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{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
module Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties where
open import Algebra.Bundles
open import Algebra.Definitions
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool; true; false)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (suc; _*_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties using (*-assoc; *-comm)
open import Data.Product.Base using (-,_; proj₂)
open import Data.List.Base as List
open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any using (Any; here; there)
open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.All using (All; []; _∷_)
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional
open import Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties
import Data.List.Properties as Lₚ
open import Data.Product.Base using (_,_; _×_; ∃; ∃₂)
open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; just; nothing)
open import Function.Base using (_∘_; _⟨_⟩_; _$_)
open import Level using (Level)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred)
open import Relation.Binary.Core using (Rel; _Preserves_⟶_; _Preserves₂_⟶_⟶_)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (_Respects_; Decidable)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡
using (_≡_ ; refl ; cong; cong₂; _≢_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties using (module ≡-Reasoning)
open import Relation.Nullary
a b p : Level
A : Set a
B : Set b
xs ys : List A
↭-empty-inv : ∀ {xs : List A} → xs ↭ [] → xs ≡ []
↭-empty-inv refl = refl
↭-empty-inv (trans p q) with refl ← ↭-empty-inv q = ↭-empty-inv p
¬x∷xs↭[] : ∀ {x} {xs : List A} → ¬ ((x ∷ xs) ↭ [])
¬x∷xs↭[] (trans s₁ s₂) with ↭-empty-inv s₂
... | refl = ¬x∷xs↭[] s₁
↭-singleton-inv : ∀ {x} {xs : List A} → xs ↭ [ x ] → xs ≡ [ x ]
↭-singleton-inv refl = refl
↭-singleton-inv (prep _ ρ) with refl ← ↭-empty-inv ρ = refl
↭-singleton-inv (trans ρ₁ ρ₂) with refl ← ↭-singleton-inv ρ₂ = ↭-singleton-inv ρ₁
↭-sym-involutive : ∀ {xs ys : List A} (p : xs ↭ ys) → ↭-sym (↭-sym p) ≡ p
↭-sym-involutive refl = refl
↭-sym-involutive (prep x ↭) = cong (prep x) (↭-sym-involutive ↭)
↭-sym-involutive (swap x y ↭) = cong (swap x y) (↭-sym-involutive ↭)
↭-sym-involutive (trans ↭₁ ↭₂) =
cong₂ trans (↭-sym-involutive ↭₁) (↭-sym-involutive ↭₂)
All-resp-↭ : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → (All P) Respects _↭_
All-resp-↭ refl wit = wit
All-resp-↭ (prep x p) (px ∷ wit) = px ∷ All-resp-↭ p wit
All-resp-↭ (swap x y p) (px ∷ py ∷ wit) = py ∷ px ∷ All-resp-↭ p wit
All-resp-↭ (trans p₁ p₂) wit = All-resp-↭ p₂ (All-resp-↭ p₁ wit)
Any-resp-↭ : ∀ {P : Pred A p} → (Any P) Respects _↭_
Any-resp-↭ refl wit = wit
Any-resp-↭ (prep x p) (here px) = here px
Any-resp-↭ (prep x p) (there wit) = there (Any-resp-↭ p wit)
Any-resp-↭ (swap x y p) (here px) = there (here px)
Any-resp-↭ (swap x y p) (there (here px)) = here px
Any-resp-↭ (swap x y p) (there (there wit)) = there (there (Any-resp-↭ p wit))
Any-resp-↭ (trans p p₁) wit = Any-resp-↭ p₁ (Any-resp-↭ p wit)
∈-resp-↭ : ∀ {x : A} → (x ∈_) Respects _↭_
∈-resp-↭ = Any-resp-↭
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] : {xs ys : List A} {P : Pred A p} →
(σ : xs ↭ ys) →
(ix : Any P xs) →
