
Automatically generating proofs of UnivalentStr for records

{-# OPTIONS --no-exact-split --safe #-}
module Cubical.Structures.Record where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.List as List
open import Cubical.Data.Vec as Vec
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Maybe
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.Structures.Auto
import Cubical.Structures.Macro as M
import Agda.Builtin.Reflection as R
open import Cubical.Reflection.Base

-- Magic number
  FUEL = 10000

-- Types for specifying inputs to the tactics

data AutoFieldSpec : Typeω where
  autoFieldSpec :  { ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (R : Type   Type ℓ₁) {S : Type   Type ℓ₂}
     ({X : Type }  R X  S X)

module _ { ℓ₁ ℓ₁'} where
    data AutoFields (R : Type   Type ℓ₁) (ι : StrEquiv R ℓ₁') : Typeω
      fields: : AutoFields R ι
      _data[_∣_] : (fs : AutoFields R ι)
          {ℓ₂ ℓ₂'} {S : Type   Type ℓ₂} {ι' : StrEquiv S ℓ₂'}
         (f : {X : Type }  R X  S X)
         ({A B : TypeWithStr  R} {e : typ A  typ B}  ι A B e  ι' (map-snd f A) (map-snd f B) e)
         AutoFields R ι
      _prop[_∣_] : (fs : AutoFields R ι)
          {ℓ₂} {P : (X : Type )  GatherFields fs X  Type ℓ₂}
         ({X : Type } (r : R X)  P X (projectFields fs r))
         isPropProperty R ι fs P
         AutoFields R ι

    GatherFieldsLevel : {R : Type   Type ℓ₁} {ι : StrEquiv R ℓ₁'}
       AutoFields R ι
    GatherFieldsLevel fields: = ℓ-zero
    GatherFieldsLevel (_data[_∣_] fs {ℓ₂ = ℓ₂} _ _) = ℓ-max (GatherFieldsLevel fs) ℓ₂
    GatherFieldsLevel (_prop[_∣_] fs {ℓ₂ = ℓ₂} _ _) = ℓ-max (GatherFieldsLevel fs) ℓ₂

    GatherFields : {R : Type   Type ℓ₁} {ι : StrEquiv R ℓ₁'}
      (dat : AutoFields R ι)
       Type   Type (GatherFieldsLevel dat)
    GatherFields fields: X = Unit
    GatherFields (_data[_∣_] fs {S = S} _ _) X = GatherFields fs X × S X
    GatherFields (_prop[_∣_] fs {P = P} _ _) X =
      Σ[ s  GatherFields fs X ] (P X s)

    projectFields : {R : Type   Type ℓ₁} {ι : StrEquiv R ℓ₁'}
      (fs : AutoFields R ι)
       {X : Type }  R X  GatherFields fs X
    projectFields fields: = _
    projectFields (fs data[ f  _ ]) r = projectFields fs r , f r
    projectFields (fs prop[ f  _ ]) r = projectFields fs r , f r

    isPropProperty :  {ℓ₂} (R : Type   Type ℓ₁)
      (ι : StrEquiv R ℓ₁')
      (fs : AutoFields R ι)
      (P : (X : Type )  GatherFields fs X  Type ℓ₂)
       Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ) (ℓ-max ℓ₁ ℓ₂))
    isPropProperty R ι fs P =
      {X : Type } (r  : R X)  isProp (P X (projectFields fs r))

  data AutoRecordSpec : Typeω where
    autoRecordSpec : (R : Type   Type ℓ₁) (ι : StrEquiv R ℓ₁')
       AutoFields R ι

-- Some reflection utilities
  tApply : R.Term  List (R.Arg R.Term)  R.Term
  tApply t l = R.def (quote idfun) (R.unknown v∷ t v∷ l)

  tStrMap : R.Term  R.Term  R.Term
  tStrMap A f = R.def (quote map-snd) (f v∷ A v∷ [])

  tStrProj : R.Term  R.Name  R.Term
  tStrProj A sfield = tStrMap A (R.def sfield [])

  Fun :  { ℓ'}  Type   Type ℓ'  Type (ℓ-max  ℓ')
  Fun A B = A  B

-- Helper functions used in the generated univalence proof
  pathMap :  { ℓ'} {S : I  Type } {T : I  Type ℓ'} (f : {i : I}  S i  T i)
    {x : S i0} {y : S i1}  PathP S x y  PathP T (f x) (f y)
  pathMap f p i = f (p i)

