{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Int.MoreInts.QuoInt.Base where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Transport
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Data.Int using ()
renaming (ℤ to Int ; discreteℤ to discreteInt ; isSetℤ to isSetInt ; 0≢1-ℤ to 0≢1-Int)
open import Cubical.Data.Nat as ℕ using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Cubical.Data.Bool as Bool using (Bool; not; notnot)
l : Level
Sign : Type₀
Sign = Bool
pattern spos = Bool.false
pattern sneg = Bool.true
_·S_ : Sign → Sign → Sign
_·S_ = Bool._⊕_
data ℤ : Type₀ where
signed : (s : Sign) (n : ℕ) → ℤ
posneg : signed spos 0 ≡ signed sneg 0
pattern pos n = signed spos n
pattern neg n = signed sneg n
sign : ℤ → Sign
sign (signed _ zero) = spos
sign (signed s (suc _)) = s
sign (posneg i) = spos
sign-pos : ∀ n → sign (pos n) ≡ spos
sign-pos zero = refl
sign-pos (suc n) = refl
abs : ℤ → ℕ
abs (signed _ n) = n
abs (posneg i) = zero
signed-inv : ∀ n → signed (sign n) (abs n) ≡ n
signed-inv (pos zero) = refl
signed-inv (neg zero) = posneg
signed-inv (signed s (suc n)) = refl
signed-inv (posneg i) j = posneg (i ∧ j)
signed-zero : ∀ s₁ s₂ → signed s₁ zero ≡ signed s₂ zero
signed-zero spos spos = refl
signed-zero sneg sneg = refl
signed-zero spos sneg = posneg
signed-zero sneg spos = sym posneg
rec : ∀ {A : Type l} → (pos' neg' : ℕ → A) → pos' 0 ≡ neg' 0 → ℤ → A
rec pos' neg' eq (pos m) = pos' m
rec pos' neg' eq (neg m) = neg' m
rec pos' neg' eq (posneg i) = eq i
elim : ∀ (P : ℤ → Type l)
→ (pos' : ∀ n → P (pos n))
→ (negsuc' : ∀ n → P (neg (suc n)))
→ ∀ z → P z
elim P pos' negsuc' (pos n) = pos' n
elim P pos' negsuc' (neg zero) = subst P posneg (pos' zero)
elim P pos' negsuc' (neg (suc n)) = negsuc' n
elim P pos' negsuc' (posneg i) = subst-filler P posneg (pos' zero) i
Int→ℤ : Int → ℤ
Int→ℤ (Int.pos n) = pos n
Int→ℤ (Int.negsuc n) = neg (suc n)
ℤ→Int : ℤ → Int
ℤ→Int (pos n) = Int.pos n
ℤ→Int (neg zero) = Int.pos 0
ℤ→Int (neg (suc n)) = Int.negsuc n
ℤ→Int (posneg _) = Int.pos 0
ℤ→Int→ℤ : ∀ (n : ℤ) → Int→ℤ (ℤ→Int n) ≡ n
ℤ→Int→ℤ (pos n) _ = pos n
ℤ→Int→ℤ (neg zero) i = posneg i
ℤ→Int→ℤ (neg (suc n)) _ = neg (suc n)
ℤ→Int→ℤ (posneg j) i = posneg (j ∧ i)
Int→ℤ→Int : ∀ (n : Int) → ℤ→Int (Int→ℤ n) ≡ n
Int→ℤ→Int (Int.pos n) _ = Int.pos n
Int→ℤ→Int (Int.negsuc n) _ = Int.negsuc n
isoIntℤ : Iso Int ℤ
isoIntℤ = iso Int→ℤ ℤ→Int ℤ→Int→ℤ Int→ℤ→Int
Int≡ℤ : Int ≡ ℤ
Int≡ℤ = isoToPath isoIntℤ
discreteℤ : Discrete ℤ
discreteℤ = subst Discrete Int≡ℤ discreteInt
