-- The Agda standard library
-- AVL trees

-- AVL trees are balanced binary search trees.

-- The search tree invariant is specified using the technique
-- described by Conor McBride in his talk "Pivotal pragmatism".

-- See README.Data.Tree.AVL for examples of how to use AVL trees.

{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}

open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (StrictTotalOrder)

module Data.Tree.AVL
  {a ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (strictTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder a ℓ₁ ℓ₂)

open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool)
import Data.DifferenceList as DiffList
open import Data.List.Base as List using (List; []; _∷_)
open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; nothing; just; is-just)
open import Data.Nat.Base using (; suc)
open import Data.Product.Base hiding (map)
open import Function.Base as F
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Relation.Unary using (IUniversal; _⇒_)

    l : Level
    A : Set l

open StrictTotalOrder strictTotalOrder renaming (Carrier to Key)
import Data.Tree.AVL.Indexed strictTotalOrder as Indexed
open Indexed using (⊥⁺; ⊤⁺; ⊥⁺<⊤⁺; ⊥⁺<[_]<⊤⁺; ⊥⁺<[_]; [_]<⊤⁺)

-- Re-export some core definitions publically

open Indexed using (K&_;_,_; toPair; fromPair; Value; MkValue; const) public

-- Types and functions with hidden indices

data Tree {v} (V : Value v) : Set (a  v  ℓ₂) where
  tree :  {h}  Indexed.Tree V ⊥⁺ ⊤⁺ h  Tree V

module _ {v} {V : Value v} where

    Val = Value.family V

  empty : Tree V
  empty = tree $′ Indexed.empty ⊥⁺<⊤⁺

  singleton : (k : Key)  Val k  Tree V
  singleton k v = tree (Indexed.singleton k v ⊥⁺<[ k ]<⊤⁺)

  insert : (k : Key)  Val k  Tree V  Tree V
  insert k v (tree t) = tree $′ proj₂ $ Indexed.insert k v t ⊥⁺<[ k ]<⊤⁺

  insertWith : (k : Key)  (Maybe (Val k)  Val k) 
               Tree V  Tree V
  insertWith k f (tree t) = tree $′ proj₂ $ Indexed.insertWith k f t ⊥⁺<[ k ]<⊤⁺

  delete : Key  Tree V  Tree V
  delete k (tree t) = tree $′ proj₂ $ Indexed.delete k t ⊥⁺<[ k ]<⊤⁺

  lookup : Tree V  (k : Key)  Maybe (Val k)
  lookup (tree t) k = Indexed.lookup t k ⊥⁺<[ k ]<⊤⁺

module _ {v w} {V : Value v} {W : Value w} where

    Val = Value.family V
    Wal = Value.family W

  map : ∀[ Val  Wal ]  Tree V  Tree W
  map f (tree t) = tree $ Indexed.map f t

module _ {v} {V : Value v} where

    Val = Value.family V

  member : Key  Tree V  Bool
  member k t = is-just (lookup t k)

  headTail : Tree V  Maybe (K& V × Tree V)
  headTail (tree (Indexed.leaf _)) = nothing
  headTail (tree {h = suc _} t)    with Indexed.headTail t
  ... | (k , _ , _ , t′) = just (k , tree (Indexed.castˡ ⊥⁺<[ _ ] t′))

  initLast : Tree V  Maybe (Tree V × K& V)
  initLast (tree (Indexed.leaf _)) = nothing
  initLast (tree {h = suc _} t)    with Indexed.initLast t
  ... | (k , _ , _ , t′) = just (tree (Indexed.castʳ t′ [ _ ]<⊤⁺) , k)

  foldr : (∀ {k}  Val k  A  A)  A  Tree V  A
  foldr cons nil (tree t) = Indexed.foldr cons nil t

  -- The input does not need to be ordered.

  fromList : List (K& V)  Tree V
  fromList = List.foldr (uncurry insert ∘′ toPair) empty

  -- Returns an ordered list.

  toList : Tree V  List (K& V)
  toList (tree t) = DiffList.toList (Indexed.toDiffList t)

  size : Tree V  
  size (tree t) = Indexed.size t

-- Naive implementation of union

module _ {v w} {V : Value v} {W : Value w} where
    Val = Value.family V
    Wal = Value.family W

  unionWith : (∀ {k}  Val k  Maybe (Wal k)  Wal k) 
              -- left → right → result.
              Tree V  Tree W  Tree W
  unionWith f t₁ t₂ = foldr  {k} v  insertWith k (f v)) t₂ t₁

module _ {v} {V : Value v} where

  private Val = Value.family V

  -- Left-biased.
  union : Tree V  Tree V  Tree V
  union = unionWith F.const

  unionsWith : (∀ {k}  Val k  Maybe (Val k)  Val k)  List (Tree V)  Tree V
  unionsWith f ts = List.foldr (unionWith f) empty ts

  -- Left-biased.
  unions : List (Tree V)  Tree V
  unions = unionsWith F.const

-- Naive implementation of intersection

module _ {v w x} {V : Value v} {W : Value w} {X : Value x} where
    Val = Value.family V
    Wal = Value.family W
    Xal = Value.family X

  intersectionWith : (∀ {k}  Val k  Wal k  Xal k) 
                     Tree V  Tree W  Tree X
  intersectionWith f t₁ t₂ = foldr cons empty t₁ where

    cons :   {k}  Val k  Tree X  Tree X
    cons {k} v = case lookup t₂ k of λ where
      nothing   id
      (just w)  insert k (f v w)

module _ {v} {V : Value v} where
    Val = Value.family V

  -- Left-biased.
  intersection : Tree V  Tree V  Tree V
  intersection = intersectionWith F.const

  intersectionsWith : (∀ {k}  Val k  Val k  Val k) 
                      List (Tree V)  Tree V
  intersectionsWith f []       = empty
  intersectionsWith f (t  ts) = List.foldl (intersectionWith f) t ts
  -- We are using foldl so that we are indeed forming t₁ ∩ ⋯ ∩ tₙ for
  -- the input list [t₁,⋯,tₙ]. If we were to use foldr, we would form
  -- t₂ ∩ ⋯ ∩ tₙ ∩ t₁ instead!

  -- Left-biased.
  intersections : List (Tree V)  Tree V
  intersections = intersectionsWith F.const

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.0

infixl 4 _∈?_
_∈?_ :  {v} {V : Value v}  Key  Tree V  Bool
_∈?_ = member
"Warning: _∈?_ was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use member instead."