{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}


This module introduces a way to represent elements of free groups as lists of pairs ([𝟚× A]), where A identifies generators and Bool differentiates a generator from its inverse.

The definition of `_⇊1g` encodes the concept of a word being equivalent to the identity element in a free group. It includes three constructors:
 - The trivial case `[]` represents the identity itself.
 - The `cj` constructor signifies conjugation by a generator, indicating that a word extended by a generator and its inverse is still equivalent to the identity.
 - Lastly, the `_·_` constructor asserts that if two words are each equivalent to the identity, their concatenation will also be equivalent to the identity, preserving the identity property under the group operation.

Then, a `_·_⁻¹≡ε relation`, defined as `λ xs ys → (xs ++ invLi ys) ⇊1g`  captures the relationship where the concatenation of a word with the inverse of another equates to the group identity.

By quotienting by _·_⁻¹≡ε, resulting in the List/↘↙group, a group structure on equivalence classes of lists is established. Here, concatenation acts as the group operation, hence forming the foundation for the free group constructed over A.

Given that _·_⁻¹≡ε functions is equivalence relation, it permits the retrieval of this relationship from paths in the quotient. This feature facilitates the proof of the uniqueness of the normal form in `Cubical.HITs.FreeGroup.NormalForm`.

In the Discrete module, the presence of decidable equality on the type of generators (A) enables the definition of groups without requiring truncation. This utility is used in `Cubical.HITs.Bouquet.Discrete` to demonstrate that a bouquet over a discrete type is an hGroupoid without truncation.


module Cubical.Algebra.Group.Free where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels

open import Cubical.Data.Bool as 𝟚 hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as  hiding (_·_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Recursive as OR
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as 
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List as Li

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary

open import Cubical.Functions.Involution

open import Cubical.Algebra.Group

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ renaming (_/_ to _/₂_ ; [_] to [_]/)

     : Level

[𝟚×_] : (A : Type )  Type 
[𝟚×_] = List  (Bool ×_)

module NormalForm (A : Type ) where

 -- Below we are defining predicate `HasRedex` over `List (Bool × A)`
 -- basing it on presence of sublist - REDucible EXpression of form [(b , x) , (not b , x)]

 not₁ : (Bool × A)  (Bool × A)
 not₁ = map-fst not

 not₁not₁ :  x  not₁ (not₁ x)  x
 not₁not₁ (x , y) = cong (_, y) (notnot x)

 IsRedex : Bool × A  Bool × A  Type 
 IsRedex x x' = x  not₁ x'

 symIsRedex :  x y  IsRedex x y  IsRedex y x
 symIsRedex x y p = sym (not₁not₁ _)  cong not₁ (sym p)

 WillReduce : Bool  A  (xs : [𝟚× A ])  Type 
 WillReduce _ _ [] = ⊥*
 WillReduce b x (h  _) = IsRedex (b , x) h

 HeadIsRedex : [𝟚× A ]  Type 
 HeadIsRedex [] = ⊥*
 HeadIsRedex ((b , a)  xs) = WillReduce b a xs

 HasRedex : [𝟚× A ]  Type 
 HasRedex [] = ⊥*
 HasRedex xs@(_  xs') = HeadIsRedex xs  HasRedex xs'

 HasRedex∷ʳ :  {xs} {x}  HasRedex xs  HasRedex (xs ∷ʳ x)
 HasRedex∷ʳ {x₂  xs} (inr x₁) = inr (HasRedex∷ʳ x₁)
 HasRedex∷ʳ {x₂  x₃  xs} (inl x₁) = inl x₁

 HasRedex++ :  xs ys  HasRedex xs  HasRedex (xs ++ ys)
 HasRedex++ (x₁  xs) ys (inr x) = inr (HasRedex++ xs ys x)
 HasRedex++ (x₁  x₂  xs) ys (inl x) = inl x

 ++HasRedex :  xs ys  HasRedex ys  HasRedex (xs ++ ys)
 ++HasRedex [] ys x = x
 ++HasRedex (x₁  xs) ys x =
   inr (++HasRedex xs ys x)

