{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Relation.ZigZag.Applications.MultiSet where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.RelationalStructure
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as ⊥
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.List hiding ([_])
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients
open import Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset as FMS hiding ([_] ; _++_)
open import Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset.CountExtensionality
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.ZigZag.Base
open import Cubical.Structures.MultiSet
open import Cubical.Structures.Relational.Auto
open import Cubical.Structures.Relational.Macro
data AList {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) : Type ℓ where
⟨⟩ : AList A
⟨_,_⟩∷_ : A → ℕ → AList A → AList A
infixr 5 ⟨_,_⟩∷_
ℓ : Level
module Lists&ALists {A : Type ℓ} (discA : Discrete A) where
multisetShape : Type ℓ → Type ℓ
multisetShape X = X × (A → X → X) × (X → X → X) × (A → X → Const[ ℕ , isSetℕ ])
module S = RelMacro ℓ (autoRelDesc multisetShape)
addIfEq : (a x : A) → ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
addIfEq a x m n with discA a x
... | yes _ = m + n
... | no _ = n
module _ {a x : A} {n : ℕ} where
addIfEq≡ : {m : ℕ} → a ≡ x → addIfEq a x m n ≡ m + n
addIfEq≡ a≡x with discA a x
... | yes _ = refl
... | no a≢x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)
addIfEq≢ : {m : ℕ} → ¬ (a ≡ x) → addIfEq a x m n ≡ n
addIfEq≢ a≢x with discA a x
... | yes a≡x = ⊥.rec (a≢x a≡x)
... | no _ = refl
addIfEq0 : addIfEq a x 0 n ≡ n
addIfEq0 with discA a x
... | yes _ = refl
... | no _ = refl
addIfEq+ : {m : ℕ} (n' : ℕ) → addIfEq a x m (n + n') ≡ addIfEq a x m n + n'
addIfEq+ n' with discA a x
... | yes _ = +-assoc _ n n'
... | no _ = refl
module L where
emp : List A
emp = []
insert : A → List A → List A
insert x xs = x ∷ xs
union : List A → List A → List A
union xs ys = xs ++ ys
count : A → List A → ℕ
count a [] = zero
count a (x ∷ xs) = addIfEq a x 1 (count a xs)
structure : S.structure (List A)
structure = emp , insert , union , count
countUnion : ∀ a xs ys → count a (union xs ys) ≡ count a xs + count a ys
countUnion a [] ys = refl
countUnion a (x ∷ xs) ys =
cong (addIfEq a x 1) (countUnion a xs ys)
∙ addIfEq+ (count a ys)
module AL where
emp : AList A
emp = ⟨⟩
insert* : ℕ → A → AList A → AList A
insert* m a ⟨⟩ = ⟨ a , m ⟩∷ ⟨⟩
