{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
This file has been split in two due to slow type checking
combined with insufficient reductions when the
lossy-unification flag is included.
Part 2: Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Pi4S3.S3PushoutIso2

The goal of these two files is to show that
π₄(S³) ≅ π₃((S² × S²) ⊔ᴬ S²) where A = S² ∨ S².
This is proved in Brunerie (2016) using the James construction and
via (S² × S²) ⊔ᴬ S² ≃ J₂(S²).

In this file, we prove it directly using the encode-decode method. For
the statement of the isomorphism, see part 2.
module Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Pi4S3.S3PushoutIso where

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to ∙assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open Iso
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Functions.Morphism

open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
  renaming (rec to sRec ; rec2 to sRec2
          ; elim to sElim ; elim2 to sElim2 ; elim3 to sElim3
          ; map to sMap)
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp renaming (toSusp to σ)
open import Cubical.HITs.S1 hiding (decode ; encode)

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Bool

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid

open import Cubical.HITs.Join
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Wedge
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Freudenthal hiding (Code ; encode)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation renaming
  (rec to trRec ; elim to trElim ; elim2 to trElim2 ; map to trMap)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.HITs.S2

Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ :  {} (A : Pointed )  Type 
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ A = Pushout {A = A  A} ⋁↪ fold⋁

Pushout⋁↪fold⋁∙ :  {} (A : Pointed )  Pointed 
fst (Pushout⋁↪fold⋁∙ A) = Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ A
snd (Pushout⋁↪fold⋁∙ A) = inl (pt A , pt A)

-- The type of interest -- ''almost`` equivalent to ΩS³
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S₊2 = Pushout {A = S₊∙ 2  S₊∙ 2} ⋁↪ fold⋁
-- Same type, using base/surf definition of S² (easier to work with)
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² = Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ S²∙
-- Truncated version, to be proved equivalent to ∥ ΩS³ ∥₅
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ = hLevelTrunc 5 Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²

Ω∥S³∥₆ = Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  north   north 

-- Elimination into sets for Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²
module _ { : Level} {P : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²  Type }
         (hlev : ((x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)  isSet (P x)))
         (b : P (inl (base , base))) where
    ×fun : (x y : )  P (inl (x , y))
    ×fun = S²ToSetElim  _  isSetΠ  _  hlev _))
            (S²ToSetElim  _  hlev _) b)

    inrfun : (x : )  P (inr x)
    inrfun = S²ToSetElim  _  hlev _) (subst P (push (inl base)) b)

    inl-pp : (x : )  PathP  i  P (push (inl x) i)) (×fun x base) (inrfun x)
    inl-pp = S²ToSetElim  _  isOfHLevelPathP 2 (hlev _) _ _)
              λ j  transp  i  P (push (inl base) (i  j))) (~ j) b

    inr-pp : (x : )  PathP  i  P (push (inr x) i)) (×fun base x) (inrfun x)
    inr-pp = S²ToSetElim  _  isOfHLevelPathP 2 (hlev _) _ _)
              (transport  j  PathP  i  P (push (push tt j) i)) (×fun base base)
                                       (inrfun base))
              (inl-pp base))

  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)  P x
  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (inl x) = ×fun (fst x) (snd x)
  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (inr x) = inrfun x
  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (push (inl x) i) = inl-pp x i
  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (push (inr x) i) = inr-pp x i
  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (push (push a j) i) = help j i
    help : SquareP  j i  P (push (push tt j) i))
                    i  inl-pp base i)
                    i  inr-pp base i)
                    _  ×fun base base)
                    _  inrfun base)
    help = toPathP (isProp→PathP  _  isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (hlev _) _ _) _ _)

