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{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
-- case: pattern-match on the first term, continue with the second tactic

module Tactic.Case where

open import Meta.Prelude
open import Meta.Init

open import Data.List using (map)

open import Reflection.Tactic
open import Reflection.Utils.TCI
open import Tactic.ClauseBuilder

open import Class.Functor
open import Class.MonadTC

open MonadTC ⦃...⦄

  _ = MonadTC-TCI
  _ = ContextMonad-MonadTC
  _ = Functor-M

open ClauseExprM

matchInductive : Type  (SinglePattern  TC (ClauseExpr  Maybe Term))  TC ClauseExpr
matchInductive ty rhs = do
  ps  constructorPatterns' ty
  matchExprM (map  p  p , rhs p) ps)

genMatchingClauses : Type  TC Term  TC ClauseExpr
genMatchingClauses ty x = matchInductive ty  _  (inj₂  just) <$> x)

-- apply tac to all holes
case :  {a} {A : Set a}  A  ITactic  ITactic
case a tac = inDebugPath "case" do
  t  quoteTC a
  ty  inferType t
  unifyWithGoal =<< caseMatch t (genMatchingClauses ty (withGoalHole tac))

  module Test (A B : Set) where
    open import Tactic.Assumption
    open import Tactic.Defaults

    record TestType : Set where
        a : A
        b : B

    test₁ : A × B  A
    test₁ x = by (case x assumption')

    test₂ : A × B  B
    test₂ x = by (case x assumption')

    test₃ : A  A  A
    test₃ x = by (case x assumption')

    test₄ : TestType  A
    test₄ x = by (case x assumption')

    test₅ : TestType  B
    test₅ x = by (case x assumption')