{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Categories.Adjoint.Instance.PathsOf where

-- PathsOf is adjoint to Underlying Quiver, i.e.
-- The "Underlying Graph" (of a Category) <-> "Path Category on a Quiver" Adjunction.

-- Lots of surprises here, of various level of surprisingness
-- 1. The PathCategory rises universe levels of arrows (and equivalences); the Underlying Quiver does not
--   (due to the Transitive Closure "Star" construction)
-- 2. As a consequence of (1), the eventual Adjunction will be for all Levels being the same
-- 3. To build a Functor from Categories to Quivers, then the object/hom levels are straightforward,
--   but "Categories" has NaturalIsomorphism as the notion of equivalence of Functors. This means
--   that, for example, the 2-point Groupoid is contractible
--   (thus equivalent to the 1-point Category), and yet those two "Graphs" shouldn't be considered to
--   be the same!  This is because there isn't an equivalently natural notion of equivalence of
--   Graph (Quiver) Homomorphism.
--   Interestingly, this only shows up when trying to prove that the Underlying Functor respects
--   _≈_, which is not traditionally a requirement of a Functor! This requirement is usually left
--   implicit.  (See Categories.Function.Construction.FreeCategory for the details)
-- In other words, the adjunction doesn't involve Cats, but StrictCats as one of the endpoints.

open import Level
open import Function using (_$_; flip) renaming (id to id→; _∘_ to _⊚_)
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as 
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive
open import Data.Quiver using (Quiver)
open import Data.Quiver.Paths
import Data.Quiver.Morphism as QM
open QM using (Morphism; _≃_)

open import Categories.Adjoint using (Adjoint)
open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)
import Categories.Category.Construction.PathCategory as PC
open import Categories.Category.Instance.Quivers
open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
open import Categories.Functor.Construction.PathsOf using (PathsOf)
open import Categories.Functor.Instance.UnderlyingQuiver using (Underlying₀; Underlying₁; Underlying)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation using (ntHelper)
import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR

module _ (o  e : Level) where

  -- the unit morphism from a Quiver X to U∘Free X.
  unit : (X : Quiver o (o  ) (o    e))  Morphism X (Underlying₀ (PC.PathCategory X))
  unit X = let open Paths X in record { F₀ = id→ ; F₁ = return ; F-resp-≈ = _◅ ε }

  module _ (X : Category o (o  ) (o    e)) where
    open Category X
    open HomReasoning
    open Paths (Underlying₀ X)

    -- "unwind" a path by using repeated composition
    unwind : {A B : Obj}  Star _⇒_ A B  A  B
    unwind = fold _⇒_ (flip _∘_) id

    unwind-◅◅ : {A B C : Obj} {f : Star _⇒_ A B} {g : Star _⇒_ B C} 
                unwind (f ◅◅ g)  (unwind g)  (unwind f)
    unwind-◅◅ {f = ε} {g} = Equiv.sym identityʳ
    unwind-◅◅ {f = x  f} {g} = ∘-resp-≈ˡ (unwind-◅◅ {f = f} {g})  assoc

    unwind-resp-≈ : {A B : Obj} {f g : Star _⇒_ A B}  f ≈* g  unwind f  unwind g
    unwind-resp-≈ ε = Equiv.refl
    unwind-resp-≈ (x  eq) = ∘-resp-≈ (unwind-resp-≈ eq) x

    unwindF : Functor (PC.PathCategory (Underlying₀ X)) X
    unwindF = record
        { F₀ = id→
        ; F₁ = unwind
        ; identity = Category.Equiv.refl X
        ; homomorphism = λ { {f = f} {g}  unwind-◅◅ {f = f} {g} }
        ; F-resp-≈ = unwind-resp-≈

  module _ (X : Quiver o (o  ) (o    e)) where
    open Paths X

    zig′ : {A B : Quiver.Obj X}  (f : Star (Quiver._⇒_ X) A B) 
      unwind (PC.PathCategory X) (QM.qmap (unit X) f) ≈* f
    zig′ ε        = ε
    zig′ (fs  f) = Quiver.Equiv.refl X  zig′ f

  module _ {X Y : Category o (o  ) (o    e)} (F : Functor X Y) where
    module X = Category X
    module Y = Category Y
    open Category.HomReasoning Y
    open Functor F
    unwind-natural : {A B : X.Obj} (f : Star X._⇒_ A B)  unwind Y (QM.qmap (Underlying₁ F) f) Y.≈ F₁ (unwind X f)
    unwind-natural ε = Y.Equiv.sym identity
    unwind-natural (x  f) = Y.Equiv.sym (homomorphism  Category.∘-resp-≈ˡ Y (Y.Equiv.sym (unwind-natural f)))

  Free⊣Underlying : Adjoint (PathsOf {o} {o  } {o    e}) Underlying
  Free⊣Underlying = record
    { unit = ntHelper record
      { η = unit
      ; commute = λ {X} {Y} f  let open Paths Y in record { F₀≡ = ≡.refl ; F₁≡ = Quiver.Equiv.refl Y  ε }
    ; counit = ntHelper record
      { η = unwindF
      ; commute = λ {_} {Y} F  record
        { eq₀ = λ _  ≡.refl
        ; eq₁ = λ f  toSquare Y (unwind-natural F f)
    ; zig = λ {G}  record
      { eq₀ = λ _  ≡.refl
      ; eq₁ = λ f  toSquare (PC.PathCategory G) (zig′ G f)
    ; zag = λ {B}  record { F₀≡ = ≡.refl ; F₁≡ = Category.identityˡ B  }
    open MR using (toSquare)