{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Categories.Category.Instance.Quivers where

-- The Category of Quivers

open import Level using (Level; suc; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (refl)
open import Data.Quiver using (Quiver)
open import Data.Quiver.Morphism using (Morphism; id; _∘_; _≃_; ≃-Equivalence; ≃-resp-∘)

open import Categories.Category.Core using (Category)

    o  e o′ ℓ′ e′ : Level

Quivers :  o  e  Category (suc (o    e)) (o    e) (o    e)
Quivers o  e = record
  { Obj       = Quiver o  e
  ; _⇒_       = Morphism
  ; _≈_       = _≃_
  ; id        = id
  ; _∘_       = _∘_
  ; assoc     = λ {_ _ _ G}  record { F₀≡ = refl ; F₁≡ = Equiv.refl G }
  ; sym-assoc = λ {_ _ _ G}  record { F₀≡ = refl ; F₁≡ = Equiv.refl G }
  ; identityˡ = λ {_ G}      record { F₀≡ = refl ; F₁≡ = Equiv.refl G }
  ; identityʳ = λ {_ G}      record { F₀≡ = refl ; F₁≡ = Equiv.refl G }
  ; identity² = λ {G}        record { F₀≡ = refl ; F₁≡ = Equiv.refl G }
  ; equiv     = ≃-Equivalence
  ; ∘-resp-≈  = ≃-resp-∘
  where open Quiver using (module Equiv)