{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Data.List.Base where
open import Algebra.Bundles.Raw using (RawMagma; RawMonoid)
open import Data.Bool.Base as Bool
using (Bool; false; true; not; _∧_; _∨_; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Fin.Base using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (Maybe; nothing; just; maybe′)
open import Data.Nat.Base as ℕ using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Data.Product.Base as Product using (_×_; _,_; map₁; map₂′)
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.These.Base as These using (These; this; that; these)
open import Function.Base
using (id; _∘_ ; _∘′_; _∘₂_; _$_; const; flip)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel)
import Relation.Binary.Definitions as B
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core using (T?; does; ¬?)
a b c p ℓ : Level
A : Set a
B : Set b
C : Set c
open import Agda.Builtin.List public
using (List; []; _∷_)
map : (A → B) → List A → List B
map f [] = []
map f (x ∷ xs) = f x ∷ map f xs
infixr 5 _++_
_++_ : List A → List A → List A
[] ++ ys = ys
(x ∷ xs) ++ ys = x ∷ (xs ++ ys)
intersperse : A → List A → List A
intersperse x [] = []
intersperse x (y ∷ []) = y ∷ []
intersperse x (y ∷ ys) = y ∷ x ∷ intersperse x ys
intercalate : List A → List (List A) → List A
intercalate xs [] = []
intercalate xs (ys ∷ []) = ys
intercalate xs (ys ∷ yss) = ys ++ xs ++ intercalate xs yss
cartesianProductWith : (A → B → C) → List A → List B → List C
cartesianProductWith f [] _ = []
cartesianProductWith f (x ∷ xs) ys = map (f x) ys ++ cartesianProductWith f xs ys
cartesianProduct : List A → List B → List (A × B)
cartesianProduct = cartesianProductWith _,_
alignWith : (These A B → C) → List A → List B → List C
alignWith f [] bs = map (f ∘′ that) bs
alignWith f as [] = map (f ∘′ this) as
alignWith f (a ∷ as) (b ∷ bs) = f (these a b) ∷ alignWith f as bs
zipWith : (A → B → C) → List A → List B → List C
zipWith f (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = f x y ∷ zipWith f xs ys
zipWith f _ _ = []
unalignWith : (A → These B C) → List A → List B × List C
unalignWith f [] = [] , []
unalignWith f (a ∷ as) with f a
... | this b = Product.map₁ (b ∷_) (unalignWith f as)
... | that c = Product.map₂ (c ∷_) (unalignWith f as)
... | these b c = Product.map (b ∷_) (c ∷_) (unalignWith f as)
unzipWith : (A → B × C) → List A → List B × List C
unzipWith f [] = [] , []
unzipWith f (xy ∷ xys) = Product.zip _∷_ _∷_ (f xy) (unzipWith f xys)
partitionSumsWith : (A → B ⊎ C) → List A → List B × List C
partitionSumsWith f = unalignWith (These.fromSum ∘′ f)
align : List A → List B → List (These A B)
align = alignWith id
zip : List A → List B → List (A × B)
zip = zipWith (_,_)
unalign : List (These A B) → List A × List B
unalign = unalignWith id
unzip : List (A × B) → List A × List B
unzip = unzipWith id
partitionSums : List (A ⊎ B) → List A × List B
partitionSums = partitionSumsWith id
merge : {R : Rel A ℓ} → B.Decidable R → List A → List A → List A
merge R? [] ys = ys
merge R? xs [] = xs
merge R? x∷xs@(x ∷ xs) y∷ys@(y ∷ ys) = if does (R? x y)
then x ∷ merge R? xs y∷ys
else y ∷ merge R? x∷xs ys
foldr : (A → B → B) → B → List A → B
foldr c n [] = n
foldr c n (x ∷ xs) = c x (foldr c n xs)
foldl : (A → B → A) → A → List B → A
foldl c n [] = n
