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{-# OPTIONS -v try:100 #-}
module Tactic.Try where

open import Meta.Prelude

open import Data.List
open import Reflection hiding (_>>=_; _>>_; _≟_)

open import Reflection.Syntax
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.Debug
open import Reflection.Utils.TCM
open import Relation.Nullary

open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.Semigroup
open import Class.Show

open Debug ("try" , 100)

_∙_ : Term  Args Term  TC Term
t  [] = return t
t  es′@(_  _) with t
... | var     x  es = return $ var     x  (es′ ++ es)
... | con     c  es = return $ con     c  (es′ ++ es)
... | def     f  es = return $ def     f  (es′ ++ es)
... | pat-lam cs es = return $ pat-lam cs (es′ ++ es)
... | meta    x  es = return $ meta    x  (es′ ++ es)
... | e             = error $ "cannot apply arguments to "  show t

private module _ { ℓ′} {A : Set } {B : Set ℓ′}  _ : DecEq A  where

  import Data.List.Membership.DecPropositional {A = A} _≟_ as DL

  -- NB: right-biased, e.g. nubBy ∣_∣ [-1,0,1] = [0,1]
  nubBy : (B  A)  List B  List B
  nubBy f [] = []
  nubBy f (x  xs) with f x DL.∈? map f xs
  ... | yes _ = nubBy f xs
  ... | no  _ = x  nubBy f xs

nodup : List Term  List Term
nodup = nubBy show

    A B : Set

  doN : {{_ : DecEq A}}    (A  TC A)  (A  TC A)
  doN 0       _ x = return x
  doN (suc n) f x = do
    y  f x
    if (y  x) then doN n f y else return x

  ifM_then_else_ : TC Bool  TC A  TC A  TC A
  ifM mb then k else k′ = do
    b  mb
    if b then k else k′

  caseM_of_ : TC A  (A  TC B)  TC B
  caseM k of f = do
    x  k
    case x of f

  infixl 0 _∣_
  _∣_ : TC A  TC A  TC A
  f  g = catchTC f g

  amb : List (TC A)  TC A
  amb = foldr _∣_ (error "∅")

  infix 4 _≔_
  _≔_ : Term  List Term  TC 
  t  es = amb $ map (unify t) es

  purely : TC A  TC A
  purely k = runSpeculative (fmap (_, false) k)

record Subterms (A : Set) : Set where
    subterms : A  List Term

open Subterms {{...}}

  STerm : Subterms Term
  STerm .subterms t = t  (case t of λ where
    (var _ [])  []
    (var x (arg _ e  as))  subterms e ++ subterms (var x as)
    (con _ [])  []
    (con c (arg _ e  as))  subterms e ++ subterms (con c as)

    (def _ [])  []
    (def f (arg _ e  as))  subterms e ++ subterms (def f as)
    (pi (arg _ ty) (abs _ e))  subterms ty ++ subterms e
    _  [])

  SArg : {{_ : Subterms A}}  Subterms (Arg A)
  SArg .subterms = subterms  unArg

  SAbs : {{_ : Subterms A}}  Subterms (Abs A)
  SAbs .subterms = subterms  unAbs

  SList : {{_ : Subterms A}}  Subterms (List A)
  SList .subterms = concatMap subterms

fits? : Type  Term  TC Bool
fits? ty e = inferType e >>= compatible? ty

apply? : Type  Type  TC (Maybe (Args Type))
apply? ty ty₀ = go ty []
    go : Type  Args Type  TC (Maybe (Args Type))
    go ty as =
      ifM compatible? ty ty₀ then
        return (just as)
      else (case ty of λ where
        (Π[ _  a ] ty′)  go ty′ (as ++ [ a ])
        _                 return nothing)

allCandidates : List Term  Type  TC (List Term)
tryOut : List Term  Term × Type  TC (List Term)

allCandidates db ty = fmap concat $ mapM go db
    go : Term  TC (List Term)
    go e = do
      eTy  inferType e
      caseM apply? eTy ty of λ where
        nothing     return []
        (just tys)  tryOut db (e , eTy)

tryOut db (f , fTy) = purely (do
  cs  forM (argTys fTy) λ where
    (arg i ty)  do
      cs′  allCandidates db ty
      return $ map (arg i) cs′
  mapM (f ∙_) (combinations cs))  return db
    -- e.g. combinations [[1,2,3],[4,5]] ≡ [[1,4],[1,5],[2,4],[2,5],[3,4],[3,5]]
    combinations : List (List A)  List (List A)
    combinations []         = [ [] ]
    combinations (xs  xss) = concatMap  x  map (x ∷_) xss′) xs
      where xss′ = combinations xss

