{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Group.Free where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Data.Bool as 𝟚 hiding (_≤_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as ℕ hiding (_·_)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Order.Recursive as OR
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Sum as ⊎
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List as Li
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Binary
open import Cubical.Functions.Involution
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ renaming (_/_ to _/₂_ ; [_] to [_]/)
ℓ : Level
[𝟚×_] : (A : Type ℓ) → Type ℓ
[𝟚×_] = List ∘ (Bool ×_)
module NormalForm (A : Type ℓ) where
not₁ : (Bool × A) → (Bool × A)
not₁ = map-fst not
not₁not₁ : ∀ x → not₁ (not₁ x) ≡ x
not₁not₁ (x , y) = cong (_, y) (notnot x)
IsRedex : Bool × A → Bool × A → Type ℓ
IsRedex x x' = x ≡ not₁ x'
symIsRedex : ∀ x y → IsRedex x y → IsRedex y x
symIsRedex x y p = sym (not₁not₁ _) ∙ cong not₁ (sym p)
WillReduce : Bool → A → (xs : [𝟚× A ]) → Type ℓ
WillReduce _ _ [] = ⊥*
WillReduce b x (h ∷ _) = IsRedex (b , x) h
HeadIsRedex : [𝟚× A ] → Type ℓ
HeadIsRedex [] = ⊥*
HeadIsRedex ((b , a) ∷ xs) = WillReduce b a xs
HasRedex : [𝟚× A ] → Type ℓ
HasRedex [] = ⊥*
HasRedex xs@(_ ∷ xs') = HeadIsRedex xs ⊎ HasRedex xs'
HasRedex∷ʳ : ∀ {xs} {x} → HasRedex xs → HasRedex (xs ∷ʳ x)
HasRedex∷ʳ {x₂ ∷ xs} (inr x₁) = inr (HasRedex∷ʳ x₁)
HasRedex∷ʳ {x₂ ∷ x₃ ∷ xs} (inl x₁) = inl x₁
HasRedex++ : ∀ xs ys → HasRedex xs → HasRedex (xs ++ ys)
HasRedex++ (x₁ ∷ xs) ys (inr x) = inr (HasRedex++ xs ys x)
HasRedex++ (x₁ ∷ x₂ ∷ xs) ys (inl x) = inl x
++HasRedex : ∀ xs ys → HasRedex ys → HasRedex (xs ++ ys)
++HasRedex [] ys x = x
++HasRedex (x₁ ∷ xs) ys x =
inr (++HasRedex xs ys x)
IsNormalised : [𝟚× A ] → Type ℓ
IsNormalised xs = (¬ HasRedex xs)
isPropIsNormalised : ∀ xs → isProp (IsNormalised xs)
isPropIsNormalised xs = isProp¬ _
IsNormalised[] : IsNormalised []
IsNormalised[] = lower
IsNormalised[x] : ∀ x → IsNormalised [ x ]
IsNormalised[x] _ = ⊎.rec lower lower
IsNormalisedTail : ∀ xs → IsNormalised xs → IsNormalised (tail xs)
IsNormalisedTail [] n = n
IsNormalisedTail (x ∷ xs) = _∘ inr
¬IsRedex→IsNormalisedPair :
∀ {x x'} → ¬ IsRedex x x' → IsNormalised (x ∷ [ x' ])
¬IsRedex→IsNormalisedPair {x' = x'} ¬ir = ⊎.rec ¬ir (IsNormalised[x] x')
invLi : [𝟚× A ] → [𝟚× A ]
invLi = rev ∘ Li.map (map-fst not)
invLi++ : ∀ xs ys → invLi (xs ++ ys) ≡
invLi ys ++ invLi xs
invLi++ xs ys =
sym (cong rev (map++ _ xs ys)) ∙
