------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Agda standard library -- -- Some examples showing how the AVL tree module can be used ------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-} module README.Data.Tree.AVL where ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Setup -- AVL trees are defined in Data.Tree.AVL. import Data.Tree.AVL -- This module is parametrised by keys, which have to form a (strict) -- total order, and values, which are indexed by keys. Let us use -- natural numbers as keys and vectors of strings as values. open import Data.Nat.Properties using (<-strictTotalOrder) open import Data.Product.Base as Prod using (_,_; _,′_) open import Data.String.Base using (String) open import Data.Vec.Base using (Vec; _∷_; []) open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality open Data.Tree.AVL <-strictTotalOrder renaming (Tree to Tree′) Tree = Tree′ (MkValue (Vec String) (subst (Vec String))) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Construction of trees -- Some values. v₁ = "cepa" ∷ [] v₁′ = "depa" ∷ [] v₂ = "apa" ∷ "bepa" ∷ [] -- Empty and singleton trees. t₀ : Tree t₀ = empty t₁ : Tree t₁ = singleton 2 v₂ -- Insertion of a key-value pair into a tree. t₂ = insert 1 v₁ t₁ -- If you insert a key-value pair and the key already exists in the -- tree, then the old value is thrown away. t₂′ = insert 1 v₁′ t₂ -- Deletion of the mapping for a certain key. t₃ = delete 2 t₂ -- Conversion of a list of key-value mappings to a tree. open import Data.List.Base using (_∷_; []) t₄ : Tree t₄ = fromList ((2 , v₂) ∷ (1 , v₁) ∷ []) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Queries -- Let us formulate queries as unit tests. open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_; refl) -- Searching for a key. open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false) open import Data.Maybe.Base as Maybe using (just; nothing) q₀ : lookup t₂ 2 ≡ just v₂ q₀ = refl q₁ : lookup t₃ 2 ≡ nothing q₁ = refl q₂ : (3 ∈? t₂) ≡ false q₂ = refl q₃ : (1 ∈? t₄) ≡ true q₃ = refl -- Turning a tree into a sorted list of key-value pairs. q₄ : toList t₁ ≡ (2 , v₂) ∷ [] q₄ = refl q₅ : toList t₂ ≡ (1 , v₁) ∷ (2 , v₂) ∷ [] q₅ = refl q₅′ : toList t₂′ ≡ (1 , v₁′) ∷ (2 , v₂) ∷ [] q₅′ = refl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Views -- Partitioning a tree into the smallest element plus the rest, or the -- largest element plus the rest. open import Function.Base using (id) v₆ : headTail t₀ ≡ nothing v₆ = refl v₇ : Maybe.map (Prod.map₂ toList) (headTail t₂) ≡ just ((1 , v₁) , ((2 , v₂) ∷ [])) v₇ = refl v₈ : initLast t₀ ≡ nothing v₈ = refl v₉ : Maybe.map (Prod.map₁ toList) (initLast t₄) ≡ just (((1 , v₁) ∷ []) ,′ (2 , v₂)) v₉ = refl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Further reading -- Variations of the AVL tree module are available: -- • Finite maps with indexed keys and values. import Data.Tree.AVL.IndexedMap -- • Finite sets. import Data.Tree.AVL.Sets