Module in which the Grothendieck Group ("Groupification") of a commutative monoid is defined.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid.GrothendieckGroup where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid.CommMonoidProd
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group
open import Cubical.Algebra.Group.Morphisms
open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup

open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients.Properties

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base

     ℓ' : Level

module _ (M : CommMonoid ) where
  open BinaryRelation

   : CommMonoid _
   = CommMonoidProd M M

  open CommMonoidStr ⦃...⦄
      _ = snd M
      _ = snd 

  R :          Type _
  R (a₁ , b₁) (a₂ , b₂) =  Σ[ k   M  ] k · (a₁ · b₂)  k · (b₁ · a₂)

  M²/R : Type _
  M²/R =    / R

  0/R : M²/R
  0/R = [ ε , ε ]

    _+/_ : M²/R  M²/R  M²/R
    x +/ y = setQuotBinOp isReflR isReflR _·_ isCongR x y
      isReflR : isRefl R
      isReflR (a , b) = ε , cong (ε ·_) (·Comm a b)

      isCongR :  u u' v v'  R u u'  R v v'  R (u · v) (u' · v')
      isCongR (a₁ , b₁) (a₂ , b₂) (a₃ , b₃) (a₄ , b₄) (k , p) (s , q) = k · s , proof
        proof =
          (k · s) · ((a₁ · a₃) · (b₂ · b₄)) ≡⟨ lemma 
          (k · (a₁ · b₂)) · (s · (a₃ · b₄)) ≡⟨ cong₂ _·_ p q 
          (k · (b₁ · a₂)) · (s · (b₃ · a₄)) ≡⟨ sym lemma 
          (k · s) · ((b₁ · b₃) · (a₂ · a₄)) 
            rExp :  {x y z}  x  y  x · z  y · z
            rExp r = cong₂ _·_ r refl

            lExp :  {x y z}  x  y  z · x  z · y
            lExp r = cong₂ _·_ refl r

            -- remove proof when MonoidSolver is done
            lemma :  {k s a b c d}  (k · s) · ((a · b) · (c · d))  (k · (a · c)) · (s · (b · d))
            lemma = sym (·Assoc _ _ _)  lExp (
                                   (·Assoc _ _ _)  (·Assoc _ _ _)  rExp (
                                       ·Comm _ _  (·Assoc _ _ _)  (·Assoc _ _ _)  rExp (
                                            ·Comm _ _  (·Assoc _ _ _)
                                       )  sym (·Assoc _ _ _)
                                   )  sym (·Assoc _ _ _)  lExp (sym (·Assoc _ _ _))
                              )  (·Assoc _ _ _)

    -/_ : M²/R  M²/R
    -/_ = setQuotUnaryOp swap h
      swap :        
      swap = λ (a , b)  b , a

      h :  u v  R u v  R (swap u) (swap v)
      h _ _ (k , p) = k , sym p

    assoc/R : (x y z : M²/R)  x +/ ( y +/ z)  (x +/ y) +/ z
    assoc/R = elimProp3  x y z  squash/ _ _)  u v w  cong [_] (·Assoc _ _ _))

    rid/R : (x : M²/R)  x +/ 0/R  x
    rid/R = elimProp  x  squash/ _ _)  u  cong [_] (·IdR u))

    rinv/R : (x : M²/R)  x +/ (-/ x)  0/R
    rinv/R = elimProp  x  squash/ _ _)
                       (a , b)   eq/ _ _ (ε , cong  x  ε · (x · ε)) (·Comm _ _)))

    comm/R : (x y : M²/R)  x +/ y  y +/ x
    comm/R = elimProp2  x y  squash/ _ _)  u v  cong [_] (·Comm _ _))

  asAbGroup : AbGroup 
  asAbGroup = makeAbGroup 0/R _+/_ -/_ squash/ assoc/R rid/R rinv/R comm/R

Groupification : CommMonoid   AbGroup 
Groupification M = asAbGroup M

module UniversalProperty (M : CommMonoid ) where
  open IsMonoidHom
  open CommMonoidStr ⦃...⦄

      _ = snd M

The "groupification" of a monoid comes with a universal morphism and a universal property:

