{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FPAlgebra.Instances where
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.Vec
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommRing.FGIdeal using (inclOfFGIdeal)
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FreeCommAlgebra
renaming (inducedHom to freeInducedHom)
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.QuotientAlgebra
renaming (inducedHom to quotientInducedHom)
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Ideal using (IdealsIn)
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FGIdeal
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Instances.Initial
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Instances.Unit
renaming (UnitCommAlgebra to TerminalCAlg)
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.Kernel
open import Cubical.Algebra.Algebra
open import Cubical.Algebra.CommAlgebra.FPAlgebra.Base
ℓ ℓ' : Level
module _ (R : CommRing ℓ) where
open FinitePresentation
module _ (n : ℕ) where
A : CommAlgebra R ℓ
A = Polynomials n
emptyGen : FinVec (fst A) 0
emptyGen = λ ()
B : CommAlgebra R ℓ
B = FPAlgebra n emptyGen
polynomialAlgFP : FinitePresentation A
FinitePresentation.n polynomialAlgFP = n
m polynomialAlgFP = 0
relations polynomialAlgFP = emptyGen
equiv polynomialAlgFP =
toAAsEquiv , snd toA
toA : CommAlgebraHom B A
toA = inducedHom n emptyGen A Construction.var (λ ())
fromA : CommAlgebraHom A B
fromA = freeInducedHom B (generator _ _)
open AlgebraHoms
inverse1 : fromA ∘a toA ≡ idAlgebraHom _
inverse1 =
fromA ∘a toA
≡⟨ sym (unique _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ i → cong (fst fromA) (
fst toA (generator n emptyGen i)
≡⟨ inducedHomOnGenerators _ _ _ _ _ _ ⟩
Construction.var i
∎))) ⟩
inducedHom n emptyGen B (generator _ _) (relationsHold _ _)
≡⟨ unique _ _ _ _ _ _ (λ i → refl) ⟩
idAlgebraHom _
inverse2 : toA ∘a fromA ≡ idAlgebraHom _
inverse2 = isoFunInjective (homMapIso A) _ _ (
evaluateAt A (toA ∘a fromA) ≡⟨ sym (naturalEvR {A = B} {B = A} toA fromA) ⟩
fst toA ∘ evaluateAt B fromA ≡⟨ refl ⟩
fst toA ∘ generator _ _ ≡⟨ funExt (inducedHomOnGenerators _ _ _ _ _)⟩
Construction.var ∎)
toAAsEquiv : ⟨ B ⟩ ≃ ⟨ A ⟩
toAAsEquiv = isoToEquiv (iso (fst toA)
(fst fromA)
(λ a i → fst (inverse2 i) a)
(λ b i → fst (inverse1 i) b))
R[⊥] : CommAlgebra R ℓ
R[⊥] = Polynomials 0
emptyGen : FinVec (fst R[⊥]) 0
emptyGen = λ ()
R[⊥]/⟨0⟩ : CommAlgebra R ℓ
R[⊥]/⟨0⟩ = FPAlgebra 0 emptyGen
R[⊥]/⟨0⟩IsInitial : (B : CommAlgebra R ℓ)
→ isContr (CommAlgebraHom R[⊥]/⟨0⟩ B)
R[⊥]/⟨0⟩IsInitial B = iHom , uniqueness