insert* m a (⟨ y , n ⟩∷ ys) with (discA a y)
... | yes _ = ⟨ y , m + n ⟩∷ ys
... | no _ = ⟨ y , n ⟩∷ insert* m a ys
insert : A → AList A → AList A
insert = insert* 1
union : AList A → AList A → AList A
union ⟨⟩ ys = ys
union (⟨ x , n ⟩∷ xs) ys = insert* n x (union xs ys)
count : A → AList A → ℕ
count a ⟨⟩ = zero
count a (⟨ y , n ⟩∷ ys) = addIfEq a y n (count a ys)
structure : S.structure (AList A)
structure = emp , insert , union , count
countInsert* : ∀ m a x ys → count a (insert* m x ys) ≡ addIfEq a x m (count a ys)
countInsert* m a x ⟨⟩ = refl
countInsert* m a x (⟨ y , n ⟩∷ ys) with discA a x | discA a y | discA x y
... | yes a≡x | yes a≡y | yes x≡y = addIfEq≡ a≡y ∙ sym (+-assoc m n _)
... | yes a≡x | yes a≡y | no x≢y = ⊥.rec (x≢y (sym a≡x ∙ a≡y))
... | yes a≡x | no a≢y | yes x≡y = ⊥.rec (a≢y (a≡x ∙ x≡y))
... | yes a≡x | no a≢y | no x≢y = addIfEq≢ a≢y ∙ countInsert* m a x ys ∙ addIfEq≡ a≡x
... | no a≢x | yes a≡y | yes x≡y = ⊥.rec (a≢x (a≡y ∙ sym x≡y))
... | no a≢x | yes a≡y | no x≢y = addIfEq≡ a≡y ∙ cong (n +_) (countInsert* m a x ys ∙ addIfEq≢ a≢x)
... | no a≢x | no a≢y | yes x≡y = addIfEq≢ a≢y
... | no a≢x | no a≢y | no x≢y = addIfEq≢ a≢y ∙ countInsert* m a x ys ∙ addIfEq≢ a≢x
countInsert = countInsert* 1
countUnion : ∀ a xs ys → count a (union xs ys) ≡ count a xs + count a ys
countUnion a ⟨⟩ ys = refl
countUnion a (⟨ x , n ⟩∷ xs) ys =
countInsert* n a x (union xs ys)
∙ cong (addIfEq a x n) (countUnion a xs ys)
∙ addIfEq+ (count a ys)
R : List A → AList A → Type ℓ
R xs ys = ∀ a → L.count a xs ≡ AL.count a ys
φ : List A → AList A
φ [] = ⟨⟩
φ (x ∷ xs) = AL.insert x (φ xs)
ψ : AList A → List A
ψ ⟨⟩ = []
ψ (⟨ x , zero ⟩∷ xs) = ψ xs
ψ (⟨ x , suc n ⟩∷ xs) = x ∷ ψ (⟨ x , n ⟩∷ xs)
η : ∀ xs → R xs (φ xs)
η [] a = refl
η (x ∷ xs) a = cong (addIfEq a x 1) (η xs a) ∙ sym (AL.countInsert a x (φ xs))
ε : ∀ y → R (ψ y) y
ε' : (x : A) (n : ℕ) (xs : AList A) (a : A)
→ L.count a (ψ (⟨ x , n ⟩∷ xs)) ≡ AL.count a (⟨ x , n ⟩∷ xs)
ε ⟨⟩ a = refl
ε (⟨ x , n ⟩∷ xs) a = ε' x n xs a
ε' x zero xs a = ε xs a ∙ sym addIfEq0
ε' x (suc n) xs a with discA a x
... | yes a≡x = cong suc (ε' x n xs a ∙ addIfEq≡ a≡x)
... | no a≢x = ε' x n xs a ∙ addIfEq≢ a≢x
open isQuasiEquivRel
QuasiR : QuasiEquivRel _ _ ℓ
QuasiR .fst .fst = R
QuasiR .fst .snd _ _ = isPropΠ λ _ → isSetℕ _ _
QuasiR .snd .zigzag r r' r'' a = (r a) ∙∙ sym (r' a) ∙∙ (r'' a)
QuasiR .snd .fwd a = ∣ φ a , η a ∣₁
QuasiR .snd .bwd b = ∣ ψ b , ε b ∣₁
isStructuredInsert : (x : A) {xs : List A} {ys : AList A}