rev-++ (Li.map _ xs) (Li.map _ ys)
invol-invLi : isInvolution invLi
invol-invLi xs =
sym (rev-map-comm (map-fst not) (invLi xs)) ∙
cong (Li.map (map-fst not))
(rev-rev (Li.map (map-fst not) xs))
∙ map-∘ (map-fst not) (map-fst not) xs ∙
(λ i → Li.map (map-fst (λ x → notnot x i) ) xs) ∙ map-id xs
HasRedexInvLi : ∀ {xs} → HasRedex xs → HasRedex (invLi xs)
HasRedexInvLi {_ ∷ []} x = x
HasRedexInvLi {x₁ ∷ x₂ ∷ xs} = ⊎.rec
(subst HasRedex (sym (++-assoc (invLi xs) _ _))
∘S ++HasRedex (invLi xs) (_ ∷ _)
∘S inl ∘S cong not₁ ∘S symIsRedex _ _ )
(HasRedex∷ʳ ∘S HasRedexInvLi)
IsNormalisedInvLi : ∀ {xs} → IsNormalised xs ≃ IsNormalised (invLi xs)
IsNormalisedInvLi = propBiimpl→Equiv (isPropIsNormalised _) (isPropIsNormalised _)
(_∘S subst HasRedex (invol-invLi _) ∘S HasRedexInvLi)
(_∘S HasRedexInvLi)
HasRedexSplit++ : ∀ {xs ys} → HasRedex (xs ++ ys) →
HasRedex (take 1 (rev xs) ++ take 1 ys) ⊎
(HasRedex xs ⊎ HasRedex ys)
HasRedexSplit++ {[]} = inr ∘ inr
HasRedexSplit++ {x ∷ []} {[]} r = ⊥.rec (IsNormalised[x] x r)
HasRedexSplit++ {x ∷ []} {x₁ ∷ ys} = ⊎.rec (inl ∘ inl) (inr ∘ inr)
HasRedexSplit++ {x ∷ x₁ ∷ xs} {ys} =
⊎.rec (inr ∘ inl ∘ inl)
(⊎.rec (inl ∘ subst (λ zz → HasRedex (zz ++ take 1 ys))
(w _ (subst (0 <_) (+-comm 1 _ ∙ sym (length++ (rev xs) _)) _)))
(⊎.rec (inr ∘ inl ∘ inr) (inr ∘ inr) ) ∘S HasRedexSplit++ {x₁ ∷ xs} {ys})
w : ∀ xs → 0 < length xs → take 1 xs ≡ take 1 (xs ++ [ x ])
w (x ∷ xs) _ = refl
infixl 10 _⇊1g
data _⇊1g : [𝟚× A ] → Type ℓ where
[] : [] ⇊1g
cj : ∀ x → ∀ xs → xs ⇊1g → (x ∷ (xs ∷ʳ not₁ x) ) ⇊1g
_·_ : ∀ xs ys → xs ⇊1g → ys ⇊1g → (xs ++ ys) ⇊1g
_r·_ : ∀ {xs ys} → xs ⇊1g → ys ⇊1g → (xs ++ ys) ⇊1g
_r·_ = _·_ _ _
¬⇊1g[len≡1] : ∀ xs → length xs ≡ 1 → ¬ xs ⇊1g
¬⇊1g[len≡1] .[] x [] = znots x
¬⇊1g[len≡1] .(_ ∷ (_ ∷ʳ _)) x (cj _ xs _) =
snotz ((+-comm 1 _ ∙ sym (length++ xs _)) ∙ injSuc x)
¬⇊1g[len≡1] .(xs ++ ys) x ((xs · ys) x₁ x₂) =
⊎.rec (flip (¬⇊1g[len≡1] ys) x₂ ∘ snd)
((flip (¬⇊1g[len≡1] xs) x₁ ∘ fst))
(m+n≡1→m≡0×n≡1⊎m≡1n≡0 {length xs} {length ys} (sym (length++ xs ys) ∙ x))
⇊1gWillReduceView : ∀ b a ys → ys ⇊1g → WillReduce b a ys →
Σ ((Σ _ _⇊1g) × (Σ _ _⇊1g))
λ ((rl , _) , (rr , _)) →
rl ++ [ b , a ] ++ rr ≡ tail ys
⇊1gWillReduceView b a .(x ∷ (xs ∷ʳ _)) (cj x xs x₃) x₁ =
((_ , x₃) , (_ , [])) , cong (xs ∷ʳ_) x₁
⇊1gWillReduceView b a .([] ++ ys) (([] · ys) x x₂) x₁ =
⇊1gWillReduceView b a ys x₂ x₁
⇊1gWillReduceView b a .((_ ∷ _) ++ ys) ((xs@(_ ∷ _) · ys) x x₂) x₁ =
let (((rl , rlR) , (rr , rrR)) , p) = ⇊1gWillReduceView b a xs x x₁
in ((_ , rlR) , (_ , (_ · _) rrR x₂)) ,
