
Counting how many structured finite sets with a given cardinal


{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Experiments.CountingFiniteStructure where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma

open import Cubical.Data.FinSet
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Induction
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Constructors
open import Cubical.Data.FinType
open import Cubical.Data.FinType.FiniteStructure

     : Level

-- convenient abbreviation

isFinStrCard : (S : FinSet ℓ-zero  FinSet ) (n : )  isFinType 0 (FinSetWithStrOfCard S n)
isFinStrCard S n = isFinTypeFinSetWithStrOfCard S n

-- structure that there is no structure

TrivialStr : FinSet   FinSet 
TrivialStr _ = 𝟙

-- structure that "picking an element in that set"

IdentityStr : FinSet   FinSet 
IdentityStr X = X

-- finite semi-groups

FinSemiGroupStr : FinSet   FinSet 
FinSemiGroupStr X .fst =
  Σ[ p  (X .fst  X .fst  X .fst) ] ((x y z : X .fst)  p (p x y) z  p x (p y z))
FinSemiGroupStr X .snd =
  isFinSetΣ (_ , isFinSetΠ2 X  _  X)  _ _  X))
     p  _ , isFinSetΠ3 X  _  X)  _ _  X)  _ _ _  _ , isFinSet≡ X _ _))

-- finite groups

FinGroupStr : FinSet   FinSet 
FinGroupStr X .fst =
  Σ[ e  X .fst ]
    Σ[ inv  (X .fst  X .fst) ]
      Σ[ p  (X .fst  X .fst  X .fst) ]
          ((x y z : X .fst)  p (p x y) z  p x (p y z))
        × ((x : X .fst)
             (p x e  x) × (p e x  x) × (p (inv x) x  e) × (p x (inv x)  e))
FinGroupStr X .snd =
  isFinSetΣ X  _  _ ,
    isFinSetΣ (_ , isFinSetΠ X  _  X))  _  _ ,
      isFinSetΣ (_ , isFinSetΠ2 X  _  X)  _ _  X))  _  _ ,
        isFinSet× (_ , isFinSetΠ3 X  _  X)  _ _  X)  _ _ _  _ , isFinSet≡ X _ _)) (_ ,
          isFinSetΠ X  _  _ ,
            isFinSet× (_ , isFinSet≡ X _ _) (_ ,
              isFinSet× (_ , isFinSet≡ X _ _) (_ ,
                isFinSet× (_ , isFinSet≡ X _ _) (_ , isFinSet≡ X _ _))))))))

-- two rather trivial numbers
-- but the computation is essentially not that trivial
-- Time: 5 ms
a2 : 
a2 = card (_ , isFinStrCard TrivialStr 2)

-- this is already hard to compute
-- Time: 443 ms
b2 : 
b2 = card (_ , isFinStrCard IdentityStr 2)

-- the number of finite semi-groups
numberOfFinSemiGroups :   
numberOfFinSemiGroups n = card (_ , isFinStrCard FinSemiGroupStr n)

-- two trivial cases of semi-groups
-- Time: 29 ms
n0 : 
n0 = numberOfFinSemiGroups 0

-- Time: 2,787ms
n1 : 
n1 = numberOfFinSemiGroups 1

-- the number of finite semi-groups with cardinal 2
-- it should be 5
-- would you like to try?
n2 : 
n2 = numberOfFinSemiGroups 2

-- OEIS-A000001
-- I think you'd better not evaluate this function with n > 1
numberOfFinGroups :   
numberOfFinGroups n = card (_ , isFinStrCard FinGroupStr n)

-- group with one element
-- Time: 26,925ms
g1 : 
g1 = numberOfFinGroups 1

-- Rijke's challenge
-- seemed to big to do an exhaustive search
g4 : 
g4 = numberOfFinGroups 4