  -- Property field helper functions
  module _
    { ℓ₁ ℓ₁' ℓ₂}
    (R : Type   Type ℓ₁) -- Structure record
    (ι : StrEquiv R ℓ₁') -- Equivalence record
    (fs : AutoFields R ι) -- Prior fields
    (P : (X : Type )  GatherFields fs X  Type ℓ₂) -- Property type
    (f : {X : Type } (r : R X)  P X (projectFields fs r)) -- Property projection

    prev = projectFields fs
    Prev = GatherFields fs

    PropHelperCenterType : Type _
    PropHelperCenterType =
      (A B : TypeWithStr  R) (e : A .fst  B .fst)
      (p : PathP  i  Prev (ua e i)) (prev (A .snd)) (prev (B .snd)))
       PathP  i  P (ua e i) (p i)) (f (A .snd)) (f (B .snd))

    PropHelperContractType : PropHelperCenterType  Type _
    PropHelperContractType c =
      (A B : TypeWithStr  R) (e : A .fst  B .fst)
      {p₀ : PathP  i  Prev (ua e i)) (prev (A .snd)) (prev (B .snd))}
      (q : PathP  i  R (ua e i)) (A .snd) (B .snd))
      (p : p₀   i  prev (q i)))
       PathP  k  PathP  i  P (ua e i) (p k i)) (f (A .snd)) (f (B .snd)))
        (c A B e p₀)
         i  f (q i))

    PropHelperType : Type _
    PropHelperType =
      Σ PropHelperCenterType PropHelperContractType

    derivePropHelper : isPropProperty R ι fs P  PropHelperType
    derivePropHelper propP .fst A B e p =
      isOfHLevelPathP' 0 (propP _) (f (A .snd)) (f (B .snd)) .fst
    derivePropHelper propP .snd A B e q p =
      isOfHLevelPathP' 0 (isOfHLevelPathP 1 (propP _) _ _) _ _ .fst

  -- Build proof of univalence from an isomorphism
  module _ { ℓ₁ ℓ₁'} (S : Type   Type ℓ₁) (ι : StrEquiv S ℓ₁') where

    fwdShape : Type _
    fwdShape =
      (A B : TypeWithStr  S) (e : typ A  typ B)  ι A B e  PathP  i  S (ua e i)) (str A) (str B)

    bwdShape : Type _
    bwdShape =
      (A B : TypeWithStr  S) (e : typ A  typ B)  PathP  i  S (ua e i)) (str A) (str B)  ι A B e

    fwdBwdShape : fwdShape  bwdShape  Type _
    fwdBwdShape fwd bwd =
      (A B : TypeWithStr  S) (e : typ A  typ B)   p  fwd A B e (bwd A B e p)  p

    bwdFwdShape : fwdShape  bwdShape  Type _
    bwdFwdShape fwd bwd =
      (A B : TypeWithStr  S) (e : typ A  typ B)   r  bwd A B e (fwd A B e r)  r

    -- The implicit arguments A,B in UnivalentStr make some things annoying so let's avoid them
    ExplicitUnivalentStr : Type _
    ExplicitUnivalentStr =
      (A B : TypeWithStr _ S) (e : typ A  typ B)  ι A B e  PathP  i  S (ua e i)) (str A) (str B)

    explicitUnivalentStr : (fwd : fwdShape) (bwd : bwdShape)
       fwdBwdShape fwd bwd  bwdFwdShape fwd bwd
    explicitUnivalentStr fwd bwd fwdBwd bwdFwd A B e = isoToEquiv isom
      open Iso
      isom : Iso _ _
      isom .fun = fwd A B e
      isom .inv = bwd A B e
      isom .rightInv = fwdBwd A B e
      isom .leftInv = bwdFwd A B e

  ExplicitUnivalentDesc :   {ℓ₁ ℓ₁'}  (d : M.Desc  ℓ₁ ℓ₁')  Type _
  ExplicitUnivalentDesc _ d =
    ExplicitUnivalentStr (M.MacroStructure d) (M.MacroEquivStr d)

  explicitUnivalentDesc :   {ℓ₁ ℓ₁'}  (d : M.Desc  ℓ₁ ℓ₁')  ExplicitUnivalentDesc  d
  explicitUnivalentDesc _ d A B e = M.MacroUnivalentStr d e

