-- The Agda standard library
-- The Thunk wrappers for sized codata, copredicates and corelations

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --sized-types #-}

module Codata.Sized.Thunk where

open import Size using (Size; ; Size<_; SizedSet)
open import Relation.Unary.Sized using (_⇒_; ∀[_])

-- Basic types.

record Thunk {} (F : SizedSet ) (i : Size) : Set  where
  field force : {j : Size< i}  F j
open Thunk public

Thunk^P :  {f p} {F : SizedSet f} (P : Size  F   Set p)
          (i : Size) (tf : Thunk F )  Set p
Thunk^P P i tf = Thunk  i  P i (tf .force)) i

Thunk^R :  {f g r} {F : SizedSet f} {G : SizedSet g}
          (R : Size  F   G   Set r)
          (i : Size) (tf : Thunk F ) (tg : Thunk G )  Set r
Thunk^R R i tf tg = Thunk  i  R i (tf .force) (tg .force)) i

-- Syntax

Thunk-syntax :  {}  SizedSet   Size  Set 
Thunk-syntax = Thunk

syntax Thunk-syntax  j  e) i = Thunk[ j < i ] e

-- Basic functions.

-- Thunk is a functor
module _ {p q} {P : SizedSet p} {Q : SizedSet q} where

  map : ∀[ P  Q ]  ∀[ Thunk P  Thunk Q ]
  map f p .force = f (p .force)

-- Thunk is a comonad
module _ {p} {P : SizedSet p} where

  extract : ∀[ Thunk P ]  P 
  extract p = p .force

  duplicate : ∀[ Thunk P  Thunk (Thunk P) ]
  duplicate p .force .force = p .force

module _ {p q} {P : SizedSet p} {Q : SizedSet q} where

  infixl 1 _<*>_
  _<*>_ : ∀[ Thunk (P  Q)  Thunk P  Thunk Q ]
  (f <*> p) .force = f .force (p .force)

-- We can take cofixpoints of functions only making Thunk'd recursive calls
module _ {p} (P : SizedSet p) where

  cofix : ∀[ Thunk P  P ]  ∀[ P ]
  cofix f = f λ where .force  cofix f