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module Class.MonadTC where
open import Meta.Prelude
open import Data.List using (map)
import Agda.Builtin.Reflection as R'
import Reflection as R
open import Reflection.Syntax
open import Reflection.Debug
open import Class.Show
open import Class.DecEq
open import Class.MonadReader
open import Class.MonadError
open import Class.Functor
open import Class.Monad
open import Class.Traversable
data ReductionOptions : Set where
onlyReduce : List Name → ReductionOptions
dontReduce : List Name → ReductionOptions
reduceAll : ReductionOptions
reduceAll = dontReduce []
record TCOptions : Set where
debug : DebugOptions
fuel : List (String × ℕ)
defaultTCOptions : TCOptions
defaultTCOptions = record
{ debug = defaultDebugOptions
; fuel = [] }
record TCEnv : Set where
normalisation : Bool
reconstruction : Bool
noConstraints : Bool
reduction : ReductionOptions
globalContext : Telescope
localContext : Telescope
goal : Term ⊎ Type
options : TCOptions
open TCOptions options public
initTCEnvWithGoal : Term → R.TC TCEnv
initTCEnvWithGoal goal = R.getContext <&> λ ctx → record
{ normalisation = false
; reconstruction = false
; noConstraints = false
; reduction = reduceAll
; globalContext = ctx
; localContext = []
; goal = inj₁ goal
; options = defaultTCOptions
initTCEnv : R.TC TCEnv
initTCEnv = initTCEnvWithGoal unknown
record MonadTC (M : ∀ {f} → Set f → Set f)
⦃ m : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ me : MonadError (List ErrorPart) M ⦄ : Setω₁ where
unify : Term → Term → M ⊤
typeError : List ErrorPart → M A
inferType : Term → M Type
checkType : Term → Type → M Term
normalise : Term → M Term
reduce : Term → M Term
quoteTC : A → M Term
unquoteTC : Term → M A
quoteωTC : ∀ {A : Setω} → A → M Term
freshName : String → M Name
declareDef : Arg Name → Type → M ⊤
declarePostulate : Arg Name → Type → M ⊤
defineFun : Name → List Clause → M ⊤
getType : Name → M Type
getDefinition : Name → M Definition
blockOnMeta : Meta → M A
commitTC : M ⊤
isMacro : Name → M Bool
debugPrint : String → ℕ → List ErrorPart → M ⊤
runSpeculative : M (A × Bool) → M A
getInstances : Meta → M (List Term)
instance _ = Functor-M {M = M}
open MonadError me
runAndReset : M A → M A
runAndReset x = runSpeculative ((_, false) <$> x)
isSuccessful : M A → M Bool
isSuccessful x = runAndReset (catch (x >> return true) (λ _ → return false))
isDef : Name → M Bool
isDef n = do
constructor′ _ _ ← getDefinition n
where _ → return true
return false
isCon : Name → M Bool
isCon n = do
constructor′ _ _ ← getDefinition n
where _ → return false
return true
nameConstr : Name → List (Arg Term) → M Term
nameConstr n args = do
isD ← isDef n
isC ← isCon n
case (isD , isC) of λ where
(true , _) → return $ def n args
(false , true) → return $ con n args
(false , false) → error ((R'.primShowQName n <+> "is neither a definition nor a constructor!") ∷ᵈ [])
termFromName : Name → M Term
termFromName n = nameConstr n []
mkRecord : Name → List (Arg Term) → M Term
mkRecord n args = do
(record′ c _) ← getDefinition n
where _ → error ("Not a record!" ∷ᵈ [])
return $ con c args