 -- We use absence of redexes as property of representing normalised term

 IsNormalised : [𝟚× A ]  Type 
 IsNormalised xs = (¬ HasRedex xs)

 isPropIsNormalised :  xs  isProp (IsNormalised xs)
 isPropIsNormalised xs = isProp¬ _

 IsNormalised[] : IsNormalised []
 IsNormalised[] = lower

 IsNormalised[x] :  x  IsNormalised [ x ]
 IsNormalised[x] _ = ⊎.rec lower lower

 IsNormalisedTail :  xs  IsNormalised xs  IsNormalised (tail xs)
 IsNormalisedTail [] n = n
 IsNormalisedTail (x  xs) = _∘ inr

 ¬IsRedex→IsNormalisedPair :
    {x x'}  ¬ IsRedex x x'  IsNormalised (x  [ x' ])
 ¬IsRedex→IsNormalisedPair {x' = x'} ¬ir = ⊎.rec ¬ir (IsNormalised[x] x')

 invLi : [𝟚× A ]  [𝟚× A ]
 invLi = rev  Li.map (map-fst not)

 invLi++ :  xs ys  invLi (xs ++ ys) 
                 invLi ys ++ invLi xs
 invLi++ xs ys =
   sym (cong rev (map++ _ xs ys)) 
     rev-++ (Li.map _ xs) (Li.map _ ys)

 invol-invLi : isInvolution invLi
 invol-invLi xs =
  sym (rev-map-comm (map-fst not) (invLi xs)) 
    cong (Li.map (map-fst not))
      (rev-rev (Li.map (map-fst not) xs))
      map-∘ (map-fst not) (map-fst not) xs 
      i  Li.map (map-fst  x  notnot x i) ) xs)  map-id xs

 HasRedexInvLi :  {xs}  HasRedex xs  HasRedex (invLi xs)
 HasRedexInvLi {_  []} x = x
 HasRedexInvLi {x₁  x₂  xs} = ⊎.rec
  (subst HasRedex (sym (++-assoc (invLi xs) _ _))
     ∘S ++HasRedex (invLi xs) (_  _)
     ∘S inl ∘S cong not₁  ∘S symIsRedex _ _ )
  (HasRedex∷ʳ ∘S HasRedexInvLi)

 IsNormalisedInvLi :  {xs}  IsNormalised xs  IsNormalised (invLi xs)
 IsNormalisedInvLi = propBiimpl→Equiv (isPropIsNormalised _) (isPropIsNormalised _)
  (_∘S subst HasRedex (invol-invLi _) ∘S HasRedexInvLi)
  (_∘S HasRedexInvLi)

 HasRedexSplit++ :  {xs ys}  HasRedex (xs ++ ys) 
        HasRedex (take 1 (rev xs) ++ take 1 ys) 
            (HasRedex xs  HasRedex ys)
 HasRedexSplit++ {[]} = inr  inr
 HasRedexSplit++ {x  []} {[]} r = ⊥.rec (IsNormalised[x] x r)
 HasRedexSplit++ {x  []} {x₁  ys} = ⊎.rec (inl  inl) (inr  inr)
 HasRedexSplit++ {x  x₁  xs} {ys} =
   ⊎.rec (inr  inl  inl)
    (⊎.rec (inl  subst  zz  HasRedex (zz ++ take 1 ys))
     (w _ (subst (0 <_) (+-comm 1 _  sym (length++ (rev xs) _)) _)))
      (⊎.rec (inr  inl  inr) (inr  inr) ) ∘S HasRedexSplit++ {x₁  xs} {ys})
  w :  xs  0 < length xs  take 1 xs  take 1 (xs ++ [ x ])
  w (x  xs) _ = refl

 -- This predicate, is encoding fact that given list reduces to [],
 -- meaning that if interpreted as term of free group it would be equall to 1g

 infixl 10 _⇊1g

 data _⇊1g : [𝟚× A ]  Type  where
  [] : [] ⇊1g
  cj :  x   xs  xs ⇊1g    (x  (xs ∷ʳ not₁ x) ) ⇊1g
  _·_ :  xs ys  xs ⇊1g  ys ⇊1g   (xs ++ ys) ⇊1g