{- A wedge connectivity lemma for Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S². It can be
stated for general dependent types, but it's easier to work with
in the special case of path types -}
module Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²WedgeCon { : Level } {A : Type }
  (f g : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²  A)
  (h : isOfHLevel 5 A)
  (lp : (x : )  f (inl (x , base))  g (inl (x , base)))
  (rp : (x : )  f (inl (base , x))  g (inl (base , x)))
  (r≡l : (x : )
        (sym (cong f (push (inl x))) ∙∙ lp x ∙∙ cong g (push (inl x)))
         (sym (cong f (push (inr x))) ∙∙ rp x ∙∙ cong g (push (inr x))))
  btm-filler : I  I  I  A
  btm-filler k i j =
    hfill  k  λ {(i = i0)
                    doubleCompPath-filler (sym (cong f (push (inl base))))
                                            (lp base)
                                            (cong g (push (inl base))) (~ k) j
                   ; (i = i1)
                    doubleCompPath-filler (sym (cong f (push (inr base))))
                                            (rp base)
                                            (cong g (push (inr base))) (~ k) j
                   ; (j = i0)  f (push (push tt i) (~ k))
                   ; (j = i1)  g (push (push tt i) (~ k))})
      (inS (r≡l base i j))

  lp-base≡rp-base : lp base  rp base
  lp-base≡rp-base =  i j  btm-filler i1 i j)

  f∘inl≡g∘inl : (x y : )  f (inl (x , y))  g (inl (x , y))
  f∘inl≡g∘inl = wedgeconFunS²  _ _  h _ _) lp rp lp-base≡rp-base

  f∘inl≡g∘inl-base : (x : )  f∘inl≡g∘inl x base  lp x
  f∘inl≡g∘inl-base = wedgeconFunS²Id  _ _  h _ _) lp rp lp-base≡rp-base

  f∘inr≡g∘inr : (x : )  f (inr x)  g (inr x)
  f∘inr≡g∘inr x = cong f (sym (push (inl x))) ∙∙ lp x ∙∙ cong g (push (inl x))

  inlfill : (x : )  I  I  I  A
  inlfill x k i j =
    hfill  k  λ { (i = i0)  f∘inl≡g∘inl-base x (~ k) j
                    ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler
                                   (cong f (sym (push (inl x))))
                                   (lp x)
                                   (cong g (push (inl x))) k j
                    ; (j = i0)  f (push (inl x) (i  k))
                    ; (j = i1)  g (push (inl x) (i  k))})
          (inS (lp x j))

  inrfill : (x : )  I  I  I  A
  inrfill x k i j =
    hfill  k  λ { (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler
                                   (cong f (sym (push (inr x))))
                                   (rp x)
                                   (cong g (push (inr x))) (~ k) j
                    ; (i = i1)  f∘inr≡g∘inr x j
                    ; (j = i0)  f (push (inr x) (i  ~ k))
                    ; (j = i1)  g (push (inr x) (i  ~ k))})
                      (inS (r≡l x (~ i) j))

  main : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)  f x  g x
  main (inl x) = f∘inl≡g∘inl (fst x) (snd x)
  main (inr x) = f∘inr≡g∘inr x
  main (push (inl x) i) j = inlfill x i1 i j
  main (push (inr x) i) j = inrfill x i1 i j
  main (push (push a i) j) k =
    hcomp  r  λ {(i = i0)  inlfill base i1 j k
                   ; (i = i1)  inrfill-side r j k
                   ; (j = i0)  rp base k
                   ; (j = i1)  r≡l base (~ r  i) k
                   ; (k = i0)  f (push (push a i) j)
                   ; (k = i1)  g (push (push a i) j)})
      (hcomp  r  λ {(i = i0)  inlfill base r j k
                   ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler
                                  (cong f (sym (push (inr base))))
                                  (rp base)
                                  (cong g (push (inr base))) (j  r) k
                   ; (j = i0)  lp-base≡rp-base (r  i) k
                   ; (j = i1)  inlfill-side r i k
                   ; (k = i0)  f (push (push a i) (j  r))
                   ; (k = i1)  g (push (push a i) (j  r))})
              (lp-base≡rp-base i k))
    inlfill-side : I  I  I  A
    inlfill-side r i k =
      hcomp  j  λ { (r = i0)  btm-filler j i k
                      ; (r = i1)  r≡l base i k
                      ; (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler
                                  (cong f (sym (push (inl base))))
                                  (lp base)
                                  (cong g (push (inl base))) (r  ~ j) k
                      ; (i = i1)  doubleCompPath-filler
                                  (cong f (sym (push (inr base))))
                                  (rp base)
                                  (cong g (push (inr base))) (r  ~ j) k
                      ; (k = i0)  f (push (push a i) (r  ~ j))
                      ; (k = i1)  g (push (push a i) (r  ~ j))})
            (r≡l base i k)