-- applyCandidates : List Term → Term → TC (List Term)
-- applyCandidates candidates f = purely (do
--   fTy ← inferType f
--   cs ← forM (argTys fTy) λ where
--     (arg i ty) → fmap (map (arg i)) $ filterM (fits? ty) candidates
--   mapM (f ∙_) (combinations cs)) ∣ return candidates

-- expand : List Term → TC (List Term)
-- expand cs = do
--   cs′ ← fmap concat $ forM cs (applyCandidates cs)
--   return $ nodup $ cs ++ cs′

prints : {{_ : Show A}}  String  List A  TC 
prints pre xs = print (pre  " {") >> go xs
    go : {{_ : Show A}}  List A  TC 
    go [] = print "}"
    go (x  xs) = print ("\t"  show x) >> go xs

mapArgs : (Args Term  Args Term)  Term  Term
mapArgs f t₀ with t₀
... | var x as = var x (f as)
... | con x as = con x (f as)
... | def x as = def x (f as)
... | lam x (abs s t) = lam x (abs s $ mapArgs f t)
... | _ = t₀

countLambdas : Term  
countLambdas (lam _ (abs _ t)) = suc $ countLambdas t
countLambdas _ = 0

η-reduce : Term  Term
-- η-reduce t₀@(lam v₀ (abs _ t)) = mapArgs go t
--   where
--     λ♯ = countLambdas t

--     go : Args Term → Args Term
--     go as with L.initLast as
--     ... | [] = as
--     ... | as′ L.∷ʳ' arg (arg-info v _) t′ = if (v == v₀) ∧ (t′ == var λ♯ []) then as′ else as
η-reduce t = t

viewTerm : Term  TC (Term × Type)
viewTerm t = do
  -- ty ← inferType t
  -- print $ show t ◇ " : " ◇ show ty
  -- let t′ = η-reduce t
  -- ty′ ← inferType t′
  -- print "  ——→"
  -- print $ show t′ ◇ " : " ◇ show ty′
  -- return (t′ , ty′)
  fmap (t ,_) (inferType t)

tryWith : List Term  Term  Term  TC 
tryWith userDB f₀ hole₀ = do
  print "---------------------------------"
  (hole , holeTy)  viewTerm hole₀
  print $ "hole : "  show holeTy
  (f , fTy)  viewTerm f₀
  print $ show f  " : "  show fTy
  ctx  getContext
    db : List Term
    db = nodup
       $ map  (upTo $ length ctx)
      ++ subterms holeTy
      ++ subterms (map proj₂ ctx)
      ++ userDB
      ++ [ unknown ]
  prints "db" db
  db′ ← doN 2 expand db
  print $ "db′: " ◇ show db′

  es ← applyCandidates db′ f
  es  tryOut db (f , fTy)
  prints "es" es

  hole  es

  try_∶-_ : Term  List Term  Term  TC 
  try t ∶- userDB = tryWith userDB t

  try : Term  Term  TC 
  try = tryWith []

  test₀ : (Bool  )  Bool  
  test₀ f b = try f

  _ : test₀ (if_then 1 else 0) true  1
  _ = refl

  test : (Bool  )  
  test f = try f ∶- ( quote true 
                     quote Bool 
                     quoteTerm (1 + 1)

  _ : test (if_then 1 else 0)  1
  _ = refl

  test′ :   (Bool  )  (  Bool)  
  test′ t f g = try f

  _ : test′ tt (if_then 1 else 9)  tt  true)  1
  _ = refl

  test₂ : (  Bool)      Bool
  test₂ f n m = try f

  _ : test₂ (_== 42) 10 42  true
  _ = refl