{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Diagram.Coend.Properties where
open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)
open import Categories.Category.Product
import Categories.Category.Construction.Cowedges as Cowedges
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Functors
open import Categories.Category.Equivalence as SE
open import Categories.Category.Equivalence.Preserves
open import Categories.Diagram.Coend
open import Categories.Diagram.Colimit
open import Categories.Diagram.Cowedge
open import Categories.Diagram.Cowedge.Properties
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor)
open import Categories.Functor.Instance.Twisted
import Categories.Morphism as M
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation hiding (id)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Dinatural
open import Categories.Object.Initial as Initial
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_)
open import Function using (_$_)
module _ {o ℓ e o′ ℓ′ e′} {C : Category o ℓ e} {D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
(F : Bifunctor (Category.op C) C D) where
open Cowedges F
Coend⇒Initial : Coend F → Initial Cowedges
Coend⇒Initial c = record
{ ⊥ = cowedge
; ⊥-is-initial = record
{ ! = λ {A} → record { u = factor A ; commute = universal }
; !-unique = λ {A} f → unique {A} (Cowedge-Morphism.commute f)
open Coend c
Initial⇒Coend : Initial Cowedges → Coend F
Initial⇒Coend i = record
{ cowedge = ⊥
; factor = λ W → u {W₂ = W} !
; universal = commute !
; unique = λ {_} {g} x → !-unique (record { u = g ; commute = x })
open Initial.Initial i
open Cowedge-Morphism
o ℓ e : Level
C D E : Category o ℓ e
module _ (F : Functor E (Functors (Product (Category.op C) C) D)) where
module C = Category C
module D = Category D
module E = Category E
module NT = NaturalTransformation
open D
open HomReasoning
open MR D
open Functor F
open Coend hiding (E)
open NT using (η)
CoendF : (∀ X → Coend (F₀ X)) → Functor E D
CoendF coend = record
{ F₀ = λ X → Coend.E (coend X)
; F₁ = F₁′
; identity = λ {A} → unique (coend A) (id-comm-sym ○ ∘-resp-≈ʳ (⟺ identity))
; homomorphism = λ {A B C} {f g} → unique (coend A) $ λ {Z} → begin
(F₁′ g ∘ F₁′ f) ∘ dinatural.α (coend A) Z ≈⟨ pullʳ (universal (coend A)) ⟩
(F₁′ g ∘ (dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z) ) ) ≈⟨ pullˡ (universal (coend B)) ⟩
((dinatural.α (coend C) Z ∘ η (F₁ g) (Z , Z)) ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z)) ≈˘⟨ pushʳ homomorphism ⟩
dinatural.α (coend C) Z ∘ η (F₁ (g E.∘ f)) (Z , Z) ∎
; F-resp-≈ = λ {A B f g} eq → unique (coend A) $ λ {Z} → begin
F₁′ g ∘ dinatural.α (coend A) Z ≈⟨ universal (coend A) ⟩
dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ g) (Z , Z) ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ F-resp-≈ eq ⟩
dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z) ∎
where F₁′ : ∀ {X Y} → X E.⇒ Y → Coend.E (coend X) ⇒ Coend.E (coend Y)
F₁′ {X} {Y} f = factor (coend X) $ record
{ E = Coend.E (coend Y)
; dinatural = dinatural (coend Y) ∘> F₁ f
module _ {P Q : Functor (Product (Category.op C) C) D} (P⇒Q : NaturalTransformation P Q) where
open Coend renaming (E to coend)
open Category D
coend-η : {cp : Coend P} {cq : Coend Q} → coend cp ⇒ coend cq
coend-η {cp} {cq} = factor cp ((record
{ E = Coend.E cq
; dinatural = dtHelper record
{ α = λ c → dinatural.α cq c ∘ η (c , c)
; commute = λ {C} {C′} f → begin
id ∘ (αq C ∘ η (C , C)) ∘ P.₁ (f , C.id) ≈⟨ pushʳ assoc ⟩
(id ∘ αq C) ∘ (η (C , C) ∘ P.₁ (f , C.id)) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ nt.commute (f , C.id) ⟩
(id ∘ αq C) ∘ (Q.₁ (f , C.id) ∘ η (C′ , C)) ≈⟨ pullˡ assoc ⟩
(id ∘ αq C ∘ Q.₁ (f , C.id)) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ αq-comm f ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(id ∘ αq C′ ∘ Q.₁ (C.id , f)) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ pushˡ sym-assoc ⟩
(id ∘ αq C′) ∘ Q.₁ (C.id , f) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ nt.sym-commute (C.id , f) ⟩
(id ∘ αq C′) ∘ η (C′ , C′) ∘ P.₁ (C.id , f) ≈⟨ pullʳ sym-assoc ⟩
id ∘ (αq C′ ∘ η (C′ , C′)) ∘ P.₁ (C.id , f) ∎
module nt = NaturalTransformation P⇒Q
open nt using (η)
open HomReasoning
module C = Category C
module P = Functor P
module Q = Functor Q
open DinaturalTransformation (dinatural cp) renaming (α to αp; commute to αp-comm)
open DinaturalTransformation (dinatural cq) renaming (α to αq; commute to αq-comm)
open Cowedge
open MR D
module _ {o ℓ e o′ ℓ′ e′} {C : Category o ℓ e} {D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
(F : Bifunctor (Category.op C) C D) where
Eq = CoconesTwist≅Cowedges F
module O = M D
open M (Cowedges.Cowedges F)
open Functor
open StrongEquivalence Eq renaming (F to F⇒)
Coend-yields-colimit : Coend F → Colimit (Twist′ C D F)
Coend-yields-colimit ef = record { initial = pres-Initial (SE.sym Eq) (Coend⇒Initial F ef) }
colimit-yields-Coend : Colimit (Twist′ C D F) → Coend F
colimit-yields-Coend l = Initial⇒Coend F (pres-Initial Eq (Colimit.initial l))
Coend-as-Colimit : (coend : Coend F) → (cl : Colimit (Twist′ C D F)) → Coend.cowedge coend ≅ F₀ F⇒ (Colimit.initial.⊥ cl)
Coend-as-Colimit coend cl = Initial.up-to-iso (Cowedges.Cowedges F) (Coend⇒Initial F coend) (pres-Initial Eq initial)
open Colimit cl
Coend-as-Colimit-on-Obj : (coend : Coend F) → (cl : Colimit (Twist′ C D F)) → Coend.E coend O.≅ Colimit.coapex cl
Coend-as-Colimit-on-Obj coend cl = record
{ from = Cowedge-Morphism.u (M._≅_.from X≅Y)
; to = Cowedge-Morphism.u (M._≅_.to X≅Y)
; iso = record
{ isoˡ = M._≅_.isoˡ X≅Y
; isoʳ = M._≅_.isoʳ X≅Y
X≅Y = Coend-as-Colimit coend cl
open Category D