    inrfill-side : I  I  I  A
    inrfill-side r j k =
      hcomp  i  λ { (r = i0)
                           (cong f (sym (push (inr base))))
                           (rp base)
                           (cong g (push (inr base)))) (j  ~ i)  k
                      ; (r = i1)  inrfill base i j k
                      ; (j = i0)  inrfill base i i0 k
                      ; (j = i1)  r≡l base (~ r) k
                      ; (k = i0)  f (push (inr base) (j  ~ i))
                      ; (k = i1)  g (push (inr base) (j  ~ i))})
            (r≡l base (~ r  ~ j) k)

Goal: Prove Ω ∥ SuspS² ∥₆ ≃ ∥ Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² ∥₅
This will by done via the encode-decode method. For this, we nede a family
of equivalences ∥ Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² ∥₅ ≃ ∥ Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² ∥₅, indexed by S².
In order to define this, we need the following cubes/coherences in
∥ Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² ∥₅:

→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ : (x y : )
   Square {A = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅}  _   inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
                             _   inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
                             _   inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
                             _   inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ =
     _ _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5 _ _) _ _)
     x  λ i j   inl (x , surf i j) ∣ₕ)
     x  λ i j   inl (surf i j , x) ∣ₕ)
    λ r i j   hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (i = i1)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (j = i1)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (j = i0)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (r = i0)  push (inr (surf i j)) (~ k)
                               ; (r = i1)  push (inl (surf i j)) (~ k)})
                     (inr (surf i j)) ∣ₕ

→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅Id : (x : )
   →Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x base   λ i j   inl (x , surf i j) ∣ₕ
→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅Id =
     _ _  isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5 _ _) _ _)
     x  λ i j   inl (x , surf i j) ∣ₕ)
     x  λ i j   inl (surf i j , x) ∣ₕ)
    λ r i j   hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (i = i1)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (j = i1)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (j = i0)  push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
                               ; (r = i0)  push (inr (surf i j)) (~ k)
                               ; (r = i1)  push (inl (surf i j)) (~ k)})
                     (inr (surf i j)) ∣ₕ

push-inl∙push-inr⁻ : (y : )  Path Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² (inl (y , base)) (inl (base , y))
push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y i = (push (inl y)  sym (push (inr y))) i

push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ : push-inl∙push-inr⁻ base  refl
push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ =
     k i  (push (inl base)  sym (push (push tt (~ k)))) i)
   rCancel (push (inl base))

push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler : I  I  I  I  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²
push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler r i j k =
  hfill  r  λ { (i = i0)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
                  ; (i = i1)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
                  ; (j = i0)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
                  ; (j = i1)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
                  ; (k = i0)  inl (surf i j , base)
                  ; (k = i1)  inl (surf i j , base)})
        (inS (inl (surf i j , base)))

push-inl∙push-inr⁻-hLevFiller : (y : )
         Cube {A = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅}
                 j k   push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k )
                 j k   push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k )
                 j k   push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k )
                 j k   push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k )
                (→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ y (pt ( , base)))
                λ i j   inl (surf i j , y) 
push-inl∙push-inr⁻-hLevFiller =
  S²ToSetElim  _  isOfHLevelPathP' 2
              (isOfHLevelPathP' 3
                (isOfHLevelPathP' 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _) _ _) _ _)
   λ i j k   push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler i1 i j k ∣ₕ

