{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Pi4S3.S3PushoutIso where
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to ∙assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open Iso
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Functions.Morphism
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
renaming (rec to sRec ; rec2 to sRec2
; elim to sElim ; elim2 to sElim2 ; elim3 to sElim3
; map to sMap)
open import Cubical.HITs.Sn
open import Cubical.HITs.Susp renaming (toSusp to σ)
open import Cubical.HITs.S1 hiding (decode ; encode)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Semigroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.HITs.Join
open import Cubical.HITs.Pushout
open import Cubical.HITs.Wedge
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Freudenthal hiding (Code ; encode)
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Connected
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation renaming
(rec to trRec ; elim to trElim ; elim2 to trElim2 ; map to trMap)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.HITs.S2
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ : ∀ {ℓ} (A : Pointed ℓ) → Type ℓ
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ A = Pushout {A = A ⋁ A} ⋁↪ fold⋁
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁∙ : ∀ {ℓ} (A : Pointed ℓ) → Pointed ℓ
fst (Pushout⋁↪fold⋁∙ A) = Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ A
snd (Pushout⋁↪fold⋁∙ A) = inl (pt A , pt A)
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S₊2 = Pushout {A = S₊∙ 2 ⋁ S₊∙ 2} ⋁↪ fold⋁
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² = Pushout⋁↪fold⋁ S²∙
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ = hLevelTrunc 5 Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²
Ω∥S³∥₆ = Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ north ∣
module _ {ℓ : Level} {P : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² → Type ℓ}
(hlev : ((x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²) → isSet (P x)))
(b : P (inl (base , base))) where
×fun : (x y : S²) → P (inl (x , y))
×fun = S²ToSetElim (λ _ → isSetΠ (λ _ → hlev _))
(S²ToSetElim (λ _ → hlev _) b)
inrfun : (x : S²) → P (inr x)
inrfun = S²ToSetElim (λ _ → hlev _) (subst P (push (inl base)) b)
inl-pp : (x : S²) → PathP (λ i → P (push (inl x) i)) (×fun x base) (inrfun x)
inl-pp = S²ToSetElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPathP 2 (hlev _) _ _)
λ j → transp (λ i → P (push (inl base) (i ∧ j))) (~ j) b
inr-pp : (x : S²) → PathP (λ i → P (push (inr x) i)) (×fun base x) (inrfun x)
inr-pp = S²ToSetElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPathP 2 (hlev _) _ _)
(transport (λ j → PathP (λ i → P (push (push tt j) i)) (×fun base base)
(inrfun base))
(inl-pp base))
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²) → P x
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (inl x) = ×fun (fst x) (snd x)
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (inr x) = inrfun x
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (push (inl x) i) = inl-pp x i
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (push (inr x) i) = inr-pp x i
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (push (push a j) i) = help j i
help : SquareP (λ j i → P (push (push tt j) i))
(λ i → inl-pp base i)
(λ i → inr-pp base i)
(λ _ → ×fun base base)
(λ _ → inrfun base)
help = toPathP (isProp→PathP (λ _ → isOfHLevelPathP' 1 (hlev _) _ _) _ _)
module Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²WedgeCon {ℓ : Level } {A : Type ℓ}
(f g : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² → A)
(h : isOfHLevel 5 A)
(lp : (x : S²) → f (inl (x , base)) ≡ g (inl (x , base)))
(rp : (x : S²) → f (inl (base , x)) ≡ g (inl (base , x)))
(r≡l : (x : S²)
→ (sym (cong f (push (inl x))) ∙∙ lp x ∙∙ cong g (push (inl x)))
≡ (sym (cong f (push (inr x))) ∙∙ rp x ∙∙ cong g (push (inr x))))
btm-filler : I → I → I → A
btm-filler k i j =
hfill (λ k → λ {(i = i0)
→ doubleCompPath-filler (sym (cong f (push (inl base))))
(lp base)
(cong g (push (inl base))) (~ k) j
