{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Category.Instance.Properties.Setoids.LCCC where
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; 0ℓ; suc)
open import Data.Product using (_,_)
open import Function.Bundles using (Func; _⟨$⟩_)
import Function.Construct.Identity as FId
open import Relation.Binary using (Setoid)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as ≡
import Relation.Binary.Reasoning.Setoid as SetoidR
open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)
open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts using (BinaryProducts)
open import Categories.Category.CartesianClosed using (CartesianClosed)
open import Categories.Category.CartesianClosed.Canonical
using (module Equivalence)
renaming (CartesianClosed to Canonical)
open import Categories.Category.CartesianClosed.Locally using (Locally)
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian using (Cartesian)
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Span
using (SpanObj; Span; span-id; left; right; span-arrʳ; span-arrˡ; center)
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Setoids using (Setoids)
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Properties.Setoids.Complete
using (Setoids-Complete)
open import Categories.Category.Slice using (Slice; sliceobj; slicearr; SliceObj; Slice⇒)
open import Categories.Category.Slice.Properties using (pullback⇒product)
open import Categories.Functor.Core using (Functor)
open import Categories.Object.Terminal using (Terminal)
open import Categories.Diagram.Pullback using (Pullback)
open import Categories.Diagram.Pullback.Limit using (limit⇒pullback)
import Categories.Object.Product as Prod
module _ {o ℓ} where
module _ {A X : Setoid o ℓ} where
module A = Setoid A
module X = Setoid X
record InverseImage (a : Setoid.Carrier A) (f : Func X A) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ) where
constructor pack
x : X.Carrier
fx≈a : f ⟨$⟩ x A.≈ a
inverseImage-transport : ∀ {a a′} {f : Func X A} → a A.≈ a′ → InverseImage a f → InverseImage a′ f
inverseImage-transport eq img = pack x (A.trans fx≈a eq)
where open InverseImage img
module _ {A X Y : Setoid o ℓ} where
module A = Setoid A
module X = Setoid X
module Y = Setoid Y
record InverseImageMap (a : Setoid.Carrier A)
(f : Func X A)
(g : Func Y A) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ) where
f⇒g : InverseImage a f → InverseImage a g
cong : ∀ (x x′ : InverseImage a f) →
InverseImage.x x X.≈ InverseImage.x x′ →
InverseImage.x (f⇒g x) Y.≈ InverseImage.x (f⇒g x′)
inverseImageMap-transport : ∀ {a a′} {f : Func X A} {g : Func Y A} → a A.≈ a′ →
InverseImageMap a f g → InverseImageMap a′ f g
inverseImageMap-transport eq h = record
{ f⇒g = λ img → inverseImage-transport eq (f⇒g (inverseImage-transport (A.sym eq) img))
; cong = λ x x′ eq′ → cong (inverseImage-transport (A.sym eq) x) (inverseImage-transport (A.sym eq) x′) eq′
where open InverseImageMap h
record SlExp (f : Func X A)
(g : Func Y A) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ) where
idx : A.Carrier
map : InverseImageMap idx f g
open InverseImageMap map public
record SlExp≈ {f : Func X A}
{g : Func Y A}
(h i : SlExp f g) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ) where
module h = SlExp h
module i = SlExp i
idx≈ : h.idx A.≈ i.idx
map≈ : ∀ (img : InverseImage h.idx f) → InverseImage.x (h.f⇒g img) Y.≈ InverseImage.x (i.f⇒g (inverseImage-transport idx≈ img))
SlExp-Setoid : ∀ {A X Y : Setoid o ℓ}
(f : Func X A) (g : Func Y A) → Setoid (o ⊔ ℓ) (o ⊔ ℓ)