We combine the above definitions. The equivalence
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ ≃ ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ (w.r.t. S²) is induced
by the following function
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' : (x : )  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (inl (x , y)) =  inl (x , y) 
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (inl (x , y)) = →Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x y i j
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (inr z) =  inl (base , z) ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i i₁) (inr z) =  inl (surf i i₁ , z) ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (push (inl y) k) =
   (push (inl y)  sym (push (inr y))) k 
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (push (inl y) k) =
  push-inl∙push-inr⁻-hLevFiller y i j k
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (push (inr y) i) =  inl (base , y) 
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (push (inr y) k) =  inl (surf i j , y) 
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (push (push a i₁) i) =  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ i₁ i 
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (push (push a k) l) =
   hcomp  r  λ { (i = i0)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k  ~ r) l
                   ; (i = i1)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k  ~ r) l
                   ; (j = i0)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k  ~ r) l
                   ; (j = i1)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k  ~ r) l
                   ; (k = i0)  push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler r i j l
                   ; (k = i1)  inl (surf i j , base)
                   ; (l = i0)  inl (surf i j , base)
                   ; (l = i1)  inl (surf i j , base)})
         (inl (surf i j , base)) ∣ₕ

{- For easier treatment later, we state its inverse explicitly -}
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ : (x : )  Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ base y = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base y
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ (surf i j) y = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf (~ i) j) y

S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun : (x : _)  S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base x   x 
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (inl x) = refl
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (inr x) = cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inr x))
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (push (inl x) i) j =
   compPath-filler (push (inl x))  i₁  push (inr x) (~ i₁)) (~ j) i  ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (push (inr x) i) j =  push (inr x) (j  i) 
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (push (push a i) j) k =
   coh-lem {A = Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²}
    (push (inl base)) (push (inr base))  k  push (push tt k)) i j k ∣ₕ
  coh-lem :  {} {A : Type } {x y : A} (p q : x  y) (r : p  q)
        Cube {A = A}
                j k  compPath-filler p (sym q) (~ k) j)  k j  q (k  j))
                i k  x)  i k  q k)
               (((λ k  p  sym (r (~ k)))  rCancel p))
  coh-lem {A = A} {x = x} {y = y} =
    J  y p  (q : x  y) (r : p  q)
              Cube {A = A}
                      j k  compPath-filler p (sym q) (~ k) j)  k j  q (k  j))
                      i k  x)  i k  q k)
                     (((λ k  p  sym (r (~ k)))  rCancel p))
      λ q  J  q r  Cube  j k  compPath-filler refl  i  q (~ i)) (~ k) j)
                               k j  q (k  j))  i k  x)  i k  q k)
                              ((λ k  refl   i  r (~ k) (~ i)))  rCancel refl) r)
               ((λ z j k  lUnit (sym (rUnit  _  x))) z k j)
                 i j k  (refl   i₁  rUnit  _  x) (~ i₁))) (k  i) j))

S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ : (x : )  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x = trRec (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' x)

isEq-S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' : (x : _)  isEquiv (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x)
isEq-S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' =
  S²ToSetElim  _  isProp→isSet (isPropIsEquiv _))
    (subst isEquiv (funExt id≡) (idIsEquiv _))
  id≡ : (x : _)  x  S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base x
  id≡ = trElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
               (sym  S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun)

S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ : (x : )  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x = trRec (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ x)

{- S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ is a section of S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ -}
secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ : (x : ) (y : ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅)
   S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x y)  y
secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x =
  trElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
         (h x)
  h : (x : ) (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
     S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x
        (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x  a )   a 
  h base a = cong (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base)
                  (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a)
            S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a
  h (surf i j) a k = main a k i j
    side : (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)  _
    side a = cong (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base) (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a)
           S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a

    refl-b : Path ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ _ _
    refl-b = (refl {x =  inl (base , base) ∣ₕ})

