{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.FinSet.DecidablePredicate where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv renaming (_∙ₑ_ to _⋆_)
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv.Properties
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as Prop
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Empty as Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Fin
open import Cubical.Data.SumFin renaming (Fin to SumFin)
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Base
open import Cubical.Data.FinSet.Properties
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary
open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary.DecidablePropositions
hiding (DecProp) renaming (DecProp' to DecProp)
ℓ ℓ' ℓ'' ℓ''' : Level
module _
(X : Type ℓ)(p : isFinOrd X) where
isDecProp¬' : isDecProp (¬ X)
isDecProp¬' = _ , invEquiv (preCompEquiv (p .snd)) ⋆ SumFin¬ _
isDecProp∥∥' : isDecProp ∥ X ∥₁
isDecProp∥∥' = _ , propTrunc≃ (p .snd) ⋆ SumFin∥∥DecProp _
module _
(X : Type ℓ )(p : isFinOrd X)
(P : X → Type ℓ')
(dec : (x : X) → isDecProp (P x)) where
e = p .snd
isFinOrdSub : isFinOrd (Σ X P)
isFinOrdSub = _ ,
Σ-cong-equiv {B' = λ x → P (invEq e x)} e (transpFamily p)
⋆ Σ-cong-equiv-snd (λ x → dec (invEq e x) .snd)
⋆ SumFinSub≃ _ (fst ∘ dec ∘ invEq e)
isDecProp∃' : isDecProp ∥ Σ X P ∥₁
isDecProp∃' = _ ,
Prop.propTrunc≃ (
Σ-cong-equiv {B' = λ x → P (invEq e x)} e (transpFamily p)
⋆ Σ-cong-equiv-snd (λ x → dec (invEq e x) .snd))
⋆ SumFin∃≃ _ (fst ∘ dec ∘ invEq e)
isDecProp∀' : isDecProp ((x : X) → P x)
isDecProp∀' = _ ,
equivΠ {B' = λ x → P (invEq e x)} e (transpFamily p)
⋆ equivΠCod (λ x → dec (invEq e x) .snd)
⋆ SumFin∀≃ _ (fst ∘ dec ∘ invEq e)
module _
(X : Type ℓ )(p : isFinOrd X)
(a b : X) where
e = p .snd
isDecProp≡' : isDecProp (a ≡ b)
isDecProp≡' .fst = SumFin≡ _ (e .fst a) (e .fst b)
isDecProp≡' .snd = congEquiv e ⋆ SumFin≡≃ _ _ _
module _
(X : FinSet ℓ)
(P : X .fst → DecProp ℓ') where
isFinSetSub : isFinSet (Σ (X .fst) (λ x → P x .fst))
isFinSetSub = Prop.rec isPropIsFinSet
(λ p → isFinOrd→isFinSet (isFinOrdSub (X .fst) (_ , p) (λ x → P x .fst) (λ x → P x .snd)))
(X .snd .snd)
isDecProp∃ : isDecProp ∥ Σ (X .fst) (λ x → P x .fst) ∥₁
isDecProp∃ = Prop.rec isPropIsDecProp
(λ p → isDecProp∃' (X .fst) (_ , p) (λ x → P x .fst) (λ x → P x .snd)) (X .snd .snd)
isDecProp∀ : isDecProp ((x : X .fst) → P x .fst)
isDecProp∀ = Prop.rec isPropIsDecProp
(λ p → isDecProp∀' (X .fst) (_ , p) (λ x → P x .fst) (λ x → P x .snd)) (X .snd .snd)
module _
(X : FinSet ℓ)
(Y : X .fst → FinSet ℓ')
(Z : (x : X .fst) → Y x .fst → DecProp ℓ'') where
isDecProp∀2 : isDecProp ((x : X .fst) → (y : Y x .fst) → Z x y .fst)
isDecProp∀2 = isDecProp∀ X (λ x → _ , isDecProp∀ (Y x) (Z x))
module _
(X : FinSet ℓ)
(Y : X .fst → FinSet ℓ')
(Z : (x : X .fst) → Y x .fst → FinSet ℓ'')
(W : (x : X .fst) → (y : Y x .fst) → Z x y .fst → DecProp ℓ''') where
isDecProp∀3 : isDecProp ((x : X .fst) → (y : Y x .fst) → (z : Z x y .fst) → W x y z .fst)
isDecProp∀3 = isDecProp∀ X (λ x → _ , isDecProp∀2 (Y x) (Z x) (W x))
module _
(X : FinSet ℓ) where
isDecProp≡ : (a b : X .fst) → isDecProp (a ≡ b)
isDecProp≡ a b = Prop.rec isPropIsDecProp
(λ p → isDecProp≡' (X .fst) (_ , p) a b) (X .snd .snd)
module _
(P : DecProp ℓ )
(Q : DecProp ℓ') where
isDecProp× : isDecProp (P .fst × Q .fst)
isDecProp× .fst = P .snd .fst and Q .snd .fst
isDecProp× .snd = Σ-cong-equiv (P .snd .snd) (λ _ → Q .snd .snd) ⋆ Bool→Type×≃ _ _
module _
(X : FinSet ℓ) where
isDecProp¬ : isDecProp (¬ (X .fst))
isDecProp¬ = Prop.rec isPropIsDecProp
(λ p → isDecProp¬' (X .fst) (_ , p)) (X .snd .snd)
isDecProp∥∥ : isDecProp ∥ X .fst ∥₁
isDecProp∥∥ = Prop.rec isPropIsDecProp
(λ p → isDecProp∥∥' (X .fst) (_ , p)) (X .snd .snd)