-- The Agda standard library
-- Indexed unary relations over sized types

-- Sized types live in the special sort `SizeUniv` and therefore are no
-- longer compatible with the ordinary combinators defined in
-- `Relation.Unary`.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --sized-types #-}

module Relation.Unary.Sized  where

open import Level
open import Size

     ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level

infixr 8 _⇒_
_⇒_ : SizedSet ℓ₁  SizedSet ℓ₂  SizedSet (ℓ₁  ℓ₂)
F  G = λ i  F i  G i

∀[_] : SizedSet   Set 
∀[ F ] = ∀{i}  F i