{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Homotopy.Group.LES where
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace
open import Cubical.Homotopy.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed
open import Cubical.Foundations.Pointed.Homogeneous
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws renaming (assoc to ∙assoc)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open Iso
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.HITs.SetTruncation
renaming (rec to sRec
; elim to sElim ; elim2 to sElim2
; map to sMap)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
renaming (rec to pRec)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath
module _ {ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {x y : A} (p : x ≡ x) (q : x ≡ y) where
→∙∙lCancel-fill : PathP (λ i → p i ≡ y) q q → I → I → I → A
→∙∙lCancel-fill PP k i j =
hfill (λ k → λ {(i = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q k j
; (i = i1) → y
; (j = i0) → q (i ∨ k)
; (j = i1) → q (i ∨ k)})
(inS (PP j i))
←∙∙lCancel-fill : sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q ≡ refl → I → I → I → A
←∙∙lCancel-fill PP k i j =
hfill (λ k → λ {(i = i0) → q (j ∨ ~ k)
; (i = i1) → q (j ∨ ~ k)
; (j = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (~ k) i
; (j = i1) → y})
(inS (PP j i))
→∙∙lCancel : PathP (λ i → p i ≡ y) q q → sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q ≡ refl
→∙∙lCancel PP i j = →∙∙lCancel-fill PP i1 i j
←∙∙lCancel : sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q ≡ refl → PathP (λ i → p i ≡ y) q q
←∙∙lCancel PP i j = ←∙∙lCancel-fill PP i1 i j
←∙∙lCancel→∙∙lCancel : (PP : PathP (λ i → p i ≡ y) q q)
→ ←∙∙lCancel (→∙∙lCancel PP) ≡ PP
←∙∙lCancel→∙∙lCancel PP r i j =
hcomp (λ k → λ {(r = i0) → ←∙∙lCancel-fill (→∙∙lCancel PP) k i j
; (r = i1) → PP i j
; (j = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (~ k ∧ ~ r) i
; (j = i1) → y
; (i = i0) → q (j ∨ ~ k ∧ ~ r)
; (i = i1) → q (j ∨ ~ k ∧ ~ r)})
(hcomp (λ k → λ {(r = i0) → →∙∙lCancel-fill PP k j i
; (r = i1) → PP i j
; (j = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (k ∧ ~ r) i
; (j = i1) → y
; (i = i0) → q (j ∨ k ∧ ~ r)
; (i = i1) → q (j ∨ k ∧ ~ r)})
(PP i j))
→∙∙lCancel←∙∙lCancel : (PP : sym q ∙∙ p ∙∙ q ≡ refl)
→ →∙∙lCancel (←∙∙lCancel PP) ≡ PP
→∙∙lCancel←∙∙lCancel PP r i j =
hcomp (λ k → λ {(r = i0) → →∙∙lCancel-fill (←∙∙lCancel PP) k i j
; (r = i1) → PP i j
; (j = i0) → q (i ∨ k ∨ r)
; (j = i1) → q (i ∨ k ∨ r)
; (i = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (r ∨ k) j
; (i = i1) → y})
(hcomp (λ k → λ {(r = i0) → ←∙∙lCancel-fill PP k j i
; (r = i1) → PP i j
; (j = i0) → q (i ∨ r ∨ ~ k)
; (j = i1) → q (i ∨ r ∨ ~ k)
; (i = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler (sym q) p q (r ∨ ~ k) j
; (i = i1) → y})
(PP i j))
←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl :
{ℓ : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} (p : refl {x = x} ≡ refl)
→ ←∙∙lCancel {x = x} {y = x} refl refl (sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p)
≡ flipSquare p
←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl p k i j =
hcomp (λ r → λ { (i = i0) → p i0 i0
; (i = i1) → p i0 i0
; (j = i0) → rUnit (λ _ → p i0 i0) (~ r) i
; (j = i1) → p i0 i0
; (k = i0) → ←∙∙lCancel-fill refl refl (sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p) r i j
; (k = i1) → compPath-filler' (sym (rUnit refl)) p (~ r) j i})
((sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p) j i)
ΩFibreIso : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
