{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
This file contains:
1. The long exact sequence of loop spaces Ωⁿ (fib f) → Ωⁿ A → Ωⁿ B
2. The long exact sequence of homotopy groups πₙ(fib f) → πₙ A → πₙ B
3. Some lemmas relating the map in the sequence to maps using the
   other definition of πₙ (maps from Sⁿ)
module Cubical.Homotopy.Group.LES where

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to ∙assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open Iso
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function

open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
  renaming (rec to sRec
          ; elim to sElim ; elim2 to sElim2
          ; map to sMap)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
  renaming (rec to pRec)

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath

-- We will need an explicitly defined equivalence
-- (PathP (λ i → p i ≡ y) q q) ≃ (sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q ≡ refl)
-- This is given by →∙∙lCancel below
module _ { : Level} {A : Type } {x y : A} (p : x  x) (q : x  y) where
  →∙∙lCancel-fill : PathP  i  p i  y) q q  I  I  I  A
  →∙∙lCancel-fill PP k i j =
    hfill  k  λ {(i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q k j
                 ; (i = i1)  y
                 ; (j = i0)  q (i  k)
                 ; (j = i1)  q (i  k)})
        (inS (PP j i))

  ←∙∙lCancel-fill : sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q  refl  I  I  I  A
  ←∙∙lCancel-fill PP k i j =
    hfill  k  λ {(i = i0)  q (j  ~ k)
                   ; (i = i1)  q (j  ~ k)
                   ; (j = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (~ k) i
                   ; (j = i1)  y})
          (inS (PP j i))

  →∙∙lCancel : PathP  i  p i  y) q q  sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q  refl
  →∙∙lCancel PP i j = →∙∙lCancel-fill PP i1 i j

  ←∙∙lCancel : sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q  refl  PathP  i  p i  y) q q
  ←∙∙lCancel PP i j = ←∙∙lCancel-fill PP i1 i j

  ←∙∙lCancel→∙∙lCancel : (PP : PathP  i  p i  y) q q)
     ←∙∙lCancel (→∙∙lCancel PP)  PP
  ←∙∙lCancel→∙∙lCancel PP r i j =
    hcomp  k  λ {(r = i0)  ←∙∙lCancel-fill (→∙∙lCancel PP) k i j
                   ; (r = i1)  PP i j
                   ; (j = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (~ k  ~ r) i
                   ; (j = i1)  y
                   ; (i = i0)  q (j  ~ k  ~ r)
                   ; (i = i1)  q (j  ~ k  ~ r)})
     (hcomp  k  λ {(r = i0)  →∙∙lCancel-fill PP k j i
                   ; (r = i1)  PP i j
                   ; (j = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (k  ~ r) i
                   ; (j = i1)  y
                   ; (i = i0)  q (j  k  ~ r)
                   ; (i = i1)  q (j  k  ~ r)})
            (PP i j))

  →∙∙lCancel←∙∙lCancel : (PP : sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q  refl)
     →∙∙lCancel (←∙∙lCancel PP)  PP
  →∙∙lCancel←∙∙lCancel PP r i j =
    hcomp  k  λ {(r = i0)  →∙∙lCancel-fill (←∙∙lCancel PP) k i j
                   ; (r = i1)  PP i j
                   ; (j = i0)  q (i  k  r)
                   ; (j = i1)  q (i  k  r)
                   ; (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (r  k) j
                   ; (i = i1)  y})
     (hcomp  k  λ {(r = i0)  ←∙∙lCancel-fill PP k j i
                   ; (r = i1)  PP i j
                   ; (j = i0)  q (i  r  ~ k)
                   ; (j = i1)  q (i  r  ~ k)
                   ; (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (r  ~ k) j
                   ; (i = i1)  y})
            (PP i j))

←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl :
  { : Level} {A : Type } {x : A} (p : refl {x = x}  refl)
   ←∙∙lCancel {x = x} {y = x} refl refl (sym (rUnit refl)  p)
   flipSquare p
←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl p k i j =
  hcomp  r  λ { (i = i0)  p i0 i0
             ; (i = i1)  p i0 i0
             ; (j = i0)  rUnit  _  p i0 i0) (~ r) i
             ; (j = i1)  p i0 i0
             ; (k = i0)  ←∙∙lCancel-fill refl refl (sym (rUnit refl)  p) r i j
             ; (k = i1)  compPath-filler' (sym (rUnit refl)) p (~ r) j i})
         ((sym (rUnit refl)  p) j i)

