{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Relation.Binary.Properties where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv

open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Relation.Binary.Base

     ℓ' : Level
    A B : Type 

-- Pulling back a relation along a function.
-- This can for example be used when restricting an equivalence relation to a subset:
--   _~'_ = on fst _~_

module _
  (f : A  B)
  (R : Rel B B )

  open BinaryRelation

  pulledbackRel : Rel A A 
  pulledbackRel x y = R (f x) (f y)

  isReflPulledbackRel : isRefl R  isRefl pulledbackRel
  isReflPulledbackRel isReflR a = isReflR (f a)

  isSymPulledbackRel : isSym R  isSym pulledbackRel
  isSymPulledbackRel isSymR a a' = isSymR (f a) (f a')

  isTransPulledbackRel : isTrans R  isTrans pulledbackRel
  isTransPulledbackRel isTransR a a' a'' = isTransR (f a) (f a') (f a'')

  open isEquivRel

  isEquivRelPulledbackRel : isEquivRel R  isEquivRel pulledbackRel
  reflexive (isEquivRelPulledbackRel isEquivRelR) = isReflPulledbackRel (reflexive isEquivRelR)
  symmetric (isEquivRelPulledbackRel isEquivRelR) = isSymPulledbackRel (symmetric isEquivRelR)
  transitive (isEquivRelPulledbackRel isEquivRelR) = isTransPulledbackRel (transitive isEquivRelR)

module _ {A B : Type } (e : A  B) {_∼_ : Rel A A ℓ'} {_∻_ : Rel B B ℓ'}
         (_h_ :  x y  (x  y)  ((fst e x)  (fst e y))) where

  RelPathP : PathP  i  ua e i  ua e i  Type _)
              _∼_ _∻_
  RelPathP i x y = Glue  (ua-unglue e i x  ua-unglue e i y)
      λ { (i = i0)  _ ,  x h y
        ; (i = i1)  _ , idEquiv _ }

module _ {ℓ''} {B : Type } {_∻_ : B  B  Type ℓ'} where

  JRelPathP-Goal : Type _
  JRelPathP-Goal =  (A : Type ) (e : A  B) (_~_ : A  A  Type ℓ')
              (_h_ :   x y  x ~ y  (fst e x  fst e  y))  Type ℓ''

  EquivJRel : (Goal : JRelPathP-Goal)
             (Goal _ (idEquiv _) _∻_ λ _ _  idEquiv _ )
              {A} e _~_ _h_  Goal A e _~_ _h_
  EquivJRel Goal g {A} = EquivJ  A e   _~_ _h_  Goal A e _~_ _h_)
   λ _~_ _h_  subst (uncurry (Goal B (idEquiv B)))
           (map-snd  r  funExt₂ λ x y  sym (ua (r x y))))
           (map-snd  r x y  pathToEquiv λ i  r (~ i) x y))
            (o , r)  cong (o ,_) (funExt₂ λ x y  equivEq
              (funExt λ _  transportRefl _)))
          (isPropSingl {a = _∻_})) _ _) g