  The image of an ideal under a surjective ring homomorphism is an ideal.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Ideal.SurjectiveImage where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Functions.Image

open import Cubical.Functions.Surjection

open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Properties

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring.Ideal.Base

     : Level

module _ {R S : Ring } (f : RingHom R S) (f-epi : isSurjection (fst f)) (I : IdealsIn R) where
  open isIdeal
  open IsRingHom (snd f)
  open RingStr ⦃...⦄
  private instance _ = snd R
                   _ = snd S

  imageIdeal : IdealsIn S
  fst imageIdeal = SubsetImage (fst f) (fst I)
  (snd imageIdeal) .0r-closed     =  0r , 0r-closed (snd I) , pres0 ∣₁
  (snd imageIdeal) .+-closed      =
    rec2 isPropPropTrunc
         λ (x , (x∈I , fx≡-)) (y , (y∈I , fy≡-))
             (x + y) , (+-closed (snd I) x∈I y∈I ,
                         (fst f (x + y)     ≡⟨ pres+ _ _ 
                          fst f x + fst f y ≡[ i ]⟨ fx≡- i + fy≡- i 
                           _ + _ )) ∣₁

  (snd imageIdeal) .-closed       =
    rec isPropPropTrunc
        λ (x , (x∈I , fx≡-))
            (- x) , (-closed (snd I) x∈I ,
                       (fst f (- x) ≡⟨ pres- _ 
                        - fst f x   ≡[ i ]⟨ - fx≡- i 
                        (- _) )) ∣₁

  (snd imageIdeal) .·-closedLeft r =
    (rec (isPropΠ  _  isPropPropTrunc))
         λ (s , fs≡r)
            rec isPropPropTrunc
                 λ (x , (x∈I , fx≡-))
                     (s · x) , (·-closedLeft (snd I) s x∈I) ,
                                 (fst f (s · x)     ≡⟨ pres· s x 
                                  fst f s · fst f x ≡[ i ]⟨ fs≡r i · fx≡- i 
                                   (r · _) ) ∣₁)
    (f-epi r)

  (snd imageIdeal) .·-closedRight r =
    (rec (isPropΠ  _  isPropPropTrunc))
         λ (s , fs≡r)
            rec isPropPropTrunc
                 λ (x , (x∈I , fx≡-))
                     (x · s) , (·-closedRight (snd I) s x∈I) ,
                                 (fst f (x · s)     ≡⟨ pres· x s 
                                  fst f x · fst f s ≡[ i ]⟨ fx≡- i · fs≡r i 
                                   (_ · r) ) ∣₁)
    (f-epi r)