    main : (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
       Cube  i j  S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ (surf i j)
                 (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ (surf i j)  a ))
               _ _   a )
               i _  side a i)  i _  side a i)
               i _  side a i)  i _  side a i)
    main =
      Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set  _  isOfHLevelPathP' 2
                  (isOfHLevelPathP' 3 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5 _ _) _ _) _ _)
       λ k i j 
         hcomp  r  λ { (i = i0)  rUnit refl-b r k
                         ; (i = i1)  rUnit refl-b r k
                         ; (j = i0)  rUnit refl-b r k
                         ; (j = i1)  rUnit refl-b r k
                         ; (k = i0)  →Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅Id
                                        (surf (~ i) j) (~ r) i j
                         ; (k = i1)  μ base base})
               (μ-coh k i j)
      μ : (x y : )  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
      μ x y =  inl (x , y) ∣ₕ

      μUnit : (x : )  μ x base  μ base x
      μUnit base = refl
      μUnit (surf i j) k = 
        hcomp  r  λ {(i = i0)  push (push tt k) (~ r)
                       ; (i = i1)  push (push tt k) (~ r)
                       ; (j = i0)  push (push tt k) (~ r)
                       ; (j = i1)  push (push tt k) (~ r)
                       ; (k = i0)  push (inl (surf i j)) (~ r)
                       ; (k = i1)  push (inr (surf i j)) (~ r)})
               (inr (surf i j)) ∣ₕ

      μ-coh : Path (Square {A = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅}
              _   inl (base , base) )  _   inl (base , base) )
              _   inl (base , base) )  _   inl (base , base) ))
              i j   inl (surf (~ i) j , surf i j) ∣ₕ)
      μ-coh =
            (cong₂Funct  (x y : (Path  base base))  cong₂ μ x y) (sym surf) surf
            cong (_∙ cong (cong (μ base)) surf)  i  cong (cong  x  μUnit x i)) (sym surf))
            lCancel (cong (cong (μ base)) surf))

retrS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ : (x : ) (y : ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅)
   S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x y)  y
retrS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x =
  trElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
    (main x)
    main : (x : ) (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
       S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x  a )   a 
    main base a = secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base  a 
    main (surf i j) a l = secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ (surf (~ i) j)  a  l

∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ : (x : )
   Iso ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
fun (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x
inv (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x
rightInv (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x
leftInv (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = retrS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x

PreCode : (x : Susp )  Type
PreCode north = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
PreCode south = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
PreCode (merid a i) = isoToPath (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ a) i

hLevPreCode : (x : Susp )  isOfHLevel 5 (PreCode x)
hLevPreCode =
  suspToPropElim base  _  isPropIsOfHLevel 5) (isOfHLevelTrunc 5)

Code : (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  Type ℓ-zero
Code =
  fst  trRec {B = TypeOfHLevel ℓ-zero 5} (isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel 5)
    λ x  (PreCode x) , (hLevPreCode x)

  cong-coherence :  {} {A : Type } {x : A} (p : x  x) (r : refl  p)
                   cong (p ∙_) (sym r)  sym (rUnit p)
                   cong (_∙ p) (sym r)  sym (lUnit p)
  cong-coherence p = J  p r  cong (p ∙_) (sym r)  sym (rUnit p)
                     cong (_∙ p) (sym r)  sym (lUnit p)) refl

{- The function Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² → Ω∥S³∥₆ will be the obvious one -}
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²  Ω∥S³∥₆
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (inl x) = cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ S²∙ (fst x)  σ S²∙ (snd x))
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (inr x) = cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ S²∙ x)
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (push (inl x) i) j =
   (cong (σ S²∙ x ∙_) (rCancel (merid base))  sym (rUnit (σ S²∙ x))) i j ∣ₕ
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (push (inr x) i) j =
   (cong (_∙ σ S²∙ x) (rCancel (merid base))  sym (lUnit (σ S²∙ x))) i j ∣ₕ
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (push (push a k) i) j =
   cong-coherence (σ S²∙ base) (sym (rCancel (merid base))) k i j ∣ₕ

