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-- ** Errors, debugging

{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
module Reflection.Utils.Debug where

open import Meta.Prelude

import Data.String as Str
open import Data.Fin using (Fin)

open import Reflection hiding (_>>_; _>>=_)
open import Reflection.AST.Term

open import Class.Show
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.Traversable

private variable
   : Level
  A : Set 

error : String  TC A
error s = typeError [ strErr s ]


module Debug (v : String × ) where
  -- i.e. set {-# OPTIONS -v v₁:v₂ #-} to enable such messages in the **debug** buffer.

  print printLn : String  TC 
  print s = debugPrint (v .proj₁) (v .proj₂) [ strErr s ]
  printLn = print  (Str._++ "\n")
  printLns = print  Str.unlines

  printS :  _ : Show A   A  TC 
  printS = print  show

  errorP : String  TC A
  errorP s = printLn s >> error s

  printTerm : String  Term  TC 
  printTerm s t = do
    ty  inferType t
      ( (s Str.++ ": {")
       showTerm ty
       " ∋ "
       showTerm t

  printContext : Telescope  TC 
  printContext ctx = do
    print "\t----CTX----"
    void $ traverse go (enumerate ctx)
      go :  × String × Arg Type  TC 
      go (i , s , ty) = print $
        "\t#" Str.++ show i Str.++ " " Str.++ s Str.++ " : " Str.++ show ty

  printCurrentContext : TC 
  printCurrentContext = printContext =<< getContext

  -- ** definitions
  genSimpleDef : Name  Type  Term  TC 
  genSimpleDef n ty e = do
    print "Generaring..."
    declareDef (vArg n) ty
    print $ "```\n" Str.++ showName n Str.++ " : "
     Str.++ " " Str.++ showTerm ty
    defineFun n [ clause [] [] e ]
    print $ showName n Str.++ " = " Str.++ " "
     Str.++ showTerm e Str.++ "\n```"

module DebugI (v : String) where
  -- i.e. set {-# OPTIONS -v ⟨v⟩:0 #-} to enable messages in the **info** buffer.
  open Debug (v , 0) public

-- set {-# OPTIONS -v trace:100 #-} when tracing
  trace :  {A : Set}  _ : Show A   A  Term  Term  TC 
  trace x t hole = print ("trace: " Str.++ show x) >> unify hole t
    where open Debug ("trace" , 100)