{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Cohomology.EilenbergMacLane.Rings.Z2-properties where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_+_)
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Instances.IntMod
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.Unit
open import Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumHIT.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.IntMod
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Instances.IntMod
open import Cubical.Homotopy.EilenbergMacLane.Order2
open import Cubical.Cohomology.EilenbergMacLane.Base
open import Cubical.Cohomology.EilenbergMacLane.CupProduct
open import Cubical.Cohomology.EilenbergMacLane.RingStructure
open Iso
open PlusBis
open RingTheory
open IsGroupHom
module _
(X : Type ℓ-zero)
H*ℤ/2 : Type ℓ-zero
H*ℤ/2 = H* ℤ/2Ring X
H*Rℤ/2 : Ring ℓ-zero
H*Rℤ/2 = H*R ℤ/2Ring X
open CommRingStr (snd ℤ/2CommRing) using ()
( 0r to 0ℤ/2
; 1r to 1ℤ/2
; _+_ to _+ℤ/2_
; -_ to -ℤ/2_
; _·_ to _·ℤ/2_
; +Assoc to +ℤ/2Assoc
; +IdL to +ℤ/2IdL
; +IdR to +ℤ/2IdR
; +Comm to +ℤ/2Comm
; ·Assoc to ·ℤ/2Assoc
; ·IdL to ·ℤ/2IdL
; ·IdR to ·ℤ/2IdR
; ·DistR+ to ·ℤ/2DistR+
; ·Comm to ·ℤ/2Comm
; is-set to isSetℤ/2 )
module _
{X : Type ℓ-zero}
_⌣ℤ/2_ : {n m : ℕ} → coHom n ℤ/2 X → coHom m ℤ/2 X → coHom (n +' m) ℤ/2 X
_⌣ℤ/2_ x y = _⌣_ {G'' = ℤ/2Ring} x y
unitGroupEq : {n : ℕ} → (e : AbGroupIso (coHomGr n ℤ/2 X) (UnitAbGroup {ℓ = ℓ-zero})) →
(x y : coHom n ℤ/2 X) → x ≡ y
unitGroupEq {n} e x y = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso {ℓ' = ℓ-zero} 1 (fst e) isPropUnit* _ _
module CbnCupProduct
(X : Type ℓ-zero)
module _
{n m : ℕ}
(ϕₙ : fst ℤ/2 → coHom n ℤ/2 X)
(ϕₙstr : IsGroupHom (snd (ℤGroup/ 2) ) ϕₙ (snd (AbGroup→Group (coHomGr n ℤ/2 X))))
(ϕₘ : fst ℤ/2 → coHom m ℤ/2 X)
(ϕₘstr : IsGroupHom (snd (ℤGroup/ 2) ) ϕₘ (snd (AbGroup→Group (coHomGr m ℤ/2 X))))
(ϕₙ₊ₘ : fst ℤ/2 → coHom (n +' m) ℤ/2 X)
(ϕₙ₊ₘstr : IsGroupHom (snd (ℤGroup/ 2) ) ϕₙ₊ₘ (snd (AbGroup→Group (coHomGr (n +' m) ℤ/2 X))))
(cup-comp : ϕₙ 1ℤ/2 ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ 1ℤ/2 ≡ ϕₙ₊ₘ 1ℤ/2 )
ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-notTrivial : (a b : fst ℤ/2) → ϕₙ a ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b ≡ ϕₙ₊ₘ (a ·ℤ/2 b)
ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-notTrivial a = ℤ/2-elim {A = λ a → (b : fst ℤ/2) → ϕₙ a ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b ≡ ϕₙ₊ₘ (a ·ℤ/2 b)}
(λ b → cong (λ X → X ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b) (pres1 ϕₙstr)
∙ 0ₕ-⌣ _ _ _
∙ sym (pres1 ϕₙ₊ₘstr)
∙ cong ϕₙ₊ₘ (sym (0LeftAnnihilates ℤ/2Ring _)))
(λ b → ℤ/2-elim {A = λ b → ϕₙ 1ℤ/2 ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b ≡ ϕₙ₊ₘ (1ℤ/2 ·ℤ/2 b)}
(cong (λ X → ϕₙ 1ℤ/2 ⌣ℤ/2 X) (pres1 ϕₘstr)
∙ ⌣-0ₕ {G'' = ℤ/2Ring} n m (ϕₙ 1ℤ/2)
∙ sym (pres1 ϕₙ₊ₘstr)
∙ cong ϕₙ₊ₘ (sym (0RightAnnihilates ℤ/2Ring _)))
module _
{n m : ℕ}
(ϕₙ : fst ℤ/2 → coHom n ℤ/2 X)
(ϕₙstr : IsGroupHom (snd (ℤGroup/ 2) ) ϕₙ (snd (AbGroup→Group (coHomGr n ℤ/2 X))))
(ϕₘ : fst ℤ/2 → coHom m ℤ/2 X)
(ϕₘstr : IsGroupHom (snd (ℤGroup/ 2) ) ϕₘ (snd (AbGroup→Group (coHomGr m ℤ/2 X))))
(cup-comp : ϕₙ 1ℤ/2 ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ 1ℤ/2 ≡ 0ₕ (n +' m))
ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-Trivial : (a b : fst ℤ/2) → ϕₙ a ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b ≡ 0ₕ (n +' m)
ϕₙ⌣ϕₘ-Trivial a = ℤ/2-elim {A = λ a → (b : fst ℤ/2) → ϕₙ a ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b ≡ 0ₕ (n +' m)}
(λ b → cong (λ X → X ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b) (pres1 ϕₙstr)
∙ 0ₕ-⌣ _ _ _)
(λ b → ℤ/2-elim {A = λ b → ϕₙ 1ℤ/2 ⌣ℤ/2 ϕₘ b ≡ 0ₕ (n +' m)}
(cong (λ X → ϕₙ 1ℤ/2 ⌣ℤ/2 X) (pres1 ϕₘstr)
∙ ⌣-0ₕ {G'' = ℤ/2Ring} n m (ϕₙ 1ℤ/2))