A →∙ B) (g : A →∙ D')
                    PathP  i  A →∙ (q i)) f g
                    (Iso.inv (pathToIso  i  fst (q i))))
                     (fst g)
                     (Iso.fun (pathToIso  i  (fst A))))
                     (fst f))
          ( λ f g r 
            funExt ( λ a  transportRefl (fst g (transport refl a))
                           cong (fst g) (transportRefl a)
                           λ i  (fst (r (~ i))) a)))

  squareWithEquivs→Equiv : {A B C D : Type }
    (f : A  B) (e1 : C  D) (e2 : A  C) (e3 : D  B)
     isEquiv e1  isEquiv e2  isEquiv e3  e3  e1  e2  f
     isEquiv f
  squareWithEquivs→Equiv f e1 e2 e3 e1Eq e2Eq e3Eq p =
    ( λ i  isEquiv (p i))
    ( snd (compEquiv
           ( e2 , e2Eq)
           ( (e3  e1) , (snd (compEquiv (e1 , e1Eq) (e3 , e3Eq))))))
-- end of the long private block of helper lemmas

-- some useful paths between different maps


a ≡ b ------> f a ≡ f b
  |               ^
  |               |
  |               |
  v               |
a ≡ a ------> f a ≡ f a

ΩCongSquare : {A B : Type } {a b : A} (f : A  B) (p : a  b)
    q  q  (cong f p))
    fst (Ω→ (f , refl))
     q  q  sym p)
    cong f
ΩCongSquare f =
  J ( λ b p   q  q  (cong f p))
              fst (Ω→ (f , refl))
               q  q  sym p)
              cong f)
    ( funExt  x  sym (rUnit _)
                    sym (rUnit _)
                    cong (cong f) (sym (rUnit _))))

  πHomπHomCongSquareAux : {A B : Type } {a : A} {n : } (f : A  B)
     Iso.inv (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n))
      (fst (πHom {A = (A , a)} {B = (B , f a)} (1 + n) (f , refl)))
      (Iso.fun (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n)))
      map (Iso.inv (invIso (flipΩIso (1 + n)))
          fst ((Ω^→ (2 + n)) (f , refl))
          Iso.fun (invIso (flipΩIso (1 + n))))
  πHomπHomCongSquareAux {n = n} f =
      ( λ g  g  (Iso.fun (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n))))
      ( mapFunctorial
        ( fst ((Ω^→ (2 + n)) (f , refl)))
        ( Iso.fun (flipΩIso (1 + n))))
      ( Iso.inv (flipΩIso (1 + n)))
      ( Iso.fun (flipΩIso (1 + n))  fst ((Ω^→ (2 + n)) (f , refl)))

-- Ω (Ω→ f) ≡ Ω→ (Ω f)
PathPΩ^→Ω : {A B : Pointed } (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
   PathP  i  (flipΩPath {A = A} n) i
                   →∙ (flipΩPath {A = B} n) i)
           ((Ω^→ (1 + n)) f) ((Ω^→ n) (Ω→ f))
PathPΩ^→Ω zero f = refl
PathPΩ^→Ω (suc n) f =
  specialCong∙ Ω Ω→
  ( flipΩPath n)
  ( flipΩPath n)
  ( Ω^→ (1 + n) f)
  ( (Ω^→ n) (Ω→ f))
  ( PathPΩ^→Ω n f)

  flipIsoSquare : {A B C D : Type } (f : A  B) (g : C  D)
    (H : Iso A C) (J : Iso B D)
     Iso.inv J  g  (Iso.fun H)  f
     Iso.inv (invIso J)  f  Iso.fun (invIso H)  g
  flipIsoSquare f g H J p =
    ( funExt
      ( λ x 
          sym ((Iso.rightInv J) (g x))
           cong  y  Iso.fun J (Iso.inv J (g y)))
                 (sym ((Iso.rightInv H) x))
           cong  h  (Iso.fun J  h  Iso.inv H) x) p))


Ωⁿ⁺¹ (Ω (A, a)) -------> Ωⁿ⁺¹ (Ω (B, f a))
        |                        ^
        |                        |
        |                        |
        v                        |
Ω (Ωⁿ⁺¹ (A, a)) -------> Ω (Ωⁿ⁺¹ (B, f a))

