
This file contains the classic isomorphism theorems for groups (so far
only the first theorem)

{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Group.IsomorphismTheorems where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients renaming (_/_ to _/s_ ; rec to recS ; elim to elimS)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Properties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.MorphismProperties
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Subgroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.QuotientGroup
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.GroupPath

     : Level

-- The first isomorphism theorem: im ϕ ≃ G / ker ϕ
module _ {G H : Group } (ϕ : GroupHom G H) where

  open isSubgroup
  open Iso
  open GroupTheory

  kerNormalSubgroup : NormalSubgroup G
  kerNormalSubgroup = kerSubgroup ϕ , isNormalKer ϕ

    imϕ : Group 
    imϕ = imGroup ϕ

  -- for completeness:
  imNormalSubgroup : ((x y :  H )
     GroupStr._·_ (snd H) x y  GroupStr._·_ (snd H) y x)
     NormalSubgroup H
  imNormalSubgroup comm = imSubgroup ϕ , isNormalIm ϕ comm

    module G = GroupStr (snd G)
    module H = GroupStr (snd H)
    module imG = GroupStr (snd imϕ)
    module kerG = GroupStr (snd (G / kerNormalSubgroup))
    module ϕ = IsGroupHom (ϕ .snd)

  f1 :  imϕ    G / kerNormalSubgroup 
  f1 (x , Hx) = rec→Set ( squash/)
                          { (y , hy)  [ y ]})
                          { (y , hy) (z , hz)  eq/ y z (rem y z hy hz) })
    rem : (y z :  G )  ϕ .fst y  x  ϕ .fst z  x  ϕ .fst (y G.· G.inv z)  H.1g
    rem y z hy hz =
      ϕ .fst (y G.· G.inv z)        ≡⟨ ϕ.pres· _ _ 
      ϕ .fst y H.· ϕ .fst (G.inv z) ≡⟨ cong (ϕ .fst y H.·_) (ϕ.presinv _) 
      ϕ .fst y H.· H.inv (ϕ .fst z) ≡⟨  i  hy i H.· H.inv (hz i)) 
      x H.· H.inv x                 ≡⟨ H.·InvR x 

  f2 :  G / kerNormalSubgroup    imϕ 
  f2 = recS imG.is-set  y  ϕ .fst y ,  y , refl ∣₁)
                        x y r  Σ≡Prop  _  squash₁)
                       (rem x y r))
    rem : (x y :  G )  ϕ .fst (x G.· G.inv y)  H.1g  ϕ .fst x  ϕ .fst y
    rem x y r =
      ϕ .fst x                                      ≡⟨ sym (H.·IdR _) 
      ϕ .fst x H.· H.1g                             ≡⟨ cong (ϕ .fst x H.·_) (sym (H.·InvL _)) 
      ϕ .fst x H.· H.inv (ϕ .fst y) H.· ϕ .fst y    ≡⟨  i  ϕ .fst x H.· ϕ.presinv y (~ i) H.· ϕ .fst y) 
      ϕ .fst x H.· ϕ .fst (G.inv y) H.· ϕ .fst y    ≡⟨ H.·Assoc _ _ _ 
      (ϕ .fst x H.· ϕ .fst (G.inv y)) H.· ϕ .fst y  ≡⟨ cong (H._· _) (sym (ϕ.pres· _ _)) 
      ϕ .fst (x G.· G.inv y) H.· ϕ .fst y           ≡⟨ cong (H._· ϕ .fst y) r 
      H.1g H.· ϕ .fst y                             ≡⟨ H.·IdL _ 
      ϕ .fst y 

  f12 : (x :  G / kerNormalSubgroup )  f1 (f2 x)  x
  f12 = elimProp  _  squash/ _ _)  _  refl)

  f21 : (x :  imϕ )  f2 (f1 x)  x
  f21 (x , hx) = elim {P = λ hx  f2 (f1 (x , hx))  (x , hx)}
                       _  imG.is-set _ _)
                       {(x , hx)  Σ≡Prop  _  squash₁) hx})

  f1-isHom : (x y :  imϕ )  f1 (x imG.· y)  f1 x kerG.· f1 y
  f1-isHom (x , hx) (y , hy) =
    elim2 {P = λ hx hy  f1 ((x , hx) imG.· (y , hy))  f1 (x , hx) kerG.· f1 (y , hy)}
           _ _  kerG.is-set _ _)  _ _  refl) hx hy

  -- The first isomorphism theorem for groups
  isoThm1 : GroupIso imϕ (G / kerNormalSubgroup)
  fun (fst isoThm1) = f1
  inv (fst isoThm1) = f2
  rightInv (fst isoThm1) = f12
  leftInv (fst isoThm1) = f21
  snd isoThm1 = makeIsGroupHom f1-isHom

  -- The SIP lets us turn the isomorphism theorem into a path
  pathThm1 : imϕ  G / kerNormalSubgroup
  pathThm1 = uaGroup (GroupIso→GroupEquiv isoThm1)

  surjImIso : isSurjective ϕ  GroupIso imϕ H
  surjImIso surj =
      (bijIso indHom
                 h  elim  _  isPropΠ  _  imG.is-set _ _))
                  (uncurry λ g y
                     λ inker  Σ≡Prop  _  squash₁) inker)))
              λ b  map  x  (b ,  x ∣₁) , refl) (surj b))
    indHom : GroupHom imϕ H
    fst indHom = fst
    snd indHom = makeIsGroupHom λ _ _  refl