{- We need an iso Ω(fib f) ≅ fib(Ω f) -}
ΩFibreIso : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
             Iso (typ (Ω (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f)))
                   (fiber (Ω→ f .fst) refl)
fun (ΩFibreIso f) p = (cong fst p) ,
                   →∙∙lCancel (cong (fst f) (cong fst p)) (snd f)
                      (cong snd p)
fst (inv (ΩFibreIso f) (p , q) i) = p i
snd (inv (ΩFibreIso f) (p , q) i) = ←∙∙lCancel (cong (fst f) p) (snd f) q i
rightInv (ΩFibreIso f) (p , q) = ΣPathP (refl , →∙∙lCancel←∙∙lCancel _ _ q)
fst (leftInv (ΩFibreIso f) p i j) = fst (p j)
snd (leftInv (ΩFibreIso f) p i j) k =
  ←∙∙lCancel→∙∙lCancel _ _ (cong snd p) i j k

{- Some homomorphism properties of the above iso -}
ΩFibreIsopres∙fst : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
                     (p q : (typ (Ω (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))))
                     fst (fun (ΩFibreIso f) (p  q))
                     fst (fun (ΩFibreIso f) p)  fst (fun (ΩFibreIso f) q)
ΩFibreIsopres∙fst f p q = cong-∙ fst p q

ΩFibreIso⁻pres∙snd : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
                    (f : A →∙ B) (p q : typ (Ω (Ω B)))
                     inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , (Ω→ f .snd  p  q))
                     inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd  p)
                     inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd  q)
ΩFibreIso⁻pres∙snd {A = A} {B = B}=
  →∙J  b₀ f  (p q : typ (Ω (Ω (fst B , b₀))))
                inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , (Ω→ f .snd  p  q))
                  inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd  p)
                  inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd  q))
  ind : (f : typ A  typ B) (p q : typ (Ω (Ω (fst B , f (pt A)))))
       inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , (sym (rUnit refl)  p  q))
        inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  p)
        inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  q)
  fst (ind f p q i j) =
    (rUnit refl
      sym (cong-∙ fst
      (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  p))
      (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  q)))) i j
  snd (ind f p q i j) k =
    hcomp  r
       λ {(i = i0)  ←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl (p  q) (~ r) j k --
          ; (i = i1) 
            snd (compPath-filler
                (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl))
                     (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  p))
                (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl))
                     (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  q)) r j) k
          ; (j = i0)  f (snd A)
          ; (j = i1)  snd (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl))
                            (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  q) (r  ~ i)) k
          ; (k = i0)  main r i j
          ; (k = i1)  f (snd A)})
       (hcomp  r  λ {(i = i0)  (p  q) k j
                   ; (i = i1)  ←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl p (~ r) j k
                   ; (j = i0)  f (snd A)
                   ; (j = i1)  ←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl q (~ r) (~ i) k
                   ; (k = i0)  f (pt A)
                   ; (k = i1)  f (snd A)})
              (hcomp  r  λ {(i = i0)  (compPath-filler' p q r) k j
                   ; (i = i1)  p (k  ~ r) j
                   ; (j = i0)  f (snd A)
                   ; (j = i1)  q k (~ i)
                   ; (k = i0)  p (k  ~ r) j
                   ; (k = i1)  f (snd A)})
               (q k (~ i  j))))
    P = (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  p))
    Q = (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl)  q))

    main : I  I  I  fst B
    main r i j =
      hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0)  f (snd A)
                     ; (i = i1)  f (fst (compPath-filler P Q (r  ~ k) j))
                     ; (j = i0)  f (snd A)
                     ; (j = i1)  f (snd A)
                     ; (r = i0)  f (fst (compPath-filler P Q (i  ~ k) j))
                     ; (r = i1)  f ((rUnit refl  sym (cong-∙ fst P Q)) i j)})
            (hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0)  f (rUnit  _  pt A) (~ k  r) j)
                     ; (i = i1)  f (fst ((P  Q) j))
                     ; (j = i0)  f (snd A)
                     ; (j = i1)  f (snd A)
                     ; (r = i0)  f (fst (compPath-filler P Q i j))
                     ; (r = i1)  f ((compPath-filler' (rUnit refl)
                                     (sym (cong-∙ fst P Q)) k) i j)})
             (hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0)  f (rUnit  _  pt A) (k  r) j)
                     ; (i = i1)  f (fst (compPath-filler P Q k j))
                     ; (j = i0)  f (snd A)
                     ; (j = i1)  f (snd A)
                     ; (r = i0)  f (fst (compPath-filler P Q (i  k) j))
                     ; (r = i1)  f ((cong-∙∙-filler fst refl P Q) k (~ i) j)})
                    (f (snd A))))

