{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Categories.Category.Construction.Adjoints where
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (_×_ ; _,_)
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Category.Helper
open import Categories.Adjoint
open import Categories.Adjoint.Compose
open import Categories.Adjoint.Mate
open import Categories.Functor renaming (id to idF)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation renaming (id to idN)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.NaturalIsomorphism
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Equivalence renaming (_≃_ to _≊_)
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
o o′ ℓ ℓ′ e e′ : Level
module _ (C : Category o ℓ e) (D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′) where
module C = Category C using (_∘_; ∘-resp-≈ˡ; ∘-resp-≈; sym-assoc; identityʳ; identityˡ; module Equiv; module HomReasoning)
module D = Category D using (_∘_; ∘-resp-≈ʳ; ∘-resp-≈; assoc; identityˡ; identityʳ; module Equiv; module HomReasoning)
record AdjointObj : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ e′) where
L : Functor C D
R : Functor D C
L⊣R : L ⊣ R
module L = Functor L
module R = Functor R
module L⊣R = Adjoint L⊣R using (module unit; module counit)
record Adjoint⇒ (X Y : AdjointObj) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ e′) where
mate : HaveMate (AdjointObj.L⊣R X) (AdjointObj.L⊣R Y)
open HaveMate mate using (α; β; commute₁; commute₂) public
_≈_ : ∀ {A B} → Adjoint⇒ A B → Adjoint⇒ A B → Set (o ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ e′)
f ≈ g = Adjoint⇒.α f ≊ Adjoint⇒.α g × Adjoint⇒.β f ≊ Adjoint⇒.β g
id : {X : AdjointObj} → Adjoint⇒ X X
id {X} = record
{ mate = record
{ α = idN
; β = idN
; mate = record
{ commute₁ = C.∘-resp-≈ˡ R.identity
; commute₂ = D.∘-resp-≈ʳ L.identity
where open AdjointObj X using (L; R)
_∘_ : ∀ {X Y Z} → Adjoint⇒ Y Z → Adjoint⇒ X Y → Adjoint⇒ X Z
_∘_ {X} {Y} {Z} f g = record
{ mate = record
{ α = f.α ∘ᵥ g.α
; β = g.β ∘ᵥ f.β
; mate = record
{ commute₁ = λ {W} →
let open C.HomReasoning
open MR C using (pullʳ; pullˡ)
in begin
X.R.F₁ (f.α.η W D.∘ g.α.η W) C.∘ X.L⊣R.unit.η W ≈⟨ X.R.homomorphism ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
(X.R.F₁ (f.α.η W) C.∘ X.R.F₁ (g.α.η W)) C.∘ X.L⊣R.unit.η W ≈⟨ pullʳ g.commute₁ ⟩
X.R.F₁ (f.α.η W) C.∘ g.β.η (Y.L.F₀ W) C.∘ Y.L⊣R.unit.η W ≈⟨ pullˡ (g.β.sym-commute _) ⟩
(g.β.η (Z.L.F₀ W) C.∘ Y.R.F₁ (f.α.η W)) C.∘ Y.L⊣R.unit.η W ≈⟨ pullʳ f.commute₁ ⟩
g.β.η (Z.L.F₀ W) C.∘ f.β.η (Z.L.F₀ W) C.∘ Z.L⊣R.unit.η W ≈⟨ C.sym-assoc ⟩
(g.β.η (Z.L.F₀ W) C.∘ f.β.η (Z.L.F₀ W)) C.∘ Z.L⊣R.unit.η W ∎
; commute₂ = λ {W} →
let open D.HomReasoning
open MR D using (pullʳ; pullˡ)
in begin
X.L⊣R.counit.η W D.∘ X.L.F₁ (g.β.η W C.∘ f.β.η W) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ X.L.homomorphism ⟩