iHom : CommAlgebraHom R[⊥]/⟨0⟩ B
iHom = inducedHom 0 emptyGen B (λ ()) (λ ())
uniqueness : (f : CommAlgebraHom R[⊥]/⟨0⟩ B) →
iHom ≡ f
uniqueness f = unique 0 emptyGen B (λ ()) (λ ()) f (λ ())
initialCAlgFP : FinitePresentation (initialCAlg R)
n initialCAlgFP = 0
m initialCAlgFP = 0
relations initialCAlgFP = emptyGen
equiv initialCAlgFP =
equivByInitiality R R[⊥]/⟨0⟩ R[⊥]/⟨0⟩IsInitial
unitGen : FinVec (fst R[⊥]) 1
unitGen zero = 1a
where open CommAlgebraStr (snd R[⊥])
R[⊥]/⟨1⟩ : CommAlgebra R ℓ
R[⊥]/⟨1⟩ = FPAlgebra 0 unitGen
terminalCAlgFP : FinitePresentation (TerminalCAlg R)
n terminalCAlgFP = 0
m terminalCAlgFP = 1
relations terminalCAlgFP = unitGen
equiv terminalCAlgFP = equivFrom1≡0 R R[⊥]/⟨1⟩ (sym (⋆IdL 1a) ∙ relationsHold 0 unitGen zero)
where open CommAlgebraStr (snd R[⊥]/⟨1⟩)
module _ {m : ℕ} (xs : FinVec ⟨ R ⟩ m) where
⟨xs⟩ : IdealsIn (initialCAlg R)
⟨xs⟩ = generatedIdeal (initialCAlg R) xs
R/⟨xs⟩ = (initialCAlg R) / ⟨xs⟩
open CommAlgebraStr ⦃...⦄
rels : FinVec ⟨ Polynomials {R = R} 0 ⟩ m
rels = Construction.const ∘ xs
B = FPAlgebra 0 rels
π = quotientHom (initialCAlg R) ⟨xs⟩
_ = snd R/⟨xs⟩
_ = snd (initialCAlg R)
_ = snd B
πxs≡0 : (i : Fin m) → π $a xs i ≡ 0a
πxs≡0 i = isZeroFromIdeal {A = initialCAlg R} {I = ⟨xs⟩} (xs i)
(incInIdeal (initialCAlg R) xs i)
R/⟨xs⟩FP : FinitePresentation R/⟨xs⟩
n R/⟨xs⟩FP = 0
FinitePresentation.m R/⟨xs⟩FP = m
relations R/⟨xs⟩FP = rels
equiv R/⟨xs⟩FP = (isoToEquiv (iso (fst toA) (fst fromA)
(λ a i → toFrom i $a a)
λ a i → fromTo i $a a))
, (snd toA)
toA : CommAlgebraHom B R/⟨xs⟩
toA = inducedHom 0 rels R/⟨xs⟩ (λ ()) relation-holds
vals : FinVec ⟨ R/⟨xs⟩ ⟩ 0
vals ()
vals' : FinVec ⟨ initialCAlg R ⟩ 0
vals' ()
relation-holds = λ i →
evPoly R/⟨xs⟩ (rels i) vals ≡⟨ sym
(initialCAlg R)
(rels i)
vals') ⟩
π $a (evPoly (initialCAlg R)
(rels i)
vals') ≡⟨ cong (π $a_) (·IdR (xs i)) ⟩
π $a xs i ≡⟨ πxs≡0 i ⟩
0a ∎
fromA : CommAlgebraHom R/⟨xs⟩ B
fromA =
(initialCAlg R)
(initialMap R B)
(CommAlgebra→CommRing (initialCAlg R))
(kernel (initialCAlg R) B (initialMap R B))
(relationsHold 0 rels))
open AlgebraHoms
fromTo : fromA ∘a toA ≡ idCAlgHom B
fromTo = cong fst
(isContr→isProp (universal 0 rels B (λ ()) (relationsHold 0 rels))
(fromA ∘a toA , (λ ()))
(idCAlgHom B , (λ ())))
toFrom : toA ∘a fromA ≡ idCAlgHom R/⟨xs⟩
toFrom = injectivePrecomp (initialCAlg R) ⟨xs⟩ R/⟨xs⟩ (toA ∘a fromA) (idCAlgHom R/⟨xs⟩)
(isContr→isProp (initialityContr R R/⟨xs⟩) _ _)
module _ {m : ℕ} (x : ⟨ R ⟩) where
R/⟨x⟩FP : FinitePresentation (initialCAlg R / generatedIdeal (initialCAlg R) (replicateFinVec 1 x))
R/⟨x⟩FP = R/⟨xs⟩FP (replicateFinVec 1 x)