ΩFibreIso∙ : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
             Iso.fun (ΩFibreIso f) refl  (refl , (∙∙lCancel (snd f)))
ΩFibreIso∙ {A = A} {B = B} =
  →∙J  b f  Iso.fun (ΩFibreIso f) refl  (refl , (∙∙lCancel (snd f))))
    λ f  ΣPathP (refl , help f)
  help : (f : fst A  fst B) 
       →∙∙lCancel  i  f (snd A)) refl  i  refl)
        ∙∙lCancel refl
  help f i j r =
    hcomp  k  λ {(i = i0) 
                    →∙∙lCancel-fill  _  f (snd A)) refl refl k j r
                   ; (i = i1)  ∙∙lCancel-fill  _  f (snd A))  j r k
                   ; (j = i0)  rUnit  _  f (snd A)) k r
                   ; (j = i1)  f (snd A)
                   ; (r = i1)  f (snd A)
                   ; (r = i0)  f (snd A)})
          (f (snd A))

ΩFibreIso⁻∙ : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
            Iso.inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , (∙∙lCancel (snd f)))  refl
ΩFibreIso⁻∙ f =
  cong (Iso.inv (ΩFibreIso f)) (sym (ΩFibreIso∙ f))  leftInv (ΩFibreIso f) refl

{- Ωⁿ (fib f) ≃∙ fib (Ωⁿ f) -}
Ω^Fibre≃∙ : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
              ((Ω^ n) (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))
              ≃∙ ((fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B)))
                , (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd))
Ω^Fibre≃∙ zero f =  (idEquiv _) , refl
Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f =
    (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))
    ((isoToEquiv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))) , ΩFibreIso∙ (Ω^→ n f))

{- Its inverse iso directly defined -}
Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
     (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
   ((fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B)))
     , (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd))
  ≃∙ ((Ω^ n) (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))
Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ zero f = (idEquiv _) , refl
Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ (suc n) f =
    ((isoToEquiv (invIso (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))))
    , (ΩFibreIso⁻∙ (Ω^→ n f)))
    (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))

isHomogeneousΩ^→fib : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
    (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
    ((fiber (Ω^→ (suc n) f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
      , (snd ((Ω^ (suc n)) A)) , (Ω^→ (suc n) f .snd))
isHomogeneousΩ^→fib n f =
  subst isHomogeneous (ua∙ ((fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f)))
                           (snd (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f)))
                      (isHomogeneousPath _ _)

Ω^Fibre≃∙sect : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
     (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
   (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f) ∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))
     idfun∙ _
Ω^Fibre≃∙sect zero f = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (rUnit refl)))
Ω^Fibre≃∙sect (suc n) f =
  →∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousPath _ _)
      λ p  cong (fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
                   (leftInv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))
                     ((fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) p)))
           sym (Ω→∘ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
                      (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) p)
            i  (Ω→ (Ω^Fibre≃∙sect n f i)) .fst p)
           sym (rUnit p))

Ω^Fibre≃∙retr : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
     (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
   (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f) ∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
     idfun∙ _
Ω^Fibre≃∙retr zero f = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (rUnit refl)))
Ω^Fibre≃∙retr (suc n) f =
    →∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousΩ^→fib n f)
      (funExt  p 
        cong (fun (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)))
          ((sym (Ω→∘ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))
                     (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
               (inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p)))
           i  Ω→ (Ω^Fibre≃∙retr n f i) .fst (inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p))
          sym (rUnit (inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p)))
         rightInv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p))