X.L⊣R.counit.η W D.∘ X.L.F₁ (g.β.η W) D.∘ X.L.F₁ (f.β.η W) ≈⟨ pullˡ g.commute₂ ⟩
(Y.L⊣R.counit.η W D.∘ g.α.η (Y.R.F₀ W)) D.∘ X.L.F₁ (f.β.η W) ≈⟨ pullʳ (g.α.commute _) ⟩
Y.L⊣R.counit.η W D.∘ Y.L.F₁ (f.β.η W) D.∘ g.α.η (Z.R.F₀ W) ≈⟨ pullˡ f.commute₂ ⟩
(Z.L⊣R.counit.η W D.∘ f.α.η (Z.R.F₀ W)) D.∘ g.α.η (Z.R.F₀ W) ≈⟨ D.assoc ⟩
Z.L⊣R.counit.η W D.∘ f.α.η (Z.R.F₀ W) D.∘ g.α.η (Z.R.F₀ W) ∎
where module X = AdjointObj X using (module L⊣R; module R; module L)
module Y = AdjointObj Y using (module L⊣R; module R; module L)
module Z = AdjointObj Z using (module L⊣R; module R; module L)
module f = Adjoint⇒ f using (α; β; commute₁; commute₂)
module g = Adjoint⇒ g using (α; β; commute₁; commute₂)
Adjoints : Category (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ e′) (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ e′) (o ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ e′)
Adjoints = categoryHelper record
{ Obj = AdjointObj
; _⇒_ = Adjoint⇒
; _≈_ = _≈_
; id = id
; _∘_ = _∘_
; assoc = D.assoc , C.sym-assoc
; identityˡ = D.identityˡ , C.identityʳ
; identityʳ = D.identityʳ , C.identityˡ
; equiv = record
{ refl = D.Equiv.refl , C.Equiv.refl
; sym = λ { (eq₁ , eq₂) → D.Equiv.sym eq₁ , C.Equiv.sym eq₂ }
; trans = λ { (eq₁ , eq₂) (eq₃ , eq₄) → D.Equiv.trans eq₁ eq₃ , C.Equiv.trans eq₂ eq₄ }
; ∘-resp-≈ = λ { (eq₁ , eq₂) (eq₃ , eq₄) → D.∘-resp-≈ eq₁ eq₃ , C.∘-resp-≈ eq₄ eq₂ }
module _ o ℓ e where
_≈_ : ∀ {A B : Category o ℓ e} → AdjointObj A B → AdjointObj A B → Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e)
f ≈ g = f.L ≃ g.L × f.R ≃ g.R
where module f = AdjointObj f using (L;R)
module g = AdjointObj g using (L;R)
id : {A : Category o ℓ e} → AdjointObj A A
id = record
{ L = idF
; R = idF
; L⊣R = ⊣-id
_∘_ : {A B C : Category o ℓ e} → AdjointObj B C → AdjointObj A B → AdjointObj A C
f ∘ g = record
{ L = f.L ∘F g.L
; R = g.R ∘F f.R
; L⊣R = g.L⊣R ∘⊣ f.L⊣R
where module f = AdjointObj f using (L; R; L⊣R)
module g = AdjointObj g using (L; R; L⊣R)
Adjunctions : Category (suc (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e)) (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e) (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e)
Adjunctions = categoryHelper record
{ Obj = Category o ℓ e
; _⇒_ = AdjointObj
; _≈_ = _≈_
; id = id
; _∘_ = _∘_
; assoc = λ {_ _ _ _ f g h} → associator (AdjointObj.L f) (AdjointObj.L g) (AdjointObj.L h)
, sym-associator (AdjointObj.R h) (AdjointObj.R g) (AdjointObj.R f)
; identityˡ = unitorˡ , unitorʳ
; identityʳ = unitorʳ , unitorˡ
; equiv = record
{ refl = ≃.refl , ≃.refl
; sym = λ { (α , β) → ≃.sym α , ≃.sym β }
; trans = λ { (α₁ , β₁) (α₂ , β₂) → ≃.trans α₁ α₂ , ≃.trans β₁ β₂ }
; ∘-resp-≈ = λ { (α₁ , β₁) (α₂ , β₂) → α₁ ⓘₕ α₂ , β₂ ⓘₕ β₁ }