{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.Polynomials.UnivariateHIT.Base where

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.UnivariatePolyHIT public


The Univariate Functional Polynomials over a CommRing A is a CommRing.
The base type is define using an HIT.
This definition enables to defined a direct sum indexed by ℕ.
Thus base type and the AbGroup part of the CommRing is define an instance
of the more general Direct Sum one which can be found here :

open import Cubical.Algebra.DirectSum.DirectSumHIT.Base


On this definition of the Direct Sum, it is possible to raise a Graded Ring structure.
Then complete it to be a CommRing. Those version of the polynomials are hence
a instance of this graded ring structure.

see : for the details of the constructions


open import Cubical.Algebra.GradedRing.DirectSumHIT