Ω+1ΩCongSquare : {A B : Type } {a : A} {n : } (f : A  B)
   Iso.inv (invIso (flipΩIso (1 + n)))
    fst ((Ω^→ {A = (A , a)} (2 + n)) (f , refl))
    Iso.fun (invIso (flipΩIso (1 + n)))
   fst ((Ω^→ (1 + n)) (Ω→ (f , refl)))
Ω+1ΩCongSquare {A = A} {a = a} {n = n} f =
  ( fst ((Ω^→ {A = (A , a)} (2 + n)) (f , refl)))
  ( fst ((Ω^→ (1 + n)) (Ω→ (f , refl))))
  ( flipΩIso (1 + n))
  ( flipΩIso (1 + n))
  ( ∙PathP→Square
    ( flipΩPath (1 + n))
    ( flipΩPath (1 + n))
    ( (Ω^→ {A = (A , a)} (2 + n)) (f , refl))
    ( (Ω^→ (1 + n)) (Ω→ (f , refl)))
    ( PathPΩ^→Ω (1 + n) (f , refl)))


πₙ (Ω (A, a)) ------> πₙ (Ω (B, f a))
     |                        ^
     |                        |
     |                        |
     v                        |
πₙ₊₁ (A, a) ---------> πₙ₊₁ (B, f a)

πHomπHomCongSquare : {A B : Type } {a : A} {n : } (f : A  B)
    Iso.inv (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n))
    (fst (πHom {A = (A , a)} {B = (B , f a)} (1 + n) (f , refl)))
    (Iso.fun (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n)))
    (fst (πHom n (cong f , refl)))
πHomπHomCongSquare {A = A} {B = B} {a = a} {n = n} f =
  πHomπHomCongSquareAux {A = A} {B = B} {a = a} {n = n} f
   cong map (Ω+1ΩCongSquare {A = A} {B = B} {a = a} {n = n} f)
   cong map (cong (fst  (Ω^→ (1 + n)))
                   ( funExt∙ (  a  sym (rUnit (cong f a)))
                             , rUnit (∙∙lCancel refl))))

πHomEquiv→πHomCongEquiv : {A B : Type } {a : A} {n : } (f : A  B)
   isEquiv (fst (πHom {A = (A , a)} {B = (B , f a)} (1 + n) (f , refl)))
   isEquiv (fst (πHom {A = Ω (A , a)} n (cong f , refl)))
πHomEquiv→πHomCongEquiv {A = A} {a = a} {n = n} f hf =
  ( fst (πHom n (cong f , refl)))
  ( fst (πHom {A = (A , a)} (1 + n) (f , refl)))
  ( Iso.fun (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n)))
  ( Iso.inv (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n)))
  ( hf)
  ( snd (isoToEquiv (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n))))
  ( snd (isoToEquiv (invIso (Iso-πΩ-π (1 + n)))))
  ( πHomπHomCongSquare {A = A} {a = a} {n = n} f)

-- helper lemmas for stronger statement:
-- (map f) is equiv and (cong f) is equiv together imply f is equiv
  congEquiv→EquivAux : {A B : Type }
    (f : A  B)
    (hf0 : isEquiv (map f))
    (b : B)  Σ[ a   A ∥₂ ] ((map f) a   b ∣₂)
  congEquiv→EquivAux f hf0 b = fst (equiv-proof hf0  b ∣₂)

  congEquiv→EquivAux''' : {A B : Type }
    (f : A  B)
    (b : B)
     Σ[ a   A ∥₂ ] ((map f) a   b ∣₂)
      Σ[ a  A ] (f a  b) ∥₁
  congEquiv→EquivAux''' {A = A} f b (a , p) =
    ( sElim
      { B = λ a  ((map f) a   b ∣₂)   Σ[ a  A ] (f a  b) ∥₁}
      ( λ a  isSet→ (isProp→isSet isPropPropTrunc))
      ( λ a p  rec isPropPropTrunc ( λ p'   a , p' ∣₁)
                                     ( Iso.fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso p))
      ( a))
    ( p)

  congEquiv→EquivAux'' : {A B : Type }
    (f : A  B)
    (hf : (a b : A)  isEquiv {A = (a  b)} (cong f))
    (b : B)
     (x y : Σ[ a  A ] (f a  b))
     Σ[ r  ((fst x)  (fst y)) ] ((cong f) r  (snd x)  (sym (snd y)))
  congEquiv→EquivAux'' f hf b x y =
    fst (equiv-proof (hf (fst x) (fst y)) (snd x  (sym (snd y))))

  congEquiv→EquivAux' : {A B : Type }
    (f : A  B)
    (hf : (a b : A)  isEquiv {A = (a  b)} (cong f))
    (b : B)  Σ[ a  A ] (f a  b)  isContr (Σ[ a  A ] (f a  b))
  congEquiv→EquivAux' f hf b (a , p) =
    ( a , p)
    ,  y  ΣPathP ( fst (congEquiv→EquivAux'' f hf b (a , p) y)
                     , compPathR→PathP ( sym (assoc _ _ _
                                          sym (rUnit _)
                                          cong (_∙ (snd y))
                                                ( snd ( congEquiv→EquivAux''
                                                          f hf b (a , p) y))
                                          assoc _ _ _ ⁻¹
                                          cong (p ∙_) (lCancel (snd y))
                                          rUnit p ⁻¹))))

