{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Categories.Category.Instance.Properties.Posets where

open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; Lift; lift)
open import Data.Unit using (; tt)
open import Data.Product as Prod using (_,_; <_,_>) renaming (_×_ to _|×|_)
open import Function using (flip)
open import Relation.Binary using (IsPartialOrder; Poset)
open import Relation.Binary.Morphism.Bundles using (PosetHomomorphism; mkPosetHomo)
import Relation.Binary.Morphism.Construct.Identity as Id
import Relation.Binary.Morphism.Construct.Composition as Comp
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as  using (_≡_)

open import Categories.Category
import Categories.Category.CartesianClosed as CCC
import Categories.Category.CartesianClosed.Canonical as Canonical
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Posets
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor; Endofunctor)
open import Categories.Utils.Product

open Poset renaming (_≈_ to ₍_₎_≈_; _≤_ to ₍_₎_≤_)
open PosetHomomorphism using (⟦_⟧; mono)

    a₁ a₂ a₃ : Level
    b₁ b₂ b₃ : Level
    c₁ c₂ c₃ : Level
    d₁ d₂ d₃ : Level

    A B C D : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃

module Shorthands where

  _⇒_ : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃  Poset b₁ b₂ b₃  Set _
  _⇒_ = PosetHomomorphism

  _∘_ : B  C  A  B  A  C
  f  g = Comp.posetHomomorphism g f

  id : A  A
  id {A = A} = Id.posetHomomorphism A

open Shorthands

-- The pointwise partial order on order preserving maps.
-- (See the Exponential module below for the definition of the
-- exponential/hom object based on this order.)

module Pointwise {A : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃} {B : Poset b₁ b₂ b₃} where

  infix 4 _≤°_

  _≤°_ : (f g : A  B)  Set (a₁  b₃)
  f ≤° g =  {x}   B   f  x   g  x

  ≤°-isPartialOrder : IsPartialOrder _≗_ _≤°_
  ≤°-isPartialOrder = record
    { isPreorder      = record
      { isEquivalence = ≗-isEquivalence
      ; reflexive     = λ f≗g  reflexive B f≗g
      ; trans         = λ f≤g g≤h  trans B f≤g g≤h
    ; antisym         = λ f≤g g≤f  antisym B f≤g g≤f

  module ≤° = IsPartialOrder ≤°-isPartialOrder

open Pointwise

-- Poset has a duality involution: the poset obtained by reversing the
-- partial order is again a poset.

module Opposite where

  -- NOTE: we flip the direction of the underlying equality _≈_ as
  -- well, so that |op (op A) ≡ A| definitionally.

  op : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃  Poset a₁ a₂ a₃
  op A = record
    { Carrier           = Carrier A
    ; _≈_               = flip  A ₎_≈_
    ; _≤_               = flip  A ₎_≤_
    ; isPartialOrder    = record
      { isPreorder      = record
        { isEquivalence = record
          { refl        = Eq.refl A
          ; sym         = Eq.sym A
          ; trans       = flip (Eq.trans A)
        ; reflexive     = reflexive A
        ; trans         = flip (trans A)
      ; antisym         = antisym A

  op-involutive : op (op A)  A
  op-involutive = ≡.refl

  op₁ : A  B  op A  op B
  op₁ f = mkPosetHomo _ _  f  (mono f)

  op₂ : {f g : A  B}  f ≤° g  op₁ g ≤° op₁ f
  op₂ f≤g = f≤g

  -- op induces an endofunctor on Posets

  op-functor : Endofunctor (Posets a₁ a₂ a₃)
  op-functor = record
    { F₀           = op
    ; F₁           = op₁
    ; identity     = λ {A}        Eq.refl A
    ; homomorphism = λ {_ _ C}    Eq.refl C
    ; F-resp-≈     = λ {_ B} x≈y  Eq.sym B x≈y

  module op {a₁ a₂ a₃} = Functor (op-functor {a₁} {a₂} {a₃})

-- The category of posets has terminal objects.

module Terminals where

  unit :  a₁ a₂ a₃  Poset a₁ a₂ a₃
  unit a₁ a₂ a₃ = record
    { Carrier = Lift a₁ 
    ; _≈_     = λ _ _  Lift a₂ 
    ; _≤_     = λ _ _  Lift a₃ 

  ! : B  unit a₁ a₂ a₃
  ! = _

  !-unique : (f : B  unit a₁ a₂ a₃)  !  f
  !-unique f = _

open Terminals

-- The category of posets has products.