 _r·_ :  {xs ys}  xs ⇊1g  ys ⇊1g  (xs ++ ys) ⇊1g
 _r·_ = _·_ _ _

 ¬⇊1g[len≡1] :  xs  length xs  1  ¬ xs ⇊1g
 ¬⇊1g[len≡1] .[] x [] = znots x
 ¬⇊1g[len≡1] .(_  (_ ∷ʳ _)) x (cj _ xs _) =
   snotz ((+-comm 1 _  sym (length++ xs _))  injSuc x)
 ¬⇊1g[len≡1] .(xs ++ ys) x ((xs · ys) x₁ x₂) =
  ⊎.rec (flip (¬⇊1g[len≡1] ys) x₂  snd)
        ((flip (¬⇊1g[len≡1] xs) x₁  fst))
    (m+n≡1→m≡0×n≡1⊎m≡1n≡0 {length xs} {length ys} (sym (length++ xs ys)  x))

 ⇊1gWillReduceView :  b a ys  ys ⇊1g  WillReduce b a ys 
      Σ ((Σ _ _⇊1g) × (Σ _ _⇊1g))
        λ ((rl , _) , (rr , _)) 
           rl ++ [ b , a ] ++ rr  tail ys
 ⇊1gWillReduceView b a .(x  (xs ∷ʳ _)) (cj x xs x₃) x₁ =
   ((_ , x₃) , (_ , [])) , cong (xs ∷ʳ_) x₁
 ⇊1gWillReduceView b a .([] ++ ys) (([] · ys) x x₂) x₁ =
   ⇊1gWillReduceView b a ys x₂ x₁
 ⇊1gWillReduceView b a .((_  _) ++ ys) ((xs@(_  _) · ys) x x₂) x₁ =
   let (((rl , rlR) , (rr , rrR)) , p) = ⇊1gWillReduceView b a xs x x₁
   in ((_ , rlR) , (_ , (_ · _) rrR x₂)) ,
     sym (++-assoc rl _ _)  cong (_++ ys) p

 ⇊1g⇒HasRedex :  xs  0 < length xs  xs ⇊1g  HasRedex xs
 ⇊1g⇒HasRedex .(x₁  ([] ∷ʳ not₁ x₁)) x (cj x₁ [] x₂) =
   inl (symIsRedex _ _ refl)
 ⇊1g⇒HasRedex .(x₁  ((x₃  xs) ∷ʳ not₁ x₁)) x (cj x₁ (x₃  xs) x₂) =
   inr (HasRedex∷ʳ (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₂))
 ⇊1g⇒HasRedex .([] ++ ys) x (([] · ys) x₁ x₂) = ⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ x x₂
 ⇊1g⇒HasRedex .((x₃  xs) ++ ys) x (((x₃  xs) · ys) x₁ x₂) =
  HasRedex++ _ _ (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₁)

 isNormalised⇊1g :  xs  IsNormalised xs   xs ⇊1g  xs  []
 isNormalised⇊1g [] _ _ = refl
 isNormalised⇊1g (x₂  xs) x x₁ = ⊥.rec (x (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₁))

 ⇊1g-invLi :  {xs}  xs ⇊1g  (invLi xs) ⇊1g
 ⇊1g-invLi [] = []
 ⇊1g-invLi (cj x xs x₁) =
   subst _⇊1g (cong (_∷ invLi (x  xs)) (sym (not₁not₁ _) )
     cong (_∷ʳ _) (sym (invLi++ xs [ not₁ x ]))) (cj x _ (⇊1g-invLi x₁))
 ⇊1g-invLi ((xs · ys) x x₁) =
   subst _⇊1g (sym (invLi++ xs ys)) (⇊1g-invLi x₁  ⇊1g-invLi x)

