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module Tactic.ClauseBuilder where
open import Meta.Prelude hiding ([_,_])
open import Meta.Init hiding (sort)
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
open import Data.List using (zipWith)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (≤-totalOrder; ≤-decTotalOrder)
open import Data.Product using (map₁)
open import Data.List.Sort using (SortingAlgorithm)
open import Data.List.Sort.MergeSort using (mergeSort)
open SortingAlgorithm ≤-decTotalOrder (mergeSort ≤-decTotalOrder) public
open import Reflection.Utils
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI
open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.MonadError.Instances
open import Class.MonadReader.Instances
open import Class.MonadTC.Instances
open import Class.Traversable
module _ where
open import Class.Monad hiding (Monad-List) public
import Class.Monad
private variable
a b : Level
A : Set a
record ClauseBuilder (M : Set → Set) : Set₁ where
Base : Set → Set
liftBase : Base A → M A
addPattern : List (String × Arg Type) → Arg Pattern → M A → M A
toClause : M (Maybe Term) → Base Clause
open ClauseBuilder {{...}} public
SinglePattern : Set
SinglePattern = List (String × Arg Type) × Arg Pattern
typedVarSinglePattern : String → Arg Type → SinglePattern
typedVarSinglePattern n t@(arg i _) = ([ n , t ] , arg i (` 0))
varSinglePattern : Arg String → SinglePattern
varSinglePattern (arg i n) = ([ n , arg i unknown ] , arg i (` 0))
multiSinglePattern : List String → Arg Pattern → SinglePattern
multiSinglePattern s p = ((_, vArg unknown) <$> s) , p
findIndexDefault : List ℕ → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
findIndexDefault l d a with filter (λ where (i , x) → x ≟ a) (zipWithIndex _,_ l)
... | [] = d
... | (i , _) ∷ _ = i
singlePatternFromPattern : Arg Pattern → SinglePattern
singlePatternFromPattern (arg i p) =
replicate (length (appearingIndices p)) ("" , vArg unknown) , arg i (replacePatternIndex p)
appearingIndices : Pattern → List ℕ
appearingIndicesHelper : List (Arg Pattern) → List ℕ
appearingIndices (Pattern.con c ps) = appearingIndicesHelper ps
appearingIndices ( t) = []
appearingIndices (` x) = [ x ]
appearingIndices (Pattern.lit l) = []
appearingIndices (Pattern.proj f) = []
appearingIndices (Pattern.absurd x) = []
appearingIndicesHelper [] = []
appearingIndicesHelper (arg _ p ∷ ps) = appearingIndices p ++ appearingIndicesHelper ps
normalisedIndexList : List ℕ
normalisedIndexList = sort $ deduplicate _≟_ $ appearingIndices p
replacePatternIndex : Pattern → Pattern
replacePatternIndexHelper : List (Arg Pattern) → List (Arg Pattern)
replacePatternIndex (Pattern.con c ps) = Pattern.con c (replacePatternIndexHelper ps)
replacePatternIndex ( t) = t
replacePatternIndex (` x) = ` findIndexDefault normalisedIndexList 0 x
replacePatternIndex (Pattern.lit l) = Pattern.lit l
replacePatternIndex (Pattern.proj f) = Pattern.proj f
replacePatternIndex (Pattern.absurd x) = Pattern.absurd x
replacePatternIndexHelper [] = []
replacePatternIndexHelper (arg i p ∷ ps) = (arg i (replacePatternIndex p)) ∷ (replacePatternIndexHelper ps)
module _ {M : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set a} ⦃ _ : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ me : MonadError (List ErrorPart) M ⦄ ⦃ mre : MonadReader TCEnv M ⦄ ⦃ _ : MonadTC M ⦄ where
