{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Tactics.MonoidSolver.Reflection where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude hiding (Type)
open import Agda.Builtin.Reflection hiding (Type)
open import Agda.Builtin.String
open import Cubical.Reflection.Base
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.List
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.FinData using () renaming (zero to fzero; suc to fsuc)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Vec using (Vec) renaming ([] to emptyVec; _∷_ to _∷vec_) public
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid.Base
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid.Base
open import Cubical.Tactics.MonoidSolver.Solver renaming (solve to naiveSolve)
open import Cubical.Tactics.MonoidSolver.CommSolver renaming (solve to naiveCommSolve)
open import Cubical.Tactics.MonoidSolver.MonoidExpression
ℓ : Level
module ReflectionSolver (op unit solver : Name) where
_==_ = primQNameEquality
{-# INLINE _==_ #-}
record VarInfo : Type ℓ-zero where
varName : String
varType : Arg Term
index : ℕ
getLastTwoArgsOf : Name → Term → Maybe (Term × Term)
getLastTwoArgsOf n' (def n xs) =
if n == n'
then go xs
else nothing
go : List (Arg Term) → Maybe (Term × Term)
go (varg x ∷ varg y ∷ []) = just (x , y)
go (x ∷ xs) = go xs
go _ = nothing
getLastTwoArgsOf n' _ = nothing
getArgs : Term → Maybe (Term × Term)
getArgs = getLastTwoArgsOf (quote PathP)
solverCallAsTerm : Term → Arg Term → Term → Term → Term
solverCallAsTerm M varList lhs rhs =
(varg M ∷ varg lhs ∷ varg rhs
∷ varList
∷ varg (def (quote refl) []) ∷ [])
solverCallWithLambdas : ℕ → List VarInfo → Term → Term → Term → Term
solverCallWithLambdas n varInfos M lhs rhs =
(map VarInfo.varName varInfos)
(solverCallAsTerm M (variableList (rev varInfos)) lhs rhs)
encloseWithIteratedLambda : List String → Term → Term
encloseWithIteratedLambda (varName ∷ xs) t = lam visible (abs varName (encloseWithIteratedLambda xs t))
encloseWithIteratedLambda [] t = t
variableList : List VarInfo → Arg Term
variableList [] = varg (con (quote emptyVec) [])
variableList (varInfo ∷ varInfos)
= varg (con (quote _∷vec_) (varg (var (VarInfo.index varInfo) []) ∷ (variableList varInfos) ∷ []))
solverCallByVarIndices : ℕ → List ℕ → Term → Term → Term → Term
solverCallByVarIndices n varIndices R lhs rhs =
solverCallAsTerm R (variableList (rev varIndices)) lhs rhs
variableList : List ℕ → Arg Term
variableList [] = varg (con (quote emptyVec) [])
variableList (varIndex ∷ varIndices)
= varg (con (quote _∷vec_) (varg (var (varIndex) []) ∷ (variableList varIndices) ∷ []))
module _ (monoid : Term) where
`ε⊗` : Term
`ε⊗` = con (quote ε⊗) []
`_⊗_` : List (Arg Term) → Term
`_⊗_` (harg _ ∷ xs) = `_⊗_` xs
`_⊗_` (varg _ ∷ varg x ∷ varg y ∷ []) =
(quote _⊗_) (varg (buildExpression x) ∷ varg (buildExpression y) ∷ [])
`_⊗_` _ = unknown
finiteNumberAsTerm : ℕ → Term
finiteNumberAsTerm ℕ.zero = con (quote fzero) []
finiteNumberAsTerm (ℕ.suc n) = con (quote fsuc) (varg (finiteNumberAsTerm n) ∷ [])
buildExpression : Term → Term
buildExpression (var index _) = con (quote ∣) (varg (finiteNumberAsTerm index) ∷ [])
buildExpression t@(def n xs) =
if (n == op)
then `_⊗_` xs
else if (n == unit)
then `ε⊗`
buildExpression t = unknown
toMonoidExpression : Maybe (Term × Term) → Maybe (Term × Term)
toMonoidExpression nothing = nothing
toMonoidExpression (just (lhs , rhs)) = just (buildExpression lhs , buildExpression rhs)
adjustDeBruijnIndex : (n : ℕ) → Term → Term
adjustDeBruijnIndex n (var k args) = var (k + n) args
adjustDeBruijnIndex n _ = unknown
extractVarIndices : Maybe (List Term) → Maybe (List ℕ)
extractVarIndices (just ((var index _) ∷ l)) with extractVarIndices (just l)
... | just indices = just (index ∷ indices)
... | nothing = nothing
extractVarIndices (just []) = just []
extractVarIndices _ = nothing
getVarsAndEquation : Term → Maybe (List VarInfo × Term)
getVarsAndEquation t =
(rawVars , equationTerm) = extractVars t
maybeVars = addIndices (length rawVars) rawVars
in map-Maybe (_, equationTerm) maybeVars
extractVars : Term → List (String × Arg Term) × Term
extractVars (pi argType (abs varName t)) with extractVars t
... | xs , equation
= (varName , argType) ∷ xs , equation
extractVars equation = [] , equation
addIndices : ℕ → List (String × Arg Term) → Maybe (List VarInfo)
addIndices ℕ.zero [] = just []
addIndices (ℕ.suc countVar) ((varName , argType) ∷ list) =
map-Maybe (λ varList → record { varName = varName ; varType = argType ; index = countVar }
∷ varList)
(addIndices countVar list)
addIndices _ _ = nothing
toListOfTerms : Term → Maybe (List Term)
toListOfTerms (con c []) = if (c == (quote [])) then just [] else nothing
toListOfTerms (con c (varg t ∷ varg s ∷ args)) with toListOfTerms s
... | just terms = if (c == (quote _∷_)) then just (t ∷ terms) else nothing
... | nothing = nothing
toListOfTerms (con c (harg t ∷ args)) = toListOfTerms (con c args)
toListOfTerms _ = nothing
solve-macro : Term → Term → TC Unit
solve-macro monoid hole =
hole′ ← inferType hole >>= normalise
just (varInfos , equation) ← returnTC (getVarsAndEquation hole′)
→ typeError (strErr "Something went wrong when getting the variable names in "
∷ termErr hole′ ∷ [])
adjustedMonoid ← returnTC (adjustDeBruijnIndex (length varInfos) monoid)
just (lhs , rhs) ← returnTC (toMonoidExpression adjustedMonoid (getArgs equation))
→ typeError(
strErr "Error while trying to build ASTs for the equation " ∷
termErr equation ∷ [])
let solution = solverCallWithLambdas (length varInfos) varInfos adjustedMonoid lhs rhs
unify hole solution
solveMonoid : Term → Term → TC _
solveMonoid = ReflectionSolver.solve-macro (quote MonoidStr._·_) (quote MonoidStr.ε) (quote naiveSolve)
solveCommMonoid : Term → Term → TC _
solveCommMonoid = ReflectionSolver.solve-macro (quote CommMonoidStr._·_) (quote CommMonoidStr.ε) (quote naiveCommSolve)