{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
Builds bismulation for the cumulative hierarchy and shows that it
is equivalent to equality though it lives in a lower universe.

module Cubical.HITs.CumulativeHierarchy.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Functions.Embedding
open import Cubical.Functions.Logic as L
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as P hiding (elim; elim2)
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as Q using (_/_; setQuotUniversal; eq/; squash/)

open import Cubical.HITs.CumulativeHierarchy.Base
  renaming (elim to elimInternal)
import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad as PropMonad

     ℓ' : Level
    X Y : Type 
    a b : V 

infix 4 _≊_
infix 7 _∈ₛ_ _⊆_ _⊆ₛ_

-- "bisimulation"

-- bisimulation is needed to define a quotient in the correct universe when
-- implementing the map : V ℓ → Σ[ X : Type ℓ ] (X → V ℓ)
-- Quotienting by Path (V ℓ) or via eqImage would lead to X : Type (ℓ-suc ℓ)

_∼_ : (s t : V )  hProp 
_∼_ = elim2 eliminator where
  goalProp : (X : Type ) (ix : X  V )
            (Y : Type ) (iy : Y  V )
            (rec : X  Y  hProp )
  goalProp X ix Y iy rec = (∀[ a  X ] ∃[ b  Y ] rec a b)  (∀[ b  Y ] ∃[ a  X ] rec a b)

  ⇔-swap : X ⊓′ Y  Y ⊓′ X
  ⇔-swap (p , q) = (q , p)

  open PropMonad
  lemma : {X₁ X₂ Y : Type } {ix₁ : X₁  V } {ix₂ : X₂  V } (iy : Y  V )
         {rec₁ : X₁  Y  hProp } {rec₂ : X₂  Y  hProp }
         (rec₁→₂ : (x₁ : X₁)  ∃[ (x₂ , p)  fiber ix₂ (ix₁ x₁) ] rec₂ x₂  rec₁ x₁)
         (rec₂→₁ : (x₂ : X₂)  ∃[ (x₁ , p)  fiber ix₁ (ix₂ x₂) ] rec₁ x₁  rec₂ x₂)
          goalProp X₁ ix₁ Y iy rec₁  goalProp X₂ ix₂ Y iy rec₂ 
  lemma _ rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁ (X₁→Y , Y→X₁) =
     x₂  do ((x₁ , c_) , xr₁)  rec₂→₁ x₂
               (y , yr)  X₁→Y x₁
                y , subst fst  i  xr₁ i y) yr ∣₁
    ) ,
     y  do (x₁ , xr₁)  Y→X₁ y
              ((x₂ , _) , xr₂)  rec₁→₂ x₁
               x₂ , subst fst  i  xr₂ (~ i) y) xr₁ ∣₁

  open Elim2Set
  eliminator : Elim2Set  _ _  isSetHProp)
  ElimSett2 eliminator = goalProp
  ElimEqSnd eliminator X ix Y₁ Y₂ iy₁ iy₂ eq rec₁ rec₂ rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁ =
    ⇔toPath (⇔-swap  lemma ix rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁  ⇔-swap)
            (⇔-swap  lemma ix rec₂→₁ rec₁→₂  ⇔-swap)
  ElimEqFst eliminator X₁ X₂ ix₁ ix₂ eq Y iy rec₁ rec₂ rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁ =
    ⇔toPath (lemma iy rec₁→₂ rec₂→₁)
            (lemma iy rec₂→₁ rec₁→₂)

_≊_ : (s t : V )  Type 
s  t =  s  t 

∼refl : (a : V )  a  a
∼refl = elimProp  a  isProp⟨⟩ (a  a))
                  X ix rec   x   x , rec x ∣₁) ,  x   x , rec x ∣₁))

-- keep in mind that the left and right side here live in different universes
identityPrinciple : (a  b)  (a  b)
identityPrinciple {a = a} {b = b} =
  isoToEquiv (iso from into  _  setIsSet _ _ _ _)  _  isProp⟨⟩ (a  b) _ _))
  open PropMonad

  eqImageXY : {X Y : Type } {ix : X  V } {iy : Y  V }  (∀ x y   ix x  iy y   ix x  iy y)
              sett X ix  sett Y iy   eqImage ix iy
  eqImageXY rec rel =  x  do (y , y∼x)  fst rel x ;  y , sym (rec _ _ y∼x) ∣₁)
                    ,  y  do (x , x∼y)  snd rel y ;  x ,      rec _ _ x∼y  ∣₁)