isSolvedMeta : Term → M Bool
isSolvedMeta m@(meta x args) = do
r@(meta y _) ← reduce m
where _ → return true
return (x ≠ y)
isSolvedMeta _ = error ("Not a meta!" ∷ᵈ [])
hasUnsolvedMetas : Term → M Bool
hasUnsolvedMetas' : List (Arg Term) → M Bool
hasUnsolvedMetasCl : List Clause → M Bool
hasUnsolvedMetasTel : Telescope → M Bool
hasUnsolvedMetas (var x args) = hasUnsolvedMetas' args
hasUnsolvedMetas (con c args) = hasUnsolvedMetas' args
hasUnsolvedMetas (def f args) = hasUnsolvedMetas' args
hasUnsolvedMetas (lam v (abs _ t)) = hasUnsolvedMetas t
hasUnsolvedMetas (pat-lam cs args) = do
a ← hasUnsolvedMetasCl cs
b ← hasUnsolvedMetas' args
return (a ∨ b)
hasUnsolvedMetas (pi (arg _ a) (abs _ b)) = do
a ← hasUnsolvedMetas a
b ← hasUnsolvedMetas b
return (a ∨ b)
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort (set t)) = hasUnsolvedMetas t
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort (prop t)) = hasUnsolvedMetas t
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort unknown) = return true
hasUnsolvedMetas (sort _) = return false
hasUnsolvedMetas (lit l) = return false
hasUnsolvedMetas m@(meta x x₁) = not <$> isSolvedMeta m
hasUnsolvedMetas unknown = return false
hasUnsolvedMetas' [] = return false
hasUnsolvedMetas' ((arg _ x) ∷ l) = do
a ← hasUnsolvedMetas x
b ← hasUnsolvedMetas' l
return (a ∨ b)
hasUnsolvedMetasCl [] = return false
hasUnsolvedMetasCl (clause tel _ t ∷ cl) = do
a ← hasUnsolvedMetas t
b ← hasUnsolvedMetasTel tel
c ← hasUnsolvedMetasCl cl
return (a ∨ b ∨ c)
hasUnsolvedMetasCl (absurd-clause tel _ ∷ cl) = do
a ← hasUnsolvedMetasTel tel
b ← hasUnsolvedMetasCl cl
return (a ∨ b)
hasUnsolvedMetasTel [] = return false
hasUnsolvedMetasTel ((_ , arg _ x) ∷ tel) = do
a ← hasUnsolvedMetas x
b ← hasUnsolvedMetasTel tel
return (a ∨ b)
declareAndDefineFuns : List (Arg Name × Type × List Clause) → M ⊤
declareAndDefineFuns ds = do
traverse (λ (n , t , _) → declareDef n t) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , cs) → defineFun n cs) ds
return _
declareAndDefineFunsDebug : List (Arg Name × Type × List Clause) → M ⊤
declareAndDefineFunsDebug ds = do
traverse (λ (n , t , _) → declareDef n t) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , _) → do
b ← getType n >>= hasUnsolvedMetas
if b then error [ strErr $ show n ] else return tt) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , cs) → defineFun n cs) ds
traverse (λ where (arg _ n , _ , _) → do
d@(function cs) ← getDefinition n
where _ → error [ strErr "Weird bug" ]
b ← hasUnsolvedMetasCl cs
if b then error [ strErr $ show d ] else return tt) ds
return _
declareAndDefineFun : Arg Name → Type → List Clause → M ⊤
declareAndDefineFun n ty cls = declareAndDefineFuns [ (n , ty , cls) ]
newMeta : Term → M Term
newMeta = checkType unknown
module _ {M : ∀ {f} → Set f → Set f}
⦃ m : Monad M ⦄ ⦃ me : MonadError (List ErrorPart) M ⦄ ⦃ mtc : MonadTC M ⦄ ⦃ mre : MonadReader TCEnv M ⦄ where
instance _ = Functor-M {M = M}
open MonadError me
open MonadTC mtc
open MonadReader mre
record IsMErrorPart (A : Set ℓ) : Setω where
field toMErrorPart : A → M (List ErrorPart)
open IsMErrorPart ⦃...⦄ public
