{-# OPTIONS --cubical-compatible --safe #-}
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles
using (StrictTotalOrder; StrictPartialOrder)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Reflexive)
module Data.Tree.AVL.Key
{a ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (sto : StrictTotalOrder a ℓ₁ ℓ₂)
open import Level
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product.Base using (_×_; _,_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_ ; refl)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Construct.Add.Extrema
as AddExtremaToSet using (_±)
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Extrema.Equality
as AddExtremaToEquality
import Relation.Binary.Construct.Add.Extrema.Strict
as AddExtremaToOrder
open StrictTotalOrder sto renaming (Carrier to Key)
using (_≈_; _<_; trans; irrefl; module Eq)
Key⁺ : Set a
Key⁺ = Key ±
open AddExtremaToSet public
using ([_]; [_]-injective)
( ⊥± to ⊥⁺
; ⊤± to ⊤⁺
open AddExtremaToEquality _≈_ public
using ()
( _≈±_ to _≈⁺_
; [_] to [_]ᴱ
open AddExtremaToOrder _<_ public
using () renaming
(_<±_ to _<⁺_
; [_] to [_]ᴿ
; ⊥±<⊤± to ⊥⁺<⊤⁺
; [_]<⊤± to [_]<⊤⁺
; ⊥±<[_] to ⊥⁺<[_]
infix 4 _<_<_
_<_<_ : Key⁺ → Key → Key⁺ → Set (a ⊔ ℓ₂)
l < x < u = l <⁺ [ x ] × [ x ] <⁺ u
⊥⁺<[_]<⊤⁺ : ∀ k → ⊥⁺ < k < ⊤⁺
⊥⁺<[ k ]<⊤⁺ = ⊥⁺<[ k ] , [ k ]<⊤⁺
refl⁺ : Reflexive _≈⁺_
refl⁺ = AddExtremaToEquality.≈±-refl _≈_ Eq.refl
sym⁺ : ∀ {l u} → l ≈⁺ u → u ≈⁺ l
sym⁺ = AddExtremaToEquality.≈±-sym _≈_ Eq.sym
trans⁺ : ∀ l {m u} → l <⁺ m → m <⁺ u → l <⁺ u
trans⁺ l = AddExtremaToOrder.<±-trans _<_ trans
irrefl⁺ : ∀ k → ¬ (k <⁺ k)
irrefl⁺ k = AddExtremaToOrder.<±-irrefl _<_ irrefl refl⁺
strictPartialOrder : StrictPartialOrder _ _ _
strictPartialOrder = record
{ isStrictPartialOrder = AddExtremaToOrder.<±-isStrictPartialOrder STO._<_ STO.isStrictPartialOrder
} where module STO = StrictTotalOrder sto
strictTotalOrder : StrictTotalOrder _ _ _
strictTotalOrder = record
{ isStrictTotalOrder = AddExtremaToOrder.<±-isStrictTotalOrder STO._<_ STO.isStrictTotalOrder
} where module STO = StrictTotalOrder sto