 ⇊1gRot :  xs  xs ⇊1g  _⇊1g (rot xs)
 ⇊1gRot [] x = []
 ⇊1gRot xs@(x'@(b , a)  xs') x =
  let (((rl , rlR) , (rr , rrR)) , p) = ⇊1gWillReduceView (not b) a xs x refl
  in subst _⇊1g ((λ i  (++-assoc rl ([ not b , a ] ++ rr)
               [ not₁not₁ x' i ]) (~ i))  cong (_∷ʳ x') p)
       (rlR  cj (not b , a) _ rrR)

 ⇊1g++comm :  xs ys  (xs ++ ys) ⇊1g  (ys ++ xs) ⇊1g
 ⇊1g++comm [] ys = subst _⇊1g (sym (++-unit-r ys))
 ⇊1g++comm (x₁  xs) ys x =
   subst _⇊1g (++-assoc ys _ _)
      (⇊1g++comm xs _ (subst _⇊1g (++-assoc xs _ _) (⇊1gRot _ x)))

 pop⇊1gHead :  {xs}  HeadIsRedex xs  xs ⇊1g  _⇊1g (tail (tail xs))
 pop⇊1gHead x (cj x₁ [] r) = []
 pop⇊1gHead x (cj x₁ (x₂  xs) r) =
   subst (_⇊1g  (xs ∷ʳ_)) (symIsRedex _ _ x) (⇊1gRot _ r)
 pop⇊1gHead x (([] · ys) r r₁) = pop⇊1gHead x r₁
 pop⇊1gHead x (((x₁  []) · ys) r r₁) = ⊥.rec (¬⇊1g[len≡1] [ x₁ ] refl r)
 pop⇊1gHead x (((_  _  _) · ys) r r₁) = pop⇊1gHead x r  r₁

 ⇊1gCJ :  xs ys  _⇊1g (ys ++ xs ++ invLi ys)  xs ⇊1g
 ⇊1gCJ xs [] = subst _⇊1g (++-unit-r xs)
 ⇊1gCJ xs (x₁  ys) x =
  ⇊1gCJ xs ys (pop⇊1gHead refl
   (⇊1g++comm (x₁  ys ++ xs ++ invLi ys) [ not₁ x₁ ]
    (subst _⇊1g (cong (x₁ ∷_) (cong (ys ++_) (sym (++-assoc xs _ _))
            sym (++-assoc ys _ _))) x)))

 nf-uR :  xs ys
     IsNormalised (invLi xs)
     IsNormalised ys
     (invLi xs ++ ys) ⇊1g  xs  ys
 nf-uR xs [] nXs x₁ r = sym (invol-invLi xs)  cong invLi
      (isNormalised⇊1g _ nXs (subst _⇊1g (++-unit-r _) r))
 nf-uR [] (x₃  ys) x x₁ x₂ = ⊥.rec (x₁ (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₂))
 nf-uR xs@(_  _) (x₃  ys) nXs nYs r =
   let ww = subst _⇊1g (cong (x₃ ∷_) (sym (++-assoc ys _ _)))
              (⇊1g++comm (invLi xs) _ r)
       www = subst (0 <_)
           (sym (+-suc _ _)
              sym (length++ (invLi xs) _)) _
   in (⊎.rec (⊎.rec  p  cong₂ _∷_
          (sym (not₁not₁ _)  sym (symIsRedex _ _ p))
          (nf-uR (tail xs) _ (fst IsNormalisedInvLi
             (invEq (IsNormalisedInvLi {xs}) nXs  inr) ) (nYs  inr)
               (⇊1g++comm _ (invLi (tail xs))
                  (pop⇊1gHead p (⇊1g++comm _ [ _ ] ww)))))
        (⊥.rec  IsNormalised[x] x₃) ∘S
       subst HasRedex (cong ((_++ _)  take 1)
         (rev-rev (Li.map not₁ xs))))
        (⊥.rec  ⊎.rec nXs nYs)
    ∘S HasRedexSplit++ {invLi xs}
    ∘S ⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ www) r