→ Iso (typ (Ω (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f)))
(fiber (Ω→ f .fst) refl)
fun (ΩFibreIso f) p = (cong fst p) ,
→∙∙lCancel (cong (fst f) (cong fst p)) (snd f)
(cong snd p)
fst (inv (ΩFibreIso f) (p , q) i) = p i
snd (inv (ΩFibreIso f) (p , q) i) = ←∙∙lCancel (cong (fst f) p) (snd f) q i
rightInv (ΩFibreIso f) (p , q) = ΣPathP (refl , →∙∙lCancel←∙∙lCancel _ _ q)
fst (leftInv (ΩFibreIso f) p i j) = fst (p j)
snd (leftInv (ΩFibreIso f) p i j) k =
←∙∙lCancel→∙∙lCancel _ _ (cong snd p) i j k
ΩFibreIsopres∙fst : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
→ (p q : (typ (Ω (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))))
→ fst (fun (ΩFibreIso f) (p ∙ q))
≡ fst (fun (ΩFibreIso f) p) ∙ fst (fun (ΩFibreIso f) q)
ΩFibreIsopres∙fst f p q = cong-∙ fst p q
ΩFibreIso⁻pres∙snd : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'}
(f : A →∙ B) (p q : typ (Ω (Ω B)))
→ inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , (Ω→ f .snd ∙ p ∙ q))
≡ inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd ∙ p)
∙ inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd ∙ q)
ΩFibreIso⁻pres∙snd {A = A} {B = B}=
→∙J (λ b₀ f → (p q : typ (Ω (Ω (fst B , b₀))))
→ inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , (Ω→ f .snd ∙ p ∙ q))
≡ inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd ∙ p)
∙ inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , Ω→ f .snd ∙ q))
ind : (f : typ A → typ B) (p q : typ (Ω (Ω (fst B , f (pt A)))))
→ inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , (sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p ∙ q))
≡ inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p)
∙ inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ q)
fst (ind f p q i j) =
(rUnit refl
∙ sym (cong-∙ fst
(inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p))
(inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ q)))) i j
snd (ind f p q i j) k =
hcomp (λ r
→ λ {(i = i0) → ←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl (p ∙ q) (~ r) j k
; (i = i1) →
snd (compPath-filler
(inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl))
(refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p))
(inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl))
(refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ q)) r j) k
; (j = i0) → f (snd A)
; (j = i1) → snd (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl))
(refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ q) (r ∨ ~ i)) k
; (k = i0) → main r i j
; (k = i1) → f (snd A)})
(hcomp (λ r → λ {(i = i0) → (p ∙ q) k j
; (i = i1) → ←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl p (~ r) j k
; (j = i0) → f (snd A)
; (j = i1) → ←∙∙lCancel-refl-refl q (~ r) (~ i) k
; (k = i0) → f (pt A)
; (k = i1) → f (snd A)})
(hcomp (λ r → λ {(i = i0) → (compPath-filler' p q r) k j
; (i = i1) → p (k ∨ ~ r) j
; (j = i0) → f (snd A)
; (j = i1) → q k (~ i)
; (k = i0) → p (k ∨ ~ r) j
; (k = i1) → f (snd A)})
(q k (~ i ∧ j))))
P = (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ p))
Q = (inv (ΩFibreIso (f , refl)) (refl , sym (rUnit refl) ∙ q))
main : I → I → I → fst B
main r i j =
hcomp (λ k → λ {(i = i0) → f (snd A)
; (i = i1) → f (fst (compPath-filler P Q (r ∨ ~ k) j))
; (j = i0) → f (snd A)
; (j = i1) → f (snd A)
; (r = i0) → f (fst (compPath-filler P Q (i ∧ ~ k) j))
; (r = i1) → f ((rUnit refl ∙ sym (cong-∙ fst P Q)) i j)})
(hcomp (λ k → λ {(i = i0) → f (rUnit (λ _ → pt A) (~ k ∧ r) j)
; (i = i1) → f (fst ((P ∙ Q) j))
; (j = i0) → f (snd A)
; (j = i1) → f (snd A)
; (r = i0) → f (fst (compPath-filler P Q i j))