→ R xs ys → R (L.insert x xs) (AL.insert x ys)
isStructuredInsert x {xs} {ys} r a =
cong (addIfEq a x 1) (r a) ∙ sym (AL.countInsert a x ys)
isStructuredUnion :
{xs : List A} {ys : AList A} (r : R xs ys)
{xs' : List A} {ys' : AList A} (r' : R xs' ys')
→ R (L.union xs xs') (AL.union ys ys')
isStructuredUnion {xs} {ys} r {xs'} {ys'} r' a =
L.countUnion a xs xs' ∙ cong₂ _+_ (r a) (r' a) ∙ sym (AL.countUnion a ys ys')
isStructuredR : S.relation R L.structure AL.structure
isStructuredR .fst a = refl
isStructuredR .snd .fst = isStructuredInsert
isStructuredR .snd .snd .fst {xs} {ys} = isStructuredUnion {xs} {ys}
isStructuredR .snd .snd .snd a r = r a
module E = QER→Equiv QuasiR
open E renaming (Rᴸ to Rᴸ; Rᴿ to Rᴬᴸ)
List/Rᴸ = (List A) / Rᴸ
AList/Rᴬᴸ = (AList A) / Rᴬᴸ
List/Rᴸ≃AList/Rᴬᴸ : List/Rᴸ ≃ AList/Rᴬᴸ
List/Rᴸ≃AList/Rᴬᴸ = E.Thm
main : QERDescends _ S.relation (List A , L.structure) (AList A , AL.structure) QuasiR
main = structuredQER→structuredEquiv S.suitable _ _ QuasiR isStructuredR
open QERDescends
LQstructure : S.structure List/Rᴸ
LQstructure = main .quoᴸ .fst
ALQstructure : S.structure AList/Rᴬᴸ
ALQstructure = main .quoᴿ .fst
List/Rᴸ≡AList/Rᴬᴸ :
Path (TypeWithStr ℓ S.structure) (List/Rᴸ , LQstructure) (AList/Rᴬᴸ , ALQstructure)
List/Rᴸ≡AList/Rᴬᴸ =
sip S.univalent _ _
(E.Thm , S.matches (List/Rᴸ , LQstructure) (AList/Rᴬᴸ , ALQstructure) E.Thm .fst (main .rel))
LQunion = LQstructure .snd .snd .fst
ALQunion = ALQstructure .snd .snd .fst
hasAssociativeUnion : TypeWithStr ℓ S.structure → Type ℓ
hasAssociativeUnion (_ , _ , _ , _⊔_ , _) =
∀ xs ys zs → (xs ⊔ ys) ⊔ zs ≡ xs ⊔ (ys ⊔ zs)
LQassoc : hasAssociativeUnion (List/Rᴸ , LQstructure)
LQassoc = elimProp3 (λ _ _ _ → squash/ _ _) (λ xs ys zs i → [ ++-assoc xs ys zs i ])
ALQassoc : hasAssociativeUnion (AList/Rᴬᴸ , ALQstructure)
ALQassoc = subst hasAssociativeUnion List/Rᴸ≡AList/Rᴬᴸ LQassoc
_∷/_ : A → List/Rᴸ → List/Rᴸ
_∷/_ = LQstructure .snd .fst
multisetShape' : Type ℓ → Type ℓ
multisetShape' X = X × (A → X → X) × (A → X → Const[ ℕ , isSetℕ ])
FMSstructure : S.structure (FMSet A)
FMSstructure = [] , _∷_ , FMS._++_ , FMScount discA
infixr 5 _∷/_
FMSet→List/Rᴸ : FMSet A → List/Rᴸ
FMSet→List/Rᴸ = FMS.Rec.f squash/ [ [] ] _∷/_ β
δ : ∀ c a b xs → L.count c (a ∷ b ∷ xs) ≡ L.count c (b ∷ a ∷ xs)
δ c a b xs with discA c a | discA c b
δ c a b xs | yes _ | yes _ = refl
δ c a b xs | yes _ | no _ = refl
δ c a b xs | no _ | yes _ = refl
δ c a b xs | no _ | no _ = refl