data MErrorPartWrap : Set where
wrap : M (List ErrorPart) → MErrorPartWrap
IsMErrorPart-IsErrorPart : ⦃ _ : IsErrorPart A ⦄ → IsMErrorPart A
IsMErrorPart-IsErrorPart .toMErrorPart a = return [ toErrorPart a ]
IsMErrorPart-String : IsMErrorPart String
IsMErrorPart-String = IsMErrorPart-IsErrorPart
IsMErrorPart-Term : IsMErrorPart Term
IsMErrorPart-Term = IsMErrorPart-IsErrorPart
IsMErrorPart-Name : IsMErrorPart Name
IsMErrorPart-Name = IsMErrorPart-IsErrorPart
IsMErrorPart-MErrorPartWrap : IsMErrorPart MErrorPartWrap
IsMErrorPart-MErrorPartWrap .toMErrorPart (wrap a) = a
[]ᵐ : M (List ErrorPart)
[]ᵐ = return []
infixr 5 _∷ᵈᵐ_
_∷ᵈᵐ_ : A → ⦃ _ : IsMErrorPart A ⦄ → M (List ErrorPart) → M (List ErrorPart)
e ∷ᵈᵐ es = do e ← toMErrorPart e; es ← es; return (e ++ es)
_ᵛ : A → MErrorPartWrap
a ᵛ = wrap do a ← quoteTC a; return (a ∷ᵈ [])
_ᵛⁿ : A → MErrorPartWrap
a ᵛⁿ = wrap do a ← local (λ env → record env { normalisation = true }) $ quoteTC a; return (a ∷ᵈ [])
_ᵗ : Term → MErrorPartWrap
t ᵗ = wrap do T ← inferType t; return (t ∷ᵈ " : " ∷ᵈ T ∷ᵈ [])
debugLog : List ErrorPart → M ⊤
debugLog es = do
record { options = record { debug = debug } } ← ask
if debug .DebugOptions.filter (debug .DebugOptions.path)
then debugPrint (debugOptionsPath debug) (debug .DebugOptions.level)
(debugPrintPrefix debug ∷ es)
else return tt
debugLogᵐ : M (List ErrorPart) → M ⊤
debugLogᵐ x = do x ← x; debugLog x
debugLog1ᵐ : A → ⦃ _ : IsMErrorPart A ⦄ → M ⊤
debugLog1ᵐ a = debugLogᵐ (a ∷ᵈᵐ []ᵐ)
withAppendDebugPath : String → M A → M A
withAppendDebugPath path x = local (λ where
env@record { options = o@record { debug = opts } } → record env {
options = record o { debug = record opts { path = opts .DebugOptions.path ∷ʳ path } } }) x
noConstraints : M A → M A
noConstraints = local λ e → record e { noConstraints = true }
hasType : Term → Type → M Bool
hasType t ty = isSuccessful (noConstraints $ checkType t ty)
hasType' : Name → Type → M Bool
hasType' n ty = isSuccessful $ noConstraints $ do
t ← termFromName n
t' ← checkType t ty
if isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas t'
then return tt
else error ("This makes the function return false" ∷ᵈ [])
isUnknownsAndMetas : List (Arg Term) → Bool
isUnknownsAndMetas [] = true
isUnknownsAndMetas (arg i (meta x x₁) ∷ l) = isUnknownsAndMetas l
isUnknownsAndMetas (arg i unknown ∷ l) = isUnknownsAndMetas l
isUnknownsAndMetas (arg i _ ∷ l) = false
isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas : Term → Bool
isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas (var x args) = isUnknownsAndMetas args
isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas (con c args) = isUnknownsAndMetas args
isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas (def f args) = isUnknownsAndMetas args
isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas (pat-lam cs args) = isUnknownsAndMetas args
isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas (meta x args) = isUnknownsAndMetas args
isAppliedToUnknownsAndMetas _ = true
extendContext : String × Arg Type → M A → M A
extendContext ty = local λ where e@record { localContext = Γ } → record e { localContext = ty ∷ Γ }