Any-resp-↭ (trans σ (↭-sym σ)) ix ≡ ix
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] refl ix = refl
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] (prep _ _) (here _) = refl
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] (swap _ _ _) (here _) = refl
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] (swap _ _ _) (there (here _)) = refl
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] (trans σ₁ σ₂) ix
rewrite Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] σ₂ (Any-resp-↭ σ₁ ix)
rewrite Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] σ₁ ix
= refl
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] (prep _ σ) (there ix)
rewrite Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] σ ix
= refl
Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] (swap _ _ σ) (there (there ix))
rewrite Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] σ ix
= refl
∈-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] : {xs ys : List A} {x : A} →
(σ : xs ↭ ys) →
(ix : x ∈ xs) →
∈-resp-↭ (trans σ (↭-sym σ)) ix ≡ ix
∈-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ] = Any-resp-[σ⁻¹∘σ]
module _ (f : A → B) where
map⁺ : ∀ {xs ys} → xs ↭ ys → map f xs ↭ map f ys
map⁺ refl = refl
map⁺ (prep x p) = prep _ (map⁺ p)
map⁺ (swap x y p) = swap _ _ (map⁺ p)
map⁺ (trans p₁ p₂) = trans (map⁺ p₁) (map⁺ p₂)
↭-map-inv : ∀ {xs ys} → map f xs ↭ ys → ∃ λ ys′ → ys ≡ map f ys′ × xs ↭ ys′
↭-map-inv {[]} ρ = -, ↭-empty-inv (↭-sym ρ) , ↭-refl
↭-map-inv {x ∷ []} ρ = -, ↭-singleton-inv (↭-sym ρ) , ↭-refl
↭-map-inv {_ ∷ _ ∷ _} refl = -, refl , ↭-refl
↭-map-inv {_ ∷ _ ∷ _} (prep _ ρ) with _ , refl , ρ′ ← ↭-map-inv ρ = -, refl , prep _ ρ′
↭-map-inv {_ ∷ _ ∷ _} (swap _ _ ρ) with _ , refl , ρ′ ← ↭-map-inv ρ = -, refl , swap _ _ ρ′
↭-map-inv {_ ∷ _ ∷ _} (trans ρ₁ ρ₂) with _ , refl , ρ₃ ← ↭-map-inv ρ₁
with _ , refl , ρ₄ ← ↭-map-inv ρ₂ = -, refl , trans ρ₃ ρ₄
↭-length : ∀ {xs ys : List A} → xs ↭ ys → length xs ≡ length ys
↭-length refl = refl
↭-length (prep x lr) = cong suc (↭-length lr)
↭-length (swap x y lr) = cong (suc ∘ suc) (↭-length lr)
↭-length (trans lr₁ lr₂) = ≡.trans (↭-length lr₁) (↭-length lr₂)
++⁺ˡ : ∀ xs {ys zs : List A} → ys ↭ zs → xs ++ ys ↭ xs ++ zs
++⁺ˡ [] ys↭zs = ys↭zs
++⁺ˡ (x ∷ xs) ys↭zs = prep x (++⁺ˡ xs ys↭zs)
++⁺ʳ : ∀ {xs ys : List A} zs → xs ↭ ys → xs ++ zs ↭ ys ++ zs
++⁺ʳ zs refl = refl
++⁺ʳ zs (prep x ↭) = prep x (++⁺ʳ zs ↭)
++⁺ʳ zs (swap x y ↭) = swap x y (++⁺ʳ zs ↭)
++⁺ʳ zs (trans ↭₁ ↭₂) = trans (++⁺ʳ zs ↭₁) (++⁺ʳ zs ↭₂)
++⁺ : _++_ {A = A} Preserves₂ _↭_ ⟶ _↭_ ⟶ _↭_
++⁺ ws↭xs ys↭zs = trans (++⁺ʳ _ ws↭xs) (++⁺ˡ _ ys↭zs)
zoom : ∀ h {t xs ys : List A} → xs ↭ ys → h ++ xs ++ t ↭ h ++ ys ++ t
zoom h {t} = ++⁺ˡ h ∘ ++⁺ʳ t
inject : ∀ (v : A) {ws xs ys zs} → ws ↭ ys → xs ↭ zs →
ws ++ [ v ] ++ xs ↭ ys ++ [ v ] ++ zs
inject v ws↭ys xs↭zs = trans (++⁺ˡ _ (prep v xs↭zs)) (++⁺ʳ _ ws↭ys)
shift : ∀ v (xs ys : List A) → xs ++ [ v ] ++ ys ↭ v ∷ xs ++ ys
shift v [] ys = refl
shift v (x ∷ xs) ys = begin
x ∷ (xs ++ [ v ] ++ ys) <⟨ shift v xs ys ⟩
x ∷ v ∷ xs ++ ys <<⟨ refl ⟩
v ∷ x ∷ xs ++ ys ∎
where open PermutationReasoning
drop-mid-≡ : ∀ {x : A} ws xs {ys} {zs} →
ws ++ [ x ] ++ ys ≡ xs ++ [ x ] ++ zs →
ws ++ ys ↭ xs ++ zs
drop-mid-≡ [] [] eq with cong tail eq
drop-mid-≡ [] [] eq | refl = refl