-- Internal record specification type
  record TypedTerm : Type where
      type : R.Term
      term : R.Term

  record InternalDatumField : Type where
      sfield : R.Name -- name of structure field
      efield : R.Name -- name of equivalence field

  record InternalPropField : Type where
      sfield : R.Name -- name of structure field

  InternalField : Type
  InternalField = InternalDatumField  InternalPropField

  record InternalSpec (A : Type) : Type where
      srec : R.Term -- structure record type
      erec : R.Term -- equivalence record type
      fields : List (InternalField × A) -- in reverse order

  open TypedTerm
  open InternalDatumField
  open InternalPropField

-- Parse a field and record specifications
  findName : R.Term  R.TC R.Name
  findName (R.def name _) = R.returnTC name
  findName (R.lam R.hidden (R.abs _ t)) = findName t
  findName t = R.typeError (R.strErr "Not a name + spine: "  R.termErr t  [])

  parseFieldSpec : R.Term  R.TC (R.Term × R.Term × R.Term × R.Term)
  parseFieldSpec (R.con (quote autoFieldSpec) ( h∷ ℓ₁ h∷ ℓ₂ h∷ R v∷ S h∷ f v∷ [])) =
    R.reduce  >>= λ  
    R.returnTC ( , ℓ₂ , S , f)
  parseFieldSpec t =
    R.typeError (R.strErr "Malformed field specification: "  R.termErr t  [])

  parseSpec : R.Term  R.TC (InternalSpec TypedTerm)
  parseSpec (R.con (quote autoRecordSpec) ( h∷ ℓ₁ h∷ ℓ₁' h∷ srecTerm v∷ erecTerm v∷ fs v∷ [])) =
    parseFields fs >>= λ fs' 
    R.returnTC λ { .srec  srecTerm ; .erec  erecTerm ; .fields  fs'}
    open InternalSpec

    parseFields : R.Term  R.TC (List (InternalField × TypedTerm))
    parseFields (R.con (quote fields:) _) = R.returnTC []
    parseFields (R.con (quote _data[_∣_])
      ( h∷ ℓ₁ h∷ ℓ₁' h∷ R h∷ ι h∷ fs v∷ ℓ₂ h∷ ℓ₂' h∷ S h∷ ι' h∷ sfieldTerm v∷ efieldTerm v∷ []))
      R.reduce  >>= λ  
      findName sfieldTerm >>= λ sfieldName 
      findName efieldTerm >>= λ efieldName 
      buildDesc FUEL  ℓ₂ S >>= λ d 
        f : InternalField × TypedTerm
        f = λ
          { .fst  inl λ { .sfield  sfieldName ; .efield  efieldName }
          ; .snd .type  R.def (quote ExplicitUnivalentDesc) ( v∷ d v∷ [])
          ; .snd .term  R.def (quote explicitUnivalentDesc) ( v∷ d v∷ [])
      liftTC (f ∷_) (parseFields fs)
    parseFields (R.con (quote _prop[_∣_])
      ( h∷ ℓ₁ h∷ ℓ₁' h∷ R h∷ ι h∷ fs v∷ ℓ₂ h∷ P h∷ fieldTerm v∷ prop v∷ []))
      findName fieldTerm >>= λ fieldName 
        p : InternalField × TypedTerm
        p = λ
          { .fst  inr λ { .sfield  fieldName }
          ; .snd .type 
            R.def (quote PropHelperType) (srecTerm v∷ erecTerm v∷ fs v∷ P v∷ fieldTerm v∷ [])
          ; .snd .term 
            R.def (quote derivePropHelper) (srecTerm v∷ erecTerm v∷ fs v∷ P v∷ fieldTerm v∷ prop v∷ [])
      liftTC (p ∷_) (parseFields fs)

    parseFields t = R.typeError (R.strErr "Malformed autoRecord specification (1): "  R.termErr t  [])

  parseSpec t = R.typeError (R.strErr "Malformed autoRecord specification (2): "  R.termErr t  [])

