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{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module Reflection.Debug where

open import Meta.Prelude hiding (; _∧_; _∨_; filter)

import Data.Bool as B
import Data.String as S
open import Data.Char
open import Data.List using (map)

open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable using (⌊_⌋)

open import Reflection

    a : Level
    A : Set a

record IsErrorPart (A : Set) : Set where
  field toErrorPart : A  ErrorPart

open IsErrorPart ⦃...⦄ public

  IsErrorPart-String : IsErrorPart String
  IsErrorPart-String .toErrorPart = ErrorPart.strErr

  IsErrorPart-Term : IsErrorPart Term
  IsErrorPart-Term .toErrorPart = ErrorPart.termErr

  IsErrorPart-Name : IsErrorPart Name
  IsErrorPart-Name .toErrorPart = ErrorPart.nameErr

  IsErrorPart-Clause : IsErrorPart Clause
  IsErrorPart-Clause .toErrorPart c = ErrorPart.termErr (pat-lam [ c ] [])

  IsErrorPart-ListClause : IsErrorPart (List Clause)
  IsErrorPart-ListClause .toErrorPart cs = ErrorPart.termErr (pat-lam cs [])

infixr 5 _∷ᵈ_ _++ᵈ_
_∷ᵈ_ : A   _ : IsErrorPart A   List ErrorPart  List ErrorPart
e ∷ᵈ es = toErrorPart e  es

_++ᵈ_ : List A   _ : IsErrorPart A   List ErrorPart  List ErrorPart
es ++ᵈ es' = map toErrorPart es ++ es'

_ᵈ :  _ : IsErrorPart A   List A  List ErrorPart
_ᵈ = map toErrorPart

data DebugSelection : Set where
  FullPath : DebugSelection
  Last     : DebugSelection
  All      : DebugSelection
  Custom   : (List String  String)  DebugSelection

-- If All is selected, this pragma shows all debug info
-- {-# OPTIONS -v allTactics:100 #-}

Filter : Set
Filter = List String  Bool

module Filter where
  open import Algebra.Lattice
  open import Data.Bool.Properties
  import Algebra.Function

  Filter-Alg : BooleanAlgebra _ _
  Filter-Alg = Algebra.Function.hom (List String) ∨-∧-booleanAlgebra

  open BooleanAlgebra Filter-Alg public

    _≣_ : String  String  Bool
    s  s' =  s S.≟ s' 

  contains : String  Filter
  contains s l = foldl  acc s'  acc B.∨ s  s') false l

  noneOf : List String  Filter
  noneOf [] = 
  noneOf (x  l) = ¬ contains x  noneOf l

  endsWith : String  Filter
  endsWith s l with last l
  ... | just x  = s  x
  ... | nothing = false

  beginsWith : String  Filter
  beginsWith s l with head l
  ... | just x  = s  x
  ... | nothing = false

record DebugOptions : Set where
    path      : List String
    selection : DebugSelection
    filter    : Filter
    level     : 
    prefix    : Char

defaultDebugOptions : DebugOptions
defaultDebugOptions = record
  { path = []; selection = All; filter = Filter.⊤; level = 100; prefix = '|' }

specializeDebugOptions : DebugOptions  DebugOptions  DebugOptions
specializeDebugOptions record { path = path₁ } opts@record { path = path₂ } =
  record opts { path = path₁ ++ path₂ }

debugOptionsPath : DebugOptions  String
debugOptionsPath record { path = path ; selection = FullPath } = S.intersperse "/" path
debugOptionsPath record { path = path ; selection = Last } with last path
... | just x  = x
... | nothing = ""
debugOptionsPath record { path = path ; selection = All } = "allTactics"
debugOptionsPath record { path = path ; selection = Custom f } = f path

debugPrintPrefix : DebugOptions  ErrorPart
debugPrintPrefix o = let open DebugOptions o in strErr (S.replicate (length path) prefix)