; (i = i1)
→ doubleCompPath-filler (sym (cong f (push (inr base))))
(rp base)
(cong g (push (inr base))) (~ k) j
; (j = i0) → f (push (push tt i) (~ k))
; (j = i1) → g (push (push tt i) (~ k))})
(inS (r≡l base i j))
lp-base≡rp-base : lp base ≡ rp base
lp-base≡rp-base = (λ i j → btm-filler i1 i j)
f∘inl≡g∘inl : (x y : S²) → f (inl (x , y)) ≡ g (inl (x , y))
f∘inl≡g∘inl = wedgeconFunS² (λ _ _ → h _ _) lp rp lp-base≡rp-base
f∘inl≡g∘inl-base : (x : S²) → f∘inl≡g∘inl x base ≡ lp x
f∘inl≡g∘inl-base = wedgeconFunS²Id (λ _ _ → h _ _) lp rp lp-base≡rp-base
f∘inr≡g∘inr : (x : S²) → f (inr x) ≡ g (inr x)
f∘inr≡g∘inr x = cong f (sym (push (inl x))) ∙∙ lp x ∙∙ cong g (push (inl x))
inlfill : (x : S²) → I → I → I → A
inlfill x k i j =
hfill (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → f∘inl≡g∘inl-base x (~ k) j
; (i = i1) → doubleCompPath-filler
(cong f (sym (push (inl x))))
(lp x)
(cong g (push (inl x))) k j
; (j = i0) → f (push (inl x) (i ∧ k))
; (j = i1) → g (push (inl x) (i ∧ k))})
(inS (lp x j))
inrfill : (x : S²) → I → I → I → A
inrfill x k i j =
hfill (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler
(cong f (sym (push (inr x))))
(rp x)
(cong g (push (inr x))) (~ k) j
; (i = i1) → f∘inr≡g∘inr x j
; (j = i0) → f (push (inr x) (i ∨ ~ k))
; (j = i1) → g (push (inr x) (i ∨ ~ k))})
(inS (r≡l x (~ i) j))
main : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²) → f x ≡ g x
main (inl x) = f∘inl≡g∘inl (fst x) (snd x)
main (inr x) = f∘inr≡g∘inr x
main (push (inl x) i) j = inlfill x i1 i j
main (push (inr x) i) j = inrfill x i1 i j
main (push (push a i) j) k =
hcomp (λ r → λ {(i = i0) → inlfill base i1 j k
; (i = i1) → inrfill-side r j k
; (j = i0) → rp base k
; (j = i1) → r≡l base (~ r ∧ i) k
; (k = i0) → f (push (push a i) j)
; (k = i1) → g (push (push a i) j)})
(hcomp (λ r → λ {(i = i0) → inlfill base r j k
; (i = i1) → doubleCompPath-filler
(cong f (sym (push (inr base))))
(rp base)
(cong g (push (inr base))) (j ∧ r) k
; (j = i0) → lp-base≡rp-base (r ∨ i) k
; (j = i1) → inlfill-side r i k
; (k = i0) → f (push (push a i) (j ∧ r))
; (k = i1) → g (push (push a i) (j ∧ r))})
(lp-base≡rp-base i k))
inlfill-side : I → I → I → A
inlfill-side r i k =
hcomp (λ j → λ { (r = i0) → btm-filler j i k
; (r = i1) → r≡l base i k
; (i = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler
(cong f (sym (push (inl base))))
(lp base)
(cong g (push (inl base))) (r ∨ ~ j) k
; (i = i1) → doubleCompPath-filler
(cong f (sym (push (inr base))))
(rp base)
(cong g (push (inr base))) (r ∨ ~ j) k
; (k = i0) → f (push (push a i) (r ∨ ~ j))
; (k = i1) → g (push (push a i) (r ∨ ~ j))})
(r≡l base i k)
inrfill-side : I → I → I → A
inrfill-side r j k =
hcomp (λ i → λ { (r = i0)
→ (doubleCompPath-filler
(cong f (sym (push (inr base))))
(rp base)
(cong g (push (inr base)))) (j ∨ ~ i) k
; (r = i1) → inrfill base i j k
; (j = i0) → inrfill base i i0 k
; (j = i1) → r≡l base (~ r) k
; (k = i0) → f (push (inr base) (j ∨ ~ i))
; (k = i1) → g (push (inr base) (j ∨ ~ i))})
(r≡l base (~ r ∨ ~ j) k)
→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ : (x y : S²)
→ Square {A = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅} (λ _ → ∣ inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
(λ _ → ∣ inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
(λ _ → ∣ inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
(λ _ → ∣ inl (x , y) ∣ₕ)
→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ =
(λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5 _ _) _ _)
(λ x → λ i j → ∣ inl (x , surf i j) ∣ₕ)
(λ x → λ i j → ∣ inl (surf i j , x) ∣ₕ)
λ r i j → ∣ hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (j = i1) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (r = i0) → push (inr (surf i j)) (~ k)
; (r = i1) → push (inl (surf i j)) (~ k)})
(inr (surf i j)) ∣ₕ
→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅Id : (x : S²)
→ →Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x base ≡ λ i j → ∣ inl (x , surf i j) ∣ₕ
→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅Id =
(λ _ _ → isOfHLevelPath 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5 _ _) _ _)
(λ x → λ i j → ∣ inl (x , surf i j) ∣ₕ)
(λ x → λ i j → ∣ inl (surf i j , x) ∣ₕ)
λ r i j → ∣ hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (j = i1) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (j = i0) → push (push tt (~ r)) (~ k)
; (r = i0) → push (inr (surf i j)) (~ k)
; (r = i1) → push (inl (surf i j)) (~ k)})
(inr (surf i j)) ∣ₕ
push-inl∙push-inr⁻ : (y : S²) → Path Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² (inl (y , base)) (inl (base , y))
push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y i = (push (inl y) ∙ sym (push (inr y))) i
push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ : push-inl∙push-inr⁻ base ≡ refl
push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ =
(λ k i → (push (inl base) ∙ sym (push (push tt (~ k)))) i)
∙ rCancel (push (inl base))
push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler : I → I → I → I → Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²
push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler r i j k =
hfill (λ r → λ { (i = i0) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
; (i = i1) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
; (j = i0) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
; (j = i1) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (~ r) k
; (k = i0) → inl (surf i j , base)
; (k = i1) → inl (surf i j , base)})
(inS (inl (surf i j , base)))
push-inl∙push-inr⁻-hLevFiller : (y : S²)
→ Cube {A = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅}
(λ j k → ∣ push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k ∣)
(λ j k → ∣ push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k ∣)
(λ j k → ∣ push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k ∣)
(λ j k → ∣ push-inl∙push-inr⁻ y k ∣)
(→Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ y (pt (S² , base)))
λ i j → ∣ inl (surf i j , y) ∣
push-inl∙push-inr⁻-hLevFiller =
S²ToSetElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPathP' 2
(isOfHLevelPathP' 3
(isOfHLevelPathP' 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _) _ _) _ _)
λ i j k → ∣ push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler i1 i j k ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' : (x : S²) → Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (inl (x , y)) = ∣ inl (x , y) ∣
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (inl (x , y)) = →Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x y i j
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (inr z) = ∣ inl (base , z) ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i i₁) (inr z) = ∣ inl (surf i i₁ , z) ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (push (inl y) k) =
∣ (push (inl y) ∙ sym (push (inr y))) k ∣
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (push (inl y) k) =
push-inl∙push-inr⁻-hLevFiller y i j k
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (push (inr y) i) = ∣ inl (base , y) ∣
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (push (inr y) k) = ∣ inl (surf i j , y) ∣
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base (push (push a i₁) i) = ∣ push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ i₁ i ∣
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf i j) (push (push a k) l) =
∣ hcomp (λ r → λ { (i = i0) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k ∨ ~ r) l
; (i = i1) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k ∨ ~ r) l
; (j = i0) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k ∨ ~ r) l
; (j = i1) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻∙ (k ∨ ~ r) l
; (k = i0) → push-inl∙push-inr⁻-filler r i j l
; (k = i1) → inl (surf i j , base)
; (l = i0) → inl (surf i j , base)
; (l = i1) → inl (surf i j , base)})
(inl (surf i j , base)) ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ : (x : S²) → Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ base y = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base y
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ (surf i j) y = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf (~ i) j) y