drop-mid-≡ [] (x ∷ xs) refl = shift _ xs _
drop-mid-≡ (w ∷ ws) [] refl = ↭-sym (shift _ ws _)
drop-mid-≡ (w ∷ ws) (x ∷ xs) eq with Lₚ.∷-injective eq
... | refl , eq′ = prep w (drop-mid-≡ ws xs eq′)
drop-mid : ∀ {x : A} ws xs {ys zs} →
ws ++ [ x ] ++ ys ↭ xs ++ [ x ] ++ zs →
ws ++ ys ↭ xs ++ zs
drop-mid {A = A} {x} ws xs p = drop-mid′ p ws xs refl refl
drop-mid′ : ∀ {l′ l″ : List A} → l′ ↭ l″ →
∀ ws xs {ys zs} →
ws ++ [ x ] ++ ys ≡ l′ →
xs ++ [ x ] ++ zs ≡ l″ →
ws ++ ys ↭ xs ++ zs
drop-mid′ refl ws xs refl eq = drop-mid-≡ ws xs (≡.sym eq)
drop-mid′ (prep x p) [] [] refl eq with cong tail eq
drop-mid′ (prep x p) [] [] refl eq | refl = p
drop-mid′ (prep x p) [] (x ∷ xs) refl refl = trans p (shift _ _ _)
drop-mid′ (prep x p) (w ∷ ws) [] refl refl = trans (↭-sym (shift _ _ _)) p
drop-mid′ (prep x p) (w ∷ ws) (x ∷ xs) refl refl = prep _ (drop-mid′ p ws xs refl refl)
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) [] [] refl refl = prep _ p
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) [] (x ∷ []) refl eq with cong {B = List _}
(λ { (x ∷ _ ∷ xs) → x ∷ xs
; _ → []
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) [] (x ∷ []) refl eq | refl = prep _ p
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) [] (x ∷ _ ∷ xs) refl refl = prep _ (trans p (shift _ _ _))
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) (w ∷ []) [] refl eq with cong tail eq
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) (w ∷ []) [] refl eq | refl = prep _ p
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) (w ∷ x ∷ ws) [] refl refl = prep _ (trans (↭-sym (shift _ _ _)) p)
drop-mid′ (swap y y p) (y ∷ []) (y ∷ []) refl refl = prep _ p
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) (y ∷ []) (z ∷ y ∷ xs) refl refl = begin
_ ∷ _ <⟨ p ⟩
_ ∷ (xs ++ _ ∷ _) <⟨ shift _ _ _ ⟩
_ ∷ _ ∷ xs ++ _ <<⟨ refl ⟩
_ ∷ _ ∷ xs ++ _ ∎
where open PermutationReasoning
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) (y ∷ z ∷ ws) (z ∷ []) refl refl = begin
_ ∷ _ ∷ ws ++ _ <<⟨ refl ⟩
_ ∷ (_ ∷ ws ++ _) <⟨ ↭-sym (shift _ _ _) ⟩
_ ∷ (ws ++ _ ∷ _) <⟨ p ⟩
_ ∷ _ ∎
where open PermutationReasoning
drop-mid′ (swap y z p) (y ∷ z ∷ ws) (z ∷ y ∷ xs) refl refl = swap y z (drop-mid′ p _ _ refl refl)
drop-mid′ (trans p₁ p₂) ws xs refl refl with ∈-∃++ (∈-resp-↭ p₁ (∈-insert ws))
... | (h , t , refl) = trans (drop-mid′ p₁ ws h refl refl) (drop-mid′ p₂ h xs refl refl)
++-identityˡ : LeftIdentity {A = List A} _↭_ [] _++_
++-identityˡ xs = refl
++-identityʳ : RightIdentity {A = List A} _↭_ [] _++_
++-identityʳ xs = ↭-reflexive (Lₚ.++-identityʳ xs)
++-identity : Identity {A = List A} _↭_ [] _++_
++-identity = ++-identityˡ , ++-identityʳ
++-assoc : Associative {A = List A} _↭_ _++_
++-assoc xs ys zs = ↭-reflexive (Lₚ.++-assoc xs ys zs)
++-comm : Commutative {A = List A} _↭_ _++_
++-comm [] ys = ↭-sym (++-identityʳ ys)
++-comm (x ∷ xs) ys = begin
x ∷ xs ++ ys <⟨ ++-comm xs ys ⟩
x ∷ ys ++ xs ↭⟨ shift x ys xs ⟨
ys ++ (x ∷ xs) ∎
where open PermutationReasoning
++-isMagma : IsMagma {A = List A} _↭_ _++_
++-isMagma = record
{ isEquivalence = ↭-isEquivalence
; ∙-cong = ++⁺
++-isSemigroup : IsSemigroup {A = List A} _↭_ _++_
++-isSemigroup = record
{ isMagma = ++-isMagma
; assoc = ++-assoc
++-isMonoid : IsMonoid {A = List A} _↭_ _++_ []
++-isMonoid = record
