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-- The Agda standard library
-- Monad syntax for the TC monad

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

module Reflection.TCM.Syntax where

open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection
open import Level using (Level)

    a b : Level
    A : Set a
    B : Set b

-- Monad syntax

infixl 3 _<|>_
_<|>_ : TC A  TC A  TC A
_<|>_ = catchTC
{-# INLINE _<|>_ #-}

infixl 1 _>>=_ _>>_ _<&>_
_>>=_ : TC A  (A  TC B)  TC B
_>>=_ = bindTC
{-# INLINE _>>=_ #-}

_>>_ : TC A  TC B  TC B
xs >> ys = bindTC xs  _  ys)
{-# INLINE _>>_ #-}

infixl 4 _<$>_ _<*>_ _<$_
_<*>_ : TC (A  B)  TC A  TC B
fs <*> xs = bindTC fs  f  bindTC xs  x  returnTC (f x)))
{-# INLINE _<*>_ #-}

_<$>_ : (A  B)  TC A  TC B
f <$> xs = bindTC xs  x  returnTC (f x))
{-# INLINE _<$>_ #-}

_<$_ : A  TC B  TC A
x <$ xs = bindTC xs  _  returnTC x)
{-# INLINE _<$_ #-}

_<&>_ : TC A  (A  B)  TC B
xs <&> f = bindTC xs  x  returnTC (f x))
{-# INLINE _<&>_ #-}