  from : a  b  a  b
  from = elimProp propB eliminator a b where
    prop∼ : {a : V }   b  isProp (a  b  a  b)
    prop∼ {a = a} b = isPropΠ λ _  setIsSet a b
    propB : (a : V )  isProp (∀ b  a  b  a  b)
    propB a = isPropΠ prop∼
    eliminator :
       (X : Type _) (ix : X  V _)
       ((x : X) (b₁ : V _)  ix x  b₁  ix x  b₁)
       (b₁ : V _)  sett X ix  b₁  sett X ix  b₁
    eliminator X ix rec =
      elimProp prop∼ λ Y iy _  seteq X Y ix iy  eqImageXY  x y  rec x (iy y))

  into : a  b  a  b
  into = J  b _  a  b) (∼refl a)

-- Monic presentation of sets

-- like fiber, but in a lower universe
repFiber : (f : X  V ) (b : V )  Type _
repFiber f b = Σ[ a  _ ] f a  b

repFiber≃fiber : (f : X  V ) (b : V )  repFiber f b  fiber f b
repFiber≃fiber f b = Σ-cong-equiv (idEquiv _)  _  identityPrinciple)

-- projecting out a representing type together with the embedding
MonicPresentation : (a : V )  Type (ℓ-suc )
MonicPresentation {} a =  Σ[ (X , ix , _)  Embedding (V )  ] (a  sett X ix)

isPropMonicPresentation : (a : V )  isProp (MonicPresentation a)
isPropMonicPresentation a ((X₁ , ix₁ , isEmb₁) , p) ((X₂ , ix₂ , isEmb₂) , q) =
  ΣPathP ( equivFun (EmbeddingIP _ _) (fiberwise1 , fiberwise2)
         , isProp→PathP  i  setIsSet a _) p q)
  open PropMonad
  fiberwise1 :  b  fiber ix₁ b  fiber ix₂ b
  fiberwise1 b fbx₁ =
    proof (_ , isEmbedding→hasPropFibers isEmb₂ b)
    by subst  A   b  A ) (sym p  q)  fbx₁ ∣₁

  fiberwise2 :  b  fiber ix₂ b  fiber ix₁ b
  fiberwise2 b fbx₂ =
    proof (_ , isEmbedding→hasPropFibers isEmb₁ b)
    by subst  A   b  A ) (sym q  p)  fbx₂ ∣₁

sett-repr : (X : Type ) (ix : X  V )  MonicPresentation (sett X ix)
sett-repr {} X ix = (Rep , ixRep , isEmbIxRep) , seteq X Rep ix ixRep eqImIxRep where
  Kernel : X  X  Type 
  Kernel x y = ix x  ix y
  Rep : Type 
  Rep = X / Kernel
  ixRep : Rep  V 
  ixRep = invEq (setQuotUniversal setIsSet) (ix , λ _ _  equivFun identityPrinciple)
  isEmbIxRep : isEmbedding ixRep
  isEmbIxRep = hasPropFibers→isEmbedding propFibers where
    propFibers :  y  (a b : Σ[ p  Rep ] (ixRep p  y))  a  b
    propFibers y (p₁ , m) (p₂ , n) =
      ΣPathP {B = λ _ p  ixRep p  y} (goal , isProp→PathP  _  setIsSet _ _) _ _)
      lemma :  {p₁ p₂}  (p : ixRep Q.[ p₁ ]  y) (q : ixRep Q.[ p₂ ]  y)  Kernel p₁ p₂
      lemma m n = invEquiv identityPrinciple .fst (m  sym n)
      prop₁ :  p₁  isProp ((ixRep p₁  y)  p₁  p₂)
      prop₁ p₁ = isPropΠ λ eq  squash/ p₁ p₂
      prop₂ :  {p₁} p₂  isProp ((ixRep p₂  y)  Q.[ p₁ ]  p₂)
      prop₂ {p₁} p₂ = isPropΠ λ eq  squash/ Q.[ p₁ ] p₂
      goal : p₁  p₂
      goal = Q.elimProp prop₁  p₁ m  Q.elimProp prop₂  p₂ n  eq/ p₁ p₂ (lemma m n)) p₂ n) p₁ m

  eqImIxRep : eqImage ix ixRep
  eqImIxRep =  x   Q.[ x ] , refl ∣₁) , Q.elimProp  _  P.squash₁)  b   b , refl ∣₁)

data DeepMonicPresentation (a : V ) : Type (ℓ-suc ) where
  dmp : (mp@((_ , ix , _) , _) : MonicPresentation a)
       (rec :  x  DeepMonicPresentation (ix x))
       DeepMonicPresentation a

isPropDeepMonicPresentation : (a : V )  isProp (DeepMonicPresentation a)
isPropDeepMonicPresentation a (dmp mx rx) (dmp my ry) i = dmp (mx≡my i) (recprop i) where
  mx≡my : mx  my
  mx≡my = isPropMonicPresentation a mx my
  recprop : PathP  i  (x : mx≡my i .fst .fst)  DeepMonicPresentation (mx≡my i .fst .snd .fst x)) rx ry
  recprop = toPathP (funExt λ x  isPropDeepMonicPresentation _ _ _)