getContext : M Telescope
getContext = reader λ where
e@record { localContext = Γ ; globalContext = Γ' } → Γ Data.List.++ Γ'
getLocalContext : M Telescope
getLocalContext = reader λ where e@record { localContext = Γ } → Γ
inContext : Telescope → M A → M A
inContext ctx = local λ e → record e { localContext = ctx }
extendContext' : Telescope → M A → M A
extendContext' [] x = x
extendContext' (c ∷ cs) x = extendContext c (extendContext' cs x)
dropContext : ℕ → M A → M A
dropContext n x = do
ctx ← getContext
inContext (drop n ctx) x
logAndError : List ErrorPart → M A
logAndError e = debugLog e >> error e
error1 : ⦃ IsErrorPart A ⦄ → A → M B
error1 a = error (a ∷ᵈ [])
debugLog1 : ⦃ IsErrorPart A ⦄ → A → M ⊤
debugLog1 a = debugLog (a ∷ᵈ [])
logAndError1 : ⦃ IsErrorPart A ⦄ → A → M B
logAndError1 a = debugLog1 a >> error1 a
markDontFail : String → M A → M A
markDontFail s x = catch x λ e → logAndError (s ∷ᵈ " should never fail! This is a bug!\nError:\n" ∷ᵈ e)
goalTy : M Type
goalTy = do
inj₁ t ← reader TCEnv.goal
where inj₂ T → return T
inferType t
runSpeculativeMaybe : M (Maybe A) → M A → M A
runSpeculativeMaybe x y = do
nothing ← runSpeculative (< id , is-just > <$> x)
where just a → return a
try : List (M ⊤) → M ⊤ → M ⊤
try [] e = e
try (x ∷ cs) e = MonadError.catch me x (λ _ → try cs e)
getConstrs : Name → M (List (Name × Type))
getConstrs n = do
d ← getDefinition n
cs ← case d of λ where
(record′ c fs) → return [ c ]
(data-type pars cs) → return cs
_ → error (n ∷ᵈ "is not a data or record definition!" ∷ᵈ [])
traverse (λ n → (n ,_) <$> (normalise =<< getType n)) (List Name ∋ cs)
getConstrsForType : Term → M (List (Name × Type))
getConstrsForType ty = do
(def n _) ← normalise ty
where _ → error (ty ∷ᵈ "does not reduce to a definition!" ∷ᵈ [])
getConstrs n
getConstrsForTerm : Term → M (List (Name × Type))
getConstrsForTerm t = getConstrsForType =<< inferType t
withPattern : Telescope → List (Arg Pattern) → M Term → M Clause
withPattern tel ps t = Clause.clause tel ps <$> extendContext' tel t
unifyWithGoal : Term → M ⊤
unifyWithGoal t = do
inj₁ t' ← reader TCEnv.goal
where _ → error1 "unifyWithGoal: Goal is not a term!"
unify t' t
runWithHole : Term → M A → M A
runWithHole t = local (λ env → record env { goal = inj₁ t })
runWithGoalTy : Term → M A → M A
runWithGoalTy t = local (λ env → record env { goal = inj₂ t })
goalHole : M Term
goalHole = do
inj₂ T ← reader TCEnv.goal
where inj₁ hole → return hole
newMeta T
withGoalHole : M ⊤ → M Term
withGoalHole tac = do
hole ← goalHole
runWithHole hole tac
return hole
findInstances : Type → M (List Term)
findInstances ty = runAndReset $ do
just m ← findMeta <$> newMeta ty
where _ → error1 "[findInstances] newMeta did not produce meta-variable!"
getInstances m
open import Data.Maybe using (_<∣>_)
findMeta = λ where
(pi (arg _ ty) (abs _ t)) → findMeta ty <∣> findMeta t
(lam _ (abs _ t)) → findMeta t
(meta m _) → just m
_ → nothing
MonadTC-TC : MonadTC R.TC ⦃ Monad-TC ⦄ ⦃ MonadError-TC ⦄
MonadTC-TC = record { R; R' using (quoteωTC; withReconstructed; onlyReduceDefs; dontReduceDefs; getInstances) }