 infixr 5 _·_⁻¹≡ε

 -- We are defining this relation using record
 -- to help later definitions infer implicit arguments.
 -- With the help of earlier lemmas, we can prove that it is EquivRel,
 -- wich lets us recover witness of this relation from path in SetQuotent

 record _·_⁻¹≡ε (xs ys : _) : Type  where
  constructor [_]≡ε
   ≡ε :  (xs ++ invLi ys) ⇊1g

 open _·_⁻¹≡ε public

 open BinaryRelation
 open isEquivRel

 ·⁻¹≡ε-refl : isRefl _·_⁻¹≡ε
 ·⁻¹≡ε-refl [] = [ [] ]≡ε
 ≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl (x  xs)) =
   subst _⇊1g (sym (++-assoc [ x ] xs (invLi (x  xs)) 
         cong (x ∷_) (sym (++-assoc xs (invLi xs) _))))
     (cj x _ (≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl xs)))

 ·⁻¹≡ε-sym : isSym _·_⁻¹≡ε
 ≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-sym a b [ p ]≡ε) =
    subst _⇊1g (invLi++ a (invLi b) 
       cong (_++ invLi a) (invol-invLi b)) (⇊1g-invLi p)

 ·⁻¹≡ε-trans : isTrans _·_⁻¹≡ε
 ≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-trans xs ys zs [ p ]≡ε [ q ]≡ε) =
    ⇊1g++comm (invLi zs) xs
      (⇊1gCJ (invLi zs ++ xs) ys
        (subst _⇊1g (++-assoc ys _ _ 
         cong (ys ++_) (sym (++-assoc (invLi zs) _ _))) (q  p)))

 ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel : isEquivRel _·_⁻¹≡ε
 reflexive ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel = ·⁻¹≡ε-refl
 symmetric ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel = ·⁻¹≡ε-sym
 transitive ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel = ·⁻¹≡ε-trans

 ≡→red :  a b  Iso ([ a ]/  [ b ]/)  a · b ⁻¹≡ε ∥₁
 ≡→red = isEquivRel→TruncIso ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel

 open Iso

 _↘↙_ = _·_⁻¹≡ε

 List/↘↙ : Type 
 List/↘↙ = _ /₂ _·_⁻¹≡ε

 -- concatenation of lists, respects `_·_⁻¹≡ε` on both sides,
 -- so we can give SetQuotiening by _·_⁻¹≡ε  structure of a group
 -- by taking concatenation as group operation

 _↘↙++↘↙_ :  {xsL xsR ysL ysR} 
    xsL ↘↙ ysL  xsR ↘↙ ysR 
      (xsL ++ xsR) ↘↙ (ysL ++ ysR)
 ≡ε (_↘↙++↘↙_ {xsL} {xsR} {ysL} {ysR} [ p ]≡ε [ q ]≡ε) =
   subst _⇊1g (sym (++-assoc xsL _ _))
     (⇊1g++comm _ xsL
       (subst _⇊1g (++-assoc xsR _ _ ∙∙
            i  xsR ++ ++-assoc (invLi ysR) (invLi ysL) xsL (~ i)) ∙∙
           ( λ i  ++-assoc xsR (invLi++ ysL ysR (~ i)) xsL (~ i)))
         (q  ⇊1g++comm xsL _ p)))

 List/↘↙· : List/↘↙  List/↘↙  List/↘↙
 List/↘↙· =  SQ.rec2 squash/  a b  [ a ++ b ]/)
     _ _ c  eq/ _ _  _↘↙++↘↙ (·⁻¹≡ε-refl c))
     a _ _  eq/ _ _  (·⁻¹≡ε-refl a) ↘↙++↘↙_ )

 List/↘↙GroupStr : GroupStr List/↘↙
 GroupStr.1g List/↘↙GroupStr = [ [] ]/
 GroupStr._·_ List/↘↙GroupStr = List/↘↙·
 GroupStr.inv List/↘↙GroupStr =
  SQ.rec squash/ ([_]/  invLi)
     λ xs ys  sym ∘S eq/ _ _ ∘S [_]≡ε
     ∘S subst (_⇊1g  (invLi ys ++_)) (sym (invol-invLi xs))
     ∘S ⇊1g++comm xs (invLi ys) ∘S ≡ε