SlExp-Setoid {A} {X} {Y} f g = record
{ Carrier = SlExp f g
; _≈_ = SlExp≈
; isEquivalence = record
{ refl = λ {h} → record
{ idx≈ = A.refl
; map≈ = λ img → SlExp.cong h img (inverseImage-transport A.refl img) X.refl
; sym = λ {h i} eq →
let open SlExp≈ eq
in record
{ idx≈ = A.sym idx≈
; map≈ = λ img → Y.trans (SlExp.cong i img (inverseImage-transport idx≈ (inverseImage-transport (A.sym idx≈) img)) X.refl)
(Y.sym (map≈ (inverseImage-transport (A.sym idx≈) img)))
; trans = λ {h i j} eq eq′ →
let module eq = SlExp≈ eq
module eq′ = SlExp≈ eq′
in record
{ idx≈ = A.trans eq.idx≈ eq′.idx≈
; map≈ = λ img → Y.trans (eq.map≈ img)
(Y.trans (eq′.map≈ (inverseImage-transport eq.idx≈ img))
(SlExp.cong j (inverseImage-transport eq′.idx≈ (inverseImage-transport eq.idx≈ img))
(inverseImage-transport (A.trans eq.idx≈ eq′.idx≈) img)
where module A = Setoid A
module X = Setoid X
module Y = Setoid Y
module _ {o} where
S : Category (suc o) o o
S = Setoids o o
module S = Category S
module _ (A : S.Obj) where
Sl = Slice S A
module Sl = Category Sl
open Setoid A
open Prod (Slice S A)
slice-terminal : Terminal Sl
slice-terminal = record
{ ⊤ = sliceobj {Y = A} record
{ to = λ x → x
; cong = λ eq → eq
; ⊤-is-terminal = record
{ ! = λ { {sliceobj f} → slicearr {h = f} refl }
; !-unique = λ { {X} (slicearr △) →
let module X = SliceObj X
in sym △ }
F₀ : Sl.Obj → Sl.Obj → SpanObj → Setoid o o
F₀ X Y center = A
F₀ X Y left = SliceObj.Y X
F₀ X Y right = SliceObj.Y Y
slice-product : (X Y : Sl.Obj) → Product X Y
slice-product X Y = pullback⇒product S XY-pullback
where module X = SliceObj X
module Y = SliceObj Y
f : SpanObj → Setoid o o
f = F₀ X Y
F : Functor (Category.op Span) (Setoids o o)
F = record
{ F₀ = f
; F₁ = λ { (span-id {B}) → FId.function (f B)
; span-arrˡ → X.arr
; span-arrʳ → Y.arr
; identity = λ {Z} → S.Equiv.refl {f Z} {f Z} {FId.function _}
; homomorphism = λ { {Z} {_} {_} {span-id} {span-id} → Setoid.refl (f Z)
; {_} {_} {_} {span-id} {span-arrˡ} → refl
; {_} {_} {_} {span-id} {span-arrʳ} → refl
; {_} {_} {_} {span-arrˡ} {span-id} → refl
; {_} {_} {_} {span-arrʳ} {span-id} → refl
; F-resp-≈ = λ { {Z} {_} {span-id} ≡.refl → Setoid.refl (f Z)
; {_} {_} {span-arrˡ} ≡.refl → refl
; {_} {_} {span-arrʳ} ≡.refl → refl
XY-pullback : Pullback S X.arr Y.arr
XY-pullback = limit⇒pullback S {F = F} (Setoids-Complete 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ o o F)
module slice-terminal = Terminal slice-terminal
module slice-product X Y = Product (slice-product X Y)
cartesian : Cartesian Sl
cartesian = record
{ terminal = slice-terminal
; products = record
{ product = slice-product _ _
module cartesian = Cartesian cartesian
module products = BinaryProducts cartesian.products
_^_ : Sl.Obj → Sl.Obj → Sl.Obj
f ^ g = sliceobj {Y = SlExp-Setoid g.arr f.arr} record
{ to = SlExp.idx
; cong = SlExp≈.idx≈
where module f = SliceObj f
module g = SliceObj g
prod = slice-product.A×B
eval : {f g : Sl.Obj} → prod (f ^ g) g Sl.⇒ f
eval {f} {g} = slicearr {h = h} λ { {J₁ , arr₁} →
let open SlExp (J₁ left)
in trans (InverseImage.fx≈a (f⇒g (pack (J₁ right) _)))
(trans (arr₁ span-arrˡ)
(sym (arr₁ span-arrʳ))) }
where module f = SliceObj f
module g = SliceObj g
module fY = Setoid f.Y
h : SliceObj.Y (prod (f ^ g) g) S.⇒ f.Y
h = record
{ to = λ { (J , arr) →
let module exp = SlExp (J left)
in InverseImage.x (exp.f⇒g (pack (J right) (trans (arr span-arrʳ) (sym (arr span-arrˡ))))) }
; cong = λ { {J₁ , arr₁} {J₂ , arr₂} eq →
let open SlExp≈ (eq left)
open SlExp (J₂ left)
in fY.trans (map≈ _) (cong _ _ (eq right)) }
