{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.Torus.Base where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Int
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.HITs.S1
data Torus : Type₀ where
point : Torus
line1 : point ≡ point
line2 : point ≡ point
square : PathP (λ i → line1 i ≡ line1 i) line2 line2
t2c : Torus → S¹ × S¹
t2c point = ( base , base )
t2c (line1 i) = ( loop i , base )
t2c (line2 j) = ( base , loop j )
t2c (square i j) = ( loop i , loop j )
c2t : S¹ × S¹ → Torus
c2t (base , base) = point
c2t (loop i , base) = line1 i
c2t (base , loop j) = line2 j
c2t (loop i , loop j) = square i j
c2t-t2c : ∀ (t : Torus) → c2t (t2c t) ≡ t
c2t-t2c point = refl
c2t-t2c (line1 _) = refl
c2t-t2c (line2 _) = refl
c2t-t2c (square _ _) = refl
t2c-c2t : ∀ (p : S¹ × S¹) → t2c (c2t p) ≡ p
t2c-c2t (base , base) = refl
t2c-c2t (base , loop _) = refl
t2c-c2t (loop _ , base) = refl
t2c-c2t (loop _ , loop _) = refl
Torus≡S¹×S¹ : Torus ≡ S¹ × S¹
Torus≡S¹×S¹ = isoToPath (iso t2c c2t t2c-c2t c2t-t2c)
point-path : PathP (λ i → Torus≡S¹×S¹ i) point (base , base)
point-path i =
(glue (λ {
(i = i0) → point;
(i = i1) → (base , base) }) (base , base))
Loop : {A : Type₀} (p : A) → Type₀
Loop p = p ≡ p
ΩTorus : Type₀
ΩTorus = Loop point
lemPathAnd : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Type ℓ} (t u : A × B) →
Path _ (t ≡ u) ((t .fst ≡ u .fst) × ((t .snd) ≡ (u .snd)))
lemPathAnd t u = isoToPath (iso (λ tu → (λ i → tu i .fst) , λ i → tu i .snd)
(λ tu i → tu .fst i , tu .snd i)
(λ y → refl)
(λ x → refl))
ΩTorus≡ℤ×ℤ : ΩTorus ≡ ℤ × ℤ
ΩTorus≡ℤ×ℤ =
≡⟨ (λ i → Loop (point-path i)) ⟩
Loop (base , base)
≡⟨ lemPathAnd (base , base) (base , base) ⟩
ΩS¹ × ΩS¹
≡⟨ (λ i → ΩS¹≡ℤ i × ΩS¹≡ℤ i) ⟩
ℤ × ℤ ∎
windingTorus : ΩTorus → ℤ × ℤ
windingTorus l = ( winding (λ i → t2c (l i) .fst)
, winding (λ i → t2c (l i) .snd))
module _ where
test1 : windingTorus (line1 ∙ line2) ≡ (pos 1 , pos 1)
test1 = refl
test2 : windingTorus (line1 ∙ line2 ∙ sym line1 ∙ sym line1) ≡ (negsuc 0 , pos 1)
test2 = refl
data Torus' : Type₀ where
point' : Torus'
line1' : point' ≡ point'
line2' : point' ≡ point'
square' : line1' ∙ line2' ≡ line2' ∙ line1'
Torus'≡Torus : Torus' ≡ Torus
Torus'≡Torus = isoToPath (iso to from to-from from-to)
to : Torus' → Torus
to point' = point
to (line1' i) = line1 i
to (line2' i) = line2 i
to (square' i j) = Square→compPath square i j
from : Torus → Torus'
from point = point'
from (line1 i) = line1' i
from (line2 i) = line2' i
from (square i j) = compPath→Square square' i j
to-from : ∀ x → to (from x) ≡ x
to-from point = refl
to-from (line1 i) = refl
to-from (line2 i) = refl
to-from (square i j) k =
hcomp-equivFiller (λ k → compPath→Square-faces line1 line1 line2 line2 i j (~ k))
(inS (square i j))
(~ k)
from-to : ∀ x → from (to x) ≡ x
from-to point' = refl
from-to (line1' i) = refl
from-to (line2' i) = refl
from-to (square' i j) k = cube i j k
cube : Cube ((λ j k → line1' j) ∙v' (λ j k → line2' j)) ((λ j k → line2' j) ∙v' (λ j k → line1' j))
(λ i k → point') (λ i k → point')
(λ i j → from (to (square' i j))) square'
cube =
sym (∙v≡∙v' _ _) ◁
(λ i j k → hcomp-equivFiller (compPath→Square-faces line1' line1' line2' line2' j i)
(inS (square' i j))
(~ k))
▷ ∙v≡∙v' _ _