{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Semiring.Base where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.SIP using (TypeWithStr)

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommMonoid
open import Cubical.Algebra.Monoid

     ℓ' : Level

record IsSemiring {R : Type }
                  (0r 1r : R) (_+_ _·_ : R  R  R) : Type  where

    +IsCommMonoid  : IsCommMonoid 0r _+_
    ·IsMonoid      : IsMonoid 1r _·_
    ·DistR+        : (x y z : R)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z)
    ·DistL+        : (x y z : R)  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z)
    AnnihilL       : (x : R)  0r · x  0r
    AnnihilR       : (x : R)  x · 0r  0r

  open IsCommMonoid +IsCommMonoid public
      ( isSemigroup to +IsSemigroup
      ; isMonoid    to +IsMonoid
      ; ·Comm       to +Comm
      ; ·Assoc      to +Assoc
      ; ·IdR        to +IdR
      ; ·IdL        to +IdL)

  open IsMonoid ·IsMonoid public
      ( isSemigroup to ·IsSemigroup )
      ( is-set ) -- We only want to export one proof of this

record SemiringStr (A : Type ) : Type (ℓ-suc ) where

    0r      : A
    1r      : A
    _+_     : A  A  A
    _·_     : A  A  A
    isSemiring  : IsSemiring 0r 1r _+_ _·_

  infixl 7 _·_
  infixl 6 _+_

  open IsSemiring isSemiring public

Semiring :    Type (ℓ-suc )
Semiring  = TypeWithStr  SemiringStr

makeIsSemiring : {R : Type } {0r 1r : R} {_+_ _·_ : R  R  R}
                 (is-setR : isSet R)
                 (+Assoc : (x y z : R)  x + (y + z)  (x + y) + z)
                 (+IdR : (x : R)  x + 0r  x)
                 (+Comm : (x y : R)  x + y  y + x)
                 (·Assoc : (x y z : R)  x · (y · z)  (x · y) · z)
                 (·IdR : (x : R)  x · 1r  x)
                 (·IdL : (x : R)  1r · x  x)
                 (·LDist+ : (x y z : R)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z))
                 (·RDist+ : (x y z : R)  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z))
                 (AnnihilR : (x : R)  x · 0r  0r)
                 (AnnihilL : (x : R)  0r · x  0r)
                IsSemiring 0r 1r _+_ _·_
makeIsSemiring is-setR +Assoc +IdR +Comm ·Assoc ·IdR ·IdL ·DistR+ ·DistL+ AnnihilR AnnihilL
  = isSR
  where module IS = IsSemiring
        isSR : IsSemiring _ _ _ _
        IS.+IsCommMonoid isSR = makeIsCommMonoid is-setR +Assoc +IdR +Comm
        IS.·IsMonoid isSR = makeIsMonoid is-setR ·Assoc ·IdR ·IdL
        IS.·DistR+ isSR = ·DistR+
        IS.·DistL+ isSR = ·DistL+
        IS.AnnihilL isSR = AnnihilL
        IS.AnnihilR isSR = AnnihilR

SemiringFromMonoids :
  (S : Type )
  (0r 1r : S) (_+_ _·_ : S  S  S)
  (+CommMonoid : IsCommMonoid 0r _+_)
  (·Monoiod : IsMonoid 1r _·_)
  (·LDist+ : (x y z : S)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z))
  (·RDist+ : (x y z : S)  (x + y) · z  (x · z) + (y · z))
  (AnnihilR : (x : S)  x · 0r  0r)
  (AnnihilL : (x : S)  0r · x  0r)
  S 0r 1r _+_ _·_
  +CommMonoid ·Monoid
  ·LDist+ ·RDist+
  AnnihilR AnnihilL
  = S , str
  where module SR = SemiringStr
        module + = IsCommMonoid +CommMonoid
        open IsMonoid ·Monoid

        str : SemiringStr S
        SR.0r str = 0r
        SR.1r str = 1r
        SR._+_ str = _+_
        SR._·_ str = _·_
        SR.isSemiring str =
            +.is-set +.·Assoc +.·IdR +.·Comm
            ·Assoc ·IdR ·IdL
            ·LDist+ ·RDist+
            AnnihilR AnnihilL

Semiring→CommMonoid : Semiring   CommMonoid 
Semiring→CommMonoid S .fst = fst S
Semiring→CommMonoid S .snd = commMonoidStr
   open CommMonoidStr
   +CM = IsSemiring.+IsCommMonoid (SemiringStr.isSemiring (snd S))

   commMonoidStr : CommMonoidStr (fst S)
   ε commMonoidStr = _
   _·_ commMonoidStr = _
   isCommMonoid commMonoidStr = +CM