-- Stronger statement
congEquiv→Equiv : {A B : Type }
  (f : A  B)
  (hf0 : isEquiv (map f))
  (hf : (a b : A)  isEquiv {A = (a  b)} (cong f))
   isEquiv f
equiv-proof (congEquiv→Equiv f hf0 hf) b =
  rec isPropIsContr
  ( congEquiv→EquivAux' f hf b)
  ( congEquiv→EquivAux''' f b (congEquiv→EquivAux f hf0 b))

mapEquiv→imId→Id₋₁ : {A B : Type } {a b : A} (f : A  B)
  (hf0 : isEquiv (map f))
   (f a  f b)   a  b ∥₁
mapEquiv→imId→Id₋₁ {a = a} {b = b} f hf0 p =
  Iso.fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso
  ( sym (fst (PathPΣ (snd (equiv-proof hf0  f b ∣₂) ( a ∣₂ , cong ∣_∣₂ p))))
   fst (PathPΣ (snd (equiv-proof hf0  f b ∣₂) ( b ∣₂ , refl))))

-- Stronger statement for Ω→ instead of cong
ΩEquiv→Equiv : {A B : Type }
  (f : A  B)
  (hf0 : isEquiv (map f))
  (hf : (a : A)
           ( fst (Ω→ {A = (A , a)} {B = (B , f a)} (f , refl))))
   isEquiv f
ΩEquiv→Equiv {A = A} f hf0 hf =
  congEquiv→Equiv f hf0
   a b  isPointedTarget→isEquiv→isEquiv
            ( cong f)
            ( λ q  rec
                     ( isPropIsEquiv _)
                     ( λ p  squareWithEquivs→Equiv
                              ( cong f)
                              ( fst (Ω→ {A = (A , a)} (f , refl)))
                              ( λ r  r  sym p)
                              ( λ r  r  (cong f p))
                              ( hf a)
                              ( snd (compPathrEquiv (sym p)))
                              ( snd (compPathrEquiv (cong f p)))
                              ( ΩCongSquare f p))
                     ( mapEquiv→imId→Id₋₁ f hf0 q)))

-- Appears as Theorem 8.8.3 in the HoTT Book
-- Proof similar to one there
WhiteheadsLemma : {A B : Type } {n : }
  (hA : isOfHLevel n A) (hB : isOfHLevel n B) (f : A  B)
  (hf0 : isEquiv (map f))
  (hf : (a : A) (k : )
         isEquiv (fst (πHom {A = (A , a)} {B = (B , f a)} k (f , refl))))
   isEquiv f
WhiteheadsLemma {n = zero} hA hB f hf0 hf = isEquivFromIsContr f hA hB
WhiteheadsLemma {A = A} {B = B} {n = suc n} hA hB f hf0 hf =
  ( f)
  ( hf0)
  ( λ a  WhiteheadsLemma
           ( isOfHLevelPath' n hA a a)
           ( isOfHLevelPath' n hB (f a) (f a))
           ( fst (Ω→ {A = (A , a)} {B = (B , f a)} (f , refl)))
           ( hf a 0)
           ( ΩWhiteheadHyp a))
    congWhiteheadHyp : (a a' : A) (p : a  a') (k : )
                         ( fst (πHom
                                { A = ((a  a') , p)}
                                { B = (((f a)  (f a')) , cong f p)}
                                ( k)
                                ( cong f , refl)))
    congWhiteheadHyp a a' =
                            J ( λ b p  (k : )
                                         ( fst (πHom
                                         { A = ((a  b) , p)}
                                         { B = (((f a)  (f b)) , cong f p)}
                                         ( k)
                                         ( cong f , refl))))
                            ( λ k  πHomEquiv→πHomCongEquiv
                                     { A = A}
                                     { B = B}
                                     { n = k}
                                     ( f)
                                     ( hf a (1 + k)))

    ΩWhiteheadHyp : (a : A) (p : fst (Ω (A , a))) (k : )
                   isEquiv (fst (πHom k (fst (Ω→ (f , refl)) , refl)))
    ΩWhiteheadHyp a p k = transport
                          ( λ i  isEquiv
                          ( fst (πHom {A = (typ (Ω (A , a)) , p)} k
                                (  p  (rUnit
                                          ( cong f p)) i)
                                  , refl))))
                          ( congWhiteheadHyp a a p k)