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun : (x : _) → S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base x ≡ ∣ x ∣
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (inl x) = refl
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (inr x) = cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inr x))
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (push (inl x) i) j =
∣ compPath-filler (push (inl x)) (λ i₁ → push (inr x) (~ i₁)) (~ j) i ∣ₕ
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (push (inr x) i) j = ∣ push (inr x) (j ∧ i) ∣
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun (push (push a i) j) k =
∣ coh-lem {A = Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²}
(push (inl base)) (push (inr base)) (λ k → push (push tt k)) i j k ∣ₕ
coh-lem : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x y : A} (p q : x ≡ y) (r : p ≡ q)
→ Cube {A = A}
(λ j k → compPath-filler p (sym q) (~ k) j) (λ k j → q (k ∧ j))
(λ i k → x) (λ i k → q k)
(((λ k → p ∙ sym (r (~ k))) ∙ rCancel p))
coh-lem {A = A} {x = x} {y = y} =
J (λ y p → (q : x ≡ y) (r : p ≡ q)
→ Cube {A = A}
(λ j k → compPath-filler p (sym q) (~ k) j) (λ k j → q (k ∧ j))
(λ i k → x) (λ i k → q k)
(((λ k → p ∙ sym (r (~ k))) ∙ rCancel p))
λ q → J (λ q r → Cube (λ j k → compPath-filler refl (λ i → q (~ i)) (~ k) j)
(λ k j → q (k ∧ j)) (λ i k → x) (λ i k → q k)
((λ k → refl ∙ (λ i → r (~ k) (~ i))) ∙ rCancel refl) r)
((λ z j k → lUnit (sym (rUnit (λ _ → x))) z k j)
◁ (λ i j k → (refl ∙ (λ i₁ → rUnit (λ _ → x) (~ i₁))) (k ∨ i) j))
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ : (x : S²) → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x = trRec (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' x)
isEq-S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' : (x : _) → isEquiv (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x)
isEq-S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' =
S²ToSetElim (λ _ → isProp→isSet (isPropIsEquiv _))
(subst isEquiv (funExt id≡) (idIsEquiv _))
id≡ : (x : _) → x ≡ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base x
id≡ = trElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
(sym ∘ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun)
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ : (x : S²) → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x = trRec (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ x)
secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ : (x : S²) (y : ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅)
→ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x y) ≡ y
secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x =
trElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
(h x)
h : (x : S²) (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
→ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x
(S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x ∣ a ∣) ≡ ∣ a ∣
h base a = cong (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base)
(S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a)
∙ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a
h (surf i j) a k = main a k i j
side : (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²) → _
side a = cong (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base) (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a)
∙ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun a
refl-b : Path ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ _ _
refl-b = (refl {x = ∣ inl (base , base) ∣ₕ})
main : (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
→ Cube (λ i j → S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ (surf i j)
(S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ (surf i j) ∣ a ∣))
(λ _ _ → ∣ a ∣)
(λ i _ → side a i) (λ i _ → side a i)
(λ i _ → side a i) (λ i _ → side a i)
main =
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Set (λ _ → isOfHLevelPathP' 2
(isOfHLevelPathP' 3 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5 _ _) _ _) _ _)
