-- The Agda standard library
-- An inductive definition of the sublist relation. This is commonly
-- known as an Order Preserving Embedding (OPE).

module Data.List.Relation.Sublist.Propositional {a} {A : Set a} where

open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_; [_])
open import Data.List.Any  using (here; there)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
open import Relation.Binary using (Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (refl)

-- Type and basic combinators

infix 3 _⊆_

data _⊆_ : Rel (List A) a where
  base : []  []
  skip :  {xs y ys}  xs  ys  xs  (y  ys)
  keep :  {x xs ys}  xs  ys  (x  xs)  (x  ys)

infix 4 []⊆_

[]⊆_ :  xs  []  xs
[]⊆ []     = base
[]⊆ x  xs = skip ([]⊆ xs)

-- A function induced by a sublist proof

lookup :  {xs ys}  xs  ys  {x : A}  x  xs  x  ys
lookup (skip p) v         = there (lookup p v)
lookup (keep p) (here px) = here px
lookup (keep p) (there v) = there (lookup p v)
lookup base     ()

-- Conversion between membership and proofs that a singleton is a sublist

from∈ :  {xs x}  x  xs  [ x ]  xs
from∈ (here refl) = keep ([]⊆ _)
from∈ (there p)   = skip (from∈ p)

to∈ :  {xs x}  [ x ]  xs  x  xs
to∈ p = lookup p (here refl)