isSetℤ : isSet ℤ
isSetℤ = subst isSet Int≡ℤ isSetInt
-_ : ℤ → ℤ
- signed s n = signed (not s) n
- posneg i = posneg (~ i)
negate-invol : ∀ n → - - n ≡ n
negate-invol (signed s n) i = signed (notnot s i) n
negate-invol (posneg i) _ = posneg i
negateEquiv : ℤ ≃ ℤ
negateEquiv = isoToEquiv (iso -_ -_ negate-invol negate-invol)
negateEq : ℤ ≡ ℤ
negateEq = ua negateEquiv
infixl 6 _+_
infixl 7 _·_
sucℤ : ℤ → ℤ
sucℤ (pos n) = pos (suc n)
sucℤ (neg zero) = pos 1
sucℤ (neg (suc n)) = neg n
sucℤ (posneg _) = pos 1
predℤ : ℤ → ℤ
predℤ = subst (λ Z → (Z → Z)) negateEq sucℤ
sucPredℤ : ∀ n → sucℤ (predℤ n) ≡ n
sucPredℤ (pos zero) = sym posneg
sucPredℤ (pos (suc _)) = refl
sucPredℤ (neg _) = refl
sucPredℤ (posneg i) j = posneg (i ∨ ~ j)
predSucℤ : ∀ n → predℤ (sucℤ n) ≡ n
predSucℤ (pos _) = refl
predSucℤ (neg zero) = posneg
predSucℤ (neg (suc _)) = refl
predSucℤ (posneg i) j = posneg (i ∧ j)
_+_ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
(signed _ zero) + n = n
(posneg _) + n = n
(pos (suc m)) + n = sucℤ (pos m + n)
(neg (suc m)) + n = predℤ (neg m + n)
sucPathℤ : ℤ ≡ ℤ
sucPathℤ = isoToPath (iso sucℤ predℤ sucPredℤ predSucℤ)
addEqℤ : ℕ → ℤ ≡ ℤ
addEqℤ zero = refl
addEqℤ (suc n) = addEqℤ n ∙ sucPathℤ
predPathℤ : ℤ ≡ ℤ
predPathℤ = isoToPath (iso predℤ sucℤ predSucℤ sucPredℤ)
subEqℤ : ℕ → ℤ ≡ ℤ
subEqℤ zero = refl
subEqℤ (suc n) = subEqℤ n ∙ predPathℤ
addℤ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
addℤ (pos m) n = transport (addEqℤ m) n
addℤ (neg m) n = transport (subEqℤ m) n
addℤ (posneg _) n = n
isEquivAddℤ : (m : ℤ) → isEquiv (addℤ m)
isEquivAddℤ (pos n) = isEquivTransport (addEqℤ n)
isEquivAddℤ (neg n) = isEquivTransport (subEqℤ n)
isEquivAddℤ (posneg _) = isEquivTransport refl
addℤ≡+ℤ : addℤ ≡ _+_
addℤ≡+ℤ i (pos (suc m)) n = sucℤ (addℤ≡+ℤ i (pos m) n)
addℤ≡+ℤ i (neg (suc m)) n = predℤ (addℤ≡+ℤ i (neg m) n)
addℤ≡+ℤ i (pos zero) n = n
addℤ≡+ℤ i (neg zero) n = n
addℤ≡+ℤ _ (posneg _) n = n
isEquiv+ℤ : (m : ℤ) → isEquiv (m +_)
isEquiv+ℤ = subst (λ _+_ → (m : ℤ) → isEquiv (m +_)) addℤ≡+ℤ isEquivAddℤ
_·_ : ℤ → ℤ → ℤ
m · n = signed (sign m ·S sign n) (abs m ℕ.· abs n)
·-abs : ∀ m n → abs (m · n) ≡ abs m ℕ.· abs n
·-abs m n = refl
open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals public
fromNatℤ : HasFromNat ℤ
fromNatℤ = record { Constraint = λ _ → Unit ; fromNat = λ n → pos n }
fromNegℤ : HasFromNeg ℤ
fromNegℤ = record { Constraint = λ _ → Unit ; fromNeg = λ n → neg n }
0≢1-ℤ : ¬ 0 ≡ 1
0≢1-ℤ p = 0≢1-Int (cong ℤ→Int p)