foldl c n (x ∷ xs) = foldl c (c n x) xs
concat : List (List A) → List A
concat = foldr _++_ []
concatMap : (A → List B) → List A → List B
concatMap f = concat ∘ map f
ap : List (A → B) → List A → List B
ap fs as = concatMap (flip map as) fs
catMaybes : List (Maybe A) → List A
catMaybes = foldr (maybe′ _∷_ id) []
mapMaybe : (A → Maybe B) → List A → List B
mapMaybe p = catMaybes ∘ map p
null : List A → Bool
null [] = true
null (x ∷ xs) = false
length : List A → ℕ
length = foldr (const suc) 0
[_] : A → List A
[ x ] = x ∷ []
fromMaybe : Maybe A → List A
fromMaybe (just x) = [ x ]
fromMaybe nothing = []
replicate : ℕ → A → List A
replicate zero x = []
replicate (suc n) x = x ∷ replicate n x
iterate : (A → A) → A → ℕ → List A
iterate f e zero = []
iterate f e (suc n) = e ∷ iterate f (f e) n
inits : List A → List (List A)
inits {A = A} = λ xs → [] ∷ tail xs
module Inits where
tail : List A → List (List A)
tail [] = []
tail (x ∷ xs) = [ x ] ∷ map (x ∷_) (tail xs)
tails : List A → List (List A)
tails {A = A} = λ xs → xs ∷ tail xs
module Tails where
tail : List A → List (List A)
tail [] = []
tail (_ ∷ xs) = xs ∷ tail xs
insertAt : (xs : List A) → Fin (suc (length xs)) → A → List A
insertAt xs zero v = v ∷ xs
insertAt (x ∷ xs) (suc i) v = x ∷ insertAt xs i v
updateAt : (xs : List A) → Fin (length xs) → (A → A) → List A
updateAt (x ∷ xs) zero f = f x ∷ xs
updateAt (x ∷ xs) (suc i) f = x ∷ updateAt xs i f
applyUpTo : (ℕ → A) → ℕ → List A
applyUpTo f zero = []
applyUpTo f (suc n) = f zero ∷ applyUpTo (f ∘ suc) n
applyDownFrom : (ℕ → A) → ℕ → List A
applyDownFrom f zero = []
applyDownFrom f (suc n) = f n ∷ applyDownFrom f n
tabulate : ∀ {n} (f : Fin n → A) → List A
tabulate {n = zero} f = []
tabulate {n = suc n} f = f zero ∷ tabulate (f ∘ suc)
lookup : ∀ (xs : List A) → Fin (length xs) → A
lookup (x ∷ xs) zero = x
lookup (x ∷ xs) (suc i) = lookup xs i
upTo : ℕ → List ℕ
upTo = applyUpTo id
downFrom : ℕ → List ℕ
downFrom = applyDownFrom id
allFin : ∀ n → List (Fin n)
allFin n = tabulate id
unfold : ∀ (P : ℕ → Set b)
(f : ∀ {n} → P (suc n) → Maybe (A × P n)) →
∀ {n} → P n → List A
unfold P f {n = zero} s = []
unfold P f {n = suc n} s = maybe′ (λ (x , s′) → x ∷ unfold P f s′) [] (f s)
reverseAcc : List A → List A → List A
reverseAcc = foldl (flip _∷_)
reverse : List A → List A
reverse = reverseAcc []
infixr 5 _ʳ++_
_ʳ++_ : List A → List A → List A
_ʳ++_ = flip reverseAcc
infixl 6 _∷ʳ_
_∷ʳ_ : List A → A → List A
xs ∷ʳ x = xs ++ [ x ]
infixl 5 _∷ʳ′_
data InitLast {A : Set a} : List A → Set a where
[] : InitLast []
_∷ʳ′_ : (xs : List A) (x : A) → InitLast (xs ∷ʳ x)
initLast : (xs : List A) → InitLast xs
initLast [] = []
initLast (x ∷ xs) with initLast xs
... | [] = [] ∷ʳ′ x
... | ys ∷ʳ′ y = (x ∷ ys) ∷ʳ′ y
unsnoc : List A → Maybe (List A × A)
unsnoc as with initLast as
... | [] = nothing
... | xs ∷ʳ′ x = just (xs , x)
uncons : List A → Maybe (A × List A)
uncons [] = nothing
uncons (x ∷ xs) = just (x , xs)
head : List A → Maybe A
head [] = nothing
head (x ∷ _) = just x
tail : List A → Maybe (List A)
tail [] = nothing
tail (_ ∷ xs) = just xs
last : List A → Maybe A
last [] = nothing
last (x ∷ []) = just x
last (_ ∷ xs) = last xs
take : ℕ → List A → List A
take zero xs = []
take (suc n) [] = []
take (suc n) (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ take n xs
