-- Quotients of additive categories
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}

module Cubical.Categories.Additive.Quotient where

open import Cubical.Algebra.AbGroup.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Additive.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Additive.Properties
open import Cubical.Categories.Category.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Quotient
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Terminal
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients renaming ([_] to ⟦_⟧)

     ℓ' ℓq : Level

-- Quotients of preadditive categories
module _ (C : PreaddCategory  ℓ') where
  open PreaddCategory C
  open PreaddCategoryTheory C

  module _ (_~_ : {x y : ob} (f g : Hom[ x , y ] )  Type ℓq)
           (~refl : {x y : ob} (f : Hom[ x , y ] )  f ~ f)
           (~cong⋆ : {x y z : ob}
                     (f f' : Hom[ x , y ])  f ~ f'
                    (g g' : Hom[ y , z ])  g ~ g'
                    (f  g) ~ (f'  g'))
           (~cong+ : {x y : ob} (f f' g g' : Hom[ x , y ])
                    f ~ f'  g ~ g'  (f + g) ~ (f' + g'))
           (~cong- : {x y : ob} (f f' : Hom[ x , y ])
                    f ~ f'  (- f) ~ (- f'))           where

      C/~ = QuotientCategory cat _~_ ~refl ~cong⋆
      Hom[_,_]/~ = λ (x y : ob)  (Hom[ x , y ]) / _~_
      _⋆/~_ = C/~ .Category._⋆_

      _+/~_ : {x y : ob} (f g : Hom[ x , y ]/~)  Hom[ x , y ]/~
      _+/~_ = setQuotBinOp ~refl ~refl _+_ ~cong+

    -- Quotient group structure on homsets
      open AbGroupStr renaming (_+_ to add; -_ to inv)
      homAbStr/~ : (x y : ob)  AbGroupStr Hom[ x , y ]/~
      homAbStr/~ x y .0g        =  0h 
      homAbStr/~ x y .add       = _+/~_
      homAbStr/~ x y .inv       = (setQuotUnaryOp -_ ~cong-)
      homAbStr/~ x y .isAbGroup = makeIsAbGroup squash/
          (elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _)  λ _ _ _  cong ⟦_⟧ (+assoc _ _ _))
          (elimProp   _      squash/ _ _)  λ _      cong ⟦_⟧ (+idr _))
          (elimProp   _      squash/ _ _)  λ _      cong ⟦_⟧ (+invr _))
          (elimProp2  _ _    squash/ _ _)  λ _ _    cong ⟦_⟧ (+comm _ _))

    -- Distributivity
    ⋆distl+/~ : {x y z : ob}  (f : Hom[ x , y ]/~)  (g g' : Hom[ y , z ]/~) 
        f  ⋆/~  (g  +/~  g')    (f  ⋆/~  g)  +/~  (f  ⋆/~  g')
    ⋆distl+/~ = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _ _  cong ⟦_⟧ (⋆distl+ _ _ _)

    ⋆distr+/~ : {x y z : ob}  (f f' : Hom[ x , y ]/~)  (g : Hom[ y , z ]/~) 
        (f  +/~  f')  ⋆/~  g    (f  ⋆/~  g)  +/~  (f'  ⋆/~  g)
    ⋆distr+/~ = elimProp3  _ _ _  squash/ _ _) λ _ _ _  cong ⟦_⟧ (⋆distr+ _ _ _)

    -- Quotient of preadditive category
    open PreaddCategory
    open PreaddCategoryStr
    PreaddQuotient : PreaddCategory  (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓq)
    PreaddQuotient .cat = QuotientCategory (cat C) _~_ ~refl ~cong⋆
    PreaddQuotient .preadd .homAbStr = homAbStr/~
    PreaddQuotient .preadd .⋆distl+ = ⋆distl+/~
    PreaddQuotient .preadd .⋆distr+ = ⋆distr+/~

-- Quotients of additive categories
module _ (A : AdditiveCategory  ℓ') where
  open AdditiveCategory A

  module _ (_~_ : {x y : ob} (f g : Hom[ x , y ] )  Type ℓq)
           (~refl : {x y : ob} (f : Hom[ x , y ] )  f ~ f)
           (~cong⋆ : {x y z : ob}
                     (f f' : Hom[ x , y ])  f ~ f'
                    (g g' : Hom[ y , z ])  g ~ g'
                    (f  g) ~ (f'  g'))
           (~cong+ : {x y : ob} (f f' g g' : Hom[ x , y ])
                    f ~ f'  g ~ g'  (f + g) ~ (f' + g'))
           (~cong- : {x y : ob} (f f' : Hom[ x , y ])
                    f ~ f'  (- f) ~ (- f'))           where

      A/~ = PreaddQuotient preaddcat _~_ ~refl ~cong⋆ ~cong+ ~cong-

    -- Zero object
    open ZeroObject
    zero/~ : ZeroObject A/~
    zero/~ .z = zero .z
    zero/~ .zInit = isInitial/~ cat _~_ ~refl ~cong⋆ (zInit zero)
    zero/~ .zTerm = isTerminal/~ cat _~_ ~refl ~cong⋆ (zTerm zero)

    -- Biproducts
    module _ (x y : ob) where
      open Biproduct
      open IsBiproduct

      biprod/~ : Biproduct A/~ x y
      biprod/~ .x⊕y = x  y
      biprod/~ .i₁ =  i₁ (biprod x y) 
      biprod/~ .i₂ =  i₂ (biprod x y) 
      biprod/~ .π₁ =  π₁ (biprod x y) 
      biprod/~ .π₂ =  π₂ (biprod x y) 
      biprod/~ .isBipr .i₁⋆π₁ = cong ⟦_⟧ (i₁⋆π₁ (biprod x y))
      biprod/~ .isBipr .i₁⋆π₂ = cong ⟦_⟧ (i₁⋆π₂ (biprod x y))
      biprod/~ .isBipr .i₂⋆π₁ = cong ⟦_⟧ (i₂⋆π₁ (biprod x y))
      biprod/~ .isBipr .i₂⋆π₂ = cong ⟦_⟧ (i₂⋆π₂ (biprod x y))
      biprod/~ .isBipr .∑π⋆i  = cong ⟦_⟧ (∑π⋆i  (biprod x y))

    open AdditiveCategoryStr
    AdditiveQuotient : AdditiveCategory  (ℓ-max ℓ' ℓq)
    AdditiveQuotient .preaddcat = A/~
    AdditiveQuotient .addit .zero = zero/~
    AdditiveQuotient .addit .biprod = biprod/~