-- Build a proof of univalence from an InternalSpec
module _ (spec : InternalSpec ) where
  open InternalSpec spec

    fwdDatum : Vec R.Term 4  R.Term  InternalDatumField ×   R.Term
    fwdDatum (A  B  e  streq  _) i (dat , n) =
      R.def (quote equivFun)
        (tApply (v n) (tStrProj A (dat .sfield) v∷ tStrProj B (dat .sfield) v∷ e v∷ [])
          v∷ R.def (dat .efield) (streq v∷ [])
          v∷ i
          v∷ [])

    fwdProperty : Vec R.Term 4  R.Term  R.Term  InternalPropField ×   R.Term
    fwdProperty (A  B  e  streq  _) i prevPath prop =
      R.def (quote fst) (v (prop .snd) v∷ A v∷ B v∷ e v∷ prevPath v∷ i v∷ [])

    bwdClause : Vec R.Term 4  InternalDatumField ×   R.Clause
    bwdClause (A  B  e  q  _) (dat , n) =
      R.clause [] (R.proj (dat .efield) v∷ [])
        (R.def (quote invEq)
            (v n)
            (tStrProj A (dat .sfield) v∷ tStrProj B (dat .sfield) v∷ e v∷ [])
            v∷ R.def (quote pathMap) (R.def (dat .sfield) [] v∷ q v∷ [])
            v∷ []))

    fwdBwdDatum : Vec R.Term 4  R.Term  R.Term  InternalDatumField ×   R.Term
    fwdBwdDatum (A  B  e  q  _) j i (dat , n) =
      R.def (quote secEq)
          (v n)
          (tStrProj A (dat .sfield) v∷ tStrProj B (dat .sfield) v∷ e v∷ [])
          v∷ R.def (quote pathMap) (R.def (dat .sfield) [] v∷ q v∷ [])
          v∷ j v∷ i
          v∷ [])

    fwdBwdProperty : Vec R.Term 4  (j i prevPath : R.Term)  InternalPropField ×   R.Term
    fwdBwdProperty (A  B  e  q  _) j i prevPath prop =
      R.def (quote snd) (v (prop .snd) v∷ A v∷ B v∷ e v∷ q v∷ prevPath v∷ j v∷ i v∷ [])

    bwdFwdClause : Vec R.Term 4  R.Term  InternalDatumField ×   R.Clause
    bwdFwdClause (A  B  e  streq  _) j (dat , n) =
      R.clause [] (R.proj (dat .efield) v∷ [])
        (R.def (quote retEq)
            (v n)
            (tStrProj A (dat .sfield) v∷ tStrProj B (dat .sfield) v∷ e v∷ [])
            v∷ R.def (dat .efield) (streq v∷ [])
            v∷ j
            v∷ []))

    makeVarsFrom : {n : }    Vec R.Term n
    makeVarsFrom {zero} k = []
    makeVarsFrom {suc n} k = v (n + k)  (makeVarsFrom k)

    fwd : R.Term
    fwd =
      vlam "A" (vlam "B" (vlam "e" (vlam "streq" (vlam "i" (R.pat-lam body [])))))
      -- input list is in reverse order
      fwdClauses :   List (InternalField × )  List (R.Name × R.Term)
      fwdClauses k [] = []
      fwdClauses k ((inl f , n)  fs) =
        fwdClauses k fs
        ∷ʳ (f .sfield , fwdDatum (makeVarsFrom k) (v 0) (map-snd (4 + k +_) (f , n)))
      fwdClauses k ((inr p , n)  fs) =
        fwdClauses k fs
        ∷ʳ (p .sfield , fwdProperty (makeVarsFrom k) (v 0) prevPath (map-snd (4 + k +_) (p , n)))
        prevPath =
          vlam "i"
               t (_ , t')  R.con (quote _,_) (t v∷ t' v∷ []))
              (R.con (quote tt) [])
              (fwdClauses (suc k) fs))

      body =
        List.map  (n , t)  R.clause [] [ varg (R.proj n) ] t) (fwdClauses 1 fields)

