-- The Agda standard library
-- The Stream type and some operations

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --sized-types #-}

module Codata.Sized.Stream where

open import Size
open import Codata.Sized.Thunk as Thunk using (Thunk; force)

open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.List.Base using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.NonEmpty as List⁺ using (List⁺; _∷_; _∷⁺_)
open import Data.Vec.Base using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Product.Base as P using (Σ; _×_; _,_; <_,_>; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Function.Base using (id; _∘_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl)

    a b c : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b
    C : Set c
    i : Size

-- Type

data Stream (A : Set a) (i : Size) : Set a where
  _∷_ : A  Thunk (Stream A) i  Stream A i

infixr 5 _∷_

-- Creating streams

repeat : A  Stream A i
repeat a = a  λ where .force  repeat a

infixr 5 _++_ _⁺++_
_++_ : List A  Stream A i  Stream A i
[]       ++ ys = ys
(x  xs) ++ ys = x  λ where .force  xs ++ ys

unfold : (A  A × B)  A  Stream B i
unfold next seed =
  let (seed′ , b) = next seed in
  b  λ where .force  unfold next seed′

iterate : (A  A)  A  Stream A 
iterate f = unfold < f , id >

nats : Stream  
nats = iterate suc zero

-- Looking at streams

head : Stream A i  A
head (x  xs) = x

tail : {j : Size< i}  Stream A i  Stream A j
tail (x  xs) = xs .force

lookup : Stream A     A
lookup xs zero    = head xs
lookup xs (suc k) = lookup (tail xs) k

-- Transforming streams

map : (A  B)  Stream A i  Stream B i
map f (x  xs) = f x  λ where .force  map f (xs .force)

ap : Stream (A  B) i  Stream A i  Stream B i
ap (f  fs) (x  xs) = f x  λ where .force  ap (fs .force) (xs .force)

scanl : (B  A  B)  B  Stream A i  Stream B i
scanl c n (x  xs) = n  λ where .force  scanl c (c n x) (xs .force)

zipWith : (A  B  C)  Stream A i  Stream B i  Stream C i
zipWith f (a  as) (b  bs) = f a b  λ where .force  zipWith f (as .force) (bs .force)

-- List⁺-related functions

_⁺++_ : List⁺ A  Thunk (Stream A) i  Stream A i
(x  xs) ⁺++ ys = x  λ where .force  xs ++ ys .force

cycle : List⁺ A  Stream A i
cycle xs = xs ⁺++ λ where .force  cycle xs

concat : Stream (List⁺ A) i  Stream A i
concat (xs  xss) = xs ⁺++ λ where .force  concat (xss .force)

-- Chunking

splitAt : (n : )  Stream A   Vec A n × Stream A 
splitAt zero    xs       = [] , xs
splitAt (suc n) (x  xs) = P.map₁ (x ∷_) (splitAt n (xs .force))

take : (n : )  Stream A   Vec A n
take n xs = proj₁ (splitAt n xs)

drop :   Stream A   Stream A 
drop n xs = proj₂ (splitAt n xs)

chunksOf : (n : )  Stream A   Stream (Vec A n) 
chunksOf n = chunksOfAcc n id module ChunksOf where

  chunksOfAcc :  k (acc : Vec A k  Vec A n) 
                Stream A   Stream (Vec A n) i
  chunksOfAcc zero    acc xs       = acc []  λ where .force  chunksOfAcc n id xs
  chunksOfAcc (suc k) acc (x  xs) = chunksOfAcc k (acc  (x ∷_)) (xs .force)

-- Interleaving streams

-- The most basic of interleaving strategies is to take two streams and
-- alternate between emitting values from one and the other.
interleave : Stream A i  Thunk (Stream A) i  Stream A i
interleave (x  xs) ys = x  λ where .force  interleave (ys .force) xs

-- This interleaving strategy can be generalised to an arbitrary
-- non-empty list of streams
interleave⁺ : List⁺ (Stream A i)  Stream A i
interleave⁺ xss =
  List⁺.map head xss
  ⁺++ λ where .force  interleave⁺ (List⁺.map tail xss)

-- To generalise this further to a stream of streams however we have to
-- adopt a different strategy: if we were to start with *all* the heads
-- then we would never reach any of the second elements in the streams.

-- Here we use Cantor's zig zag function to explore the plane defined by
-- the function `(i,j) ↦ lookup (lookup xss i) j‵ mapping coordinates to
-- values in a way that guarantees that any point is reached in a finite
-- amount of time. The definition is taken from the paper:
-- Applications of Applicative Proof Search by Liam O'Connor

cantor : Stream (Stream A )   Stream A 
cantor (l  ls) = zig (l  []) (ls .force) module Cantor where

  zig : List⁺ (Stream A )            Stream (Stream A )   Stream A i
  zag : List⁺ A  List⁺ (Stream A )  Stream (Stream A )   Stream A i

  zig xss = zag (List⁺.map head xss) (List⁺.map tail xss)

  zag (x  []) zs (l  ls) = x  λ where .force  zig (l ∷⁺ zs) (ls .force)
  zag (x  (y  xs)) zs ls = x  λ where .force  zag (y  xs) zs ls

-- We can use the Cantor zig zag function to define a form of `bind'
-- that reaches any point of the plane in a finite amount of time.
plane : {B : A  Set b}  Stream A   ((a : A)  Stream (B a) ) 
        Stream (Σ A B) 
plane as bs = cantor (map  a  map (a ,_) (bs a)) as)

-- Here is the beginning of the path we are following:
_ : take 21 (plane nats  _  nats))
   (0 , 0)
   (1 , 0)  (0 , 1)
   (2 , 0)  (1 , 1)  (0 , 2)
   (3 , 0)  (2 , 1)  (1 , 2)  (0 , 3)
   (4 , 0)  (3 , 1)  (2 , 2)  (1 , 3)  (0 , 4)
   (5 , 0)  (4 , 1)  (3 , 2)  (2 , 3)  (1 , 4)  (0 , 5)
_ = refl