instance _ = Functor-M {M = M}
ctxSinglePatterns : M (List SinglePattern)
ctxSinglePatterns = do
ctx ← getContext
return (singlePatternFromPattern <$> zipWithIndex (λ where k (_ , (arg i _)) → arg i (` k)) ctx)
constrToPattern : Name → Type → M SinglePattern
constrToPattern n ty = do
(introTel , _) ← viewTy <$> (runAndReset $ local (λ env → record env { normalisation = true }) $ inferType (n ◆))
let patternTel = zipWith (λ where (abs _ (arg i _)) k → arg i (` k)) introTel $ downFrom $ length introTel
return (((λ where (abs s (arg i t)) → (s , arg i unknown)) <$> introTel) , (vArg $ Pattern.con n patternTel))
constrToPatternTyped : Name → List Term → M SinglePattern
constrToPatternTyped n ps = do
t ← applyWithVisibility n ps
debugLogᵐ (t ᵛⁿ ∷ᵈᵐ []ᵐ)
(introTel , _) ← viewTy <$> (local (λ env → record env { normalisation = true }) $ inferType t)
let patternTel = zipWith (λ where (abs _ (arg i _)) k → arg i (` k)) introTel $ downFrom $ length introTel
return (((λ where (abs s (arg i t)) → (s , arg i t)) <$> introTel) , (vArg $ Pattern.con n patternTel))
constructorPatterns : Arg Type → M (List SinglePattern)
constructorPatterns (arg i ty) = do
constrs ← getConstrsForType ty
return $ constrs <&> λ where
(n , t) → let argInfo = proj₁ $ viewTy t
in (((λ where (abs n' t') → n' , t') <$> argInfo)
, arg i (Pattern.con n (zipWithIndex (λ where k (abs _ (arg i _)) → arg i (` (length argInfo ∸ ℕ.suc k))) argInfo)))
constructorPatterns' : Type → M (List SinglePattern)
constructorPatterns' ty = do
constrs ← getConstrsForType ty
traverse (λ (n , _) → constrToPattern n ty) constrs
constructorPatternsTyped : Type → List Type → M (List SinglePattern)
constructorPatternsTyped ty ps = do
constrs ← getConstrsForType ty
traverse (λ (n , _) → constrToPatternTyped n ps) constrs
ClauseInfo : Set
ClauseInfo = List SinglePattern
data ClauseExpr : Set where
MatchExpr : List (SinglePattern × (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → ClauseExpr
multiClauseExpr : List (NE.List⁺ SinglePattern × (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → ClauseExpr
multiClauseExpr = MatchExpr ∘ helper
helper' : (List SinglePattern × (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term
helper' ([] , e) = e
helper' (p ∷ ps , e) = inj₁ (MatchExpr [ p , helper' (ps , e) ])
helper : (NE.List⁺ SinglePattern × (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → SinglePattern × (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)
helper (p NE.∷ ps , e) = p , helper' (ps , e)
clauseExprToClauseInfo : ClauseExpr → List (ClauseInfo × Maybe Term)
clauseExprToClauseInfo (MatchExpr []) = []
clauseExprToClauseInfo (MatchExpr ((p , inj₁ e) ∷ xs)) =
(map₁ (p ∷_) <$> clauseExprToClauseInfo e) ++ clauseExprToClauseInfo (MatchExpr xs)
clauseExprToClauseInfo (MatchExpr ((p , inj₂ t) ∷ xs)) = ([ p ] , t) ∷ clauseExprToClauseInfo (MatchExpr xs)
clauseInfoToClauseArgs : ClauseInfo → List (String × Arg Type) × List (Arg Pattern)
clauseInfoToClauseArgs i =
case helper 0 i of λ where (tel , ps , _) → (tel , ps)
helper : ℕ → ClauseInfo → List (String × Arg Type) × List (Arg Pattern) × ℕ
helper k [] = ([] , [] , k)
helper k ((tel' , arg h p) ∷ i) with helper k i
... | (tel , ps , k') = (tel' ++ tel , arg h (mapVariables (_+ k') p) ∷ ps , length tel' + k')
clauseInfoToClause : ClauseInfo → Maybe Term → Clause
clauseInfoToClause i t with clauseInfoToClauseArgs i | t