; (r = i1) → f ((compPath-filler' (rUnit refl)
(sym (cong-∙ fst P Q)) k) i j)})
(hcomp (λ k → λ {(i = i0) → f (rUnit (λ _ → pt A) (k ∧ r) j)
; (i = i1) → f (fst (compPath-filler P Q k j))
; (j = i0) → f (snd A)
; (j = i1) → f (snd A)
; (r = i0) → f (fst (compPath-filler P Q (i ∧ k) j))
; (r = i1) → f ((cong-∙∙-filler fst refl P Q) k (~ i) j)})
(f (snd A))))
ΩFibreIso∙ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
→ Iso.fun (ΩFibreIso f) refl ≡ (refl , (∙∙lCancel (snd f)))
ΩFibreIso∙ {A = A} {B = B} =
→∙J (λ b f → Iso.fun (ΩFibreIso f) refl ≡ (refl , (∙∙lCancel (snd f))))
λ f → ΣPathP (refl , help f)
help : (f : fst A → fst B) →
→∙∙lCancel (λ i → f (snd A)) refl (λ i → refl)
≡ ∙∙lCancel refl
help f i j r =
hcomp (λ k → λ {(i = i0) →
→∙∙lCancel-fill (λ _ → f (snd A)) refl refl k j r
; (i = i1) → ∙∙lCancel-fill (λ _ → f (snd A)) j r k
; (j = i0) → rUnit (λ _ → f (snd A)) k r
; (j = i1) → f (snd A)
; (r = i1) → f (snd A)
; (r = i0) → f (snd A)})
(f (snd A))
ΩFibreIso⁻∙ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B)
→ Iso.inv (ΩFibreIso f) (refl , (∙∙lCancel (snd f))) ≡ refl
ΩFibreIso⁻∙ f =
cong (Iso.inv (ΩFibreIso f)) (sym (ΩFibreIso∙ f)) ∙ leftInv (ΩFibreIso f) refl
Ω^Fibre≃∙ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ ((Ω^ n) (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))
≃∙ ((fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B)))
, (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd))
Ω^Fibre≃∙ zero f = (idEquiv _) , refl
Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f =
(Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))
((isoToEquiv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))) , ΩFibreIso∙ (Ω^→ n f))
Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'}
(n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ ((fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B)))
, (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd))
≃∙ ((Ω^ n) (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))
Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ zero f = (idEquiv _) , refl
Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ (suc n) f =
((isoToEquiv (invIso (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))))
, (ΩFibreIso⁻∙ (Ω^→ n f)))
(Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
isHomogeneousΩ^→fib : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'}
(n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ isHomogeneous
((fiber (Ω^→ (suc n) f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
, (snd ((Ω^ (suc n)) A)) , (Ω^→ (suc n) f .snd))
isHomogeneousΩ^→fib n f =
subst isHomogeneous (ua∙ ((fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f)))
(snd (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f)))
(isHomogeneousPath _ _)
Ω^Fibre≃∙sect : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'}
(n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f) ∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))
≡ idfun∙ _
Ω^Fibre≃∙sect zero f = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (rUnit refl)))
Ω^Fibre≃∙sect (suc n) f =
→∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousPath _ _)
λ p → cong (fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
(leftInv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))
((fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) p)))
∙ sym (Ω→∘ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
(≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) p)
∙ (λ i → (Ω→ (Ω^Fibre≃∙sect n f i)) .fst p)
∙ sym (rUnit p))
Ω^Fibre≃∙retr : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'}
