{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)

-- A "canonical" presentation of cartesian closed categories.
-- This presentation is equivalent to the one in
-- Categories.Category.CartesianClosed but it is easier to work with
-- in some circumstances.
-- Here, exponentials are not defined in terms of arbitrary products,
-- but in terms of a family of "canonical" products.  Since products
-- are defined only up to isomorphism the choice of product does not
-- matter for the property of being cartesian closed, but working with
-- a fixed choice of representatives simplifies the constructions of
-- some instances of CCCs (e.g. Cats).

module Categories.Category.CartesianClosed.Canonical {o  e} (𝒞 : Category o  e) where

open import Level using (levelOfTerm)
open import Function using (flip)

open import Categories.Category.BinaryProducts 𝒞
open import Categories.Category.Cartesian 𝒞 using (Cartesian)
import Categories.Category.CartesianClosed 𝒞 as 𝒞-CC
open import Categories.Object.Exponential 𝒞 using (Exponential)
open import Categories.Object.Product 𝒞
open import Categories.Object.Terminal 𝒞 using (Terminal)
open import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning 𝒞

  open Category 𝒞
  open HomReasoning

    A B C : Obj
    f g h : A  B

-- A (canonical) cartesian closed category is a category with all
-- (canonical) products and exponentials
-- This presentation is equivalent to the one in
-- Categories.Category.CartesianClosed.CartesianClosed.
record CartesianClosed : Set (levelOfTerm 𝒞) where
  infixr 7 _×_
  infixr 9 _^_
  infix 10 ⟨_,_⟩


    -- Canonical products

        : Obj
    _×_  : Obj  Obj  Obj

    !     : A  
    π₁    : A × B  A
    π₂    : A × B  B
    ⟨_,_⟩ : C  A  C  B  C  A × B

    !-unique : (f : A  )  !  f

    π₁-comp  : π₁   f , g   f
    π₂-comp  : π₂   f , g   g

    ⟨,⟩-unique :  {f g} {h : C  A × B} 
                 π₁  h  f  π₂  h  g   f , g   h

  -- The above defines canonical finite products, making 𝒞 cartesian.

  ⊤-terminal : Terminal
  ⊤-terminal = record { ⊤-is-terminal = record { !-unique = !-unique } }

  ×-product :  {A B}  Product A B
  ×-product {A} {B} =
    record { project₁ = π₁-comp; project₂ = π₂-comp; unique = ⟨,⟩-unique }

  isCartesian : Cartesian
  isCartesian = record
    { terminal = ⊤-terminal
    ; products = record { product = ×-product }

  open Cartesian isCartesian
  open BinaryProducts products using (_⁂_)


    -- Canonical exponentials (w.r.t. the canonical products)

    _^_   : Obj  Obj  Obj
    eval  : B ^ A × A  B
    curry : C × A  B  C  B ^ A

    eval-comp  : eval  (curry f  id)  f

    curry-unique : eval  (f  id)  g  f  curry g

  curry-resp-≈ : f  g  curry f  curry g
  curry-resp-≈ f≈g = curry-unique (eval-comp  f≈g)

  -- The above defines canonical exponentials, making 𝒞 cartesian closed.
  -- NOTE: below we use "⊗" to indicate "non-canonical" products.

  ^-exponential :  {A B}  Exponential A B
  ^-exponential {A} {B} = record
    { B^A      = B ^ A
    ; product  = ×-product
    ; eval     = eval
    ; λg       = λ C⊗A f  curry (f  repack ×-product C⊗A)
    ; β        = λ {C} C⊗A {g} 
        eval  [ C⊗A  ×-product ] curry (g  repack ×-product C⊗A) ×id
      ≈˘⟨ pullʳ [ ×-product  ×-product ]×∘⟨⟩ 
        (eval  (curry (g  repack ×-product C⊗A)  id))  repack C⊗A ×-product
      ≈⟨ eval-comp ⟩∘⟨refl 
        (g  repack ×-product C⊗A)  repack C⊗A ×-product
      ≈⟨ cancelʳ (repack∘repack≈id ×-product C⊗A) 
    ; λ-unique = λ {C} C⊗A {g} {f} hyp 
      curry-unique (begin
        eval  (f  id)
      ≈˘⟨ pullʳ [ C⊗A  ×-product ]×∘⟨⟩ 
        (eval  [ C⊗A  ×-product ] f ×id)  repack ×-product C⊗A
      ≈⟨ hyp ⟩∘⟨refl 
        g  repack ×-product C⊗A

module Equivalence where
  open 𝒞-CC using () renaming (CartesianClosed to CartesianClosed′)

  -- The two presentations of CCCs are equivalent

  fromCanonical : CartesianClosed  CartesianClosed′
  fromCanonical cc = record
    { cartesian = CartesianClosed.isCartesian cc
    ; exp       = CartesianClosed.^-exponential cc

  toCanonical : CartesianClosed′  CartesianClosed
  toCanonical cc = record
    {      = 
    ; _×_   = _×_
    ; !     = !
    ; π₁    = π₁
    ; π₂    = π₂
    ; ⟨_,_⟩ = ⟨_,_⟩
    ; !-unique   = !-unique
    ; π₁-comp    = project₁
    ; π₂-comp    = project₂
    ; ⟨,⟩-unique = unique
    ; _^_   = _^_
    ; eval  = eval′
    ; curry = λg
    ; eval-comp    = β′
    ; curry-unique = λ-unique′
      open CartesianClosed′ cc
      open BinaryProducts (Cartesian.products cartesian)
      open Terminal (Cartesian.terminal cartesian)