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{-# OPTIONS -v extra:100 #-}
module Tactic.Extra where

open import Meta.Prelude

open import Data.Integer as Int using ()
open import Data.List using (List; drop; map; [_]; [])
open import Data.Nat as Nat using ()
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)

open import Reflection hiding (_>>=_; _>>_; _≟_)
open import Reflection.Syntax
open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.Debug
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI

open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.Semigroup
open import Class.Show

open Debug ("extra" , 100)

  ∶t : Name  Hole  TC 
  ∶t n hole = unify hole =<< getType n

  _ = (∶t Nat._+_)  (    )
  _ = (∶t Int._+_)  (    )

  id′ : ∶t id
  id′ = λ x  x

∶type : Name  TC Type
∶type = getType

∶set : Term  Tactic
(∶set t) hole = unify hole t

-- :t : Name → TC X
-- :s : X → Tactic
--        ~ Hole → TC ⊤
-- macro
--   ∶t : Name → Tactic
--   (∶t n) hole = (∶type n >>= ∶set hole

∶def : Name  TC Definition
∶def = getDefinition

macro give_ :  {} {A : Set }  A  Hole  TC 
      give_ {A = A} t hole = unify hole =<< quoteTC (A  t)
private _ = 5  5  give refl

-- ** Builders (of function definitions).
FunDef = Type × Clauses

getFunDef : Name  TC FunDef
getFunDef n = do
  ty  getType n
  function cs  getDefinition n
    where _  error "[getFunDef] not a function"
  return (ty , cs)

Builder :  {}  Set   Set 
Builder A = Name  A
Builder⊤ = Builder (TC )

build : FunDef  Builder⊤
   -- ~ FunDef → ∗Name∗ → TC ⊤
build (ty , cs) f = do
  declareDef (vArg f) ty
  defineFun f         cs

-- Builder′ As = As ⇉ (Name → TC ⊤)
-- Tactic′  As = As ⇉ (Hole → TC ⊤)

  default : Builder (Name  TC )
      -- ~ ∗Name∗ → Name → TC ⊤
  default f n = do
    d@(ty , cs)  getFunDef n
    print $ "[default] retrieving default implementation for "  show n
           "\n\t"  show n  " : "  show ty
           "\n\t"  show n  " = "  show cs
    build d f

  default2 :   Builder (Name  TC )
        -- ~ ℕ → ∗Name∗ → Name → TC ⊤
  default2 _ = default

  default3 :   Builder (  Name  TC )
        -- ~ ℕ → ∗Name∗ → ℕ → Name → TC ⊤
  default3 _ f x n = default2 x f n

  default4 :   Builder (  Name    TC )
        -- ~ ℕ → ∗Name∗ → ℕ → Name → ℕ → TC ⊤
        -- ~ ℕ → ∗Name∗ → ℕ → Builder (ℕ → TC ⊤)
  default4 _ f x n y = default3 x f y n

  default5 :     Builder (  Name    TC )
  default5 _ z f x n y = default4 x f y n z

  default6 :     Builder (  Name      TC )
  default6 _ z f x n y _ = default4 x f y n z

  default7 :     Builder (  Name    Name    TC )
  default7 _ z f x n y s _ =
    if s == n then default4 x f y n z
              else default4 x f y s z

-- ** Converting meta-programs that return `Term` to macros.

open import Function.Nary.NonDependent using (Sets; _⇉_; mapₙ)
∶_ :  {n ls} {As : Sets n ls}  As  TC Term  As  Tactic
∶_ {n = n} = mapₙ n go
    go : TC Term  Tactic
    go k hole = unify hole =<< k

  ∶¹_ :  {A : Set}  (A  TC Term)  (A  Tactic)
  ∶¹_ {A} = ∶_ {As = A , lift tt}

  ∶²_ :  {A B : Set}  (A  B  TC Term)  (A  B  Tactic)
  ∶²_ {A}{B} = ∶_ {As = A , B , lift tt}

  ∶³_ :  {A B C : Set}  (A  B  C  TC Term)  (A  B  C  Tactic)
  ∶³_ {A}{B}{C} = ∶_ {As = A , B , C , lift tt}