Ω^Fibre≃∙' : { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'}
     (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
   ((Ω^ n) (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))
   ≃∙ ((fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B)))
     , (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd))
Ω^Fibre≃∙' zero f = idEquiv _ , refl
Ω^Fibre≃∙' (suc zero) f =
  (isoToEquiv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ zero f))) , ΩFibreIso∙ (Ω^→ zero f)
Ω^Fibre≃∙' (suc (suc n)) f =
    (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f))
    ((isoToEquiv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ (suc n) f))) , ΩFibreIso∙ (Ω^→ (suc n) f))

-- The long exact sequence of loop spaces.
module ΩLES { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B) where
  {- Fibre of f -}
  fibf : Pointed _
  fibf = fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A , snd f)

  {- Fibre of Ωⁿ f -}
  fibΩ^f : (n : )  Pointed _
  fst (fibΩ^f n) = fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B))
  snd (fibΩ^f n) = (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd)

  Ω^fibf : (n : )  Pointed _
  Ω^fibf n = (Ω^ n) fibf

  {- Helper function fib (Ωⁿ f) → Ωⁿ A -}
  fibΩ^f→A : (n : )  fibΩ^f n →∙ (Ω^ n) A
  fst (fibΩ^f→A n) = fst
  snd (fibΩ^f→A n) = refl

  {- The main function Ωⁿ(fib f) → Ωⁿ A, which is just the composition
  Ωⁿ(fib f) ≃ fib (Ωⁿ f) → Ωⁿ A, where the last function is
  fibΩ^f→A. Hence most proofs will concern fibΩ^f→A, since it is easier to
  work with. -}
  Ω^fibf→A : (n : )  Ω^fibf n →∙ (Ω^ n) A
  Ω^fibf→A n = fibΩ^f→A n ∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)

  {- The function preserves path composition -}
  Ω^fibf→A-pres∙ : (n : )  (p q : Ω^fibf (suc n) .fst)
     Ω^fibf→A (suc n) .fst (p  q)
      Ω^fibf→A (suc n) .fst p
      Ω^fibf→A (suc n) .fst q
  Ω^fibf→A-pres∙ n p q =
    cong (fst (fibΩ^f→A (suc n)))
      (cong (fun (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)))
        (Ω→pres∙ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) p q))
     ΩFibreIsopres∙fst (Ω^→ n f)
        (fst (Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) p)
        (fst (Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) q)

  {- The function Ωⁿ A → Ωⁿ B -}
  A→B : (n : )  (Ω^ n) A →∙ (Ω^ n) B
  A→B n = Ω^→ n f

  {- It preserves path composition -}
  A→B-pres∙ : (n : )  (p q : typ ((Ω^ (suc n)) A))
             fst (A→B (suc n)) (p  q)
             fst (A→B (suc n)) p  fst (A→B (suc n)) q
  A→B-pres∙ n p q = Ω^→pres∙ f n p q

  {- Helper function Ωⁿ⁺¹ B → fib (Ωⁿ f) -}
  ΩB→fibΩ^f : (n : )  ((Ω^ (suc n)) B) →∙ fibΩ^f n
  fst (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x = (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd  x)
  snd (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (rUnit _)))

  {- The main function Ωⁿ⁺¹ B → Ωⁿ (fib f),
     factoring through the above function -}
  ΩB→Ω^fibf : (n : )  (Ω^ (suc n)) B →∙ Ω^fibf n
  ΩB→Ω^fibf n =
       (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
    ∘∙ ΩB→fibΩ^f n

  {- It preserves path composition -}
  ΩB→Ω^fibf-pres∙ : (n : )  (p q : typ ((Ω^ (2 + n)) B))
     fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) (p  q)
      fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) p  fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) q
  ΩB→Ω^fibf-pres∙ n p q =
      cong (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ (suc n) f)))
     cong (fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
        (cong (fun (invIso (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))))
           _  snd ((Ω^ suc n) A) , Ω^→ (suc n) f .snd  p  q))
     cong (fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
           (ΩFibreIso⁻pres∙snd (Ω^→ n f) p q)
     Ω≃∙pres∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f)
        (inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) (refl , Ω→ (Ω^→ n f) .snd  p))
        (inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) (refl , Ω→ (Ω^→ n f) .snd  q))