 GroupStr.isGroup List/↘↙GroupStr = makeIsGroup squash/
  (SQ.elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _)
      λ xs _ _  cong [_]/ (sym (++-assoc xs _ _)))
  (SQ.elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ xs  cong [_]/ (++-unit-r xs))
  (SQ.elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ _  refl)
  (SQ.elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ xs  sym (eq/ _ _
     ([ ⇊1g-invLi (≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl xs)) ]≡ε)))
  (SQ.elimProp  _  squash/ _ _) λ xs  eq/ _ _ [
     subst _⇊1g (cong (invLi xs ++_) (invol-invLi xs) 
       sym (++-unit-r _)) (≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl (invLi xs))) ]≡ε)

 List/↘↙group : Group 
 List/↘↙group = _ , List/↘↙GroupStr

 module Discrete (_≟_ : Discrete A) where

  -- For discrete set of generators, we can compute normal form,
  -- and proove `Iso (Σ _  IsNormalised) List/↘↙`

  isSetA = Discrete→isSet _≟_

  isSet[𝟚×] = isOfHLevelList 0 (isSet× isSetBool isSetA)

  IsRedex? :  x x'  Dec (IsRedex x x')
  IsRedex? _ _ = discreteΣ 𝟚._≟_  _  _≟_) _ _

  HeadIsRedex? :  xs  Dec (HeadIsRedex xs)
  HeadIsRedex? [] = no lower
  HeadIsRedex? (x  []) = no lower
  HeadIsRedex? (x  x'  _) = IsRedex? x x'

  preη· :  x xs  Dec (HeadIsRedex (x  xs))  [𝟚× A ]
  preη· _ xs (yes _) = tail xs
  preη· x xs (no _) = x  xs

  preη·-N :  {x xs} hir?  IsNormalised xs  IsNormalised (preη· x xs hir?)
  preη·-N (yes _) = IsNormalisedTail _
  preη·-N (no ¬p) = ⊎.rec ¬p

  sec-preη· :  x xs p q  IsNormalised xs  preη· (not₁ x) (preη· x xs p) q  xs
  sec-preη· x (x₂  xs) (yes p) (no ¬p) x₁ =
    cong (_∷ xs) (sym (symIsRedex _ _ p))
  sec-preη· x (x₂  x₃  xs) (yes p) (yes p₁) x₁ =
    ⊥.rec (x₁ (inl (symIsRedex _ _ p  p₁)))
  sec-preη· x xs (no ¬p) (no ¬p₁) x₁ = ⊥.rec (¬p₁ refl)
  sec-preη· x xs (no ¬p) (yes p) _ = refl

  η· : (Bool × A)  [𝟚× A ]  [𝟚× A ]
  η· x xs = preη· _ _ (HeadIsRedex? (x  xs))

  η·∷ :  x xs  (HeadIsRedex (x  xs)  )  η· x xs  x  xs
  η·∷ x xs x₁ = cong  u  preη· x xs u)
   (≡no (HeadIsRedex? (x  xs)) x₁)

  nη· : (Bool × A)  Σ _ IsNormalised  Σ _ IsNormalised
  fst (nη· x x₁) = η· x (fst x₁)
  snd (nη· x x₁) = preη·-N (HeadIsRedex? _) (snd x₁)

  η·iso : (Bool × A)  Iso (Σ [𝟚× A ] IsNormalised) (Σ [𝟚× A ] IsNormalised)
  Iso.fun (η·iso x) = nη· x
  Iso.inv (η·iso x) = nη· (not₁ x)
  Iso.rightInv (η·iso x) b =
    Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised
     (funExt⁻ (cong η· (sym (not₁not₁ x)) ) (η· (not₁ x) (fst b))
       sec-preη· (not₁ x) _ (HeadIsRedex? _) (HeadIsRedex? _) (snd b))
  Iso.leftInv (η·iso x) a =
    Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised
     (sec-preη· x _ (HeadIsRedex? _) (HeadIsRedex? _) (snd a))