module Products where

  infixr 2 _×_

  _×_ : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃  Poset b₁ b₂ b₃  Poset (a₁  b₁) (a₂  b₂) (a₃  b₃)
  A × B = record
    { Carrier           = Carrier A |×| Carrier B
    ; _≈_               =  A ₎_≈_ -< _|×|_ >-  B ₎_≈_
    ; _≤_               =  A ₎_≤_ -< _|×|_ >-  B ₎_≤_
    ; isPartialOrder    = record
      { isPreorder      = record
        { isEquivalence = record
          { refl        = Eq.refl A , Eq.refl B
          ; sym         = Prod.map (Eq.sym A) (Eq.sym B)
          ; trans       = Prod.zip (Eq.trans A) (Eq.trans B)
        ; reflexive     = Prod.map (reflexive A) (reflexive B)
        ; trans         = Prod.zip (trans A) (trans B)
      ; antisym         = Prod.zip (antisym A) (antisym B)

  module _ {A : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃} {B : Poset b₁ b₂ b₃} where

    π₁ : (A × B)  A
    π₁ = mkPosetHomo _ _ Prod.proj₁ Prod.proj₁

    π₂ : (A × B)  B
    π₂ = mkPosetHomo _ _ Prod.proj₂ Prod.proj₂

    infix 11 ⟨_,_⟩

    ⟨_,_⟩ : C  A  C  B  C  (A × B)
     f , g  = mkPosetHomo _ _ <  f  ,  g  > < mono f , mono g >

    π₁-comp  : {f : C  A} {g : C  B}  π₁   f , g   f
    π₁-comp = Eq.refl A

    π₂-comp  : {f : C  A} {g : C  B}  π₂   f , g   g
    π₂-comp = Eq.refl B

    ⟨,⟩-unique : {f : C  A} {g : C  B} {h : C  (A × B)} 
                 π₁  h  f  π₂  h  g   f , g   h
    ⟨,⟩-unique hyp₁ hyp₂ {x} = Eq.sym A hyp₁ , Eq.sym B hyp₂

  infixr 2 _×₁_

  _×₁_ : A  C  B  D  (A × B)  (C × D)
  f ×₁ g =  f  π₁ , g  π₂ 

open Products

-- The category of posets has exponential objects.
-- It's easier to define exponentials with respect to the *canonical*
-- product.  The more generic version can then be given by appealing
-- to uniqueness (up to iso) of products.

module Exponentials where

  -- Use arrow rather than exponential notation for readability.

  infixr 9 _⇨_

  _⇨_ : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃  Poset b₁ b₂ b₃ 
        Poset (a₁  a₂  a₃  b₁  b₂  b₃) (a₁  b₂) (a₁  b₃)
  A  B = record
    { Carrier           = A  B
    ; _≈_               = _≗_
    ; _≤_               = _≤°_
    ; isPartialOrder    = ≤°-isPartialOrder

  module _ {A : Poset a₁ a₂ a₃} {B : Poset b₁ b₂ b₃} where

    eval : (A  B × A)  B
    eval = mkPosetHomo _ _
      (λ{ (f , x)   f  x })
      (λ{ {f , _} (f≤g , x≤y)  trans B (mono f x≤y) f≤g })

    module _ {C : Poset c₁ c₂ c₃} where

      curry : (C × A)  B  C  (A  B)
      curry f = mkPosetHomo _ _
         x  mkPosetHomo _ _
          (Prod.curry  f  x)
          (Prod.curry (mono f) (refl C)))
         x≤y  mono f (x≤y , refl A))

      eval-comp : {f : (C × A)  B}  eval  (curry f ×₁ id)  f
      eval-comp = Eq.refl B

      curry-resp-≗ : {f g : (C × A)  B}  f  g  curry f  curry g
      curry-resp-≗ hyp = hyp

      curry-unique : {f : C  (A  B)} {g : (C × A)  B} 
                     eval  (f ×₁ id)  g  f  curry g
      curry-unique hyp = hyp

open Exponentials

-- The category of posets is cartesian closed.

Posets-CanonicallyCCC :  {a}  Canonical.CartesianClosed (Posets a a a)
Posets-CanonicallyCCC = record
  { !            = !
  ; π₁           = π₁
  ; π₂           = π₂
  ; ⟨_,_⟩        = ⟨_,_⟩
  ; !-unique     = !-unique
  ; π₁-comp      = λ {_ _ f _ g}    π₁-comp {f = f} {g}
  ; π₂-comp      = λ {_ _ f _ g}    π₂-comp {f = f} {g}
  ; ⟨,⟩-unique   = λ {_ _ _ f g h}  ⟨,⟩-unique {f = f} {g} {h}
  ; eval         = eval
  ; curry        = curry
  ; eval-comp    = λ {_ _ _ f}    eval-comp {f = f}
  ; curry-unique = λ {_ _ _ f g}  curry-unique {f = f} {g}

module CanonicallyCartesianClosed {a} =
  Canonical.CartesianClosed (Posets-CanonicallyCCC {a})

Posets-CCC :  {a}  CCC.CartesianClosed (Posets a a a)
Posets-CCC = Canonical.Equivalence.fromCanonical _ Posets-CanonicallyCCC

module CartesianClosed {a} = CCC.CartesianClosed (Posets-CCC {a})