  {- Hence we have our sequence
     ... → Ωⁿ⁺¹B → Ωⁿ(fib f) → Ωⁿ A → Ωⁿ B → ...  (*)
     We first prove the exactness properties for the helper functions
     ΩB→fibΩ^f and fibΩ^f→A, and then deduce exactness of the whole sequence
     by noting that the functions in (*) are just ΩB→fibΩ^f, fibΩ^f→A but
     composed with equivalences
    Im-fibΩ^f→A⊂Ker-A→B : (n : ) (x : _)
                        isInIm∙ (fibΩ^f→A n) x
                        isInKer∙ (A→B n) x
    Im-fibΩ^f→A⊂Ker-A→B n x =
      uncurry λ p  J  x _  isInKer∙ (A→B n) x)
        (snd p)

    Ker-fibΩ^f→A⊂Im-ΩB→fibΩ^f : (n : ) (x : _)
                        isInKer∙ (fibΩ^f→A n) x
                        isInIm∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x
    Ker-fibΩ^f→A⊂Im-ΩB→fibΩ^f n x ker =
        (sym (Ω^→ n f .snd)
       cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) (sym ker)  snd x) , ΣPathP ((sym ker) ,
      ((∙assoc (Ω^→ n f .snd)
        (sym (Ω^→ n f .snd))
        (sym (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) ker)  snd x)
      ∙∙ cong (_∙ (sym (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) ker)  snd x))
              (rCancel (Ω^→ n f .snd))
      ∙∙ sym (lUnit (sym (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) ker)  snd x)))
        i j  compPath-filler'
                  (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) (sym ker)) (snd x) (~ i) j)))

    Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f : (n : ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
                        isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
                        isInKer∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x
    Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f n x =
      uncurry λ p
        J  x _  isInKer∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x)
         (ΣPathP (p , (((λ i   j  Ω^→ n f .snd (j  ~ i))
                              ((λ j  Ω^→ n f .snd (~ j  ~ i))
                             ∙∙ cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) p
                             ∙∙ Ω^→ n f .snd))
                       sym (lUnit (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) p  Ω^→ n f .snd)))
                     λ i j  compPath-filler'
                       (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) p) (Ω^→ n f .snd) (~ i) j)))

    Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B : (n : ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
                        isInKer∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x
                        isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
    fst (Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B n x inker) = cong fst inker
    snd (Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B n x inker) = lem
      lem : fst (A→B (suc n))  i  fst (inker i))  x
      lem i j =
        hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  doubleCompPath-filler
                                       (sym (snd (Ω^→ n f)))
                                       ((λ i  Ω^→ n f .fst (fst (inker i))))
                                       (snd (Ω^→ n f)) k j
                        ; (i = i1)  compPath-filler' (Ω^→ n f .snd) x (~ k) j
                        ; (j = i0)  snd (Ω^→ n f) k
                        ; (j = i1)  snd (Ω^→ n f) (k  i)})
              (hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  (snd (inker j)) (~ k)
                               ; (i = i1)  ((Ω^→ n f .snd)  x) (j  ~ k)
                               ; (j = i0)  ((Ω^→ n f .snd)  x) (~ k)
                               ; (j = i1)  snd (Ω^→ n f) (i  ~ k)})
                      (snd ((Ω^ n) B)))

  {- Finally, we get exactness of the sequence
     we are interested in -}
  Im-Ω^fibf→A⊂Ker-A→B : (n : ) (x : _)
                      isInIm∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
                      isInKer∙ (A→B n) x
  Im-Ω^fibf→A⊂Ker-A→B n x x₁ =
    Im-fibΩ^f→A⊂Ker-A→B n x
      (((fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) (fst x₁))
        , snd x₁)

  Ker-A→B⊂Im-Ω^fibf→A : (n : ) (x : _)
                    isInKer∙ (A→B n) x
                    isInIm∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
  Ker-A→B⊂Im-Ω^fibf→A n x ker =
      invEq (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) (x , ker)
    , (cong fst (secEq (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) (x , ker)))

  Ker-Ω^fibf→A⊂Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf : (n : ) (x : _)
                      isInKer∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
                      isInIm∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
  Ker-Ω^fibf→A⊂Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf n x p =
      fst r
    , cong (fst ((fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f)))) (snd r)
     funExt⁻ (cong fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙sect n f)) x
    r : isInIm∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) x)
    r = Ker-fibΩ^f→A⊂Im-ΩB→fibΩ^f n (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) x) p

  Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Ker-Ω^fibf→A : (n : ) (x : _)
                      isInIm∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
                      isInKer∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
  Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Ker-Ω^fibf→A n x =
    uncurry λ p 
      J  x _  isInKer∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x)
        (cong (fst (fibΩ^f→A n))
          (funExt⁻ (cong fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙retr n f)) _))

  Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf : (n : ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
                      isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
                      isInKer∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
  Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf n x p =
      cong (fst ((fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
           (Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f n x p)
     snd (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f)

  Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Im-A→B : (n : ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
                      isInKer∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
                      isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
  Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Im-A→B n x p =
    Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B n x
         (funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (Ω^Fibre≃∙retr n f))) (ΩB→fibΩ^f n .fst x)
         cong (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) p
         snd (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))

{- Some useful lemmas for converting the above sequence a
a sequence of homotopy groups -}
module setTruncLemmas { ℓ' ℓ'' : Level}
  {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} {C : Pointed ℓ''}
  (n m l : )
  (f : (Ω ((Ω^ n) A)) →∙ (Ω ((Ω^ m) B)))
  (g : (Ω ((Ω^ m) B)) →∙ (Ω ((Ω^ l) C)))
  (e₁ : IsGroupHom (snd (πGr n A)) (sMap (fst f)) (snd (πGr m B)))
  (e₂ : IsGroupHom (snd (πGr m B)) (sMap (fst g)) (snd (πGr l C))) where

  ker⊂im : ((x : typ (Ω ((Ω^ m) B)))  isInKer∙ g x  isInIm∙ f x)
          (x : π (suc m) B)  isInKer (_ , e₂) x  isInIm (_  , e₁) x
  ker⊂im ind =
    sElim  _  isSetΠ λ _  isProp→isSet squash₁)
      λ p ker 
        pRec squash₁
         ker∙    ind p ker∙ .fst ∣₂ , cong ∣_∣₂ (ind p ker∙ .snd) ∣₁ )
        (fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso ker)

  im⊂ker : ((x : typ (Ω ((Ω^ m) B)))  isInIm∙ f x  isInKer∙ g x)
         (x : π (suc m) B)  isInIm (_  , e₁) x  isInKer (_ , e₂) x
  im⊂ker ind =
    sElim  _  isSetΠ λ _  isSetPathImplicit)
      λ p 
       pRec (squash₂ _ _)
       (uncurry (sElim  _  isSetΠ λ _  isSetPathImplicit)
         λ a q  pRec (squash₂ _ _)
                        q  cong ∣_∣₂ (ind p (a , q)))
                       (fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso q)))

{- The long exact sequence of homotopy groups -}
module πLES { ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B) where
  module Ωs = ΩLES f
  open Ωs renaming (A→B to A→B')

  fib = fibf

  fib→A : (n : )  GroupHom (πGr n fib) (πGr n A)
  fst (fib→A n) = sMap (fst (Ω^fibf→A (suc n)))
  snd (fib→A n) =
      (sElim2  _  _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ p q  cong ∣_∣₂ (Ω^fibf→A-pres∙ n p q))

  A→B : (n : )  GroupHom (πGr n A) (πGr n B)
  fst (A→B n) = sMap (fst (A→B' (suc n)))
  snd (A→B n) =
      (sElim2  _  _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ g h  cong ∣_∣₂ (Ω^→pres∙ f n g h))

  B→fib : (n : )  GroupHom (πGr (suc n) B) (πGr n fib)
  fst (B→fib n) = sMap (fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)))
  snd (B→fib n) =
         _  _  isSetPathImplicit)
        λ p q  cong ∣_∣₂ (ΩB→Ω^fibf-pres∙ n p q))

  Ker-A→B⊂Im-fib→A : (n : ) (x : π (suc n) A)
     isInKer (A→B n) x
     isInIm (fib→A n) x
  Ker-A→B⊂Im-fib→A n =
    setTruncLemmas.ker⊂im n n n
      (Ω^fibf→A (suc n)) (A→B' (suc n))
      (snd (fib→A n)) (snd (A→B n))
      (Ker-A→B⊂Im-Ω^fibf→A (suc n))

  Im-fib→A⊂Ker-A→B : (n : ) (x : π (suc n) A)
     isInIm (fib→A n) x
     isInKer (A→B n) x
  Im-fib→A⊂Ker-A→B n =
    setTruncLemmas.im⊂ker n n n
      (Ω^fibf→A (suc n)) (A→B' (suc n))
      (snd (fib→A n)) (snd (A→B n))
      (Im-Ω^fibf→A⊂Ker-A→B (suc n))