V-deeprepr : (a : V )  DeepMonicPresentation a
V-deeprepr = elimProp isPropDeepMonicPresentation λ X ix rec  dmp (sett-repr X ix) (Q.elimProp  _  isPropDeepMonicPresentation _) rec)

V-repr : (a : V )  MonicPresentation a
-- "Cannot eliminate fibrant type DeepMonicPresentation a
--  unless target type is also fibrant"
-- V-repr = let (dmp mp _) = (V-deeprepr a) in mp
V-repr a = case (V-deeprepr a) return  _  MonicPresentation a) of λ { (dmp mp _)  mp }

  MonicDataF : Type (ℓ-suc )  Type (ℓ-suc )
  MonicDataF {} T = Embedding T 

  V-fixpoint : V   MonicDataF (V )
  V-fixpoint {} =
    V  ≃⟨ invEquiv (Σ-contractSnd λ a  inhProp→isContr (V-repr a) (isPropMonicPresentation a)) 
    (Σ[ a  V  ] MonicPresentation a) ≃⟨ boringswap 
    (Σ[ (X , ix , _)  MonicDataF (V ) ] singl (sett X ix)) ≃⟨ Σ-contractSnd  _  isContrSingl _) 
    MonicDataF (V )  where
    boringswap : (Σ[ a  V  ] MonicPresentation a)  (Σ[ (X , ix , _)  MonicDataF (V ) ] singl (sett X ix))
    boringswap = isoToEquiv (iso
       (a , (X , ix , emb) , p)  (X , ix , emb) , a , sym p)
       ((X , ix , emb) , a , p)  a , (X , ix , emb) , sym p)
       _  refl)
      λ _  refl)

  -- note the problem of making this a datatype directly: MonicDataF is *not* strictly positive!

-- an elimination principle based on the monic presentation
elim : (B : V   Type ℓ')
      ((X : Type ) (ix : X  V ) (emb : isEmbedding ix) (rec :  x  B (ix x))  B (sett X ix))
      (a : V )  B a
elim B alg = elimDMP  V-deeprepr where
  elimDMP :  {a}  DeepMonicPresentation a  B a
  elimDMP (dmp ((X , ix , emb) , p) rec) = subst B (sym p) (alg X ix emb  x  elimDMP (rec x)))

⟪_⟫ : (s : V )  Type 
 X  = V-repr X .fst .fst

⟪_⟫↪ : (s : V )   s   V 
 X ⟫↪ = V-repr X .fst .snd .fst

isEmb⟪_⟫↪ : (s : V )  isEmbedding  s ⟫↪
isEmb⟪ X ⟫↪ = V-repr X .fst .snd .snd

⟪_⟫-represents : (s : V )  s  sett  s   s ⟫↪
 X ⟫-represents = V-repr X .snd

isPropRepFiber : (a b : V )  isProp (repFiber  a ⟫↪ b)
isPropRepFiber a b =
    (Equiv→Embedding (repFiber≃fiber  a ⟫↪ b))
    (isEmbedding→hasPropFibers isEmb⟪ a ⟫↪ b)

-- while ∈ is hProp (ℓ-suc ℓ), ∈ₛ is in ℓ
_∈ₛ_ : (a b : V )  hProp 
a ∈ₛ b = repFiber  b ⟫↪ a , isPropRepFiber b a

∈-asFiber : {a b : V }   a  b   fiber  b ⟫↪ a
∈-asFiber {a = a} {b = b} =
  subst  br   a  br   fiber  b ⟫↪ a) (sym  b ⟫-represents) asRep
  asRep :  a  sett  b   b ⟫↪   fiber  b ⟫↪ a
  asRep = P.propTruncIdempotent≃ (isEmbedding→hasPropFibers isEmb⟪ b ⟫↪ a) .fst
∈-fromFiber : {a b : V }  fiber  b ⟫↪ a   a  b 
∈-fromFiber {a = a} {b = b} = subst  br   a  br ) (sym  b ⟫-represents)  ∣_∣₁