sym (++-assoc rl _ _) ∙ cong (_++ ys) p
⇊1g⇒HasRedex : ∀ xs → 0 < length xs → xs ⇊1g → HasRedex xs
⇊1g⇒HasRedex .(x₁ ∷ ([] ∷ʳ not₁ x₁)) x (cj x₁ [] x₂) =
inl (symIsRedex _ _ refl)
⇊1g⇒HasRedex .(x₁ ∷ ((x₃ ∷ xs) ∷ʳ not₁ x₁)) x (cj x₁ (x₃ ∷ xs) x₂) =
inr (HasRedex∷ʳ (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₂))
⇊1g⇒HasRedex .([] ++ ys) x (([] · ys) x₁ x₂) = ⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ x x₂
⇊1g⇒HasRedex .((x₃ ∷ xs) ++ ys) x (((x₃ ∷ xs) · ys) x₁ x₂) =
HasRedex++ _ _ (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₁)
isNormalised⇊1g : ∀ xs → IsNormalised xs → xs ⇊1g → xs ≡ []
isNormalised⇊1g [] _ _ = refl
isNormalised⇊1g (x₂ ∷ xs) x x₁ = ⊥.rec (x (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₁))
⇊1g-invLi : ∀ {xs} → xs ⇊1g → (invLi xs) ⇊1g
⇊1g-invLi [] = []
⇊1g-invLi (cj x xs x₁) =
subst _⇊1g (cong (_∷ invLi (x ∷ xs)) (sym (not₁not₁ _) )
∙ cong (_∷ʳ _) (sym (invLi++ xs [ not₁ x ]))) (cj x _ (⇊1g-invLi x₁))
⇊1g-invLi ((xs · ys) x x₁) =
subst _⇊1g (sym (invLi++ xs ys)) (⇊1g-invLi x₁ r· ⇊1g-invLi x)
⇊1gRot : ∀ xs → xs ⇊1g → _⇊1g (rot xs)
⇊1gRot [] x = []
⇊1gRot xs@(x'@(b , a) ∷ xs') x =
let (((rl , rlR) , (rr , rrR)) , p) = ⇊1gWillReduceView (not b) a xs x refl
in subst _⇊1g ((λ i → (++-assoc rl ([ not b , a ] ++ rr)
[ not₁not₁ x' i ]) (~ i)) ∙ cong (_∷ʳ x') p)
(rlR r· cj (not b , a) _ rrR)
⇊1g++comm : ∀ xs ys → (xs ++ ys) ⇊1g → (ys ++ xs) ⇊1g
⇊1g++comm [] ys = subst _⇊1g (sym (++-unit-r ys))
⇊1g++comm (x₁ ∷ xs) ys x =
subst _⇊1g (++-assoc ys _ _)
(⇊1g++comm xs _ (subst _⇊1g (++-assoc xs _ _) (⇊1gRot _ x)))
pop⇊1gHead : ∀ {xs} → HeadIsRedex xs → xs ⇊1g → _⇊1g (tail (tail xs))
pop⇊1gHead x (cj x₁ [] r) = []
pop⇊1gHead x (cj x₁ (x₂ ∷ xs) r) =
subst (_⇊1g ∘ (xs ∷ʳ_)) (symIsRedex _ _ x) (⇊1gRot _ r)
pop⇊1gHead x (([] · ys) r r₁) = pop⇊1gHead x r₁
pop⇊1gHead x (((x₁ ∷ []) · ys) r r₁) = ⊥.rec (¬⇊1g[len≡1] [ x₁ ] refl r)
pop⇊1gHead x (((_ ∷ _ ∷ _) · ys) r r₁) = pop⇊1gHead x r r· r₁
⇊1gCJ : ∀ xs ys → _⇊1g (ys ++ xs ++ invLi ys) → xs ⇊1g
⇊1gCJ xs [] = subst _⇊1g (++-unit-r xs)
⇊1gCJ xs (x₁ ∷ ys) x =
⇊1gCJ xs ys (pop⇊1gHead refl
(⇊1g++comm (x₁ ∷ ys ++ xs ++ invLi ys) [ not₁ x₁ ]
(subst _⇊1g (cong (x₁ ∷_) (cong (ys ++_) (sym (++-assoc xs _ _))
∙ sym (++-assoc ys _ _))) x)))
nf-uR : ∀ xs ys
→ IsNormalised (invLi xs)
→ IsNormalised ys
→ (invLi xs ++ ys) ⇊1g → xs ≡ ys
nf-uR xs [] nXs x₁ r = sym (invol-invLi xs) ∙ cong invLi
(isNormalised⇊1g _ nXs (subst _⇊1g (++-unit-r _) r))
nf-uR [] (x₃ ∷ ys) x x₁ x₂ = ⊥.rec (x₁ (⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ _ x₂))