            M ----- ∀φ -----> A
             \               Λ
              \             /
       universalHom    ∃! inducedHom
                \         /
                 V       /
             Groupification M

  universalHom : CommMonoidHom M (AbGroup→CommMonoid (Groupification M))
  fst universalHom = λ m  [ m , ε ]
  pres· (snd universalHom) =
    λ _ _  eq/ _ _ (ε , cong (ε ·_) (·Comm _ _  cong₂ _·_ (·IdR ε) refl))
  presε (snd universalHom) = refl

    i = fst universalHom

  module _ {A : AbGroup } (φ : CommMonoidHom M (AbGroup→CommMonoid A)) where
    open IsGroupHom

    open GroupTheory (AbGroup→Group A)

    open AbGroupStr ⦃...⦄ using (-_; _-_; _+_; +InvR; +InvL)
        AAsGroup  = snd A
        MAsGroup  = snd (Groupification M)
        AAsMonoid = snd (AbGroup→CommMonoid A)

      module φ = IsMonoidHom (snd φ)
      f = fst φ

    inducedHom : AbGroupHom (Groupification M) A
    fst inducedHom = elim  x  is-set) g proof
        g = λ (a , b)  f a - f b
        proof : (u v :   M ) (r : R M u v)  g u  g v
        proof _ _ (k , p) = lemma (lemma₂ p)
            lemma₂ :  {k a b c d}  k · (a · d)  k · (b · c)  f a + f d  f b + f c
            lemma₂ {k} {a} {b} {c} {d} p =
              f a + f d   ≡⟨ sym (φ.pres· _ _) 
              f (a · d)   ≡⟨ ·CancelL _ (sym (φ.pres· _ _)  (cong f p)  φ.pres· _ _) 
              f (b · c)   ≡⟨ φ.pres· _ _ 
              f b + f c   

            lemma :  {a b c d}  f a + f d  f b + f c  f a - f b  f c - f d
            lemma {a} {b} {c} {d} p =
              f a - f b
                ≡⟨ cong  x  x - f b) (sym (·IdR _)) 
              f a + ε - f b
                ≡⟨ cong  x  f a + x - f b) (sym (+InvR _)) 
              f a + (f d - f d) - f b
                ≡⟨ cong  x  x - f b) (·Assoc _ _ _) 
              f a + f d - f d - f b
                ≡⟨ cong  x  x - f d - f b) p 
              f b + f c - f d - f b
                ≡⟨ ·Comm _ _  ·Assoc _ _ _ 
              (- f b + (f b + f c)) - f d
                ≡⟨ cong  x  x - f d) (·Assoc _ _ _) 
              ((- f b + f b) + f c) - f d
                ≡⟨ cong  x  (x + f c) - f d) (+InvL _)  sym (·Assoc _ _ _)  ·IdL _ 
              f c - f d

    pres· (snd inducedHom) = elimProp2  _ _  is-set _ _) proof
        rExp :  {x y z}  x  y  x + z  y + z
        rExp r = cong₂ _+_ r refl

        lExp :  {x y z}  x  y  z + x  z + y
        lExp r = cong₂ _+_ refl r

        proof : ((a , b) (c , d) :   M )  (f (a · c)) - (f (b · d))  (f a - f b) + (f c - f d)
        proof (a , b) (c , d) =
          f (a · c) - f (b · d)     ≡⟨ cong₂ _-_ (φ.pres· _ _) (φ.pres· _ _) 
          (f a + f c) - (f b + f d) ≡⟨ lExp (invDistr _ _  ·Comm _ _)  ·Assoc _ _ _ 
          ((f a + f c) - f b) - f d ≡⟨ lemma 
          (f a - f b) + (f c - f d) 
            lemma = rExp (sym (·Assoc _ _ _)  lExp (·Comm _ _)  ·Assoc _ _ _)  sym (·Assoc _ _ _)

    pres1 (snd inducedHom)   = +InvR _
    presinv (snd inducedHom) = elimProp  _  is-set _ _)
                                         _  sym (invDistr _ _  cong₂ _-_ (invInv _) refl))

    solution : (m :  M )  (fst inducedHom) (i m)  f m
    solution m = cong ((f m)+_) ((cong (-_) φ.presε)  inv1g)  ·IdR _

    unique : (ψ : AbGroupHom (Groupification M) A)
              (ψIsSolution : (m :  M )  ψ .fst (i m)  f m)
              (u :   M )  ψ .fst [ u ]  inducedHom .fst [ u ]
    unique ψ ψIsSolution (a , b) =
       ψ .fst [ a , b ]                    ≡⟨ lemma 
       ψ .fst ([ a , ε ] - [ b , ε ])      ≡⟨ (snd ψ).pres· _ _  cong₂ _+_ refl ((snd ψ).presinv _) 
       ψ .fst [ a , ε ] - ψ .fst [ b , ε ] ≡⟨ cong₂ _-_ (ψIsSolution a) (ψIsSolution b) 
       f a - f b                           
         lemma = cong (ψ .fst) (eq/ _ _ (ε , cong (ε ·_) (·Assoc _ _ _  ·Comm _ _)))