{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}
module Data.Quiver.Morphism where
open import Level
open import Function using () renaming (id to idFun; _∘_ to _⊚_)
open import Data.Quiver
open import Data.Quiver.Paths using (module Paths)
open import Relation.Binary using (IsEquivalence; Reflexive; Symmetric; Transitive)
open import Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.ReflexiveTransitive using (Star; gmap; ε; _◅_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; naturality)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Properties
using (trans-symʳ; trans-symˡ)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Subst.Properties
using (module Shorthands; module Transport; module TransportOverQ; module TransportMor; module TransportStar)
infix 4 _≃_
o o′ ℓ ℓ′ e e′ : Level
record Morphism (G : Quiver o ℓ e) (G′ : Quiver o′ ℓ′ e′) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ e′) where
module G = Quiver G
module G′ = Quiver G′
F₀ : G.Obj → G′.Obj
F₁ : ∀ {A B} → A G.⇒ B → F₀ A G′.⇒ F₀ B
F-resp-≈ : ∀ {A B} {f g : A G.⇒ B} → f G.≈ g → F₁ f G′.≈ F₁ g
id : {G : Quiver o ℓ e} → Morphism G G
id = record { F₀ = idFun ; F₁ = idFun ; F-resp-≈ = idFun }
_∘_ : {G₁ G₂ G₃ : Quiver o ℓ e} (m₁ : Morphism G₂ G₃) (m₂ : Morphism G₁ G₂) → Morphism G₁ G₃
m₁ ∘ m₂ = record
{ F₀ = F₀ m₁ ⊚ F₀ m₂
; F₁ = F₁ m₁ ⊚ F₁ m₂
; F-resp-≈ = F-resp-≈ m₁ ⊚ F-resp-≈ m₂
where open Morphism
record _≃_ {G : Quiver o ℓ e} {G′ : Quiver o′ ℓ′ e′}
(M M′ : Morphism G G′) : Set (o ⊔ ℓ ⊔ e ⊔ o′ ⊔ ℓ′ ⊔ e′) where
open Quiver G using (_⇒_)
open Quiver G′ using (_≈_)
module M = Morphism M
module M′ = Morphism M′
open Shorthands (Quiver._⇒_ G′)
F₀≡ : ∀ {X} → M.F₀ X ≡ M′.F₀ X
F₁≡ : ∀ {A B} {f : A ⇒ B} → M.F₁ f ▸ F₀≡ ≈ F₀≡ ◂ M′.F₁ f
module _ {G : Quiver o ℓ e} {G′ : Quiver o′ ℓ′ e′} where
open Quiver
open Morphism
open _≃_
≃-refl : Reflexive {A = Morphism G G′} _≃_
≃-refl = record { F₀≡ = refl ; F₁≡ = Equiv.refl G′}
≃-sym : Symmetric {A = Morphism G G′} _≃_
≃-sym {i} {j} eq = record
{ F₀≡ = sym (F₀≡ eq)
; F₁≡ = λ {_ _ f} →
let open EdgeReasoning G′
open Transport (_⇒_ G′)
open TransportOverQ (_⇒_ G′) (_≈_ G′)
e₁ = F₀≡ eq
in begin
F₁ j f ▸ sym e₁ ≡˘⟨ cong (_◂ (F₁ j f ▸ _)) (trans-symˡ e₁) ⟩
trans (sym e₁) e₁ ◂ (F₁ j f ▸ sym e₁) ≡˘⟨ ◂-assocˡ (sym e₁) (F₁ j f ▸ sym e₁) ⟩
sym e₁ ◂ e₁ ◂ (F₁ j f ▸ sym e₁) ≡⟨ cong (sym e₁ ◂_) (◂-▸-comm e₁ (F₁ j f) (sym e₁)) ⟩
sym e₁ ◂ ((e₁ ◂ F₁ j f) ▸ sym e₁) ≈˘⟨ ◂-resp-≈ (sym e₁) (▸-resp-≈ (F₁≡ eq) (sym e₁)) ⟩
sym e₁ ◂ (F₁ i f ▸ e₁ ▸ sym e₁) ≡⟨ cong (sym e₁ ◂_) (▸-assocʳ (F₁ i f) (sym e₁)) ⟩
sym e₁ ◂ (F₁ i f ▸ trans e₁ (sym e₁)) ≡⟨ cong (λ p → sym e₁ ◂ (F₁ i f ▸ p)) (trans-symʳ e₁) ⟩
sym e₁ ◂ F₁ i f ∎
≃-trans : Transitive {A = Morphism G G′} _≃_
≃-trans {i} {j} {k} eq eq′ = record
{ F₀≡ = trans (F₀≡ eq) (F₀≡ eq′)
; F₁≡ = λ {_ _ f} →
let open EdgeReasoning G′
open Transport (_⇒_ G′)