nf-uR xs@(_ ∷ _) (x₃ ∷ ys) nXs nYs r =
let ww = subst _⇊1g (cong (x₃ ∷_) (sym (++-assoc ys _ _)))
(⇊1g++comm (invLi xs) _ r)
www = subst (0 <_)
(sym (+-suc _ _)
∙ sym (length++ (invLi xs) _)) _
in (⊎.rec (⊎.rec (λ p → cong₂ _∷_
(sym (not₁not₁ _) ∙ sym (symIsRedex _ _ p))
(nf-uR (tail xs) _ (fst IsNormalisedInvLi
(invEq (IsNormalisedInvLi {xs}) nXs ∘ inr) ) (nYs ∘ inr)
(⇊1g++comm _ (invLi (tail xs))
(pop⇊1gHead p (⇊1g++comm _ [ _ ] ww)))))
(⊥.rec ∘ IsNormalised[x] x₃) ∘S
subst HasRedex (cong ((_++ _) ∘ take 1)
(rev-rev (Li.map not₁ xs))))
(⊥.rec ∘ ⊎.rec nXs nYs)
∘S HasRedexSplit++ {invLi xs}
∘S ⇊1g⇒HasRedex _ www) r
infixr 5 _·_⁻¹≡ε
record _·_⁻¹≡ε (xs ys : _) : Type ℓ where
constructor [_]≡ε
≡ε : (xs ++ invLi ys) ⇊1g
open _·_⁻¹≡ε public
open BinaryRelation
open isEquivRel
·⁻¹≡ε-refl : isRefl _·_⁻¹≡ε
·⁻¹≡ε-refl [] = [ [] ]≡ε
≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl (x ∷ xs)) =
subst _⇊1g (sym (++-assoc [ x ] xs (invLi (x ∷ xs)) ∙
cong (x ∷_) (sym (++-assoc xs (invLi xs) _))))
(cj x _ (≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl xs)))
·⁻¹≡ε-sym : isSym _·_⁻¹≡ε
≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-sym a b [ p ]≡ε) =
subst _⇊1g (invLi++ a (invLi b) ∙
cong (_++ invLi a) (invol-invLi b)) (⇊1g-invLi p)
·⁻¹≡ε-trans : isTrans _·_⁻¹≡ε
≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-trans xs ys zs [ p ]≡ε [ q ]≡ε) =
⇊1g++comm (invLi zs) xs
(⇊1gCJ (invLi zs ++ xs) ys
(subst _⇊1g (++-assoc ys _ _ ∙
cong (ys ++_) (sym (++-assoc (invLi zs) _ _))) (q r· p)))
·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel : isEquivRel _·_⁻¹≡ε
reflexive ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel = ·⁻¹≡ε-refl
symmetric ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel = ·⁻¹≡ε-sym
transitive ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel = ·⁻¹≡ε-trans
≡→red : ∀ a b → Iso ([ a ]/ ≡ [ b ]/) ∥ a · b ⁻¹≡ε ∥₁
≡→red = isEquivRel→TruncIso ·⁻¹≡ε-isEquivRel
open Iso
_↘↙_ = _·_⁻¹≡ε
List/↘↙ : Type ℓ
List/↘↙ = _ /₂ _·_⁻¹≡ε
_↘↙++↘↙_ : ∀ {xsL xsR ysL ysR} →
xsL ↘↙ ysL → xsR ↘↙ ysR →
(xsL ++ xsR) ↘↙ (ysL ++ ysR)
≡ε (_↘↙++↘↙_ {xsL} {xsR} {ysL} {ysR} [ p ]≡ε [ q ]≡ε) =
subst _⇊1g (sym (++-assoc xsL _ _))
(⇊1g++comm _ xsL
(subst _⇊1g (++-assoc xsR _ _ ∙∙
(λ i → xsR ++ ++-assoc (invLi ysR) (invLi ysL) xsL (~ i)) ∙∙
( λ i → ++-assoc xsR (invLi++ ysL ysR (~ i)) xsL (~ i)))
(q r· ⇊1g++comm xsL _ p)))
List/↘↙· : List/↘↙ → List/↘↙ → List/↘↙
List/↘↙· = SQ.rec2 squash/ (λ a b → [ a ++ b ]/)
(λ _ _ c → eq/ _ _ ∘ _↘↙++↘↙ (·⁻¹≡ε-refl c))