    bwd : R.Term
    bwd =
      vlam "A" (vlam "B" (vlam "e" (vlam "q" (R.pat-lam (bwdClauses fields) []))))
      -- input is in reverse order
      bwdClauses : List (InternalField × )  List R.Clause
      bwdClauses [] = []
      bwdClauses ((inl f , n)  fs) =
        bwdClauses fs
        ∷ʳ bwdClause (makeVarsFrom 0) (map-snd (4 +_) (f , n))
      bwdClauses ((inr p , n)  fs) = bwdClauses fs

    fwdBwd : R.Term
    fwdBwd =
      vlam "A" (vlam "B" (vlam "e" (vlam "q" (vlam "j" (vlam "i" (R.pat-lam body []))))))
      -- input is in reverse order
      fwdBwdClauses :    List (InternalField × )  List (R.Name × R.Term)
      fwdBwdClauses k [] = []
      fwdBwdClauses k ((inl f , n)  fs) =
        fwdBwdClauses k fs
        ∷ʳ (f .sfield , fwdBwdDatum (makeVarsFrom k) (v 1) (v 0) (map-snd (4 + k +_) (f , n)))
      fwdBwdClauses k ((inr p , n)  fs) =
        fwdBwdClauses k fs
        ∷ʳ ((p .sfield , fwdBwdProperty (makeVarsFrom k) (v 1) (v 0) prevPath (map-snd (4 + k +_) (p , n))))
        prevPath =
          vlam "j"
            (vlam "i"
                 t (_ , t')  R.con (quote _,_) (t v∷ t' v∷ []))
                (R.con (quote tt) [])
                (fwdBwdClauses (2 + k) fs)))

      body = List.map  (n , t)  R.clause [] [ varg (R.proj n) ] t) (fwdBwdClauses 2 fields)

    bwdFwd : R.Term
    bwdFwd =
      vlam "A" (vlam "B" (vlam "e" (vlam "streq" (vlam "j" (R.pat-lam (bwdFwdClauses fields) [])))))
      bwdFwdClauses : List (InternalField × )  List R.Clause
      bwdFwdClauses [] = []
      bwdFwdClauses ((inl f , n)  fs) =
        bwdFwdClauses fs
        ∷ʳ bwdFwdClause (makeVarsFrom 1) (v 0) (map-snd (5 +_) (f , n))
      bwdFwdClauses ((inr _ , n)  fs) = bwdFwdClauses fs

  univalentRecord : R.Term
  univalentRecord =
    R.def (quote explicitUnivalentStr)
      (R.unknown v∷ R.unknown v∷ fwd v∷ bwd v∷ fwdBwd v∷ bwdFwd v∷ [])

  autoFieldEquiv : R.Term  R.Term  R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoFieldEquiv spec A B hole =
    (R.reduce spec >>= parseFieldSpec) >>= λ ( , ℓ₂ , S , f) 
    buildDesc FUEL  ℓ₂ S >>= λ d 
    R.unify hole (R.def (quote M.MacroEquivStr) (d v∷ tStrMap A f v∷ tStrMap B f v∷ []))

  autoUnivalentRecord : R.Term  R.Term  R.TC Unit
  autoUnivalentRecord t hole =
    (R.reduce t >>= parseSpec) >>= λ spec 
    -- R.typeError (R.strErr "WOW: " ∷ R.termErr (main spec) ∷ [])
    R.unify (main spec) hole
    module _ (spec : InternalSpec TypedTerm) where
      open InternalSpec spec

      mapUp :  { ℓ'} {A : Type } {B : Type ℓ'}  (  A  B)    List A  List B
      mapUp f _ [] = []
      mapUp f n (x  xs) = f n x  mapUp f (suc n) xs

      closureSpec : InternalSpec 
      closureSpec .InternalSpec.srec = srec
      closureSpec .InternalSpec.erec = erec
      closureSpec .InternalSpec.fields = mapUp  n  map-snd  _  n)) 0 fields

      closure : R.Term
      closure =
        iter (List.length fields) (vlam "") (univalentRecord closureSpec)

      env : List (R.Arg R.Term)
      env = List.map (varg  term  snd) (List.rev fields)

      closureTy : R.Term
      closureTy =
           ty cod  R.def (quote Fun) (ty v∷ cod v∷ []))
          (R.def (quote ExplicitUnivalentStr) (srec v∷ erec v∷ []))
          (List.map (type  snd) (List.rev fields))

      main : R.Term
      main = R.def (quote idfun) (closureTy v∷ closure v∷ env)