{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category

module Categories.Morphism.Lifts.Properties {o  e} (𝒞 : Category o  e) where

open import Level
open import Data.Product using (_,_; proj₁; proj₂)

open import Categories.Category.Construction.Arrow 𝒞

open import Categories.Diagram.Pullback 𝒞
open import Categories.Diagram.Pushout 𝒞

open import Categories.Morphism.Lifts 𝒞

open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning 𝒞 renaming (glue to glue-■)
import Categories.Morphism as Mor

open Category 𝒞
open Definitions 𝒞
open HomReasoning

-- We want to talk about retracts of morphisms, so
-- we don't use the definition of 'Retract' applied to '𝒞'
open Mor 𝒞 hiding (Retract)
open Mor using (Retract)
open Morphism⇒

-- Lifting and Retractions

module _ {X Y T} {f : X  Y} {i : X  T} {p : T  Y} (factors : f  p  i) where

  -- If 'f' factors into 'p ∘ i' and 'f' has the left lifting property
  -- with respect to 'p', then 'f' is a retraction of 'i' in the arrow
  -- category of 𝒞.
  retract-liftˡ : Lifts f p  Retract Arrow (mor f) (mor i)
  retract-liftˡ lifts = record
    { section = mor⇒ (fill-commˡ   identityʳ)
    ; retract = mor⇒ ( factors   identityʳ)
    ; is-retract = identity² , fill-commʳ
      open Filler (lifts (identityˡ  factors))

  -- We have an analogous situation for right lifts.
  retract-liftʳ : Lifts i f  Retract Arrow (mor f) (mor p)
  retract-liftʳ lifts = record
    { section = mor⇒ (identityˡ  factors)
    ; retract = mor⇒ (identityˡ   fill-commʳ)
    ; is-retract = fill-commˡ , identity²
      open Filler (lifts ( factors   identityʳ))

-- Closure Properties of Injective and Projective morphisms.

module _ {j} (J : MorphismClass j) where
      X Y Z : Obj
      f g h i p : X  Y

  -- If 'f' is an isomorphism, then it must be J-Projective.
  iso-proj :  {X Y} (f : X  Y)  IsIso f  Proj J f
  iso-proj f f-iso g g∈J {h} {i} comm = record
    { filler = h  inv
    ; fill-commˡ = cancelʳ isoˡ
    ; fill-commʳ = extendʳ ( comm)  elimʳ isoʳ
      open IsIso f-iso

  -- Dually, If 'f' is an isomorphism, then it must be J-Injective.
  iso-inj :  {X Y} (f : X  Y)  IsIso f  Inj J f
  iso-inj f f-iso g g∈J {h} {i} comm = record
    { filler = inv  i
    ; fill-commˡ = extendˡ comm  elimˡ isoˡ
    ; fill-commʳ = cancelˡ isoʳ
      open IsIso f-iso

  -- J-Projective morphisms are closed under composition.
  proj-∘ :  {X Y Z} {f : Y  Z} {g : X  Y}  Proj J f  Proj J g  Proj J (f  g)
  proj-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-proj g-proj h h∈J {k} {i} comm = record
    { filler = UpperFiller.filler
    ; fill-commˡ = begin
        UpperFiller.filler  f  g
      ≈⟨ pullˡ UpperFiller.fill-commˡ 
        LowerFiller.filler  g
      ≈⟨ LowerFiller.fill-commˡ 

    ; fill-commʳ = UpperFiller.fill-commʳ
      module LowerFiller = Filler (g-proj h h∈J (assoc  comm))
      module UpperFiller = Filler (f-proj h h∈J ( LowerFiller.fill-commʳ))

