{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import Categories.Category

-- Lifting Properties
module Categories.Morphism.Lifts {o  e} (𝒞 : Category o  e) where

open import Level

open Category 𝒞
open Definitions 𝒞

-- A pair of morphisms has the lifting property if every commutative
-- square admits a diagonal filler. We say that 'i' has the left lifting
-- property with respect to 'p', and that 'p' has the right lifting property
-- with respect to 'i'.
-- Graphically, the situation is as follows:
--      f
--   A ────> X
--   │     ^ │
--   │  ∃ ╱  │
-- i │   ╱   │ p
--   │  ╱    │
--   V ╱     V
--   B ────> Y
--      g
-- Note that the filler is /not/ required to be unique.
-- For ease of use, we define lifts in two steps:
-- * 'Filler' describes the data required to fill a /particular/ commutative square.
-- * 'Lifts' then quantifies over all commutative squares.

record Filler {A B X Y} {i : A  B} {f : A  X} {g : B  Y} {p : X  Y}
              (comm : CommutativeSquare i f g p) : Set (  e) where
    filler : B  X
    fill-commˡ : filler  i  f
    fill-commʳ : p  filler  g

Lifts :  {A B X Y}  (i : A  B)  (p : X  Y)  Set (  e)
Lifts i p =  {f g}  (comm : CommutativeSquare i f g p)  Filler comm

-- Lifings of Morphism Classes

-- Shorthand for denoting a class of morphisms.
MorphismClass : (p : Level)  Set (o    suc p)
MorphismClass p =  {X Y}  X  Y  Set p

-- A morphism 'i' is called "projective" with respect to some morphism class 'J'
-- if it has the left-lifting property against every element of 'J'.
Projective :  {j} {A B}  MorphismClass j  (i : A  B)  Set (o    e  j)
Projective J i =  {X Y}  (f : X  Y)  J f  Lifts i f

-- Dually, a morphism 'i' is called "injective" with repsect to a morphism class 'J'
-- if it has the right-lifting property against every element of 'J'.
Injective :  {j} {A B}  MorphismClass j  (i : A  B)  Set (o    e  j)
Injective J i =  {X Y}  (f : X  Y)  J f  Lifts f i

-- The class of J-Projective morphisms.
Proj :  {j} (J : MorphismClass j)  MorphismClass (o    e  j)
Proj J = Projective J

-- The class of J-Injective morphisms.
Inj :  {j} (J : MorphismClass j)  MorphismClass (o    e  j)
Inj J = Injective J