... | tel , ps | just x = Clause.clause tel ps x
... | tel , ps | nothing = Clause.absurd-clause tel ps
clauseExprToClauses : ClauseExpr → List Clause
clauseExprToClauses e = (λ { (i , t) → clauseInfoToClause i t }) <$> clauseExprToClauseInfo e
nonBindingClause : Term → Clause
nonBindingClause = Clause.clause [] []
clauseExprToPatLam : ClauseExpr → Term
clauseExprToPatLam e = pat-lam (clauseExprToClauses e) []
record ContextMonad (M : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set a) ⦃ _ : Monad M ⦄ : Setω where
introPatternM : SinglePattern → M A → M A
extendContextM : Arg Type → M A → M A
extendContextM l x = introPatternM (typedVarSinglePattern "" l) x
open ContextMonad ⦃...⦄
Monad-Id : Monad id
Monad-Id .return = id
Monad-Id ._>>=_ = flip _$_
ContextMonad-Id : ContextMonad id ⦃ Monad-Id ⦄
ContextMonad-Id .introPatternM _ a = a
module _ {M : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set a} ⦃ _ : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ me : MonadError (List ErrorPart) M ⦄ ⦃ mre : MonadReader TCEnv M ⦄ ⦃ _ : MonadTC M ⦄ where
instance _ = Functor-M {M = M}
refineWithSingle : (Term → Term) → M Term → M Term
refineWithSingle ref x = do
goalTy ← goalTy
m ← newMeta unknown
res ← checkType (ref m) goalTy
x' ← runWithHole m x
unify m x'
return $ ref x'
caseMatch : Term → M ClauseExpr → M Term
caseMatch t expr = debugLog ("Match" ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ []) >> (refineWithSingle (quote case_of_ ∙⟦ t ∣_⟧) $
(λ expr' → pat-lam (clauseExprToClauses expr') []) <$> expr)
currentTyConstrPatterns : M (List SinglePattern)
currentTyConstrPatterns = do
(ty ∷ _ , _) ← viewTy′ <$> goalTy
where _ → error1 "currentTyConstrPatterns: Goal type is not a forall!"
constructorPatterns' (unArg ty)
stripMetaLambdas : Term → Term
stripMetaLambdas = helper 0
helper : ℕ → Term → Term
helper k (lam _ (abs _ t)) = helper (k + 1) t
helper k (meta x as) = meta x $ map-Args (mapVars (_∸ k)) $ take (length as ∸ k) as
helper _ _ = unknown
module _ {M : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set a} ⦃ _ : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ me : MonadError (List ErrorPart) M ⦄ ⦃ mre : MonadReader TCEnv M ⦄ ⦃ _ : MonadTC M ⦄ where
isProj : Pattern → Bool
isProj (Pattern.proj _) = true
isProj _ = false
specializeType : SinglePattern → Type → M (Type × Telescope)
specializeType p@(t , arg i p') goalTy = markDontFail "specializeType" $ inDebugPath "specializeType" $ runAndReset do
debugLog ("Goal type to specialize: " ∷ᵈ goalTy ∷ᵈ [])
cls@((Clause.clause tel _ _) ∷ _) ← return $ clauseExprToClauses $ MatchExpr $
(p , inj₂ (just unknown)) ∷
(if isProj p' then [] else [ varSinglePattern (arg i "_") , inj₂ (just unknown) ])
where _ → error1 "BUG"
debugLog ("With pattern: " ∷ᵈ cls ∷ᵈ [])
(pat-lam (cl@(Clause.clause tel' _ (meta x ap)) ∷ _) []) ← checkType (pat-lam cls []) goalTy
where t → debugLog ("BUG in specializeType:" ∷ᵈ t ∷ᵈ "\nWith pattern:" ∷ᵈ cls
∷ᵈ "\nWith type:" ∷ᵈ goalTy ∷ᵈ "\nSinglePattern:"
∷ᵈ []) >> error1 "BUG"
let varsToUnbind = 0
let newCtx = tel'
let m = meta x (map-Args (mapVars (_∸ varsToUnbind)) $ take (length ap ∸ varsToUnbind) ap)
debugLog1 "New context:"
logContext newCtx
goalTy' ← extendContext' newCtx $ inferType m
return (goalTy' , newCtx)
ContextMonad-MonadTC : ContextMonad M
ContextMonad-MonadTC .introPatternM pat x = do
goalTy ← goalTy