{- Truncated version (the equivalence) -}
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ : ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅  Ω∥S³∥₆
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ =
  trRec (isOfHLevelTrunc 6 _ _) Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆

decode' : (x : Susp )  Code  x 
       Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  north   x 
decode' north p = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ p
decode' south p = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ p  cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)
decode' (merid a i) = main a i
  baseId : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
      ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base x)
       ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆  x 
  baseId x =
    cong ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun x)

  mainLemma : (a : ) (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
      ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ a x)
         i   merid a i )
      ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆  x   cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)
  mainLemma base x = cong (_∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)) (baseId x)
  mainLemma (surf i j) x k = surf-filler x k i j
    ∙ΩbaseId :
      (q : typ (Ω (Susp∙ (typ S²∙))))  q  q  σ S²∙ base
    ∙ΩbaseId q = rUnit q  cong (q ∙_) (sym (rCancel (merid base)))

    cubeCoherence :
       {} {A : Type } {x : A} {p : x  x}
       (refl  p)
       (q : Square {A = x  x}  _  p)  _  p)  _  p)  _  p))
       Cube {A = Path A x x}
               i j  q i j  q (~ i) j)  _ _  p  p)
               k j  p  p)  _ _  p  p)
               _ _  p  p) λ _ _  p  p
    cubeCoherence {A = A} {x = x} {p = p} =
      J  p _  (q : Square {A = x  x}
                         _  p)  _  p)  _  p)  _  p))
                Cube {A = Path A x x}
                        i j  q i j  q (~ i) j)  _ _  p  p)
                        k j  p  p)  _ _  p  p)
                        _ _  p  p) λ _ _  p  p)
        (cong₂Funct  (x y : Path (x  x) refl refl)  cong₂ _∙_ x y) q (sym q)
          i  cong  (p : (refl {x = x})  refl) k  rUnit (p k) i) q
                cong  (p : (refl {x = x})  refl) k  lUnit (p k) i) (sym q)
                refl {x = refl {x = lUnit (refl {x = x}) i}})
         (rCancel q)))

    surf-side : (i j r l : I)  hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp )
    surf-side i j r l =
      ((cong ∣_∣ₕ (∙ΩbaseId (σ S²∙ (surf (~ i) j)) r))
       cong ∣_∣ₕ (compPath-filler (merid (surf i j))
                  (sym (merid base)) (~ r))) l

    side : (r l : I)  hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp )
    side r l =
      ((cong ∣_∣ₕ (∙ΩbaseId (σ S²∙ base) r))
       cong ∣_∣ₕ (compPath-filler (merid base)
                  (sym (merid base)) (~ r))) l

    surf-filler : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
       Cube {A = Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  north   south }
               i j  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆
                         (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf (~ i) j) x)
                         k   merid (surf i j) k ))
               _ _  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆  x 
                       cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base))
               k j  baseId x k   i₂   merid base i₂ ))
               k j  baseId x k   i₂   merid base i₂ ))
               k i  baseId x k   i₂   merid base i₂ ))
               k i  baseId x k   i₂   merid base i₂ ))
    surf-filler =
        _  isOfHLevelPathP' 2
        (isOfHLevelPathP' 3 (isOfHLevelTrunc 6 _ _ _ _) _ _) _ _)
          k i j l  hcomp  r
            λ {(i = i0)  surf-side i0 i0 r l
               ; (i = i1)  surf-side i0 i0 r l
               ; (j = i0)  surf-side i0 i0 r l
               ; (j = i1)  surf-side i0 i0 r l
               ; (k = i0)  surf-side i j r l
               ; (k = i1)  surf-side i0 i0 r l
               ; (l = i0)   north ∣ₕ
               ; (l = i1)   merid base r ∣ₕ})
      (cubeCoherence {p = cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ (S²∙) base)}
        (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (sym (rCancel (merid base))))
         i j k   σ S²∙ (surf (~ i) j) k ∣ₕ) k i j l))

