{-# OPTIONS --safe --lossy-unification #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.MultivariatePoly-notationZ where

open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude

open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.FinData

open import Cubical.Relation.Nullary

open import Cubical.Algebra.Ring
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Quotient
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Int

open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.MultivariatePoly
     renaming (PolyCommRing to A[X1,···,Xn] ; Poly to A[x1,···,xn])
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.Instances.Polynomials.MultivariatePoly-Quotient

-- Notations for ℤ polynomial rings

ℤ[X] : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X] = A[X1,···,Xn] ℤCommRing 1

ℤ[x] : Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x] = fst ℤ[X]

ℤ[X,Y] : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X,Y] = A[X1,···,Xn] ℤCommRing 2

ℤ[x,y] : Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x,y] = fst ℤ[X,Y]

ℤ[X,Y,Z] : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X,Y,Z] = A[X1,···,Xn] ℤCommRing 3

ℤ[x,y,z] : Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x,y,z] = fst ℤ[X,Y,Z]

ℤ[X1,···,Xn] : (n : )  CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X1,···,Xn] n = A[X1,···,Xn] ℤCommRing n

ℤ[x1,···,xn] : (n : )  Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x1,···,xn] n = fst (ℤ[X1,···,Xn] n)

-- Notation for quotiented ℤ polynomial ring

<X> : FinVec ℤ[x] 1
<X> = <Xkʲ> ℤCommRing 1 0 1

<X²> : FinVec ℤ[x] 1
<X²> = <Xkʲ> ℤCommRing 1 0 2

<X³> : FinVec ℤ[x] 1
<X³> = <Xkʲ> ℤCommRing 1 0 3

<Xᵏ> : (k  : )  FinVec ℤ[x] 1
<Xᵏ> k = <Xkʲ> ℤCommRing 1 0 k

ℤ[X]/X : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X]/X = A[X1,···,Xn]/<Xkʲ> ℤCommRing 1 0 1

ℤ[x]/x : Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x]/x = fst ℤ[X]/X

ℤ[X]/X² : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X]/X² = A[X1,···,Xn]/<Xkʲ> ℤCommRing 1 0 2

ℤ[x]/x² : Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x]/x² = fst ℤ[X]/X²

ℤ[X]/X³ : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X]/X³ = A[X1,···,Xn]/<Xkʲ> ℤCommRing 1 0 3

ℤ[x]/x³ : Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x]/x³ = fst ℤ[X]/X³

ℤ[X1,···,Xn]/<X1,···,Xn> : (n : )  CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ[X1,···,Xn]/<X1,···,Xn> n = A[X1,···,Xn]/<X1,···,Xn> ℤCommRing n

ℤ[x1,···,xn]/<x1,···,xn> : (n : )  Type ℓ-zero
ℤ[x1,···,xn]/<x1,···,xn> n = fst (ℤ[X1,···,Xn]/<X1,···,Xn> n)

-- Warning there is two possible definitions of ℤ[X]
-- they only holds up to a path

ℤ'[X]/X : CommRing ℓ-zero
ℤ'[X]/X = A[X1,···,Xn]/<X1,···,Xn> ℤCommRing 1

-- there is a unification problem that keep poping up everytime I modify something
-- equivℤ[X] : ℤ'[X]/X ≡ ℤ[X]/X
-- equivℤ[X] = cong₂ _/_ refl (cong (λ X → genIdeal (A[X1,···,Xn] ℤCommRing {!!}) X) {!!})