(n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f) ∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
≡ idfun∙ _
Ω^Fibre≃∙retr zero f = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (rUnit refl)))
Ω^Fibre≃∙retr (suc n) f =
→∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousΩ^→fib n f)
(funExt (λ p →
cong (fun (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)))
((sym (Ω→∘ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))
(≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
(inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p)))
∙ (λ i → Ω→ (Ω^Fibre≃∙retr n f i) .fst (inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p))
∙ sym (rUnit (inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p)))
∙ rightInv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) p))
Ω^Fibre≃∙' : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'}
(n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ ((Ω^ n) (fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A) , snd f))
≃∙ ((fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B)))
, (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd))
Ω^Fibre≃∙' zero f = idEquiv _ , refl
Ω^Fibre≃∙' (suc zero) f =
(isoToEquiv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ zero f))) , ΩFibreIso∙ (Ω^→ zero f)
Ω^Fibre≃∙' (suc (suc n)) f =
(Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f))
((isoToEquiv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ (suc n) f))) , ΩFibreIso∙ (Ω^→ (suc n) f))
module ΩLES {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B) where
fibf : Pointed _
fibf = fiber (fst f) (pt B) , (pt A , snd f)
fibΩ^f : (n : ℕ) → Pointed _
fst (fibΩ^f n) = fiber (Ω^→ n f .fst) (snd ((Ω^ n) B))
snd (fibΩ^f n) = (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd)
Ω^fibf : (n : ℕ) → Pointed _
Ω^fibf n = (Ω^ n) fibf
fibΩ^f→A : (n : ℕ) → fibΩ^f n →∙ (Ω^ n) A
fst (fibΩ^f→A n) = fst
snd (fibΩ^f→A n) = refl
Ω^fibf→A : (n : ℕ) → Ω^fibf n →∙ (Ω^ n) A
Ω^fibf→A n = fibΩ^f→A n ∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)
Ω^fibf→A-pres∙ : (n : ℕ) → (p q : Ω^fibf (suc n) .fst)
→ Ω^fibf→A (suc n) .fst (p ∙ q)
≡ Ω^fibf→A (suc n) .fst p
∙ Ω^fibf→A (suc n) .fst q
Ω^fibf→A-pres∙ n p q =
cong (fst (fibΩ^f→A (suc n)))
(cong (fun (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)))
(Ω→pres∙ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) p q))
∙ ΩFibreIsopres∙fst (Ω^→ n f)
(fst (Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) p)
(fst (Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) q)
A→B : (n : ℕ) → (Ω^ n) A →∙ (Ω^ n) B
A→B n = Ω^→ n f
A→B-pres∙ : (n : ℕ) → (p q : typ ((Ω^ (suc n)) A))
→ fst (A→B (suc n)) (p ∙ q)
≡ fst (A→B (suc n)) p ∙ fst (A→B (suc n)) q
A→B-pres∙ n p q = Ω^→pres∙ f n p q
ΩB→fibΩ^f : (n : ℕ) → ((Ω^ (suc n)) B) →∙ fibΩ^f n
fst (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x = (snd ((Ω^ n) A)) , (Ω^→ n f .snd ∙ x)
snd (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (rUnit _)))
ΩB→Ω^fibf : (n : ℕ) → (Ω^ (suc n)) B →∙ Ω^fibf n
ΩB→Ω^fibf n =
(≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))
∘∙ ΩB→fibΩ^f n
ΩB→Ω^fibf-pres∙ : (n : ℕ) → (p q : typ ((Ω^ (2 + n)) B))
→ fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) (p ∙ q)
≡ fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) p ∙ fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) q
ΩB→Ω^fibf-pres∙ n p q =
cong (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ (suc n) f)))
∙ cong (fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