module _ {f g : Sl.Obj} where
module f = SliceObj f
module g = SliceObj g
module fY = Setoid f.Y
module gY = Setoid g.Y
Jpb : ∀ x → InverseImage (f.arr ⟨$⟩ x) g.arr → ∀ j → Setoid.Carrier (F₀ f g j)
Jpb x img center = f.arr ⟨$⟩ x
Jpb x img left = x
Jpb x img right = InverseImage.x img
xypb : ∀ x → InverseImage (f.arr ⟨$⟩ x) g.arr → Setoid.Carrier (SliceObj.Y (prod f g))
xypb x img = Jpb x img
, λ { {center} span-id → refl
; {left} span-id → fY.refl
; {right} span-id → gY.refl
; span-arrˡ → refl
; span-arrʳ → fx≈a }
where open InverseImage img renaming (x to y)
module _ {h : Sl.Obj} (α : prod f g Sl.⇒ h) where
module α = Slice⇒ α
module h = SliceObj h
module hY = Setoid h.Y
βmap : fY.Carrier → SlExp g.arr h.arr
βmap x = record
{ idx = f.arr ⟨$⟩ x
; map = record
{ f⇒g = λ img →
let open InverseImage img renaming (x to y)
in pack (α.h ⟨$⟩ xypb x img)
(trans (α.△ {xypb x img})
; cong = λ img img′ eq →
let module img = InverseImage img
module img′ = InverseImage img′
in Func.cong α.h λ { center → refl
; left → fY.refl
; right → eq }
βcong : {i j : fY.Carrier} → i fY.≈ j → SlExp≈ (βmap i) (βmap j)
βcong {i} {j} eq = record
{ idx≈ = Func.cong f.arr eq
; map≈ = λ img →
let open InverseImage img
in Func.cong α.h λ { center → Func.cong f.arr eq
; left → eq
; right → gY.refl }
β : f.Y S.⇒ SliceObj.Y (h ^ g)
β = record
{ to = βmap
; cong = βcong
curry : f Sl.⇒ (h ^ g)
curry = slicearr {h = β} refl
module _ {f g h : Sl.Obj} {α β : prod f g Sl.⇒ h} where
module f = SliceObj f
module g = SliceObj g
module h = SliceObj h
module gY = Setoid g.Y
curry-resp-≈ : α Sl.≈ β → curry α Sl.≈ curry β
curry-resp-≈ hα≈hβ {z} = record
{ idx≈ = refl
; map≈ = λ img →
let open InverseImage img in
let open SetoidR h.Y
in begin
InverseImage.x (SlExp.f⇒g (Slice⇒.h (curry α) ⟨$⟩ z) img) ≈⟨ hα≈hβ ⟩
InverseImage.x (SlExp.f⇒g (Slice⇒.h (curry β) ⟨$⟩ z) img) ≈⟨ Func.cong (Slice⇒.h β) (
λ { center → refl
; left → Setoid.refl f.Y
; right → gY.refl
}) ⟩
InverseImage.x (SlExp.f⇒g (Slice⇒.h (curry β) ⟨$⟩ z) (inverseImage-transport refl img)) ∎
module _ {f g h : Sl.Obj} {α : f Sl.⇒ (g ^ h)} {β : prod f h Sl.⇒ g} where
module f = SliceObj f
module g = SliceObj g
module h = SliceObj h
module α = Slice⇒ α
module β = Slice⇒ β
module fY = Setoid f.Y
module gY = Setoid g.Y
module hY = Setoid h.Y
curry-unique : eval Sl.∘ (α products.⁂ Sl.id) Sl.≈ β → α Sl.≈ curry β
curry-unique eq {z} = record
{ idx≈ = α.△
; map≈ = λ img →
let open InverseImage img
in gY.trans (InverseImageMap.cong (SlExp.map (α.h ⟨$⟩ z)) img _ hY.refl)
(eq {xypb z (inverseImage-transport α.△ img)}
slice-canonical : Canonical Sl
slice-canonical = record
{ ⊤ = slice-terminal.⊤
; _×_ = slice-product.A×B
; ! = slice-terminal.!
; π₁ = slice-product.π₁ _ _
; π₂ = slice-product.π₂ _ _
; ⟨_,_⟩ = slice-product.⟨_,_⟩ _ _
; !-unique = slice-terminal.!-unique
; π₁-comp = λ {_ _ f _ g} → slice-product.project₁ _ _ {_} {f} {g}
; π₂-comp = λ {_ _ f _ g} → slice-product.project₂ _ _ {_} {f} {g}
; ⟨,⟩-unique = λ {_ _ _ f g h} → slice-product.unique _ _ {_} {h} {f} {g}
; _^_ = _^_
; eval = eval
; curry = curry
; eval-comp = λ { {_} {A1} {A2} {α} {J , arr₁} →
let module α = Slice⇒ α
in Func.cong α.h λ { center → arr₁ span-arrˡ
; left → Setoid.refl (SliceObj.Y A2)
; right → Setoid.refl (SliceObj.Y A1)
} }
; curry-unique = λ {_ _ _} {α β} → curry-unique {_} {_} {_} {α} {β}
Setoids-sliceCCC : CartesianClosed (Slice S A)
Setoids-sliceCCC = Equivalence.fromCanonical (Slice S A) slice-canonical
Setoids-LCCC : Locally S
Setoids-LCCC = record
{ sliceCCC = Setoids-sliceCCC