  main : (a : )
     PathP  i  Code  merid a i 
                   Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  north   merid a i )
                        λ x  ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ x
                              cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)
  main a =
    toPathP (funExt
      (trElim  _  isOfHLevelSuc 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 6 _ _ _ _))
        j  transp  i  Path
                 (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  north   merid a (i  j) ) j
                    (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ a (transportRefl x j)))
                     (cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid a)) j))
       mainLemma a x)))

decode : (x : hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))
   Code x  Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  north  x
decode =
  trElim  _  isOfHLevelΠ 6 λ _  isOfHLevelPath 6 (isOfHLevelTrunc 6) _ _)

decode∙ : decode  north   inl (base , base)   refl
decode∙ =
  cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (cong  x  x  x) (rCancel (merid base))  sym (rUnit refl))

encode : (x : hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))
   Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))  north  x  Code x
encode x p = subst Code p  inl (base , base) 

encode-decode : (x : hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp ))
   (p :  north   x)  decode x (encode x p)  p
encode-decode x = J  x p  decode x (encode x p)  p)
              (cong (decode  north ) (transportRefl  inl (base , base) ∣ₕ)

decode-encode : (p : Code  north )  encode  north  (decode  north  p)  p
decode-encode =
  trElim  _  isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
    (Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²WedgeCon.main ((λ a  encode  north  (decode  north   a ))) ∣_∣ₕ
      (isOfHLevelTrunc 5)
       x  cong (encode  north ) (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (cong (σ S²∙ x ∙_)
               (rCancel (merid base))  sym (rUnit (σ S²∙ x))))
              surf-filler x)
       x  (cong (encode  north ) (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (cong (_∙ σ S²∙ x)
               (rCancel (merid base))  sym (lUnit (σ S²∙ x))))
              surf-filler x
              cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inl x))  cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (push (inr x)))))
      λ x  lem (encode  north )
                (cong (decode  north ) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inl x))))
                ((cong (decode  north ) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inr x)))))
                (surf-filler x) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inl x))) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (push (inr x)))))
  subber = transport  j  Code  merid base (~ j) ∣ₕ)

  lem :  {} {A B : Type } {x x' y : A} {l w u : B}
       (f : A  B) (p : x  y) (p' : x'  y) (q : f y  l)
       (r : l  w) (r' : w  u)
      cong f (sym p) ∙∙ cong f p  q ∙∙ r
      (cong f (sym p') ∙∙ (cong f p'  q  (r  r')) ∙∙ sym r')
  lem {x = x} {x' = x'} {y = y'} {l = l} {w = w} {u = u} f p p' q r r' =
       i   j  f (p (~ j  i))) ∙∙  j  f (p (j  i)))  q ∙∙ r)
   ∙∙  i   j  f (p' (~ j  ~ i))) ∙∙  j  f (p' (j  ~ i)))
             compPath-filler q r i ∙∙ λ j  r (i  j))
   ∙∙ λ i  cong f (sym p') ∙∙ cong f p'  q
             compPath-filler r r' i ∙∙ λ j  r' (~ j  i)

  mainId : (x : )
     (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' x (inl (base , base)))   inl (x , base) ∣ₕ
  mainId base = refl
  mainId (surf i i₁) = refl

  surf-filler : (x : )
     encode  north   i   σ S²∙ x i )   inl (x , base) 
  surf-filler x =
        i  transp  j   Code ( merid base (i  ~ j) ∣ₕ)) (~ i)
                   (encode  merid base i 
                    λ j   compPath-filler
                             (merid x) (sym (merid base)) (~ i) j ∣ₕ))
      cong subber
        (transportRefl (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' x (inl (base , base)))
        mainId x)

IsoΩ∥SuspS²∥₅∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ :
  Iso (hLevelTrunc 5 (typ (Ω (Susp∙ ))))
      (hLevelTrunc 5 Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
IsoΩ∥SuspS²∥₅∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ =
  compIso (invIso (PathIdTruncIso _)) is
  is : Iso _ _
  fun is = encode  north 
  inv is = decode  north 
  rightInv is = decode-encode
  leftInv is = encode-decode  north