(cong (fun (invIso (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f))))
(λ _ → snd ((Ω^ suc n) A) , Ω^→ (suc n) f .snd ∙ p ∙ q))
∙ cong (fst (fst (Ω≃∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
(ΩFibreIso⁻pres∙snd (Ω^→ n f) p q)
∙ Ω≃∙pres∙ (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f)
(inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) (refl , Ω→ (Ω^→ n f) .snd ∙ p))
(inv (ΩFibreIso (Ω^→ n f)) (refl , Ω→ (Ω^→ n f) .snd ∙ q))
Im-fibΩ^f→A⊂Ker-A→B : (n : ℕ) (x : _)
→ isInIm∙ (fibΩ^f→A n) x
→ isInKer∙ (A→B n) x
Im-fibΩ^f→A⊂Ker-A→B n x =
uncurry λ p → J (λ x _ → isInKer∙ (A→B n) x)
(snd p)
Ker-fibΩ^f→A⊂Im-ΩB→fibΩ^f : (n : ℕ) (x : _)
→ isInKer∙ (fibΩ^f→A n) x
→ isInIm∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x
Ker-fibΩ^f→A⊂Im-ΩB→fibΩ^f n x ker =
(sym (Ω^→ n f .snd)
∙ cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) (sym ker) ∙ snd x) , ΣPathP ((sym ker) ,
((∙assoc (Ω^→ n f .snd)
(sym (Ω^→ n f .snd))
(sym (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) ker) ∙ snd x)
∙∙ cong (_∙ (sym (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) ker) ∙ snd x))
(rCancel (Ω^→ n f .snd))
∙∙ sym (lUnit (sym (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) ker) ∙ snd x)))
◁ (λ i j → compPath-filler'
(cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) (sym ker)) (snd x) (~ i) j)))
Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f : (n : ℕ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
→ isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
→ isInKer∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x
Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f n x =
uncurry λ p
→ J (λ x _ → isInKer∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x)
(ΣPathP (p , (((λ i → (λ j → Ω^→ n f .snd (j ∧ ~ i))
∙ ((λ j → Ω^→ n f .snd (~ j ∧ ~ i))
∙∙ cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) p
∙∙ Ω^→ n f .snd))
∙ sym (lUnit (cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) p ∙ Ω^→ n f .snd)))
◁ λ i j → compPath-filler'
(cong (Ω^→ n f .fst) p) (Ω^→ n f .snd) (~ i) j)))
Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B : (n : ℕ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
→ isInKer∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) x
→ isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
fst (Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B n x inker) = cong fst inker
snd (Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B n x inker) = lem
lem : fst (A→B (suc n)) (λ i → fst (inker i)) ≡ x
lem i j =
hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → doubleCompPath-filler
(sym (snd (Ω^→ n f)))
((λ i → Ω^→ n f .fst (fst (inker i))))
(snd (Ω^→ n f)) k j
; (i = i1) → compPath-filler' (Ω^→ n f .snd) x (~ k) j
; (j = i0) → snd (Ω^→ n f) k
; (j = i1) → snd (Ω^→ n f) (k ∨ i)})
(hcomp (λ k → λ { (i = i0) → (snd (inker j)) (~ k)
; (i = i1) → ((Ω^→ n f .snd) ∙ x) (j ∨ ~ k)
; (j = i0) → ((Ω^→ n f .snd) ∙ x) (~ k)
; (j = i1) → snd (Ω^→ n f) (i ∨ ~ k)})
(snd ((Ω^ n) B)))
Im-Ω^fibf→A⊂Ker-A→B : (n : ℕ) (x : _)
→ isInIm∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
→ isInKer∙ (A→B n) x
Im-Ω^fibf→A⊂Ker-A→B n x x₁ =
Im-fibΩ^f→A⊂Ker-A→B n x
(((fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) (fst x₁))
, snd x₁)
Ker-A→B⊂Im-Ω^fibf→A : (n : ℕ) (x : _)
→ isInKer∙ (A→B n) x
→ isInIm∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
Ker-A→B⊂Im-Ω^fibf→A n x ker =
invEq (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) (x , ker)
, (cong fst (secEq (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) (x , ker)))