(λ a _ _ → eq/ _ _ ∘ (·⁻¹≡ε-refl a) ↘↙++↘↙_ )
List/↘↙GroupStr : GroupStr List/↘↙
GroupStr.1g List/↘↙GroupStr = [ [] ]/
GroupStr._·_ List/↘↙GroupStr = List/↘↙·
GroupStr.inv List/↘↙GroupStr =
SQ.rec squash/ ([_]/ ∘ invLi)
λ xs ys → sym ∘S eq/ _ _ ∘S [_]≡ε
∘S subst (_⇊1g ∘ (invLi ys ++_)) (sym (invol-invLi xs))
∘S ⇊1g++comm xs (invLi ys) ∘S ≡ε
GroupStr.isGroup List/↘↙GroupStr = makeIsGroup squash/
(SQ.elimProp3 (λ _ _ _ → squash/ _ _)
λ xs _ _ → cong [_]/ (sym (++-assoc xs _ _)))
(SQ.elimProp (λ _ → squash/ _ _) λ xs → cong [_]/ (++-unit-r xs))
(SQ.elimProp (λ _ → squash/ _ _) λ _ → refl)
(SQ.elimProp (λ _ → squash/ _ _) λ xs → sym (eq/ _ _
([ ⇊1g-invLi (≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl xs)) ]≡ε)))
(SQ.elimProp (λ _ → squash/ _ _) λ xs → eq/ _ _ [
subst _⇊1g (cong (invLi xs ++_) (invol-invLi xs) ∙
sym (++-unit-r _)) (≡ε (·⁻¹≡ε-refl (invLi xs))) ]≡ε)
List/↘↙group : Group ℓ
List/↘↙group = _ , List/↘↙GroupStr
module Discrete (_≟_ : Discrete A) where
isSetA = Discrete→isSet _≟_
isSet[𝟚×] = isOfHLevelList 0 (isSet× isSetBool isSetA)
IsRedex? : ∀ x x' → Dec (IsRedex x x')
IsRedex? _ _ = discreteΣ 𝟚._≟_ (λ _ → _≟_) _ _
HeadIsRedex? : ∀ xs → Dec (HeadIsRedex xs)
HeadIsRedex? [] = no lower
HeadIsRedex? (x ∷ []) = no lower
HeadIsRedex? (x ∷ x' ∷ _) = IsRedex? x x'
preη· : ∀ x xs → Dec (HeadIsRedex (x ∷ xs)) → [𝟚× A ]
preη· _ xs (yes _) = tail xs
preη· x xs (no _) = x ∷ xs
preη·-N : ∀ {x xs} hir? → IsNormalised xs → IsNormalised (preη· x xs hir?)
preη·-N (yes _) = IsNormalisedTail _
preη·-N (no ¬p) = ⊎.rec ¬p
sec-preη· : ∀ x xs p q → IsNormalised xs → preη· (not₁ x) (preη· x xs p) q ≡ xs
sec-preη· x (x₂ ∷ xs) (yes p) (no ¬p) x₁ =
cong (_∷ xs) (sym (symIsRedex _ _ p))
sec-preη· x (x₂ ∷ x₃ ∷ xs) (yes p) (yes p₁) x₁ =
⊥.rec (x₁ (inl (symIsRedex _ _ p ∙ p₁)))
sec-preη· x xs (no ¬p) (no ¬p₁) x₁ = ⊥.rec (¬p₁ refl)
sec-preη· x xs (no ¬p) (yes p) _ = refl
η· : (Bool × A) → [𝟚× A ] → [𝟚× A ]
η· x xs = preη· _ _ (HeadIsRedex? (x ∷ xs))
η·∷ : ∀ x xs → (HeadIsRedex (x ∷ xs) → ⊥) → η· x xs ≡ x ∷ xs
η·∷ x xs x₁ = cong (λ u → preη· x xs u)
(≡no (HeadIsRedex? (x ∷ xs)) x₁)
nη· : (Bool × A) → Σ _ IsNormalised → Σ _ IsNormalised
fst (nη· x x₁) = η· x (fst x₁)
snd (nη· x x₁) = preη·-N (HeadIsRedex? _) (snd x₁)
η·iso : (Bool × A) → Iso (Σ [𝟚× A ] IsNormalised) (Σ [𝟚× A ] IsNormalised)
Iso.fun (η·iso x) = nη· x
Iso.inv (η·iso x) = nη· (not₁ x)
Iso.rightInv (η·iso x) b =
Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised
(funExt⁻ (cong η· (sym (not₁not₁ x)) ) (η· (not₁ x) (fst b))