  -- J-Injective morphisms are closed under composition.
  inj-∘ :  {X Y Z} {f : Y  Z} {g : X  Y}  Inj J f  Inj J g  Inj J (f  g)
  inj-∘ {f = f} {g = g} f-inj g-inj h h∈J {k} {i} comm = record
    { filler = LowerFiller.filler
    ; fill-commˡ = LowerFiller.fill-commˡ
    ; fill-commʳ = begin
        (f  g)  LowerFiller.filler
      ≈⟨ pullʳ LowerFiller.fill-commʳ 
        f  UpperFiller.filler
      ≈⟨ UpperFiller.fill-commʳ 
      module UpperFiller = Filler (f-inj h h∈J (comm  assoc))
      module LowerFiller = Filler (g-inj h h∈J UpperFiller.fill-commˡ)

  -- J-Projective morphisms are stable under pushout.
  proj-pushout :  {X Y Z} {p : X  Y} {f : X  Z}  (P : Pushout p f)  Proj J p  Proj J (Pushout.i₂ P)
  proj-pushout {p = p} {f = f} po p-proj h h∈J sq = record
    { filler = universal fill-commˡ
    ; fill-commˡ = universal∘i₂≈h₂
    ; fill-commʳ = unique-diagram (pullʳ universal∘i₁≈h₁  fill-commʳ) (pullʳ universal∘i₂≈h₂   sq)
      open Pushout po
      open Filler (p-proj h h∈J (glue-■ sq commute))
  -- J-Injective morphisms are stable under pullback.
  inj-pullback :  {X Y Z} {i : X  Z} {f : Y  Z}  (P : Pullback i f)  Inj J i  Inj J (Pullback.p₂ P)
  inj-pullback {i = i} {f = f} pb i-inj h h∈J sq = record
    { filler = universal fill-commʳ
    ; fill-commˡ = unique-diagram (pullˡ p₁∘universal≈h₁  fill-commˡ) (pullˡ p₂∘universal≈h₂  sq)
    ; fill-commʳ = p₂∘universal≈h₂
      open Pullback pb
      open Filler (i-inj h h∈J (glue-■ ( commute) sq))

  -- J-Projective morphisms are stable under retractions.
  proj-retract : Proj J p  Retract Arrow (mor f) (mor p)  Proj J f
  proj-retract {p = p} {f = f} p-proj f-retracts h h∈J {g} {k} sq = record
    { filler = filler  cod⇒ section
    ; fill-commˡ = begin
        (filler  cod⇒ section)  f
      ≈⟨ extendˡ (square section) 
        (filler  p)  dom⇒ section
      ≈⟨ fill-commˡ ⟩∘⟨refl 
        (g  dom⇒ retract)  dom⇒ section
      ≈⟨ cancelʳ (proj₁ is-retract) 
    ; fill-commʳ = begin
        h  filler  cod⇒ section
      ≈⟨ extendʳ fill-commʳ 
        k  (cod⇒ retract  cod⇒ section)
      ≈⟨ elimʳ (proj₂ is-retract) 
      open Retract f-retracts
      open Filler (p-proj h h∈J (glue-■ sq (square retract)))

  -- J-Injective morphisms are stable under retractions.
  inj-retract : Inj J i  Retract Arrow (mor f) (mor i)  Inj J f
  inj-retract {i = i} {f = f} i-inj f-retracts h h∈J {g} {k} sq = record
    { filler = dom⇒ retract  filler
    ; fill-commˡ = begin
        (dom⇒ retract  filler)  h
      ≈⟨ extendˡ fill-commˡ 
        (dom⇒ retract  dom⇒ section)  g
      ≈⟨ elimˡ (proj₁ is-retract) 
    ; fill-commʳ = begin
        f  dom⇒ retract  filler
      ≈⟨ extendʳ ( (square retract)) 
        cod⇒ retract  i  filler
      ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ fill-commʳ 
        cod⇒ retract  cod⇒ section  k
      ≈⟨ cancelˡ (proj₂ is-retract) 
      open Retract f-retracts
      open Filler (i-inj h h∈J (glue-■ (square section) sq))