Ker-Ω^fibf→A⊂Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf : (n : ℕ) (x : _)
→ isInKer∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
→ isInIm∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
Ker-Ω^fibf→A⊂Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf n x p =
fst r
, cong (fst ((fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f)))) (snd r)
∙ funExt⁻ (cong fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙sect n f)) x
r : isInIm∙ (ΩB→fibΩ^f n) (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) x)
r = Ker-fibΩ^f→A⊂Im-ΩB→fibΩ^f n (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) x) p
Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Ker-Ω^fibf→A : (n : ℕ) (x : _)
→ isInIm∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
→ isInKer∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x
Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Ker-Ω^fibf→A n x =
uncurry λ p →
J (λ x _ → isInKer∙ (Ω^fibf→A n) x)
(cong (fst (fibΩ^f→A n))
(funExt⁻ (cong fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙retr n f)) _))
Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf : (n : ℕ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
→ isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
→ isInKer∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf n x p =
cong (fst ((fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f))))
(Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f n x p)
∙ snd (Ω^Fibre≃∙⁻ n f)
Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Im-A→B : (n : ℕ) (x : fst (((Ω^ (suc n)) B)))
→ isInKer∙ (ΩB→Ω^fibf n) x
→ isInIm∙ (A→B (suc n)) x
Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Im-A→B n x p =
Ker-ΩB→fibΩ^f⊂Im-A→B n x
(funExt⁻ (cong fst (sym (Ω^Fibre≃∙retr n f))) (ΩB→fibΩ^f n .fst x)
∙ cong (fst (fst (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))) p
∙ snd (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f))
module setTruncLemmas {ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' : Level}
{A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} {C : Pointed ℓ''}
(n m l : ℕ)
(f : (Ω ((Ω^ n) A)) →∙ (Ω ((Ω^ m) B)))
(g : (Ω ((Ω^ m) B)) →∙ (Ω ((Ω^ l) C)))
(e₁ : IsGroupHom (snd (πGr n A)) (sMap (fst f)) (snd (πGr m B)))
(e₂ : IsGroupHom (snd (πGr m B)) (sMap (fst g)) (snd (πGr l C))) where
ker⊂im : ((x : typ (Ω ((Ω^ m) B))) → isInKer∙ g x → isInIm∙ f x)
→ (x : π (suc m) B) → isInKer (_ , e₂) x → isInIm (_ , e₁) x
ker⊂im ind =
sElim (λ _ → isSetΠ λ _ → isProp→isSet squash₁)
λ p ker →
pRec squash₁
(λ ker∙ → ∣ ∣ ind p ker∙ .fst ∣₂ , cong ∣_∣₂ (ind p ker∙ .snd) ∣₁ )
(fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso ker)
im⊂ker : ((x : typ (Ω ((Ω^ m) B))) → isInIm∙ f x → isInKer∙ g x)
→ (x : π (suc m) B) → isInIm (_ , e₁) x → isInKer (_ , e₂) x
im⊂ker ind =
sElim (λ _ → isSetΠ λ _ → isSetPathImplicit)
λ p →
pRec (squash₂ _ _)
(uncurry (sElim (λ _ → isSetΠ λ _ → isSetPathImplicit)
λ a q → pRec (squash₂ _ _)
(λ q → cong ∣_∣₂ (ind p (a , q)))
(fun PathIdTrunc₀Iso q)))
module πLES {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (f : A →∙ B) where
module Ωs = ΩLES f
open Ωs renaming (A→B to A→B')
fib = fibf
fib→A : (n : ℕ) → GroupHom (πGr n fib) (πGr n A)
fst (fib→A n) = sMap (fst (Ω^fibf→A (suc n)))
snd (fib→A n) =
(sElim2 (λ _ _ → isSetPathImplicit)
λ p q → cong ∣_∣₂ (Ω^fibf→A-pres∙ n p q))
A→B : (n : ℕ) → GroupHom (πGr n A) (πGr n B)
fst (A→B n) = sMap (fst (A→B' (suc n)))
snd (A→B n) =
(sElim2 (λ _ _ → isSetPathImplicit)
λ g h → cong ∣_∣₂ (Ω^→pres∙ f n g h))
B→fib : (n : ℕ) → GroupHom (πGr (suc n) B) (πGr n fib)
