{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.HITs.Cost.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

     : Level
    A B C : Type 

Cost : (A : Type )  Type 
Cost A = A ×   ∥₁

-- To compare two elements of Cost A we only need to look at the first parts
Cost≡ : (x y : Cost A)  x .fst  y .fst  x  y
Cost≡ _ _ = Σ≡Prop λ _  squash₁

-- To make it easier to program with Cost A we prove that it forms a
-- monad which counts the number of calls to >>=. We could also turn
-- it into a proper state monad which tracks the cost, but for the
-- programs we write later this simple version suffices
_>>=_ : Cost A  (A  Cost B)  Cost B
(x , m) >>= g with g x
... | (y , n) = (y , map suc (map2 _+_ m n))

return : A  Cost A
return x = (x ,  0 ∣₁)

-- The monad laws all hold by Cost≡

>>=-return : (f : Cost A)  f >>= return  f
>>=-return f = Cost≡ _ _ refl

return->>= : (a : A) (f : A  Cost B)  return a >>= f  f a
return->>= a f = Cost≡ _ _ refl

>>=-assoc : (f : Cost A) (g : A  Cost B) (h : B  Cost C)
           (f >>= g) >>= h  f >>=  x  g x >>= h)
>>=-assoc f g h = Cost≡ _ _ refl

-- An inefficient version of addition which recurses on both arguments
addBad :     Cost 
addBad 0 0       = return 0
addBad 0 (suc y) = do
  x  addBad 0 y
  return (suc x)
addBad (suc x) y = do
  z  addBad x y
  return (suc z)

-- More efficient addition which only recurse on the first argument
add :     Cost 
add 0       y = return y
add (suc x) y = do
  z  add x y
  return (suc z)

  -- addBad x y will do x + y calls
  _ : addBad 3 5  (8 ,  8 ∣₁)
  _ = refl

  -- add x y will only do x recursive calls
  _ : add 3 5  (8 ,  3 ∣₁)
  _ = refl

-- Despite addBad and add having different cost we can still prove
-- that they are equal functions
add≡addBad : add  addBad
add≡addBad i x y = Cost≡ (add x y) (addBad x y) (rem x y) i
  rem : (x y : )  add x y .fst  addBad x y .fst
  rem 0 0       = refl
  rem 0 (suc y) = cong suc (rem 0 y)
  rem (suc x) y = cong suc (rem x y)

-- Another example: computing Fibonacci numbers

fib :   Cost 
fib 0 = return 0
fib 1 = return 1
fib (suc (suc x)) = do
  y  fib (suc x)
  z  fib x
  return (y + z)

fibTail :   Cost 
fibTail 0       = return 0
fibTail (suc x) = fibAux x 1 0
  fibAux :       Cost 
  fibAux 0 res _          = return res
  fibAux (suc x) res prev = do
    r  fibAux x (res + prev) res
    return r

  _ : fib 10  (55 ,  176 ∣₁)
  _ = refl

  _ : fibTail 10  (55 ,  9 ∣₁)
  _ = refl

  _ : fib 20  (6765 ,  21890 ∣₁)
  _ = refl

  _ : fibTail 20  (6765 ,  19 ∣₁)
  _ = refl

-- Exercise left to the reader: prove that fib and fibTail are equal functions
-- fib≡fibTail : fib ≡ fibTail
-- fib≡fibTail i x = Cost≡ (fib x) (fibTail x) (rem x) i
--   where
--   rem : (x : ℕ) → fib x .fst ≡ fibTail x .fst
--   rem zero = refl
--   rem (suc zero) = refl
--   rem (suc (suc x)) = {!!}