∙ sec-preη· (not₁ x) _ (HeadIsRedex? _) (HeadIsRedex? _) (snd b))
Iso.leftInv (η·iso x) a =
Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised
(sec-preη· x _ (HeadIsRedex? _) (HeadIsRedex? _) (snd a))
η·≃ = isoToEquiv ∘ η·iso
normalise : ∀ xs → Σ _ λ xs' →
(xs' · xs ⁻¹≡ε) × IsNormalised xs'
normalise = Li.elim ([] , [ [] ]≡ε , lower )
λ {x} {xs} (xs' , [ u ]≡ε , v) →
let zz : ∀ xs' uu u → (preη· x xs' uu ++ invLi (x ∷ xs)) ⇊1g
zz =
λ { xs' (no ¬p) → subst (_⇊1g ∘S (x ∷_)) (++-assoc xs' _ _) ∘ cj x _
; [] (yes ())
; (_ ∷ xs') (yes p) →
subst _⇊1g (λ i → ++-assoc xs' (invLi xs)
[ symIsRedex _ _ p i ] i) ∘ ⇊1gRot _ }
h = HeadIsRedex? _
in _ , [ zz xs' h u ]≡ε , preη·-N h v
IsoNF : Iso (Σ _ IsNormalised) List/↘↙
fun IsoNF = [_]/ ∘ fst
Iso.inv IsoNF =
SQ.rec (isSetΣ isSet[𝟚×] (isProp→isSet ∘ isPropIsNormalised))
((λ (_ , _ , u) → _ , u) ∘ normalise)
λ _ _ →
let (a' , t , u ) = normalise _ ; (b' , t' , u') = normalise _
in Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised ∘S sym
∘S nf-uR _ _ (fst (IsNormalisedInvLi {b'}) u') u
∘S ⇊1g++comm a' (invLi b') ∘S ≡ε
∘S flip (·⁻¹≡ε-trans _ _ _) (·⁻¹≡ε-sym _ _ t')
∘S ·⁻¹≡ε-trans _ _ _ t
rightInv IsoNF = SQ.elimProp (λ _ → squash/ _ _)
(eq/ _ _ ∘ fst ∘ snd ∘ normalise)
leftInv IsoNF = Σ≡Prop isPropIsNormalised ∘ uncurry
(Li.elim (λ _ → refl) λ f v →
let lem : ∀ uu → preη· _ _ uu ≡ _ ∷ _
lem =
λ { (yes p) → ⊥.rec (v (inl (subst (WillReduce _ _) (f (v ∘ inr)) p)))
; (no ¬p) → refl }
in lem (HeadIsRedex? _) ∙ cong (_ ∷_) (f (v ∘ inr)))
module NF {ℓ'} {A : Type ℓ} (G : Group ℓ') (η : A → ⟨ G ⟩) where
open NormalForm A
open GroupStr (snd G) renaming (_·_ to _·fg_) public
η* : Bool × A → ⟨ G ⟩
η* (b , a) = (if b then idfun _ else inv) (η a)
fromList : [𝟚× A ] → ⟨ G ⟩
fromList = foldr (_·fg_ ∘ η*) 1g
record NF (g : _) : Type (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') where
constructor _nf_,_
word : [𝟚× A ]
fromListWord≡ : fromList word ≡ g
isNormalisedWord : IsNormalised word
fromList· : ∀ xs ys → fromList (xs ++ ys) ≡
fromList xs ·fg fromList ys
fromList· [] _ = sym (·IdL _)
fromList· (_ ∷ xs) _ =
cong (_ ·fg_) (fromList· xs _) ∙
·Assoc _ _ _
redex-ε-η* : ∀ x x' → IsRedex x x' → η* x ·fg η* x' ≡ 1g
redex-ε-η* (false , _) (false , _) = ⊥.rec ∘ false≢true ∘ cong fst
redex-ε-η* (false , x) (true , _) q =
cong (inv (η x) ·fg_) (cong (η) (sym (cong snd q))) ∙ ·InvL (η x)
redex-ε-η* (true , x) (false , _) q =
cong (η x ·fg_) (cong (inv ∘ η) (sym (cong snd q))) ∙ ·InvR (η x)
redex-ε-η* (true , _) (true , _) = ⊥.rec ∘ true≢false ∘ cong fst