γ : ∀ a b xs → Rᴸ (a ∷ b ∷ xs) (b ∷ a ∷ xs)
γ a b xs =
∣ φ (a ∷ b ∷ xs) , η (a ∷ b ∷ xs) , (λ c → δ c b a xs ∙ η (a ∷ b ∷ xs) c) ∣₁
β : ∀ a b [xs] → a ∷/ b ∷/ [xs] ≡ b ∷/ a ∷/ [xs]
β a b = elimProp (λ _ → squash/ _ _) (λ xs → eq/ _ _ (γ a b xs))
List→FMSet : List A → FMSet A
List→FMSet [] = []
List→FMSet (x ∷ xs) = x ∷ List→FMSet xs
List→FMSet-count : ∀ a xs → L.count a xs ≡ FMScount discA a (List→FMSet xs)
List→FMSet-count a [] = refl
List→FMSet-count a (x ∷ xs) with discA a x
... | yes _ = cong suc (List→FMSet-count a xs)
... | no _ = List→FMSet-count a xs
List/Rᴸ→FMSet : List/Rᴸ → FMSet A
List/Rᴸ→FMSet [ xs ] = List→FMSet xs
List/Rᴸ→FMSet (eq/ xs ys r i) = path i
countsAgree : ∀ a → L.count a xs ≡ L.count a ys
countsAgree a = cong (LQstructure .snd .snd .snd a) (eq/ xs ys r)
θ : ∀ a → FMScount discA a (List→FMSet xs) ≡ FMScount discA a (List→FMSet ys)
θ a = sym (List→FMSet-count a xs) ∙∙ countsAgree a ∙∙ List→FMSet-count a ys
path : List→FMSet xs ≡ List→FMSet ys
path = FMScountExt.Thm discA _ _ θ
List/Rᴸ→FMSet (squash/ xs/ xs/' p q i j) =
trunc (List/Rᴸ→FMSet xs/) (List/Rᴸ→FMSet xs/') (cong List/Rᴸ→FMSet p) (cong List/Rᴸ→FMSet q) i j
List/Rᴸ→FMSet-insert : (x : A) (ys : List/Rᴸ) → List/Rᴸ→FMSet (x ∷/ ys) ≡ x ∷ List/Rᴸ→FMSet ys
List/Rᴸ→FMSet-insert x = elimProp (λ _ → FMS.trunc _ _) λ xs → refl
List→FMSet-union : (xs ys : List A)
→ List→FMSet (xs ++ ys) ≡ FMS._++_ (List→FMSet xs) (List→FMSet ys)
List→FMSet-union [] ys = refl
List→FMSet-union (x ∷ xs) ys = cong (x ∷_) (List→FMSet-union xs ys)
List/Rᴸ≃FMSet : List/Rᴸ ≃ FMSet A
List/Rᴸ≃FMSet = isoToEquiv (iso List/Rᴸ→FMSet FMSet→List/Rᴸ τ σ)
σ' : (xs : List A) → FMSet→List/Rᴸ (List/Rᴸ→FMSet [ xs ]) ≡ [ xs ]
σ' [] = refl
σ' (x ∷ xs) = cong (x ∷/_) (σ' xs)
σ : section FMSet→List/Rᴸ List/Rᴸ→FMSet
σ = elimProp (λ _ → squash/ _ _) σ'
τ' : ∀ x {xs} → List/Rᴸ→FMSet (FMSet→List/Rᴸ xs) ≡ xs → List/Rᴸ→FMSet (FMSet→List/Rᴸ (x ∷ xs)) ≡ x ∷ xs
τ' x {xs} p = List/Rᴸ→FMSet-insert x (FMSet→List/Rᴸ xs) ∙ cong (x ∷_) p
τ : retract FMSet→List/Rᴸ List/Rᴸ→FMSet
τ = FMS.ElimProp.f (FMS.trunc _ _) refl τ'
List/Rᴸ≃FMSet-EquivStr : S.equiv (List/Rᴸ , LQstructure) (FMSet A , FMSstructure) List/Rᴸ≃FMSet
List/Rᴸ≃FMSet-EquivStr .fst = refl
List/Rᴸ≃FMSet-EquivStr .snd .fst a xs = List/Rᴸ→FMSet-insert a xs
List/Rᴸ≃FMSet-EquivStr .snd .snd .fst = elimProp2 (λ _ _ → trunc _ _) List→FMSet-union
List/Rᴸ≃FMSet-EquivStr .snd .snd .snd a =
elimProp (λ _ → isSetℕ _ _) (List→FMSet-count a)