drop : ℕ → List A → List A
drop zero xs = xs
drop (suc n) [] = []
drop (suc n) (x ∷ xs) = drop n xs
splitAt : ℕ → List A → List A × List A
splitAt zero xs = ([] , xs)
splitAt (suc n) [] = ([] , [])
splitAt (suc n) (x ∷ xs) = Product.map₁ (x ∷_) (splitAt n xs)
removeAt : (xs : List A) → Fin (length xs) → List A
removeAt (x ∷ xs) zero = xs
removeAt (x ∷ xs) (suc i) = x ∷ removeAt xs i
takeWhile : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → List A
takeWhile P? [] = []
takeWhile P? (x ∷ xs) with does (P? x)
... | true = x ∷ takeWhile P? xs
... | false = []
takeWhileᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A
takeWhileᵇ p = takeWhile (T? ∘ p)
dropWhile : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → List A
dropWhile P? [] = []
dropWhile P? (x ∷ xs) with does (P? x)
... | true = dropWhile P? xs
... | false = x ∷ xs
dropWhileᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A
dropWhileᵇ p = dropWhile (T? ∘ p)
filter : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → List A
filter P? [] = []
filter P? (x ∷ xs) with does (P? x)
... | false = filter P? xs
... | true = x ∷ filter P? xs
filterᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A
filterᵇ p = filter (T? ∘ p)
partition : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → (List A × List A)
partition P? [] = ([] , [])
partition P? (x ∷ xs) with does (P? x) | partition P? xs
... | true | (ys , zs) = (x ∷ ys , zs)
... | false | (ys , zs) = (ys , x ∷ zs)
partitionᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A × List A
partitionᵇ p = partition (T? ∘ p)
span : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → (List A × List A)
span P? [] = ([] , [])
span P? ys@(x ∷ xs) with does (P? x)
... | true = Product.map (x ∷_) id (span P? xs)
... | false = ([] , ys)
spanᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A × List A
spanᵇ p = span (T? ∘ p)
break : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → (List A × List A)
break P? = span (¬? ∘ P?)
breakᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List A × List A
breakᵇ p = break (T? ∘ p)
linesBy : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → List (List A)
linesBy {A = A} P? = go nothing where
go : Maybe (List A) → List A → List (List A)
go acc [] = maybe′ ([_] ∘′ reverse) [] acc
go acc (c ∷ cs) = if does (P? c)
then reverse acc′ ∷ go nothing cs
else go (just (c ∷ acc′)) cs
where acc′ = Maybe.fromMaybe [] acc
linesByᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List (List A)
linesByᵇ p = linesBy (T? ∘ p)
wordsBy : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → List (List A)
wordsBy {A = A} P? = go [] where
cons : List A → List (List A) → List (List A)
cons [] ass = ass
cons as ass = reverse as ∷ ass
go : List A → List A → List (List A)
go acc [] = cons acc []
go acc (c ∷ cs) = if does (P? c)
then cons acc (go [] cs)
else go (c ∷ acc) cs
wordsByᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → List (List A)
wordsByᵇ p = wordsBy (T? ∘ p)
derun : ∀ {R : Rel A p} → B.Decidable R → List A → List A
derun R? [] = []
derun R? (x ∷ []) = x ∷ []
derun R? (x ∷ xs@(y ∷ _)) with does (R? x y) | derun R? xs
... | true | ys = ys
... | false | ys = x ∷ ys
derunᵇ : (A → A → Bool) → List A → List A
derunᵇ r = derun (T? ∘₂ r)
deduplicate : ∀ {R : Rel A p} → B.Decidable R → List A → List A