  Ker-fib→A⊂Im-B→fib : (n : ) (x : π (suc n) fib)
     isInKer (fib→A n) x
     isInIm (B→fib n) x
  Ker-fib→A⊂Im-B→fib n =
    setTruncLemmas.ker⊂im (suc n) n n
      (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) (Ω^fibf→A (suc n))
      (snd (B→fib n)) (snd (fib→A n))
      (Ker-Ω^fibf→A⊂Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))

  Im-B→fib⊂Ker-fib→A : (n : ) (x : π (suc n) fib)
     isInIm (B→fib n) x
     isInKer (fib→A n) x
  Im-B→fib⊂Ker-fib→A n =
    setTruncLemmas.im⊂ker (suc n) n n
      (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) (Ω^fibf→A (suc n))
      (snd (B→fib n)) (snd (fib→A n))
      (Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Ker-Ω^fibf→A (suc n))

  Im-A→B⊂Ker-B→fib : (n : ) (x : π (suc (suc n)) B)
     isInIm (A→B (suc n)) x
     isInKer (B→fib n) x
  Im-A→B⊂Ker-B→fib n =
    setTruncLemmas.im⊂ker (suc n) (suc n) n
      (A→B' (suc (suc n))) (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))
      (snd (A→B (suc n))) (snd (B→fib n))
      (Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))

  Ker-B→fib⊂Im-A→B : (n : ) (x : π (suc (suc n)) B)
     isInKer (B→fib n) x
     isInIm (A→B (suc n)) x
  Ker-B→fib⊂Im-A→B n =
    setTruncLemmas.ker⊂im (suc n) (suc n) n
      (A→B' (suc (suc n))) (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))
      (snd (A→B (suc n))) (snd (B→fib n))
      (Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Im-A→B (suc n))

{- We prove that the map Ωⁿ(fib f) → Ωⁿ A indeed is just the map
Ωⁿ fst -}
  Ω^fibf→A-ind :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
         ΩLES.Ω^fibf→A f (suc n)  Ω→ (ΩLES.Ω^fibf→A f n)
  Ω^fibf→A-ind {A = A} {B = B} n f =
       _  πLES.Ωs.fibΩ^f→A f (suc n)
     ∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f))
     →∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousPath _ _)
      (funExt λ p 
         j  cong fst (Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) .fst p))
        rUnit ((λ i  fst
           (Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) .fst p i)))
       sym (Ω→∘ (πLES.Ωs.fibΩ^f→A f n) (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) p))

Ω^fibf→A≡ :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
       ΩLES.Ω^fibf→A f n  Ω^→ n (fst , refl)
Ω^fibf→A≡ zero f = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (lUnit refl)))
Ω^fibf→A≡ (suc n) f = Ω^fibf→A-ind n f  cong Ω→ (Ω^fibf→A≡ n f)

{- We now get a nice characterisation of the functions in the induced LES
of homotopy groups defined using (Sⁿ →∙ A) -}

π∘∙A→B-PathP :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
   PathP  i  GroupHomπ≅π'PathP A B n i)
           (πLES.A→B f n)
           (π'∘∙Hom n f)
π∘∙A→B-PathP n f =
  toPathP (Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _) (π'∘∙Hom'≡π'∘∙fun n f))

π∘∙fib→A-PathP :  { ℓ'} {A : Pointed } {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ) (f : A →∙ B)
   PathP  i  GroupHomπ≅π'PathP (ΩLES.fibf f) A n i)
           (πLES.fib→A f n)
           (π'∘∙Hom n (fst , refl))
π∘∙fib→A-PathP {A = A} {B = B} n f =
  toPathP (Σ≡Prop  _  isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
    (cong (transport
       i  (fst (GroupPath _ _)
               (GroupIso→GroupEquiv (π'Gr≅πGr n (ΩLES.fibf f))) (~ i)) .fst
            (fst (GroupPath _ _)
               (GroupIso→GroupEquiv (π'Gr≅πGr n A)) (~ i)) .fst))
    π'∘∙Hom'≡π'∘∙fun n (fst , refl)))
  lem : πLES.fib→A f n .fst  sMap (Ω^→ (suc n) (fst , refl) .fst)
  lem = cong sMap (cong fst (Ω^fibf→A≡ (suc n) f))