fst (B→fib n) = sMap (fst (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)))
snd (B→fib n) =
(λ _ _ → isSetPathImplicit)
λ p q → cong ∣_∣₂ (ΩB→Ω^fibf-pres∙ n p q))
Ker-A→B⊂Im-fib→A : (n : ℕ) (x : π (suc n) A)
→ isInKer (A→B n) x
→ isInIm (fib→A n) x
Ker-A→B⊂Im-fib→A n =
setTruncLemmas.ker⊂im n n n
(Ω^fibf→A (suc n)) (A→B' (suc n))
(snd (fib→A n)) (snd (A→B n))
(Ker-A→B⊂Im-Ω^fibf→A (suc n))
Im-fib→A⊂Ker-A→B : (n : ℕ) (x : π (suc n) A)
→ isInIm (fib→A n) x
→ isInKer (A→B n) x
Im-fib→A⊂Ker-A→B n =
setTruncLemmas.im⊂ker n n n
(Ω^fibf→A (suc n)) (A→B' (suc n))
(snd (fib→A n)) (snd (A→B n))
(Im-Ω^fibf→A⊂Ker-A→B (suc n))
Ker-fib→A⊂Im-B→fib : (n : ℕ) (x : π (suc n) fib)
→ isInKer (fib→A n) x
→ isInIm (B→fib n) x
Ker-fib→A⊂Im-B→fib n =
setTruncLemmas.ker⊂im (suc n) n n
(ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) (Ω^fibf→A (suc n))
(snd (B→fib n)) (snd (fib→A n))
(Ker-Ω^fibf→A⊂Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))
Im-B→fib⊂Ker-fib→A : (n : ℕ) (x : π (suc n) fib)
→ isInIm (B→fib n) x
→ isInKer (fib→A n) x
Im-B→fib⊂Ker-fib→A n =
setTruncLemmas.im⊂ker (suc n) n n
(ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n)) (Ω^fibf→A (suc n))
(snd (B→fib n)) (snd (fib→A n))
(Im-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Ker-Ω^fibf→A (suc n))
Im-A→B⊂Ker-B→fib : (n : ℕ) (x : π (suc (suc n)) B)
→ isInIm (A→B (suc n)) x
→ isInKer (B→fib n) x
Im-A→B⊂Ker-B→fib n =
setTruncLemmas.im⊂ker (suc n) (suc n) n
(A→B' (suc (suc n))) (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))
(snd (A→B (suc n))) (snd (B→fib n))
(Im-A→B⊂Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))
Ker-B→fib⊂Im-A→B : (n : ℕ) (x : π (suc (suc n)) B)
→ isInKer (B→fib n) x
→ isInIm (A→B (suc n)) x
Ker-B→fib⊂Im-A→B n =
setTruncLemmas.ker⊂im (suc n) (suc n) n
(A→B' (suc (suc n))) (ΩB→Ω^fibf (suc n))
(snd (A→B (suc n))) (snd (B→fib n))
(Ker-ΩB→Ω^fibf⊂Im-A→B (suc n))
Ω^fibf→A-ind : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ ΩLES.Ω^fibf→A f (suc n) ≡ Ω→ (ΩLES.Ω^fibf→A f n)
Ω^fibf→A-ind {A = A} {B = B} n f =
(λ _ → πLES.Ωs.fibΩ^f→A f (suc n)
∘∙ ≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ (suc n) f))
∙ →∙Homogeneous≡ (isHomogeneousPath _ _)
(funExt λ p →
(λ j → cong fst (Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) .fst p))
∙ rUnit ((λ i → fst
(Ω→ (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) .fst p i)))
∙ sym (Ω→∘ (πLES.Ωs.fibΩ^f→A f n) (≃∙map (Ω^Fibre≃∙ n f)) p))
Ω^fibf→A≡ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ ΩLES.Ω^fibf→A f n ≡ Ω^→ n (fst , refl)
Ω^fibf→A≡ zero f = ΣPathP (refl , (sym (lUnit refl)))
Ω^fibf→A≡ (suc n) f = Ω^fibf→A-ind n f ∙ cong Ω→ (Ω^fibf→A≡ n f)
π∘∙A→B-PathP : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ PathP (λ i → GroupHomπ≅π'PathP A B n i)
(πLES.A→B f n)
(π'∘∙Hom n f)
π∘∙A→B-PathP n f =
toPathP (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsGroupHom _ _) (π'∘∙Hom'≡π'∘∙fun n f))
π∘∙fib→A-PathP : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {A : Pointed ℓ} {B : Pointed ℓ'} (n : ℕ) (f : A →∙ B)
→ PathP (λ i → GroupHomπ≅π'PathP (ΩLES.fibf f) A n i)
(πLES.fib→A f n)
(π'∘∙Hom n (fst , refl))
π∘∙fib→A-PathP {A = A} {B = B} n f =
toPathP (Σ≡Prop (λ _ → isPropIsGroupHom _ _)
(cong (transport
(λ i → (fst (GroupPath _ _)
(GroupIso→GroupEquiv (π'Gr≅πGr n (ΩLES.fibf f))) (~ i)) .fst
→ (fst (GroupPath _ _)
(GroupIso→GroupEquiv (π'Gr≅πGr n A)) (~ i)) .fst))
∙ π'∘∙Hom'≡π'∘∙fun n (fst , refl)))
lem : πLES.fib→A f n .fst ≡ sMap (Ω^→ (suc n) (fst , refl) .fst)
lem = cong sMap (cong fst (Ω^fibf→A≡ (suc n) f))