open TransportOverQ (_⇒_ G′) (_≈_ G′)
in begin
F₁ i f ▸ trans (F₀≡ eq) (F₀≡ eq′) ≡˘⟨ ▸-assocʳ (F₁ i f) (F₀≡ eq′) ⟩
(F₁ i f ▸ F₀≡ eq) ▸ F₀≡ eq′ ≈⟨ ▸-resp-≈ (F₁≡ eq) (F₀≡ eq′) ⟩
(F₀≡ eq ◂ F₁ j f) ▸ F₀≡ eq′ ≡˘⟨ ◂-▸-comm (F₀≡ eq) (F₁ j f) (F₀≡ eq′) ⟩
F₀≡ eq ◂ (F₁ j f ▸ F₀≡ eq′) ≈⟨ ◂-resp-≈ (F₀≡ eq) (F₁≡ eq′) ⟩
F₀≡ eq ◂ (F₀≡ eq′ ◂ F₁ k f) ≡⟨ ◂-assocˡ (F₀≡ eq) (F₁ k f) ⟩
trans (F₀≡ eq) (F₀≡ eq′) ◂ F₁ k f ∎
≃-Equivalence : IsEquivalence _≃_
≃-Equivalence = record
{ refl = ≃-refl
; sym = ≃-sym
; trans = ≃-trans
≃-resp-∘ : {A B C : Quiver o ℓ e} {f g : Morphism B C} {h i : Morphism A B} →
f ≃ g → h ≃ i → (f ∘ h) ≃ (g ∘ i)
≃-resp-∘ {B = G} {H} {f} {g} {h} {i} eq eq′ = record
{ F₀≡ = trans (cong (F₀ f) (F₀≡ eq′)) (F₀≡ eq)
; F₁≡ = λ {_ _ j} →
let open EdgeReasoning H
open Transport (_⇒_ H)
open TransportOverQ (_⇒_ H) (_≈_ H)
open Transport (_⇒_ G) using () renaming (_▸_ to _▹_; _◂_ to _◃_)
open TransportMor (_⇒_ G) (_⇒_ H)
e₁ = F₀≡ eq
e₂ = F₀≡ eq′
in begin
F₁ (f ∘ h) j ▸ trans (cong (F₀ f) e₂) e₁ ≡˘⟨ ▸-assocʳ (F₁ f (F₁ h j)) e₁ ⟩
F₁ f (F₁ h j) ▸ cong (F₀ f) e₂ ▸ e₁ ≡˘⟨ cong (_▸ e₁) ( M-resp-▸ (F₀ f) (F₁ f) (F₁ h j) e₂) ⟩
F₁ f (F₁ h j ▹ e₂) ▸ e₁ ≈⟨ F₁≡ eq ⟩
e₁ ◂ F₁ g (F₁ h j ▹ e₂) ≈⟨ ◂-resp-≈ e₁ (F-resp-≈ g (F₁≡ eq′)) ⟩
e₁ ◂ F₁ g (e₂ ◃ F₁ i j) ≡⟨ cong (e₁ ◂_) (M-resp-◂ (F₀ g) (F₁ g) e₂ (F₁ i j) ) ⟩
e₁ ◂ cong (F₀ g) e₂ ◂ F₁ g (F₁ i j) ≡⟨ ◂-assocˡ e₁ (F₁ g (F₁ i j)) ⟩
trans e₁ (cong (F₀ g) e₂) ◂ F₁ g (F₁ i j) ≡˘⟨ cong (_◂ F₁ g (F₁ i j)) (naturality (λ _ → e₁)) ⟩
trans (cong (F₀ f) e₂) e₁ ◂ F₁ g (F₁ i j) ∎
open Quiver using (_⇒_; _≈_; module EdgeReasoning)
open Morphism
open _≃_
module _ {G₁ G₂ : Quiver o ℓ e} (G⇒ : Morphism G₁ G₂) where
open Quiver G₁ renaming (_⇒_ to _⇒₁_; Obj to Obj₁)
open Quiver G₂ renaming (_⇒_ to _⇒₂_; Obj to Obj₂; module Equiv to Equiv₂)
open Morphism G⇒ using (F₀; F₁; F-resp-≈)
open Paths renaming (_≈*_ to [_]_≈*_)
qmap : {A B : Obj₁} → Star _⇒₁_ A B → Star _⇒₂_ (F₀ A) (F₀ B)
qmap = gmap F₀ F₁
map-resp : {A B : Obj₁} (f : Star _⇒₁_ A B) {g : Star _⇒₁_ A B} →
[ G₁ ] f ≈* g → [ G₂ ] qmap f ≈* qmap g
map-resp ε ε = ε
map-resp (x ◅ f) (f≈* ◅ eq) = F-resp-≈ f≈* ◅ map-resp f eq
module _ {G H : Quiver o ℓ e} {f g : Morphism G H}
(f≈g : f ≃ g) where
open Quiver G
open Paths H using (_≈*_; _◅_)
open Morphism
open _≃_ f≈g
open Transport (Quiver._⇒_ H)
open TransportStar (Quiver._⇒_ H)
map-F₁≡ : {A B : Obj} (hs : Star _⇒_ A B) →
qmap f hs ▸* F₀≡ ≈* F₀≡ ◂* qmap g hs
map-F₁≡ ε = Paths.≡⇒≈* H (◂*-▸*-ε F₀≡)
map-F₁≡ (hs ◅ h) = begin
(F₁ f hs ◅ qmap f h) ▸* F₀≡ ≡⟨ ◅-▸* (F₁ f hs) _ F₀≡ ⟩
F₁ f hs ◅ (qmap f h ▸* F₀≡) ≈⟨ Quiver.Equiv.refl H ◅ map-F₁≡ h ⟩
F₁ f hs ◅ (F₀≡ ◂* qmap g h) ≡⟨ ◅-◂*-▸ (F₁ f hs) F₀≡ _ ⟩
(F₁ f hs ▸ F₀≡) ◅ qmap g h ≈⟨ F₁≡ ◅ (Paths.refl H) ⟩
(F₀≡ ◂ F₁ g hs) ◅ qmap g h ≡˘⟨ ◂*-◅ F₀≡ (F₁ g hs) _ ⟩
F₀≡ ◂* (F₁ g hs ◅ qmap g h) ∎
where open Paths.PathEqualityReasoning H