deduplicate R? [] = []
deduplicate R? (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ filter (¬? ∘ R? x) (deduplicate R? xs)
deduplicateᵇ : (A → A → Bool) → List A → List A
deduplicateᵇ r = deduplicate (T? ∘₂ r)
find : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → List A → Maybe A
find P? [] = nothing
find P? (x ∷ xs) = if does (P? x) then just x else find P? xs
findᵇ : (A → Bool) → List A → Maybe A
findᵇ p = find (T? ∘ p)
findIndex : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → (xs : List A) → Maybe $ Fin (length xs)
findIndex P? [] = nothing
findIndex P? (x ∷ xs) = if does (P? x)
then just zero
else Maybe.map suc (findIndex P? xs)
findIndexᵇ : (A → Bool) → (xs : List A) → Maybe $ Fin (length xs)
findIndexᵇ p = findIndex (T? ∘ p)
findIndices : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → Decidable P → (xs : List A) → List $ Fin (length xs)
findIndices P? [] = []
findIndices P? (x ∷ xs) = if does (P? x)
then zero ∷ indices
else indices
where indices = map suc (findIndices P? xs)
findIndicesᵇ : (A → Bool) → (xs : List A) → List $ Fin (length xs)
findIndicesᵇ p = findIndices (T? ∘ p)
infixl 5 _[_]%=_ _[_]∷=_
_[_]%=_ : (xs : List A) → Fin (length xs) → (A → A) → List A
xs [ i ]%= f = updateAt xs i f
_[_]∷=_ : (xs : List A) → Fin (length xs) → A → List A
xs [ k ]∷= v = xs [ k ]%= const v
infixr 5 _?∷_
_?∷_ : Maybe A → List A → List A
_?∷_ = maybe′ _∷_ id
infixl 6 _∷ʳ?_
_∷ʳ?_ : List A → Maybe A → List A
xs ∷ʳ? x = maybe′ (xs ∷ʳ_) xs x
module _ (A : Set a) where
++-rawMagma : RawMagma a _
++-rawMagma = record
{ Carrier = List A
; _≈_ = _≡_
; _∙_ = _++_
++-[]-rawMonoid : RawMonoid a _
++-[]-rawMonoid = record
{ Carrier = List A
; _≈_ = _≡_
; _∙_ = _++_
; ε = []
infixl 5 _∷ʳ'_
_∷ʳ'_ : (xs : List A) (x : A) → InitLast (xs ∷ʳ x)
_∷ʳ'_ = InitLast._∷ʳ′_
"Warning: _∷ʳ'_ (ending in an apostrophe) was deprecated in v1.4.
Please use _∷ʳ′_ (ending in a prime) instead."
infixl 5 _─_
_─_ = removeAt
"Warning: _─_ was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use removeAt instead."
scanr : (A → B → B) → B → List A → List B
scanr f e [] = e ∷ []
scanr f e (x ∷ xs) with scanr f e xs
... | [] = []
... | ys@(y ∷ _) = f x y ∷ ys
"Warning: scanr was deprecated in v2.1.
Please use Data.List.Scans.Base.scanr instead."
scanl : (A → B → A) → A → List B → List A
scanl f e [] = e ∷ []
scanl f e (x ∷ xs) = e ∷ scanl f (f e x) xs
"Warning: scanl was deprecated in v2.1.
Please use Data.List.Scans.Base.scanl instead."
and : List Bool → Bool
and = foldr _∧_ true
all : (A → Bool) → List A → Bool
all p = and ∘ map p
"Warning: and was deprecated in v2.3.
Please use Data.Bool.ListAction.and instead."
"Warning: all was deprecated in v2.3.
Please use Data.Nat.ListAction.all instead."
or : List Bool → Bool
or = foldr _∨_ false
any : (A → Bool) → List A → Bool
any p = or ∘ map p
"Warning: or was deprecated in v2.3.
Please use Data.Bool.ListAction.or instead."
"Warning: any was deprecated in v2.3.
Please use Data.Bool.ListAction.any instead."
sum : List ℕ → ℕ
sum = foldr ℕ._+_ 0
"Warning: sum was deprecated in v2.3.
Please use Data.Nat.ListAction.sum instead."
product : List ℕ → ℕ
product = foldr ℕ._*_ 1
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE product
"Warning: product was deprecated in v2.3.
Please use Data.Nat.ListAction.product instead."