  η·≃ = isoToEquiv  η·iso

  normalise :  xs  Σ _ λ xs' 
    (xs' · xs ⁻¹≡ε) × IsNormalised xs'
  normalise = Li.elim ([] , [ [] ]≡ε , lower )
   λ {x} {xs} (xs' , [ u ]≡ε , v) 
    let zz :  xs' uu u  (preη· x xs' uu ++ invLi (x  xs)) ⇊1g
        zz =
          λ { xs' (no ¬p)  subst (_⇊1g ∘S (x ∷_)) (++-assoc xs' _ _)  cj x _
             ; [] (yes ())
             ; (_  xs') (yes p) 
                  subst _⇊1g  i  ++-assoc xs' (invLi xs)
                       [ symIsRedex _ _ p i ] i)  ⇊1gRot _ }
        h = HeadIsRedex? _
    in  _ , [ zz xs' h u ]≡ε , preη·-N h v

  IsoNF : Iso (Σ _  IsNormalised) List/↘↙
  fun IsoNF = [_]/  fst
  Iso.inv IsoNF =
   SQ.rec (isSetΣ isSet[𝟚×] (isProp→isSet  isPropIsNormalised))
   ((λ (_ , _ , u)  _ , u)  normalise)
   λ _ _ 
     let (a' , t  , u ) = normalise _ ; (b' , t' , u') = normalise _
     in  Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised ∘S sym
      ∘S nf-uR _ _ (fst (IsNormalisedInvLi {b'}) u') u
      ∘S ⇊1g++comm a' (invLi b') ∘S ≡ε
      ∘S flip (·⁻¹≡ε-trans _ _ _) (·⁻¹≡ε-sym _ _ t')
      ∘S ·⁻¹≡ε-trans _ _ _ t
  rightInv IsoNF = SQ.elimProp  _  squash/ _ _)
    (eq/ _ _  fst  snd  normalise)
  leftInv IsoNF = Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised  uncurry
   (Li.elim  _  refl) λ f v 
   let lem :  uu  preη· _ _ uu  _  _
       lem =
        λ { (yes p)  ⊥.rec (v (inl (subst (WillReduce _ _) (f (v  inr)) p)))
          ; (no ¬p)  refl }
   in lem (HeadIsRedex? _)  cong (_ ∷_) (f (v  inr)))

module NF {ℓ'} {A : Type } (G : Group ℓ') (η : A   G ) where
 open NormalForm A

 open GroupStr (snd G) renaming (_·_ to _·fg_) public

 η* : Bool × A   G 
 η* (b , a) = (if b then idfun _ else inv) (η a)

 fromList : [𝟚× A ]   G 
 fromList = foldr (_·fg_  η*) 1g

 record NF (g : _) : Type (ℓ-max  ℓ') where
  constructor _nf_,_
   word : [𝟚× A ]
   fromListWord≡ : fromList word  g
   isNormalisedWord : IsNormalised word

 fromList· :  xs ys  fromList (xs ++ ys) 
                           fromList xs ·fg fromList ys
 fromList· [] _ = sym (·IdL _)
 fromList· (_  xs) _ =
  cong (_ ·fg_) (fromList· xs _) 
   ·Assoc _ _ _

 redex-ε-η* :  x x'  IsRedex x x'  η* x ·fg η* x'  1g
 redex-ε-η* (false , _) (false , _) = ⊥.rec  false≢true  cong fst
 redex-ε-η* (false , x) (true , _) q =
   cong (inv (η x) ·fg_) (cong (η) (sym (cong snd q)))  ·InvL (η x)
 redex-ε-η* (true , x) (false , _) q =
   cong (η x ·fg_) (cong (inv  η) (sym (cong snd q)))  ·InvR (η x)
 redex-ε-η* (true , _) (true , _) = ⊥.rec  true≢false  cong fst