∈∈ₛ : {a b : V }   a  b  a ∈ₛ b 
∈∈ₛ {a = a} {b = b} = leftToRight , rightToLeft where
  repEquiv : repFiber  b ⟫↪ a  fiber  b ⟫↪ a
  repEquiv = repFiber≃fiber  b ⟫↪ a
  leftToRight :  (a  b)  a ∈ₛ b 
  leftToRight a∈b = invEq repEquiv (∈-asFiber {b = b} a∈b)
  rightToLeft :  a ∈ₛ b  (a  b) 
  rightToLeft a∈ₛb = ∈-fromFiber {b = b} (equivFun repEquiv a∈ₛb)

ix∈ₛ : {X : Type } {ix : X  V }
      (x : X)   ix x ∈ₛ sett X ix 
ix∈ₛ {X = X} {ix = ix} x = ∈∈ₛ {a = ix x} {b = sett X ix} .fst  x , refl ∣₁

∈ₛ⟪_⟫↪_ : (a : V ) (ix :  a )    a ⟫↪ ix ∈ₛ a 
∈ₛ⟪ a ⟫↪ ix = ix , ∼refl ( a ⟫↪ ix)

-- also here, the left side is in level (ℓ-suc ℓ) while the right is in ℓ
presentation : (a : V )  (Σ[ v  V  ]  v ∈ₛ a )   a 
presentation a = isoToEquiv (iso into from  _  refl) retr) where
  into : Σ[ v  V _ ]  v ∈ₛ a    a 
  into = fst  snd
  from :  a   Σ[ v  V _ ]  v ∈ₛ a 
  from ⟪a⟫ =  a ⟫↪ ⟪a⟫ , ∈ₛ⟪ a ⟫↪ ⟪a⟫
  retr : retract into from
  retr s = Σ≡Prop  v  (v ∈ₛ a) .snd) (equivFun identityPrinciple (s .snd .snd))

-- subset relation, once in level (ℓ-suc ℓ) and once in ℓ
_⊆_ : (a b : V )  hProp (ℓ-suc )
a  b = ∀[ x ] x ∈ₛ a  x ∈ₛ b

⊆-refl : (a : V )   a  a 
⊆-refl a = λ _ xa  xa

_⊆ₛ_ : (a b : V )  hProp 
a ⊆ₛ b = ∀[ x ]  a ⟫↪ x ∈ₛ b

⊆⇔⊆ₛ : (a b : V )   a  b  a ⊆ₛ b 
⊆⇔⊆ₛ a b =
     s  invEq curryEquiv s  invEq (presentation a))
  ,  s x xa  subst  x   x ∈ₛ b ) (equivFun identityPrinciple (xa .snd)) (s (xa .fst)))

-- the homotopy definition of equality as an hProp, we know this is equivalent to bisimulation
infix 4 _≡ₕ_
_≡ₕ_ : (a b : V )  hProp (ℓ-suc )
_≡ₕ_ a b = (a  b) , setIsSet a b

-- extensionality
extensionality :  ∀[ a  V  ] ∀[ b ] (a  b)  (b  a)  (a ≡ₕ b) 
extensionality { = } a b imeq =  a ⟫-represents ∙∙ settab ∙∙ sym  b ⟫-represents where
  abpth : Path (Embedding _ _) ( a  ,  a ⟫↪ , isEmb⟪ a ⟫↪) ( b  ,  b ⟫↪ , isEmb⟪ b ⟫↪)
  abpth = equivFun (EmbeddingIP _ _)
    (  p  equivFun (repFiber≃fiber  b ⟫↪ p)  imeq .fst p  invEq (repFiber≃fiber  a ⟫↪ p))
    ,  p  equivFun (repFiber≃fiber  a ⟫↪ p)  imeq .snd p  invEq (repFiber≃fiber  b ⟫↪ p))
  settab : sett  a   a ⟫↪  sett  b   b ⟫↪
  settab i = sett (abpth i .fst) (abpth i .snd .fst)

extInverse :  ∀[ a  V  ] ∀[ b ] (a ≡ₕ b)  (a  b)  (b  a) 
extInverse a b a≡b = subst  b   (a  b)  (b  a) ) a≡b (⊆-refl a , ⊆-refl a)

set≡-characterization : {a b : V }  (a ≡ₕ b)  (a  b)  (b  a)
set≡-characterization = ⇔toPath (extInverse _ _) (extensionality _ _)