{ isSemigroup = ++-isSemigroup
; identity = ++-identity
++-isCommutativeMonoid : IsCommutativeMonoid {A = List A} _↭_ _++_ []
++-isCommutativeMonoid = record
{ isMonoid = ++-isMonoid
; comm = ++-comm
module _ {a} {A : Set a} where
++-magma : Magma _ _
++-magma = record
{ isMagma = ++-isMagma {A = A}
++-semigroup : Semigroup a _
++-semigroup = record
{ isSemigroup = ++-isSemigroup {A = A}
++-monoid : Monoid a _
++-monoid = record
{ isMonoid = ++-isMonoid {A = A}
++-commutativeMonoid : CommutativeMonoid _ _
++-commutativeMonoid = record
{ isCommutativeMonoid = ++-isCommutativeMonoid {A = A}
shifts : ∀ xs ys {zs : List A} → xs ++ ys ++ zs ↭ ys ++ xs ++ zs
shifts xs ys {zs} = begin
xs ++ ys ++ zs ↭⟨ ++-assoc xs ys zs ⟨
(xs ++ ys) ++ zs ↭⟨ ++⁺ʳ zs (++-comm xs ys) ⟩
(ys ++ xs) ++ zs ↭⟨ ++-assoc ys xs zs ⟩
ys ++ xs ++ zs ∎
where open PermutationReasoning
drop-∷ : ∀ {x : A} {xs ys} → x ∷ xs ↭ x ∷ ys → xs ↭ ys
drop-∷ = drop-mid [] []
∷↭∷ʳ : ∀ (x : A) xs → x ∷ xs ↭ xs ∷ʳ x
∷↭∷ʳ x xs = ↭-sym (begin
xs ++ [ x ] ↭⟨ shift x xs [] ⟩
x ∷ xs ++ [] ≡⟨ Lₚ.++-identityʳ _ ⟩
x ∷ xs ∎)
where open PermutationReasoning
++↭ʳ++ : ∀ (xs ys : List A) → xs ++ ys ↭ xs ʳ++ ys
++↭ʳ++ [] ys = ↭-refl
++↭ʳ++ (x ∷ xs) ys = ↭-trans (↭-sym (shift x xs ys)) (++↭ʳ++ xs (x ∷ ys))
↭-reverse : (xs : List A) → reverse xs ↭ xs
↭-reverse [] = ↭-refl
↭-reverse (x ∷ xs) = begin
reverse (x ∷ xs) ≡⟨ Lₚ.unfold-reverse x xs ⟩
reverse xs ∷ʳ x ↭⟨ ∷↭∷ʳ x (reverse xs) ⟨
x ∷ reverse xs ↭⟨ prep x (↭-reverse xs) ⟩
x ∷ xs ∎
where open PermutationReasoning
module _ {ℓ} {R : Rel A ℓ} (R? : Decidable R) where
merge-↭ : ∀ xs ys → merge R? xs ys ↭ xs ++ ys
merge-↭ [] [] = ↭-refl
merge-↭ [] (y ∷ ys) = ↭-refl
merge-↭ (x ∷ xs) [] = ↭-sym (++-identityʳ (x ∷ xs))
merge-↭ (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys)
with does (R? x y) | merge-↭ xs (y ∷ ys) | merge-↭ (x ∷ xs) ys
... | true | rec | _ = prep x rec
... | false | _ | rec = begin
y ∷ merge R? (x ∷ xs) ys <⟨ rec ⟩
y ∷ x ∷ xs ++ ys ↭⟨ shift y (x ∷ xs) ys ⟨
(x ∷ xs) ++ y ∷ ys ≡⟨ Lₚ.++-assoc [ x ] xs (y ∷ ys) ⟨
x ∷ xs ++ y ∷ ys ∎
where open PermutationReasoning
product-↭ : product Preserves _↭_ ⟶ _≡_
product-↭ refl = refl
product-↭ (prep x r) = cong (x *_) (product-↭ r)
product-↭ (trans r s) = ≡.trans (product-↭ r) (product-↭ s)
product-↭ (swap {xs} {ys} x y r) = begin
x * (y * product xs) ≡˘⟨ *-assoc x y (product xs) ⟩
(x * y) * product xs ≡⟨ cong₂ _*_ (*-comm x y) (product-↭ r) ⟩
(y * x) * product ys ≡⟨ *-assoc y x (product ys) ⟩
y * (x * product ys) ∎
where open ≡-Reasoning
catMaybes-↭ : xs ↭ ys → catMaybes xs ↭ catMaybes ys
catMaybes-↭ refl = refl
catMaybes-↭ (trans xs↭ ↭ys) = trans (catMaybes-↭ xs↭) (catMaybes-↭ ↭ys)
catMaybes-↭ (prep nothing xs↭) = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (prep (just x) xs↭) = prep x $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap nothing nothing xs↭) = catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap nothing (just y) xs↭) = prep y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap (just x) nothing xs↭) = prep x $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
catMaybes-↭ (swap (just x) (just y) xs↭) = swap x y $ catMaybes-↭ xs↭
mapMaybe-↭ : (f : A → Maybe B) → xs ↭ ys → mapMaybe f xs ↭ mapMaybe f ys
mapMaybe-↭ f = catMaybes-↭ ∘ map⁺ f