(newGoalTy , newContext) ← specializeType pat goalTy
extendContext' newContext (runWithGoalTy newGoalTy x)
module ClauseExprM {M : ∀ {a} → Set a → Set a} ⦃ _ : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ _ : ContextMonad M ⦄ where
instance _ = Functor-M {M = M}
matchExprM : List (SinglePattern × M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → M ClauseExpr
matchExprM = _<$>_ MatchExpr ∘ traverse (λ (a , b) → (a ,_) <$> introPatternM a b)
multiMatchExprM : List (NE.List⁺ SinglePattern × M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → M ClauseExpr
multiMatchExprM = matchExprM ∘ helper
helper' : (List SinglePattern × M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)
helper' ([] , e) = e
helper' (p ∷ ps , e) = inj₁ <$> (matchExprM [ p , helper' (ps , e) ])
helper : (NE.List⁺ SinglePattern × M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)) → SinglePattern × M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)
helper (p NE.∷ ps , e) = (p , helper' (ps , e))
singleMatchExpr : SinglePattern → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term) → M ClauseExpr
singleMatchExpr p x = matchExprM [ p , x ]
singleTelescopeMatchExpr : NE.List⁺ SinglePattern → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term) → M ClauseExpr
singleTelescopeMatchExpr (p NE.∷ ps) x = helper p ps x
helper : SinglePattern → List SinglePattern → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term) → M ClauseExpr
helper p [] x = singleMatchExpr p x
helper p (p' ∷ ps) x = singleMatchExpr p $ inj₁ <$> helper p' ps x
introExpr : Arg String → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term) → M ClauseExpr
introExpr n x = singleMatchExpr (varSinglePattern n) x
introsExpr : NE.List⁺ (Arg String) → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term) → M ClauseExpr
introsExpr (p NE.∷ ps) x = helper p ps x
helper : Arg String → List (Arg String) → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term) → M ClauseExpr
helper n [] x = introExpr n x
helper n (n' ∷ ns) x = introExpr n $ inj₁ <$> helper n ns x
contMatch : M ClauseExpr → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)
contMatch expr = inj₁ <$> expr
finishMatch : M Term → M (ClauseExpr ⊎ Maybe Term)
finishMatch t = (inj₂ ∘ just) <$> t
bindCtxMatchExpr : ⦃ me : MonadError (List ErrorPart) M ⦄ ⦃ mre : MonadReader TCEnv M ⦄ ⦃ _ : MonadTC M ⦄
→ M ClauseExpr → M ClauseExpr
bindCtxMatchExpr x = do
e ← ctxSinglePatterns
case NE.fromList e of λ where
(just e') → singleTelescopeMatchExpr e' $ contMatch x
nothing → x
clauseTelescope : Clause → List (String × Arg Type)
clauseTelescope (Clause.clause tel _ _) = tel
clauseTelescope (Clause.absurd-clause tel _) = tel
module _ where
open ClauseExprM ⦃ Monad-Id ⦄ ⦃ ContextMonad-Id ⦄
instanciatePattern : SinglePattern → List (Arg Type)
instanciatePattern p = proj₂ <$>
(clauseTelescope $ from-just $ head $ clauseExprToClauses $ singleMatchExpr p $ finishMatch unknown)
instanciatePatterns : List SinglePattern → Term → List Clause
instanciatePatterns [] t = [ Clause.clause [] [] t ]
instanciatePatterns (x ∷ ps) t =
clauseExprToClauses $ singleTelescopeMatchExpr (x NE.∷ ps) (finishMatch t)
ctxBindingClause : Term → TC Clause
ctxBindingClause t = do
pats ← ctxSinglePatterns
(c ∷ _) ← return $ instanciatePatterns (reverse pats) t
where _ → error1 "Bug in ctxBindingClause"
return c