λ k i j →
hcomp (λ r → λ { (i = i0) → rUnit refl-b r k
; (i = i1) → rUnit refl-b r k
; (j = i0) → rUnit refl-b r k
; (j = i1) → rUnit refl-b r k
; (k = i0) → →Ω²∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅Id
(surf (~ i) j) (~ r) i j
; (k = i1) → μ base base})
(μ-coh k i j)
μ : (x y : S²) → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
μ x y = ∣ inl (x , y) ∣ₕ
μUnit : (x : S²) → μ x base ≡ μ base x
μUnit base = refl
μUnit (surf i j) k = ∣
hcomp (λ r → λ {(i = i0) → push (push tt k) (~ r)
; (i = i1) → push (push tt k) (~ r)
; (j = i0) → push (push tt k) (~ r)
; (j = i1) → push (push tt k) (~ r)
; (k = i0) → push (inl (surf i j)) (~ r)
; (k = i1) → push (inr (surf i j)) (~ r)})
(inr (surf i j)) ∣ₕ
μ-coh : Path (Square {A = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅}
(λ _ → ∣ inl (base , base) ∣) (λ _ → ∣ inl (base , base) ∣)
(λ _ → ∣ inl (base , base) ∣) (λ _ → ∣ inl (base , base) ∣))
(λ i j → ∣ inl (surf (~ i) j , surf i j) ∣ₕ)
μ-coh =
(cong₂Funct (λ (x y : (Path S² base base)) → cong₂ μ x y) (sym surf) surf
∙ cong (_∙ cong (cong (μ base)) surf) (λ i → cong (cong (λ x → μUnit x i)) (sym surf))
∙ lCancel (cong (cong (μ base)) surf))
retrS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ : (x : S²) (y : ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅)
→ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x y) ≡ y
retrS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x =
trElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
(main x)
main : (x : S²) (a : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
→ S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x ∣ a ∣) ≡ ∣ a ∣
main base a = secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ base ∣ a ∣
main (surf i j) a l = secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ (surf (~ i) j) ∣ a ∣ l
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ : (x : S²)
→ Iso ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
fun (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x
inv (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺⁻¹ x
rightInv (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = secS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x
leftInv (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ x) = retrS²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺ x
PreCode : (x : Susp S²) → Type
PreCode north = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
PreCode south = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅
PreCode (merid a i) = isoToPath (∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅≃∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ a) i
hLevPreCode : (x : Susp S²) → isOfHLevel 5 (PreCode x)
hLevPreCode =
suspToPropElim base (λ _ → isPropIsOfHLevel 5) (isOfHLevelTrunc 5)
Code : (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) → Type ℓ-zero
Code =
fst ∘ trRec {B = TypeOfHLevel ℓ-zero 5} (isOfHLevelTypeOfHLevel 5)
λ x → (PreCode x) , (hLevPreCode x)
cong-coherence : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} (p : x ≡ x) (r : refl ≡ p)
→ cong (p ∙_) (sym r) ∙ sym (rUnit p)
≡ cong (_∙ p) (sym r) ∙ sym (lUnit p)
cong-coherence p = J (λ p r → cong (p ∙_) (sym r) ∙ sym (rUnit p)
≡ cong (_∙ p) (sym r) ∙ sym (lUnit p)) refl
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S² → Ω∥S³∥₆
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (inl x) = cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ S²∙ (fst x) ∙ σ S²∙ (snd x))
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (inr x) = cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ S²∙ x)
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (push (inl x) i) j =
∣ (cong (σ S²∙ x ∙_) (rCancel (merid base)) ∙ sym (rUnit (σ S²∙ x))) i j ∣ₕ
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (push (inr x) i) j =
∣ (cong (_∙ σ S²∙ x) (rCancel (merid base)) ∙ sym (lUnit (σ S²∙ x))) i j ∣ₕ
Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆ (push (push a k) i) j =
∣ cong-coherence (σ S²∙ base) (sym (rCancel (merid base))) k i j ∣ₕ