-- ** Providing names without quoting.
  _↜_ :  {} {X : Set }  Builder X  Name  Tactic
    -- ~ (Name → TC ⊤) → Name → Hole → TC ⊤
  (builder  f) hole = quoteTC (builder f) >>= unify hole

  record R : Set where
    field x : 
    y = x

  module MR where
    x = 5
    -- y = x
    -- unquoteDecl y = default y (quote R.y)
    -- unquoteDecl y = default y ⟨ R.y ⟩
    -- unquoteDecl y = default y ⟨ R.y ⟩
    -- unquoteDecl y = default2 0 y ⟨ R.y ⟩
    -- unquoteDecl y = default3 0 y 1 ⟨ R.y ⟩
    -- unquoteDecl y = (∶ default3 0 y) 1 (quote R.y)
    -- unquoteDecl y = (default4 0 y 1 ⟨ R.y ⟩) 2
    -- unquoteDecl y = ⟨ default4 0 y 1 ─ R.y ⟩ 2
    -- unquoteDecl y = (default5 0 1 y 2 ⟨ R.y ⟩) 3
    -- unquoteDecl y = (default5 0 1 y 2 -∙- R.y) 3
    -- unquoteDecl y = (default6 0 1 y 2 ⟨ R.y ⟩) 3 4
    -- unquoteDecl y ((default7 0 1 y 2 ⟨ R.y ⟩) 3 ⟨ R.y ⟩) 4
    unquoteDecl y = ((default7 0 1 y 2  R.y) 3  R.y) 4

  _ = x where open R record {MR}

-- ** Testing single-level pattern match that eliminates into ⊤.

getPatTele : Name  TC PatTelescope
getPatTele cn = do
  print $ "Getting pattern telescope for constructor: "  show cn
  ty  getType cn
  print $ "  ty: "  show ty
  data-cons n _  getDefinition cn
    where _  _IMPOSSIBLE_
  print $ "  n: "  show n
  data-type ps _  getDefinition n
    where _  _IMPOSSIBLE_
  print $ "  ps: "  show ps
  let tys = drop ps (argTys ty)
  print $ "  argTys: "  show tys
  let tel = map ("_" ,_) (fmap (const unknown) <$> tys)
  print $ "  tel: "  show tel
  return tel

mkCase : Name  Type  (PatTelescope  TC Term)  TC Term
mkCase n n→ty mkT = do
  data-type ps cs  getDefinition n
    where _  error $ "[mkCase] not a datatype"
  vΠ[ _  n  ] ty  return n→ty
    where _  error $ "[mkCase] not a valid goal"
  cls  mapM mkC cs
  return $ quote _∋_ ∙⟦ vΠ[ "_"  n  ] ty  pat-lam cls [] 
    mkP :  × Abs (Arg Type)  Abs $ Arg $ Type × Pattern
    mkP (i , x) = fmap (fmap $ _, ` i) x

    mkC : Name  TC Clause
    mkC cn = do
      tel  getPatTele cn
        tys : Args Type
        tys = map proj₂ tel

        itys = enumerate tys

        cArgsᵖ : Args Pattern
        cArgsᵖ = map  (i , at)  fmap (const $ var i) at) itys
      print $ "cArgs: "  show cArgsᵖ
      t  mkT tel
      print $ "t: "  show t
      return $ clause tel [ vArg $ con cn cArgsᵖ ] t
macro run-mkCase = ∶_ {As = Name , Term , (PatTelescope  TC Term) , lift tt} mkCase

genTestMatch : Name  Name  TC 
genTestMatch f n = do
  print "****************************************"
  print $ "Generating match for "  show n
  let ty = vΠ[ "_"  n  ] (quote  )
  print $ "\t "  show f  " : "  show ty
  declareDef (vArg f) ty
  t  mkCase n ty (const $ return $ quote tt )
  print $ "\t "  show f  " = "  show t
  defineFun f [ ⟦⇒ t  ]

  variable A : Set; n : 
  data  : Set  Set₁ where
    [1] :  String
    [2] :  A   (Vec A n)
  data  : Set  Set₁ where
    [3] :  
    [4] :  A   (List A)
  data X : Set₁ where
    [L]_ :  A  X
    [R]_ :  A  X

  _ = run-mkCase X (X  ) λ _  return (quote tt )

  unquoteDecl testX = genTestMatch testX (quote X)
  testX-manual : X  
  testX-manual = λ where
    ([L] _)  tt
    ([R] _)  tt
  _ = testX  testX-manual  refl

  -- T0D0: dependent types
  -- postulate
  --   P Q : Set
  --   x ∅ˣ : P
  --   ∅ʸ y : Q

  -- data _~_ : P → Q → Set where
  --   [L] : x ~ ∅ʸ
  --   [R] : ∅ˣ ~ y

  -- unquoteDecl test~ = genTestMatch test~ (quote _~_)