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ : ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ → Ω∥S³∥₆
∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ =
trRec (isOfHLevelTrunc 6 _ _) Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²→Ω∥S³∥₆
decode' : (x : Susp S²) → Code ∣ x ∣
→ Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ x ∣
decode' north p = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ p
decode' south p = ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ p ∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)
decode' (merid a i) = main a i
baseId : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
→ ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' base x)
≡ ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ ∣ x ∣
baseId x =
cong ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'≡idfun x)
mainLemma : (a : S²) (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
→ ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ a x)
∙ (λ i → ∣ merid a i ∣)
≡ ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ ∣ x ∣ ∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)
mainLemma base x = cong (_∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)) (baseId x)
mainLemma (surf i j) x k = surf-filler x k i j
∙ΩbaseId :
(q : typ (Ω (Susp∙ (typ S²∙)))) → q ≡ q ∙ σ S²∙ base
∙ΩbaseId q = rUnit q ∙ cong (q ∙_) (sym (rCancel (merid base)))
cubeCoherence :
∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} {p : x ≡ x}
→ (refl ≡ p)
→ (q : Square {A = x ≡ x} (λ _ → p) (λ _ → p) (λ _ → p) (λ _ → p))
→ Cube {A = Path A x x}
(λ i j → q i j ∙ q (~ i) j) (λ _ _ → p ∙ p)
(λ k j → p ∙ p) (λ _ _ → p ∙ p)
(λ _ _ → p ∙ p) λ _ _ → p ∙ p
cubeCoherence {A = A} {x = x} {p = p} =
J (λ p _ → (q : Square {A = x ≡ x}
(λ _ → p) (λ _ → p) (λ _ → p) (λ _ → p))
→ Cube {A = Path A x x}
(λ i j → q i j ∙ q (~ i) j) (λ _ _ → p ∙ p)
(λ k j → p ∙ p) (λ _ _ → p ∙ p)
(λ _ _ → p ∙ p) λ _ _ → p ∙ p)
(λ q →
(cong₂Funct (λ (x y : Path (x ≡ x) refl refl) → cong₂ _∙_ x y) q (sym q)
∙ transport
(λ i → cong (λ (p : (refl {x = x}) ≡ refl) k → rUnit (p k) i) q
∙ cong (λ (p : (refl {x = x}) ≡ refl) k → lUnit (p k) i) (sym q)
≡ refl {x = refl {x = lUnit (refl {x = x}) i}})
(rCancel q)))
surf-side : (i j r l : I) → hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)
surf-side i j r l =
((cong ∣_∣ₕ (∙ΩbaseId (σ S²∙ (surf (~ i) j)) r))
∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (compPath-filler (merid (surf i j))
(sym (merid base)) (~ r))) l
side : (r l : I) → hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)
side r l =
((cong ∣_∣ₕ (∙ΩbaseId (σ S²∙ base) r))
∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (compPath-filler (merid base)
(sym (merid base)) (~ r))) l
surf-filler : (x : Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
→ Cube {A = Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ south ∣}
(λ i j → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆
(S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' (surf (~ i) j) x)
∙ (λ k → ∣ merid (surf i j) k ∣))
(λ _ _ → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ ∣ x ∣
∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base))
(λ k j → baseId x k ∙ (λ i₂ → ∣ merid base i₂ ∣))
(λ k j → baseId x k ∙ (λ i₂ → ∣ merid base i₂ ∣))
(λ k i → baseId x k ∙ (λ i₂ → ∣ merid base i₂ ∣))
(λ k i → baseId x k ∙ (λ i₂ → ∣ merid base i₂ ∣))
surf-filler =
(λ _ → isOfHLevelPathP' 2
(isOfHLevelPathP' 3 (isOfHLevelTrunc 6 _ _ _ _) _ _) _ _)
(λ k i j l → hcomp (λ r
→ λ {(i = i0) → surf-side i0 i0 r l
; (i = i1) → surf-side i0 i0 r l
; (j = i0) → surf-side i0 i0 r l
; (j = i1) → surf-side i0 i0 r l
; (k = i0) → surf-side i j r l
; (k = i1) → surf-side i0 i0 r l
; (l = i0) → ∣ north ∣ₕ
; (l = i1) → ∣ merid base r ∣ₕ})
(cubeCoherence {p = cong ∣_∣ₕ (σ (S²∙) base)}
(cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (sym (rCancel (merid base))))
(λ i j k → ∣ σ S²∙ (surf (~ i) j) k ∣ₕ) k i j l))
main : (a : S²)
→ PathP (λ i → Code ∣ merid a i ∣
→ Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ merid a i ∣)
λ x → ∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅→Ω∥S³∥₆ x
∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid base)
main a =
toPathP (funExt
(trElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelSuc 4 (isOfHLevelTrunc 6 _ _ _ _))
(λ x
→ (λ j → transp (λ i → Path
(hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) ∣ north ∣ ∣ merid a (i ∨ j) ∣) j
(S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺'⁻ a (transportRefl x j)))
(cong ∣_∣ₕ (merid a)) j))
∙ mainLemma a x)))
decode : (x : hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²))
→ Code x → Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) ∣ north ∣ x
decode =
trElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelΠ 6 λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 6 (isOfHLevelTrunc 6) _ _)
decode∙ : decode ∣ north ∣ ∣ inl (base , base) ∣ ≡ refl
decode∙ =
cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (cong (λ x → x ∙ x) (rCancel (merid base)) ∙ sym (rUnit refl))
encode : (x : hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²))
→ Path (hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²)) ∣ north ∣ x → Code x
encode x p = subst Code p ∣ inl (base , base) ∣
encode-decode : (x : hLevelTrunc 6 (Susp S²))
→ (p : ∣ north ∣ ≡ x) → decode x (encode x p) ≡ p
encode-decode x = J (λ x p → decode x (encode x p) ≡ p)
(cong (decode ∣ north ∣) (transportRefl ∣ inl (base , base) ∣ₕ)
∙ decode∙)
decode-encode : (p : Code ∣ north ∣) → encode ∣ north ∣ (decode ∣ north ∣ p) ≡ p
decode-encode =
trElim (λ _ → isOfHLevelPath 5 (isOfHLevelTrunc 5) _ _)
(Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²WedgeCon.main ((λ a → encode ∣ north ∣ (decode ∣ north ∣ ∣ a ∣))) ∣_∣ₕ
(isOfHLevelTrunc 5)
(λ x → cong (encode ∣ north ∣) (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (cong (σ S²∙ x ∙_)
(rCancel (merid base)) ∙ sym (rUnit (σ S²∙ x))))
∙ surf-filler x)
(λ x → (cong (encode ∣ north ∣) (cong (cong ∣_∣ₕ) (cong (_∙ σ S²∙ x)
(rCancel (merid base)) ∙ sym (lUnit (σ S²∙ x))))
∙ surf-filler x
∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inl x)) ∙ cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (push (inr x)))))
λ x → lem (encode ∣ north ∣)
(cong (decode ∣ north ∣) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inl x))))
((cong (decode ∣ north ∣) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inr x)))))
(surf-filler x) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (push (inl x))) (cong ∣_∣ₕ (sym (push (inr x)))))
subber = transport (λ j → Code ∣ merid base (~ j) ∣ₕ)
lem : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Type ℓ} {x x' y : A} {l w u : B}
(f : A → B) (p : x ≡ y) (p' : x' ≡ y) (q : f y ≡ l)
(r : l ≡ w) (r' : w ≡ u)
→ cong f (sym p) ∙∙ cong f p ∙ q ∙∙ r
≡ (cong f (sym p') ∙∙ (cong f p' ∙ q ∙ (r ∙ r')) ∙∙ sym r')
lem {x = x} {x' = x'} {y = y'} {l = l} {w = w} {u = u} f p p' q r r' =
(λ i → (λ j → f (p (~ j ∨ i))) ∙∙ (λ j → f (p (j ∨ i))) ∙ q ∙∙ r)
∙∙ (λ i → (λ j → f (p' (~ j ∨ ~ i))) ∙∙ (λ j → f (p' (j ∨ ~ i)))
∙ compPath-filler q r i ∙∙ λ j → r (i ∨ j))
∙∙ λ i → cong f (sym p') ∙∙ cong f p' ∙ q
∙ compPath-filler r r' i ∙∙ λ j → r' (~ j ∧ i)
mainId : (x : S²)
→ (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' x (inl (base , base))) ≡ ∣ inl (x , base) ∣ₕ
mainId base = refl
mainId (surf i i₁) = refl
surf-filler : (x : S²)
→ encode ∣ north ∣ (λ i → ∣ σ S²∙ x i ∣) ≡ ∣ inl (x , base) ∣
surf-filler x =
(λ i → transp (λ j → Code (∣ merid base (i ∧ ~ j) ∣ₕ)) (~ i)
(encode ∣ merid base i ∣
λ j → ∣ compPath-filler
(merid x) (sym (merid base)) (~ i) j ∣ₕ))
∙ cong subber
(transportRefl (S²→Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²↺' x (inl (base , base)))
∙ mainId x)
IsoΩ∥SuspS²∥₅∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ :
Iso (hLevelTrunc 5 (typ (Ω (Susp∙ S²))))
(hLevelTrunc 5 Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²)
IsoΩ∥SuspS²∥₅∥Pushout⋁↪fold⋁S²∥₅ =
compIso (invIso (PathIdTruncIso _)) is
is : Iso _ _
fun is = encode ∣ north ∣
inv is = decode ∣ north ∣
rightInv is = decode-encode
leftInv is = encode-decode ∣ north ∣